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Ballew J., Slack S.E. — Breakthrough Windows Vista™: Find Your Favorite Features and Discover the Possibilities
Ballew J., Slack S.E. — Breakthrough Windows Vista™: Find Your Favorite Features and Discover the Possibilities

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Название: Breakthrough Windows Vista™: Find Your Favorite Features and Discover the Possibilities

Авторы: Ballew J., Slack S.E.


Learn how to use the Microsoft Windows Vista features that interest you most with this full-color guide that gives you the straight scoop. You can jump right in to any topic that interests youand discover the possibilities of what you can do with Windows Vista!

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 288

Добавлена в каталог: 24.11.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
16:9 aspect ratio      
2007 Microsoft Office system      
3-D effects, Picture Effects command in Word 2007      
4:3 aspect ratio      
accessing/organizing media      
ActiveX controls      
Add Pictures And Video To The DVD      
Add Pictures And Video To The DVD, Windows DVD Maker      
add, remove, configure gadgets      
add-ons, Internet Explorer 7      
adding audio clips to movies      
adding comments to      
adding comments to photos      
adding comments to pictures in photo diary      
adding contacts      
adding pictures to      2nd
adding pictures, lyrics, and comments      
adding to DVD      
adding to Media Center      
adding to music library      
adding to Outlook      
adding to photo diary or journal      
adding to pictures      
adding to pictures in photo diary      
adding to slide show      
adding to Windows Live Spaces      
adding user account      
adding video to      
adding, removing, configuring      
Administrator accounts      
advanced printing features      
advanced searches      
advanced searches, setting up      
Advanced Tag Editor, Media Player 11      
Aero, turning on      
allowing remote connections      
analog video, converting to digital      
analog-to-DV converters      
analog-to-MPEG capture devices      
Apple iPod      [See iPod]
Artist info, in Media Player 11      
as Desktop background      
as media extender for Media Center      
Aspect ratio      
Attach Files dialog      
attachment options      
audio CDs      
audio CDs and      
audio clips, adding to movies      
audio controls, Media Center      
Audio formats      
audio options      
AutoMovie feature      
AutoMovie method for creating movies      
autoplaylist of favorite songs      
autovolume leveling, CDs      
AVI (Video Device Format)      
background options, burning DVDs and      
background style options for calendar      
backing up Journal folder to      
backing up scanned photos to      
Bass Management, speaker options      
Blogs      [See also Web Photo blog]
borders, Picture Borders in Word 2007      
browsing online stores for movie content      
browsing online stores, for movie content      
browsing, tabbed      
built-in file system      
burning audio CDs      
burning CDs      
burning data DVD      
burning DVDs      2nd
burning DVDs and      
burning from Media Center      
burning movie DVD      
burning music, pictures, or videos to data DVD      
burning pictures to      
burning pictures to CD      
burning pictures to CD with      
burning pictures to DVD      
burning to CD      
burning to data DVDs      
burning to DVD      2nd
burning to DVDs      
burning TV show or video to      
burning TV show or video to DVDs      
burning TV shows to DVDs      
cables, Easy Transfer cable      
Calendars      [See also Windows Calendar]
camcorders, converting analog tapes to digital format      
cameras      [See digital cameras]
CardSpace, Windows      
CD burning feature      
CDs to music library      
changing default settings to increase privacy      
changing song speed      
choosing right scanner      
claims, Windows CardSpace      
cleaning up old computer      
cleaning up old computer as part of set up      
Clip art      
closed captioning      
closed captioning, Media Center views      
coloring book, template for creating      
compressing pictures before e-mailing      
compression, pictures before e-mailing      
Computer Details, accessing from Welcome Center      
Computers      [See also PCs (personal computers)]
configuring feed properties      
configuring for ripping      
connecting digital cameras to      
connecting digital media extenders to      
connecting to      
connecting to computer      
connecting to home network      
connecting to Internet      
connections, Internet      
contacts, Windows Mail      
converting analog tapes to digital format      
Copy protection      
copy protection and      
create space at      
create space at Windows Live Spaces      
creating appointments      
creating autoplaylist of favorite songs      
creating blog      
creating digital library      
creating DVD slide show with background music      
creating files and folders      
creating folders      
creating from photos      
creating journal and adding photos      
creating mixes      
creating movies manually      
creating multiple video files during import      
creating new calendars      
creating space      
creating static playlist for an event      
creating tasks      
creating video library      
cross fading      
cross fading and autovolume leveling      
customizing DVD menu styles      
customizing menu styles      
D-Link MediaLounge DSM-320      
Data Disc, burning      
Data DVDs, burning      
data transfer with      
data transfer with Windows Easy Transfer      
data transfer, with Windows Easy Transfer      
data, moving to subfolders      
deciding what to scan      
Defender      [See Windows Defender]
deleting recorded shows      
deleting recorded TV shows      
Descriptive Video Services (DVS)      
Design tab      
Design tab, Office Word 2007      
desktop backgrounds      
device drivers      
devices, viewing networked      
diagnostics, network connections      
diary      [See photo diary or journal]
digital camera connections      
Digital cameras      
digital cameras and      
digital journal      [See photo diary or journal]
Digital library      
digital media extenders      
digital media extenders (players)      [See media extenders (players)]
Digital rights management (DRM)      
Digital Video      [See also video]
digital video (DV)      
display optimization      
display, optimizing      
downloaded games and      
downloading and installing      
downloading and installing Windows Live Messenger      
downloading media from      
downloading media from online media stores      
downloading movies      
downloads and      
dragging items to      
dragging items to storyboard pane      
drivers      [See device drivers]
DRM (Digital Rights Management)      
DV (digital video)      
DVD burners      [See also Windows DVD Maker]
DVD Maker      [See Windows DVD Maker]
DVD options      2nd
DVD recorders      
DVS (Descriptive Video Services)      
e-mail protection      
e-mail protection features      
e-mail protection features in Windows Mail      
Easy Transfer      [See Windows Easy Transfer]
Easy Transfer Cable      
Edit option      
Edit option, Media Player 11      
editing clip art      
editing clip art in Office Word 2007      
editing in Office Word 2007      
editing song titles      
effects, Picture Effects command in Word 2007      
Enhancements pane, Media Player 11      
Enhancements tab, speaker options      
errors, video import      
Excel 2007 for scheduling      
Excel, scheduling with      
existing video      
fast-forward, Live TV      
file formats      
File menu      
file types supported      
file types supported by Media Center      
files and folders      
finding videos      
Firewire (IEEE 1394)      
Flip 3D      
FM radio      
folder watch list      
folder watch list, Media Center      
Folders      [See files and folders]
for creating coloring book      
for creating gifts from photos      
for pictures      
foreground options, burning DVDs      
Format tab, Office Word 2007      
from digital cameras      
from Start menu      
games, preinstalled with Vista      
getting help via      
getting started with      
Google video      
graphics equalizer, Media Player 11      
greeting cards with Office Publisher 2007      
greeting cards, with Office Publisher 2007      
grouping and viewing images      
grouping images, Windows Photo Gallery      
grouping music, Media Player 11      
grouping music, options for      
groups, tab groups in Internet Explorer 7      
guide, Media Center TV shows      
hard drives, performing instant search from Start Menu      
high definition audio devices      
IEEE 1394 (FireWire)      
Images      [See pictures]
Import Pictures and Videos      
Import Setting dialog      
Import Video Wizard      
importing existing      
importing existing video      
importing into      
importing video      
importing video files      
importing video from      
importing video from digital cameras      
importing, to Windows Mail      
in Media Center      
in Online Media      
including metadata with saved pictures      
information cards, Windows CardSpace      
Instant messaging      
instant messaging with      
Instant Search      
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