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Ballew J., Slack S.E. — Breakthrough Windows Vista™: Find Your Favorite Features and Discover the Possibilities
Ballew J., Slack S.E. — Breakthrough Windows Vista™: Find Your Favorite Features and Discover the Possibilities

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Название: Breakthrough Windows Vista™: Find Your Favorite Features and Discover the Possibilities

Авторы: Ballew J., Slack S.E.


Learn how to use the Microsoft Windows Vista features that interest you most with this full-color guide that gives you the straight scoop. You can jump right in to any topic that interests youand discover the possibilities of what you can do with Windows Vista!

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 288

Добавлена в каталог: 24.11.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Internet connections      
Internet Explorer 7      
Internet radio, listening to with Media Center      
Journal      [See photo diary or journal]
Journal subfolder, in Picture folder      
junk mail filters, Windows Mail      
Keep options, recorded shows      
keywords, recording favorites by using      
Kodak EasyShare Gallery      
libraries in      
listening experience      
listening experience, optimizing      
listening to Internet radio and downloaded music      
listening to online music and radio stations      
Live File System, CD burning      
Live Messenger      [See Windows Live Messenger]
Live Search feature      
Live Search feature of Internet Explorer 7      
Live Search feature, Internet Explorer 7      2nd
live TV      
Live video, importing      
locating transferred data      
Loudness Equalization, speaker options      
lyrics, adding to music library      
Magnifier, Vista accessibility options      
Mail      [See Windows Mail]
making movie with      
malware, Windows Defender for protection against      
manual method for creating movies      
Mastered, CD burning      
mcx2svc (Media Center Extender service)      
Media Center      
Media Center and      
Media Center Extender service (mcx2svc)      
Media Center features      
Media Center optimization      
media extenders      
media extenders (players)      
media extenders and      
media from online media stores      
media information, updating via Internet      2nd
Media Player 11      [See Windows Media Player 11]
Media Player 11 Enhancements pane
Media Player 11 for listening to downloaded music
Media Player 11 for listening to Internet radio
media sharing      
media sharing and      
media sharing, Media Player 11      
MediaLounge DSM-320, D-Link      
menu options      
Menu Text, DVD options      
menus, DVD      
menus, Media Center      
Message Rules, Windows Mail      
messaging, downloading and installing Windows Live Messenger      
metadata, including with saved pictures      
Microsoft Communities      
Microsoft Help newsgroups      
Microsoft Office Button, Print option      
Microsoft Office Online      
Microsoft Office Online, Templates page      
Microsoft Office system      [See 2007 Microsoft Office system]
Microsoft Windows      [See Windows]
Microsoft Windows Button      
Microsoft Zune      [See Zune]
Microsoft, signing up for free services      
Mobile devices      
modifying songs to suit personal preferences      
monthly calendars with Office PowerPoint 2007      
Movie Maker      [See Windows Movie Maker]
moving data to subfolders      
MPEG-2 video files
MSN contacts      
MSN Hotmail      
MSN Messenger      
multiples copies      
MUSIC      [See music library]
music files      
Music Library      
MySpace, retrieving online pictures      
Narrator, Vista accessibility options      
navigating Media Center interface      
navigation buttons, Media Center      
negatives, scanning      
Network and Sharing Center      
Network Wizard      
networking features      
newsgroups, accessing      
Notification area, Safely Remove Hardware icon in      
NTSC, television systems      
Office Excel 2007, scheduling with      
Office Outlook 2007, adding RSS feed to      
Office PowerPoint 2007, monthly calendars      
Office Publisher 2007, greeting cards with      
Office system      [See 2007 Microsoft Office system]
Office Word 2007      
online services      
online services for creating gifts from photos      
online templates      
opening and saving video or media attachments      
opening games from      
optimizing listening experience      
options in Windows DVD Maker      
ordering prints from      
organization, cleaning up old computer as part of set up      
organizing with Windows Photo Gallery      
Outlook 2007, adding RSS feed to      
Outlook Express      
overview of      
PAL, television systems      
Parental Controls      
Passport account      
pause, Live TV      
paying someone else for scans      
PCs (personal computers)      [See computers]
performing instant search of hard drive      
personal computers (PCs)      [See computers]
personalization features      
Personalize Appearance And Sounds      [See personalization features]
personalizing desktop      
Phishing Filter      
photo diary or journal      
Photo Gallery      [See Windows Photo Gallery]
Photos      [See pictures]
picture file formats      
picture files      
Picture folder, creating Journal subfolder      
picture library, Media Center      
picture searches      
Picture Shape, Office Word 2007      
Pictures view, Media Center      
pictures, creativity with      
Playback devices      
playback settings, DVD options      
Player tab, Media Player 11 updates
players      [See media extenders (players)]
PlayForSure devices, Media Player 11      
playing shared media      
playlists, creating      
Pop-up blockers, Internet Explorer 7      
posting favorite photos to space      
posting favorite photos to space at Windows Live Spaces      
PowerPoint 2007, monthly calendars      
preferences, music      
Print option, Microsoft Office Button      
printing features, Internet Explorer 7      
prints from online service      
prints of pictures from online photo store      
prints of pictures, from online service      
privacy settings, music library      
Privacy tab, Media Player 11      
profiles, Windows Live Spaces      
program library      
program library in      
Publisher 2007, greeting cards with      
publishing movie to computer      
publishing movies      
publishing movies to      2nd
publishing movies to computer      
publishing movies to Web      
publishing to Web      
publishing to your computer      
Quick Tabs feature      
Quick Tabs feature, Internet Explorer 7      
Quiet Mode, Media Player 11 Enhancements pane
rating songs      
Really Simple Syndication      [See RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds]
recording favorites shows      
recording favorites TV shows      
recording options, TV shows      
registering Windows Vista online      
registration, Windows Vista online      
Remote Assistance      [See Windows Remote Assistance]
remote control options      
remote control options, Media Center      
Remote Desktop Connection      
removing extra footage (splitting)      
resizing pictures for e-mail      
resolution, display optimization      
retrieving online pictures      
rewind, Live TV      
ripping CDs to      
ripping CDs to music library      
ripping CDs with      
Roku SoundBridge      
Room Correction, speaker options      
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds      
RSS feeds      
rules, Windows Mail Message Rules      
Safely Remove Hardware icon, in Notification area      
saving folder searches      
saving movie files      
saving scanned photos      
saving scanned photos in      
scanners and      
scanning old photos      
scanning process      
scans folder      
scheduling definitions updates      
scheduling with Office Excel 2007      
screen saver slide show      
screen savers      
Search folders      
search folders for      
search providers, adding to Live Search      
searching for files      
searching from Start Menu      
searching Internet      
searching Internet from      
Security tab, Media Player 11      
security, Internet Explorer 7      
send/receive e-mail with video attachments      
sending video attachments      
services, signing up for free services from Microsoft      
setting as desktop background      
setting DVD options      
setting menu options      
setting menu options for DVD      
setting picture as background      
setting up a network      
setting up Windows Vista      
settings, transferring from old computer to new computer      
Sharing      [See sharing pictures]
sharing pictures      
sharing pictures via      
sharing pictures via e-mail      
sharing published movies via      
sharing published movies via e-mail      
shortcut keys      
shortcut keys, Media Center      
sidebar      [See Windows Sidebar]
signing up for      
signing up for free services      
skip-forward, Live TV      
slide show settings      
slide shows      
slides, scanning      
smart searches      
sound options, speakers      [See also audio options]
spaces, Windows Live Spaces      
Speaker Fill, speaker options      
speaker options, on Enhancements tab      
speakers and      
Speech recognition      [See Windows Speech Recognition]
splitting video, Movie Maker      
spyware, Windows Defender for protection against      
SRS Wow effects, Media Player 11      
stacking, Media Player 11      
standard user, types of user accounts      
Start menu      
starting Remote Desktop on computer      
static playlist for an event      
stationery, customizing      
stationery, Windows Mail      
staying informed with      
Storing files      
storing files in Media Center      
Storyboard pane, Movie Maker      
streaming music throughout home wirelessly      
streaming music throughout home wirelessly and      
Styles, DVD options      
subscribing to      
subscribing to a calendar on the Web      
subscribing to a feed      
subscribing to online media stores from      
subscription music services      
subscription options      
subscription services      
supported by Movie Maker      
syncing PC with mobile devices      
syncing PC with mobile devices, Media Player 11      
syncing with PC      
System, accessing from Welcome Center      
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