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Juric M.B. — Business Process Execution Language for Web Services |
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JMSServiceCallback port type, Oracle JMS service 259
Join conditions 158
Join failures 159
JoinCondition attribute, default value 342
JoinFailure fault 342
JTA 249
Language attribute, exec activity 249
LDAP access functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 221
Ldap:authenticate function, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 221
Ldap:listUsers function, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 221
Ldap:search function, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 221
Lifecycle,business process 143
Link activity, BPEL syntax reference 329
link element 56
links 150
Listen shape, MS BizTalk Server 2004 312
Logging tab, BPEL Console 192
Lookup method, exec activity 249
Loop shape, MS BizTalk Server 2004 311
Looping 108
MailService port type, Oracle Email service 259
MailServiceCallback port type, Oracle Email service 259
Managing events 137
Mapping properties to messages 146
MDA 164
message correlation 71 145
message events 137 138
Message flow, about 79
Message flow, attributes 80
Message flow, invoke activity 80
Message flow, receive activity 80
Message flow, reply activity 81
Message properties, about 145
Message properties, assignments 147
Message properties, extracting 147
Message properties, mapping properties to messages 146
Message security 34
MessageBox, MS Biztalk Server 2004 281
MessageType attribute, variables 79
messaging 49
Messaging model 50
Microsoft Biztalk Server 2004 27
MismatchedAssignmentFailure fault 342
Model driven approach 164
MS Biztalk Server 2004, about 27
MS Biztalk Server 2004, adapters 278
MS Biztalk Server 2004, architecture 276
MS Biztalk Server 2004, BPEL compliance 305
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Business Activity services 316
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Business Rules engine 283
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Health and Activity Tracking 318
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Human Workflow Services, integration with other BizTalk servers 316
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Human Workflow Services, MessageBox 281
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Human Workflow Services, Parallel Actions shape 310
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Human Workflow Services, ports 277 308
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Human Workflow Services, receive locations 278
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Human Workflow Services, receive pipelines 279
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Human Workflow Services, receive shapes 309
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Human Workflow Services, sample orchestration 284
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Human Workflow Services, Scope shape 313
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Human Workflow Services, send pipeline 283
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Human Workflow Services, Suspend shape 311
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Human Workflow Services, Terminate shape 312
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Human Workflow Services, Throw Exception shape 314
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Human Workflow Services, Trading Partner Management 316
MS Biztalk Server 2004, Human Workflow Services, XLANG/s 276
MS BizTalk Server 2006 318
MyRole, partner links 77
name attribute 108
Name attribute, process element 78
Name, partner links 77
Namespaces, BPEL syntax reference 343
Notification service, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 253
Notification Wizard, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 255
NotifyTo element 62
Obant, Ant utility 177
Obsetenv script 175
OnAlarm activity, syntax reference 329
OnMessage activity, BPEL syntax reference 330
OpenStorm Service Orchestrator 29
Operators, policy 57
Ora:addQuotes function 220
Ora:countNodes function 219
Ora:formatDate function 221
Ora:generateGUID function 221
Ora:getContentAsString function 220
Ora:getConversationId function 221
Ora:getCreator function 221
Ora:getCurrentDate function 221
Ora:getCurrentDateTime function 221
Ora:getCurrentTime function 221
Ora:getElement function 219
Ora:getInstanceId function 221
Ora:getProcessId function 221
Ora:getProcessURL function 221
Ora:integer function 220
Ora:parseEscapedXML function 220
Ora:processXSLT function 217
Ora:processXSQL function 218
Ora:readFile function 220
Oracle BPEL Console 170
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, about 27
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, advanced features 215
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, architecture 168
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, BPEL compiler 176
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, BPEL Console 170
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, BPEL Designer 171
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, BPEL Server 169
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, BPEL Server APIs 273
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, data and array manipulation 218
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, Database 171
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, deploying a process 171
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, dynamic parallel flow 222
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, extension functions 215
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, identity service 271
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, JMS service 259
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, mail service 259
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, notification service 253
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, Oracle-specific functions 215
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, overview 167
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, process descriptor 172
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, query support 217
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, transformation support 217
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, workflow patterns 260
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, Workflow service 259
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, WSIF support 229
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, XML manipulation 220
Oracle BPEL Server, about 169
Oracle BPEL Server, core BPEL engine 169
Oracle BPEL Server, integration services 170
Oracle BPEL Server, WSDL bindings 169
Oracle-specific activities, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, bpelx:append 219
Oracle-specific activities, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, bpelx:copyList 219
Oracle-specific activities, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, bpelx:insertBefore 219
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 215
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:addQuotes() 220
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:countNodes() 219
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:generateGUID() 221
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getContentAsString() 220
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getConversationId() 221
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getCreator() 221
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getCurrentDate() 221
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getCurrentDateTime() 221
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getCurrentTime() 221
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getElement() 219
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getGroupProperty 272
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getInstanceId() 221
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getManager 273
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getProcessId() 221
| Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getProcessURL() 221
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getReportees 273
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getUserProperty 272
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getUserRoles 273
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:getUsersInGroup 273
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:integer() 220
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:isUserInRole 273
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:lookupGroup 272
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:lookupUser 272
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:parseEscapedXML() 220
Oracle-specific functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager, ora:readFile() 220
Orchestration 19
OutcomeNotification coordination protocol 44
OutputVariable attribute, invoke activity 80
Parallel Actions shape, MS BizTalk Server 2004 310
partner link types 75
Partner links, BPEL Designer 207
Partner links, business process definition 97
Partner links, client partner links 73
Partner links, defining links 77
Partner links, dynamic partner links 161
Partner links, invoked partner links 73
Partner links, JDeveloper 195
Partner links, myRole 77
Partner links, name 77
Partner links, parameters 77
Partner links, partner link types 75
Partner links, partnerLinkType 77
Partner links, partnerRole 77
Partner links, types 75
PartnerLinks activity, BPEL syntax reference 330
PartnerLinks element 77
PartnerLinkType activity, BPEL syntax reference 330
PartnerLinkType, partner links 77
PartnerRole, partner links 77
Partners element, BPEL syntax reference 331
Password tab, BPEL Console 192
Performance tuning, BPEL Console 188
PhaseZero coordination protocol 44
pick activity 138
Pick activity, BPEL syntax reference 331
Plnk namespace 343
policies 56
Policy assertions 57
Policy inclusion 58
Policy operators 57
Ports, MS Biztalk Server 2004 277 308
Position function, Xpath 218
Pre-assemble stage, send pipeline 284
Process descriptor, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 172
Process element 78
Process element, BPEL syntax reference 332
Process identification functions, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 221
Process main body, business process definition 99
Process management, BPEL Console 178
Process map, BPEL Designer 210
Process outline, business process definition 97
Property aliases 146
Property demotion, send pipeline 284
Property element, BPEL syntax reference 333
PropertyAlias element, BPEL syntax reference 333
Query support, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 217
QueryLanguage attribute, default value 342
QueryLanguage attribute, process element 78
receive activity 80
Receive activity, BPEL syntax reference 334
Receive construct 72
Receive locations, MS Biztalk Server 2004 278
Receive pipeline, MS Biztalk Server 2004 279
Receive shapes, MS BizTalk Server 2004 307
Register element 41
RegisterResponse element 41
RelatesTo element 61
Reliable Messaging 49
Renewal, event subscription 61
RepeatedCompensation fault 342
reply activity 81
Reply activity, BPEL syntax reference 334
Request acknowledgement, reliable messaging 51
Response, event subscription 60
RM protocol 49
Rules Engine, MS Biztalk Server 283
Schemac utility, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 232
Scope activity, BPEL syntax reference 334
Scope shape, MS BizTalk Server 2004 313
Scopes 123
Security 34
SecurityTokenReference element 35
SelectionFailure fault 342
Send pipeline, MS Biztalk Server 2004 283
Sequence activity, BPEL syntax reference 335
Serializable scopes 132
Server administration, BPEL Console 190
Service composition 16
Service composition with BPEL 17
Service oriented architecture, interfaces 13
Service oriented architecture, loose coupling 14
Service oriented architecture, messages 13
Service oriented architecture, quality of service 14
Service oriented architecture, registries 14
Service oriented architecture, service composition 14
Service oriented architecture, services 13
Service oriented architecture, synchronicity 13
SetCreator method, exec activity 250
SetCustomKey method, exec activity 250
SetIndex method, exec activity 250
SetMetadata method, exec activity 250
SetPriority method, exec activity 250
SetStatus method, exec activity 250
SetTitle method, exec activity 250
SetVariableData method, exec activity 249
Signaling, about 113
Signaling, asychronous replies 115
Signaling, sychronous replies 114
SOA 7 12
Source element 151
Source element, BPEL syntax reference 335 341
Stack, web service standards 32
Standard attributes, elements 341
Standard faults 342
StartOraBPEL script 175
Subscription renewal, WS-Eventing 61
Subscription, event 59
SuppressJoinFailure attribute, process element 78
Suspend shape, MS BizTalk Server 2004 311
switch activity 84
Switch activity, syntax reference 336
Synchronous BPEL business process 85
Target element 151
Target element, BPEL syntax reference 337
TargetNamespace attribute, process element 78
Terminate activity 112
Terminate activity, BPEL syntax reference 337
Terminate shape, MS BizTalk Server 2004 312
Termination, business process 112
Third-party LDAP providers, identity service 272
Throw activity, BPEL syntax reference 337
Throw Exception shape, MS BizTalk Server 2004 314
Trading Partner Management, MS BizTalk Server 2004 316
Transaction types, atomic transaction 42
Transaction types, business activity 44
Transformation support, Oracle BPEL Process Manager 217
Transition conditions 157
TransitionCondition attribute, default value 342
Two-Phase Commit coordination protocol 44
Type attribute, variables 79
Types, partner links 75
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