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Hogenson G., Lippman S. (Ed.) — C++/CLI: The Visual C++ Language for .NET |
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! character, finalizers 161
% operator/symbol 52—53
% operator/symbol, C++/CLI stack semantics 68
% operator/symbol, creating handle to object using % 66
% operator/symbol, passing value types as handles 68
% operator/symbol, passing value types by reference 65
% operator/symbol, tracking references 55
& (address-of) operator 52
& (address-of) operator, passing by reference in C++ 60
* operator 54
+ operator 79 80 205
+= operator 22 184 194
-= operator 22 184 185
.NET Developer Platform (NDP) 29—41
.NET Framework 5
.NET Framework, compilation modes available for 362
.NET Framework, container types 304
.NET languages, interoperating with other 319—322
.NET module 33
64-bit programming, processor architecture dependence 32
Abstract base classes, interface class compared 19
Abstract classes 219—220
Abstract classes, declaring abstract classes 219 220
Abstract classes, declaring any function abstract 219
Abstract classes, interfaces compared 220 235—236
Abstract classes, syntax 370
Abstract classes, using abstract and sealed keywords 221
abstract keyword 219 220 356
abstract methods 370
Access control, access levels for classes 156—157
Access control, interfaces 236
Access control, interfaces and access control 244
Access control, protected access control specifier 183
Accessibility modifiers 37 156 157
Accessibility modifiers, access modifier syntax 366
Accessor (add and remove) methods of events 191 193
Accessor (add and remove) methods of events, reserved names (add_E, remove_E) 203
Accessor (get and set) methods of properties 173—177
Accessor (get and set) methods of properties, applying virtual keyword 222 223
Accessor (get and set) methods of properties, different ways of defining properties 22
Accessor (get and set) methods of properties, interfaces with properties and events 240
Accessor (get and set) methods of properties, reserved names (get_P, set_P) for properties 203
Accessor (get and set) methods of properties, setting but not getting properties 183
Accessor (get and set) methods of properties, using virtual accessors 223
AccessViolationException 260
Activator class, CreateInstance method 280
Add method, event handlers, customizing 191 193 194
Add method, event handlers, declaring events and event handlers 193
Add method, event handlers, reserved names (add_E) for events 203
Add method, event handlers, using delegate unrelated to EventHandler 197
addition operator 79 80
Address-of operator for managed types 52
Address-of operator, interior pointers 339
Addressable entities 56
Addresses, arrays 93
AdjustPointTotals method, Scrabble game 137
Aggregate types 12—14
AL.EXE see assembly linker
Alignment specifier 82
AllowMultiple property 279
AppDomain class 284
Application domains 283—284
Application domains, compilation modes available for 362
Application domains, multiple application domains 283
Architecture, processor architecture dependence 32
Argc arguments, main method 9
ArgumentException 260
ArgumentException, iterating over dictionary collection 309
ArgumentException, proliferation of exception types 269
Arguments, argument lists of variable length 107
Arguments, CLS compliant alternative to varargs 322
Arguments, command line arguments 9
ArithmeticException 260
Array class, Copy method 102
Array class, IList interface 103
Array class, managed array class members 103—106
Array class, methods 104
Array class, properties 103
ArrayList class 108—110 305—308
ArrayList class, iterating with for each and with index 30
ArrayList class, trapping invalid cast exception 306
ArrayList class, using generic list 110
ArrayList class, using weakly typed/nongeneric ArrayList 305
Arrays 92—110
Arrays for each traversing arrays 98
Arrays, array address 93
Arrays, array of handles in Scrabble game 127
arrays, ArrayList class 108—110
Arrays, arrays as parameters 101—102
Arrays, arrays in classes 108
arrays, associative array 308
Arrays, converting string to character array 78
arrays, copying 102—103
Arrays, creating one-dimensional arrays 96
Arrays, deletion and insertion of elements 108
Arrays, equality of 106—107
Arrays, generic array as parameter 287
Arrays, going past the end of 100
Arrays, indexed properties 177
arrays, initializing 93—95
Arrays, initializing array elements with constructors 95
Arrays, initializing part of 96
Arrays, interior pointers traversing arrays 99
Arrays, iterators traversing arrays 97
Arrays, Length property 95
Arrays, managed array class members 103—106
Arrays, managed arrays 9 92—110
Arrays, managed arrays, accessing elements 93
Arrays, managed arrays, declaring 92
Arrays, managed arrays, using 14
Arrays, native and managed arrays compared 100—101
Arrays, navigating 97—100
arrays, parameter arrays 107—108
Arrays, passing array of inconsistent size 101
Arrays, passing by reference 102
Arrays, pitfalls treating object on heap as if on stack 51
Arrays, rank 93
Arrays, self-knowledge 95
Arrays, sorting and searching 105
Arrays, sparse array 26
Arrays, zero-based indices 93
AsReadOnly method, Array class 104
Assemblies, assembly linker 33
Assemblies, assembly using template type in public interface 311
Assemblies, compilation modes available for 362
Assemblies, controlling access 39
Assemblies, friend assemblies 39
Assemblies, intra-assembly code 312
Assemblies, introduction 33
Assemblies, linking object files of different modes 318
Assemblies, loading assembly and reflecting on types 280
Assemblies, metadata 33
Assemblies, mixing managed/native classes/types 318
Assemblies, modules 33
Assemblies, multifile assemblies 41
Assemblies, passing template class types over assembly boundary 311
Assemblies, referencing 37 39
Assemblies, reflection writing tools giving information on 282
Assemblies, resources and 41
Assemblies, signed assemblies 41
Assemblies, using template from another assembly 314
Assemblies, using template in another assembly 312
Assemblies, using wrapper from C# assembly 337
Assembly attributes 276—277
Assembly attributes, friend assemblies 39
Assembly attributes, introduction 40
Assembly boundaries, managed templates and generics compared 316
Assembly class, GetTypes method 279
Assembly class, interfaces and dynamically loaded types 255 257
Assembly class, LoadFrom method 279
| Assembly class, reflection calling methods 284
Assembly linker 40 41
Assembly manifest 33—37
Assembly manifest, viewing metadata with ILDasm.exe 34—37
ASSEMBLYRESOURCE command-line option 41
Assignment behavior, reference and value types compared 118
Assignment operator (=), object semantics for reference types 43
assignment statements 56
associative array 308
AsyncCallback class 189
Asynchronous delegates 188—190
Asynchronous delegates, checking function completion 189
AsyncResult class 189
As_friend modifier 39
ATL (Active Template Library), clr:pure mode 31
ATL (Active Template Library), compilation modes for 362
Atomic number 12
Attribute class 271
Attribute class, creating custom attributes 277—279
Attribute class, GetCustomAttribute method 279
Attribute classes/constructors/parameters 271
Attribute properties 279
Attribute suffix, omitting 271
Attributes 270—279
Attributes, assembly attributes 40 276—277
Attributes, attribute target 270
Attributes, AttributeUsageAttribute 279
Attributes, creating custom attributes 277—279
Attributes, DllImport attribute 322
Attributes, how attributes work 270
attributes, inheritance 271
Attributes, initializing attribute with properties 278
Attributes, MarshalAs attribute 328
Attributes, metadata 270
Attributes, module attributes 276—277
Attributes, NonSerialized attribute 273
attributes, Obsolete attribute 271—272
attributes, Out attribute 272—273
Attributes, querying object attributes at runtime 279
Attributes, Serializable attribute 273
Attributes, serialization attributes 273—275
attributes, syntax 372
AttributeTargets property 279
AttributeUsageAttribute 279
Auto_gcroot template 159
Auto_gcroot template, destructor 160
Auto_gcroot template, gcroot and auto_gcroot compared 342
Auto_gcroot template, syntax 375
Auto_handle template 58—60 374
Bag list, Scrabble game 131
Base classes, calling base class constructor 226
Base classes, explicitly specifying implicit base classes 237
Base classes, name collisions in inheritance hierarchies 212
Base classes, order of initialization 227 228
Base classes, using virtual functions in constructor 229
Based keyword 363
BCL (Base Class Library) 5
BeginInvoke method, Delegate class 188 189
BinarySearch method, Array class 104 105
Boolean type 11
Boxed value types 321
Boxing generic collection classes 290
Boxing integer types 45
Boxing literal values 46
Boxing performance 46
Boxing value type converted to object 46
Boxing value type inheritance 212
Boxing value types 44
Boxing, implicit boxing and unboxing 45—47
Boxing, unboxing Object to integer 46
Byte type 11
C code, compilation modes available for 362
C tag, XML documentation 359
C#, consuming wrapped global function in 320
C++, aggregate types 12
C++, creating interface in C++ 320
C++, interop using C++ source code 318
C++, interop with C++ exceptions 352—354
C++, use of “classic C++” in this book 2
C++, using native libraries without P/Invoke 329
C++, “Hello World” program 5
C++/CLI, classes and structures compared 9
C++/CLI, enabling standard extensions 3
C++/CLI, interoperability 317
C++/CLI, standard C++ functionality 1
C++/CLI, “Hello World” program 6
C-style casts 208 209 366
CalculateScore method, Scrabble game 148
Calling conventions, cdecl 327
Calling conventions, clrcall 347
Calling conventions, stdcall 324
Calling conventions, thiscall 327
CallingConvention property, DllImport, attribute 326
CallingConvention property, DllImport, P/Invoke knowing calling convention 324
Carbon dating 12
CardEnumerator class, Current property 249
Cards, enumerating playing cards 249
Caret (^) character, handles 7
Caret (^) character, handles, using two handle symbols 10
Caret (^) character, using managed array type 15
Casts, C-style casts 208 209
Casts, const_cast 209
Casts, dynamic_cast 208 209
Casts, Enum class object conversions 112
Casts, explicit casts 206
Casts, implicit boxing and unboxing 45
Casts, inheritance hierarchies 233—234
Casts, InvalidCastException 210 260
Casts, reinterpret_cast 209 210
Casts, safe_cast 209 210 112
Casts, static_cast 208 209
Casts, trapping invalid cast exception 306
catching exceptions 269
Catching exceptions, throwing objects, not exceptions 268
Cdecl calling convention 327 347
Cdecl calling convention, P/Invoke knowing calling convention 324
Chaining expressions involving properties 174
Char type 11
Characters class, Scrabble game 128
Characters, converting string to character array 78
CharSet parameter, DllImport attribute, calling Win32 function in C++/CLI 323
CIL (Common Intermediate Language) see IL
Class constructor see static constructors
Class keyword, type parameters, generics 285
Class keyword, whitespaced keywords 357
Classes, .NET class features 173—210
Classes, .NET class features, delegates 184—190
Classes, .NET class features, events 191—203
Classes, .NET class features, indexed properties 177—184
Classes, .NET class features, operator overloading 203—210
Classes, .NET class features, properties 173—177
classes, abstract classes 219—220
Classes, abstract classes, abstract sealed class 221
Classes, abstract classes, interfaces compared 235
Classes, access levels for classes 156—157
Classes, ArrayList class 305—308
Classes, arrays in classes 108
Classes, AsyncCallback class 189
Classes, AsyncResult class 189
Classes, Attribute class 271
Classes, calling base class constructor 226
Classes, class constraints 297—298
Classes, class destruction and cleanup 160—161
Classes, Complex class 203
Classes, Dictionary class 308
Classes, Enum class 111
Classes, enumeration classes 17—18
Classes, EventArgs class 201
Classes, EventHandler class 199
Classes, EventReceiver class 200
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