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Hogenson G., Lippman S. (Ed.) — C++/CLI: The Visual C++ Language for .NET |
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Pure mode, interoperability, cross-language interoperability 319
Pure mode, using native libraries without P/Invoke 329 330
Pure mode, using native objects in managed types 159
Pure mode, Visual C++ 2005 30—31
Radioactive decay program 13
RAII (Resource Acquisition is Initialization) 160
Raise method, events, customizing 191 193 194 195
Raise method, events, declaring events and event handlers 193
Raise method, events, locking 193
Raise method, events, reserved names (raise_E) for events 203
Raise method, events, using delegate unrelated to EventHandler 197 198
RaiseExitEvent/RaiseStartEvent methods, customizing event methods 195
RaiseExitEvent/RaiseStartEvent methods, declaring events and event handlers 191
RaiseExitEvent/RaiseStartEvent methods, using delegate unrelated to EventHandler 198
Rank property, Array class 103
Rank, arrays 93
Rank, native and managed arrays compared 100 101
Read method, StreamReader class 87
read-only properties 22 176
ReadLine method, Console class 87
ReadLine method, StreamReader class 87
Receivers, EventReceiver class 200
RecordPlay method, Scrabble game 144
Ref class see reference classes
Ref class keyword 309 357
Ref class template 310
Ref class type 12
ref keyword 7
Ref struct keyword 12 357
Reference classes, constructor inheritance 226
Reference classes, introduction 7 14—15
Reference classes, managed reference classes 1
Reference classes, mixed types not supported 14
Reference classes, ref class 1 14
Reference classes, reference type constraints 303
Reference classes, Scrabble game 127
Reference classes, syntax 365
Reference classes, using generic List as property 27
Reference classes, using managed array type 14
Reference semantics 4
Reference types, accessing 4
Reference types, as type parameters 298—300
Reference types, auto_handle template 58
Reference types, C++/CLI stack semantics 66
Reference types, collection owning and deleting objects 302
Reference types, const_cast 209
Reference types, copy constructors 63 121
Reference types, default constructor for 118
Reference types, dereferencing handles 54
Reference types, explicitly specifying implicit base classes 237
Reference types, handles 5
Reference types, Hello class 6 8
Reference types, inheritance 4 211
Reference types, introduction 4
Reference types, object semantics for 43
Reference types, passing as reference 4
Reference types, passing object by reference in C++/CLI 62
Reference types, passing reference types by value 63—64
Reference types, passing to functions 62
Reference types, passing value types by reference 69
Reference types, pitfalls of finalizers 168
Reference types, reference type constraints 303
Reference types, return values 70
Reference types, table of function signatures 70
Reference types, this pointer 153
Reference types, using reference types with stack semantics 47—52
Reference types, value types compared 117
Reference types,interfaces 211
Referencing assemblies, using directive 37
Reflection 279—283
Reflection, compilation modes available for 362
Reflection, interfaces and dynamically loaded types 255
Reflection, loading assembly and reflecting on types 280
Reflection, mode required 279
Reflection, reflecting on Late Binding 282
Reflection, reflecting with Type methods 280
reinterpret_cast 209 210
Remarks tag, XML documentation 360
Remove method 186
Remove method, event handlers, customizing 193
Remove method, event handlers, customizing methods 191 194
Remove method, event handlers, reserved names (remove_E) for events 203
Remove method, event handlers, using delegate unrelated to EventHandler 197
Remove method, event handlers,declaring events and event handlers 193
ReplacePlayedTiles method, Scrabble game 144
Reserved names, events and properties 203
Resize method, Array class 105
Resources, assemblies and 41
Return values, delegates 185
Return values, do's and don'ts 70—73
Returns tag, XML documentation 360
Reverse method, Array class 105
Root 159
Runtime flexibility, managed templates and generics compared 316
RuntimeWrappedException object, throwing objects, not exceptions 267
rvalues, chaining expressions involving properties 174
rvalues, gc-rvalues and 56
rvalues, how compilers understand expressions 56
Safe Mode 30 see also mixed mode; pure mode
Safe mode, architecture dependence and 64-bit programming 32
Safe mode, features available for 362
Safe mode, interoperability 272
Safe mode, interoperability, cross-language interoperability 319
Safe mode, invoking native functions in 322
Safe mode, pointers 330
Safe mode, printf function 90
Safe mode, reflecting with Type methods 282
Safe mode, static_cast 208
Safe mode, structs 330
Safe mode, using native libraries without P/Invoke 329 330
Safe mode, using native objects in managed types 159
Safe mode, Visual C++ 2005 30
SafeHandle class 163
Safe_cast 18 209 210 365
Safe_cast, casting in inheritance hierarchies 233
Safe_cast, Enum class object conversions 112
sbyte type 11
Scalar properties 22
Scope operator (::) 38
Scope, auto_handle template 59
Scope, controlling when object goes out of 49
Scope, heap objects 48
Scope,value types 4
Scrabble game 127—153
Scrabble game, AdjustPointTotals method 137
Scrabble game, bag list 131
Scrabble game, CalculateScore method 148
Scrabble game, Characters class 128
Scrabble game, ConfirmPlay method 144
Scrabble game, DrawTile method 134
Scrabble game, FindWinner method 137
Scrabble game, gameBoard array 131
Scrabble game, GetPlayStartPosition method 141
Scrabble game, GetPlayType method 140
Scrabble game, GetTilesForPlay method 141
Scrabble game, GetWorkingTiles method 145
Scrabble game, main method 152
Scrabble game, memory layout of features 128
Scrabble game, Pass method 138
Scrabble game, Play method 136
Scrabble game, Player struct 130
Scrabble game, PlayerMove method 146
Scrabble game, players array 131
Scrabble game, PlayType class 129
Scrabble game, point_values array 129
Scrabble game, PreGame method 135
Scrabble game, PrintBoard method 133
Scrabble game, PrintPlayerTiles method 130
Scrabble game, PrintScores method 133
Scrabble game, RecordPlay method 144
| Scrabble game, ReplacePlayedTiles method 144
Scrabble game, ScrabbleGame class 130
Scrabble game, SpaceType class 129
Scrabble game, spaceTypeColors array 131
Scrabble game, Tile struct 129
Scrabble game, tilePopulation array 131
Scrabble game, UpdateScore method 145
ScrabbleGame class, Scrabble game 130
sealed classes 220—222 370
Sealed keyword 356
Sealed methods 370
Sealed modifier 220 221
Searching, BinarySearch method 104
Security, signed assemblies 41
see tag, XML documentation 360
seealso tag, XML documentation 360
SEH (Structured Exception Handling) 348—351
SEH (Structured Exception Handling), compilation modes available for 363
SEH (Structured Exception Handling), handling structured exceptions 349
Senders, EventSender class 200
Serializable attribute 273
Serialization attributes 273—275
set method see accessor (get and set) methods of properties
SetValue method, Array class 105
set_terminate 362
Shallow copy, strings 76
Shallow copy, strings, Scrabble game 127
Signatures, functions 70
Signed assemblies 41
Single type 11
Sort method, Array class 105
Source code, interoperability using 318
Source property, Exception class 260
SpaceType class, Scrabble game 129
SpaceTypeColors array, Scrabble game 131
sparse array 26
Stack semantics declaration 367
Stack, C++/CLI stack semantics 66
Stack, declaring variables on stack or on heap 47—52
Stack, function taking handle type 52
Stack, native and managed arrays compared 100 101
Stack, stack object lifecycle 48
Stack, treating object on heap as if on stack 50
Stack, using reference types with stack semantics 47—52
StackTrace property, Exception class 260
StackTrace property, rethrowing exceptions in catch block 269
StackTrace property,unhandled exceptions 261
Standard C++ library, compilation modes available for 362
Standard C++ library, using native libraries without P/Invoke 329
Start event, customizing event methods 195
Start event, declaring events and event handlers 191
Start event,using delegate unrelated to EventHandler 197
Static constants, compiling 123
Static constants, defining 123
Static constants, literals in interfaces 246
Static constructors 119—120 367
Static constructors, initonly fields 124
Static constructors, this pointer 153
Static destructors 120
Static fields, interfaces with 245
Static initialization 119
Static initialization, initonly field 125
static keyword 122
Static members, CLS compliant alternative 321
Static methods, interfaces with 245
Static methods, Type class 280
Static operators 203—206 369
Static operators, defining 205
Static operators, defining class to represent complex numbers 203
Static operators, global friend functions replaced 205
Static properties, defining 177
Static type 280
static_cast 208 209 365
static_cast, C++/CLI alternative to C++ 18
stdcall calling convention, P/Invoke knowing calling convention of target function 324
stdin/stdout/stderr streams, Console class properties exposed for 87
StreamReader class 87—89
StreamReader class, Read/ReadLine methods 87
Streams, closing in finalizer 168
StreamWriter class 87—89
StreamWriter class, Write/WriteLine methods 87
String class 90—92
String class, assigning string literals 76
String class, Chars indexed property 76
String class, Compare method 80
String class, CompareOrdinal method 81
String class, CompareTo method 80 81
string class, Concat method 76
String class, constructor 76
String class, description 7 75
String class, Format method 81 82
String class, IConvertible interface 85
String class, IEnumerable interface 79
String class, secure variants of CRT functions 91
String class, ToCharArray method 77
String class, ToString function 80
String class, using cout with 91
String class,Equals method 76
string literals 7 76
string type 75
String type, pitfalls treating object on heap as if on stack 51
StringBuilder class 84—85
StringBuilder class, description 75
StringReader class 89—90
strings 75—86
Strings, comparing 76 80—81
strings, concatenating 76 79
Strings, conversions with other data types 85—86
Strings, converting to character array 78
Strings, converting to primitive type 85
strings, copying 76
strings, creating 75
strings, editing 80
Strings, enumeration values as 114—116
Strings, format strings 81
strings, formatting 81—82
Strings, formatting, numeric string formatting 82—84
Strings, looping through 78
Strings, manipulation and editing 84
Strings, string operators 79—80
Strings, String type 75
strings, StringBuilder class 84—85
Strings, ToString method, Array class 105
Strings, using generic list for 298
StringToHGlobalUni method, Marshal class 347
StringWriter class 89—90
Strong typing, generic collection classes 290
struct keyword 357
Structs, IntPtr struct 323
Structs, safe mode 330
Structs, sealed modifier 220
Structs, value struct 9 357
Structured exceptions, handling 349
Structured exceptions, interop with 348—351
Structures, classes compared 9 117
Summary tag, XML documentation 360
Swallowing errors, handling exceptions only if you can 269
swap_value function, changing value type in function 65
SyncRoot property, Array class 103
Synonyms, primitive types 4
Syntax summary 363—375
System namespace, Array class 103
System namespace, Console class 86—87
System namespace, defining primitive types 4
System namespace, String class 90—92
template class 343
TEMPLATE keyword 309
Template types 15
Template types, passing over assembly boundary 311
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