Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Juric M.B. — Business Process Execution Language for Web Services |
Предметный указатель |
UML to BPEL 164
UninitializedVariable fault 342
Unsubscribing 61
Unsubscribing, WS-eventing 61
Until attribute, wait activity 110
User exceptions in Java 238
Variable assignments 81
Variable element, BPEL syntax reference 338
VariableAccessSerializable attribute, default value 342
variables, assignments 81
Variables, BPEL Designer 208
Variables, business process definition 98
Variables, element attribute 79
Variables, JDeveloper 196
Variables, messageType attribute 79
Variables, type attribute 79
Variables, types of 82
Version attribute, exec activity 249
wait activity 110
Wait activity, BPEL syntax reference 338
Web service collaboration 31
Web services invocation framework See WSIF
Web services technology stack 9
While activity 108
While activity, BPEL syntax reference 338
Workflow service, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 259
Worklist application, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 260
WS-Addressing specification 53
WS-CDL specification 24
WS-Coordination specification 37
WS-Eventing specification 59
WS-Inspection specification 55
WS-Policy specification 56
Ws-Security specification 34
WS-Transaction specification 42
WSCI specification 24
Wscoor:AlreadyRegistered fault 41
Wscoor:ContextRefused fault 41
Wscoor:InvalidParameters fault 41
Wscoor:InvalidProtocol fault 41
Wscoor:InvalidState fault 41
Wscoor:NoActivity fault 41
| WSDL 76
WSDL bindings, BPEL Server 169
WSDL message, variable type 82
Wse:Renew element 61
Wse:Unsubscribe element 61
WSIF EJB binding 243
WSIF tab, BPEL Console 192
WSIF, about 228
WSIF, advantages 229
WSIF, defining WSIF bindings in WSDL 233
WSIF, exception handling 237
WSIF, invoking a Java class 233
WSIF, Java to XML bindings 230
Wsp:All policy operator 57
Wsp:ExactlyOne policy operator 57
Wsp:OneOrMore policy operator 57
Wsp:PolicyReference element 58
Wsp:Preference operator 58
Wsp:Usage operator 58
Wsrm:InvalidAcknowledgement fault 52
Wsrm:LastMessageNumberExceeded fault 52
Wsrm:MessageNumberRollover fault 52
Wsrm:SequenceRefused fault 52
Wsrm:UnknownSequence fault 52
Wsse:FailedAuthentication fault 36
Wsse:FailedCheck fault 36
Wsse:InvalidSecurity fault 36
Wsse:InvalidSecurityToken fault 36
Wsse:SecurityTokenUnavailable fault 36
Wsse:UnsupportedAlgorithm fault 36
Wsse:UnsupportedSecurityToken fault 36
XLANG/s 276
XML facades 231
XML manipulation, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 220
XML serialization 231
XML Type Browser, BPEL Designer 209
Xmlns attribute, process element 78
XPath 2.0 functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 216
XPath Expression Builder, JDeveloper 200
XSLT Mapper, JDeveloper 201
Реклама |