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Eisenhart L.P. — An introduction to differential geometry with use of the tensor calculus |
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Minimal surface associate 293
Minimal surface of Enneper 294
Minimal surface of revolution 242
Minimal surface, asymptotic lines 238 260 292
Minimal surface, helicoidal 242 294
Minimal surface, lines of curvature 243 292 294
Minimal surface, minimal lines 238 291
Minimal surface, spherical representation 255 260 294
Minimal surface, surfaces of center 294
Monge 46 290
Normal plane to a curve 12
Normal section of a surface 223
Normal section of a surface principal 225 229
Normal section of a surface, center of curvature of 227
Normal section of a surface, radius of curvature of 223 224
Normal to a curve 18; see Principal normal Binormal
Normal to a surface 53 213 229
Order of contact 13 16
Orthogonal coordinate surfaces 81
Orthogonal net 131 141 144 156 205
Orthogonal net of geodesics 178; see Isometric orthogonal net
Orthogonal net, coordinate 131 193
Orthogonal trajectories of a family of curves 140
Orthogonal trajectories of a family of geodesics 174 175 180
Osculating circle of a curve 19
Osculating plane 13 16
Osculating plane of asymptotic line 237
Osculating plane stationary 23
Osculating plane, edge of regression 57
Osculating plane, equation of 14
Osculating plane, orthogonal trajectories 27 148
Osculating plane, tangent plane of tangent surface 51
Osculating plane, through a fixed point 28
Osculating sphere 43 44
Outer product of tensors 94 97
Paraboloid 145 165 242
Paraboloid, fundamental quantities 166 222
Paraboloid, lines of curvature 231 236
Paraboloid, of normals to a ruled surface 221
Paraboloid, rulings 242
Parallel curves on a surface 157 158 174
Parallel surfaces 272 273 276
Parallel surfaces, asymptotic lines 276
Parallel surfaces, fundamental quantities 272
Parallel surfaces, lines of curvature 272 276
Parallel surfaces, of surface of constant curvature 273
Parallel surfaces, of surface of revolution 276
Parallel vectors in a surface 196—200; 249—252
Parallel vectors in space 107 113
Parallels, geodesic 174
Parametric equations of a curve 3
Parametric equations of a line 1
Parametric equations of a surface 46
Partial differential equations of the first order 114—118 122
Partial differential equations, mixed system 118
Plane 1 217
Plane curve 4 5
Plane curve, curvature 17
Plane curve, intrinsic equations 147
Plane, surface isometric with a 150
Plateau problem 290
Point of a surface elliptic 242
Point of a surface hyperbolic 242
Point of a surface ordinary 51
Point of a surface singular 51
Point of a surface umbilic 225 227
Polar coordinates 64 82 88 102 107 113
Polar line of a curve 37
Polar, surface of a curve 41 52
Polar, surface of a curve, developable 61 149
Polar, surface of a curve, of normal curvature 224
Principal center of normal curvature 226
Principal directions, for a tensor 144
Principal normal of a curve 18 24 30 31
Principal radii of normal curvature 225
Pseudosphere 284
Pseudospherical surface 277 281—284 286
Pseudospherical surface, asymptotic lines 242 286
Pseudospherical surface, geodesics 184 287 288
Pseudospherical surface, lines of curvature 285
Pseudospherical surface, of Dini 287
Pseudospherical surface, of revolution 281—284
Pseudospherical surface, surfaces of center 287
Quadratic form definite 151 152
Quadratic form indefinite 151 152 155;
Quadries, asymptotic lines 242
Quadries, central, equations 49
Quadries, fundamental quantities 165 221
Quadries, lines of curvature 231
Rectifying developable 61 248
Representation, equivalent 205; see Spherical representation
Riccati equation 33 34
Ricci identities 112
Ricci tensor 103 122 153
Riemann symbols 101
Riemann tensor 101 103 120—122 150 153
scalar 78 91
Scalar relative 92
Scalar, density 92
Singular curve on a surface 125
Singular point on a surface 51 125
Skew curve 4
Sphere 49 53 128 145 154 217 258 267
Spheres, family of 62 275
Spherical curve 16 43 44
Spherical indicatrix of the tangents to a curve 17
Spherical indicatrix, of the binormals of a curve 22
Spherical point of a surface 225
Spherical representation of a surface 252—260
Spherical representation of a surface, area of closed portion 254
Spherical representation of a surface, asymptotic lines 260 267
Spherical representation of a surface, conjugate net 260
Spherical representation of a surface, fundamental quantities 253 260
Spherical representation of a surface, isometric net 267
| Spherical representation of a surface, lines of curvature 255
Spherical surface 277—281
Spherical surface, asymptotic lines 286
Spherical surface, geodesics 287
Spherical surface, lines of curvature 285 286
Spherical surface, of revolution 278—281
Spherical surface, parallels to 273
Spiral surface 146 179 231
Stereographic projection 205
Summation convention 1
Superosculating circle 24
Surface of constant Gaussian curvature 170 186 287;
Surface of constant mean curvature 273
Surface of Liouville 176 180
Surface of negative curvature 226
Surface of positive curvature 226
Surface of revolution 49 149 160
Surface of revolution, asymptotic lines 242
Surface of revolution, fundamental quantities 128 218
Surface of revolution, Gaussian curvature 153
Surface of revolution, geodesics 178 192
Surface of revolution, lines of curvature 230 236 259
Surface of revolution, loxodromic curve 145 192
Surface of revolution, meridian 49 165
Surface of revolution, of constant curvature 169
Surface of revolution, parallel surfaces 276
Surface of revolution, principal radii 227
Surface of revolution, surface isometric with a 160 165 169 179 277
Surface of revolution, surfaces of center 275
Surface of translation 236 242 293
Surface of translation, generating curves 236
Surface of Weingarten 276 277
Surface, definition 2
Surface, imbedded in space 123
Surfaces of center 268—272
Surfaces of center, asymptotic lines 276
Surfaces of center, fundamental quantities 271
Surfaces of center, Gaussian curvature 272
Surfaces of center, lines of curvature 276
Symmetry with respect to a plane 24
Symmetry with respect to a point 24 218
Synge 194
Tangent plane to a surface 50
Tangent plane to a surface, distance to 53
Tangent plane to a surface, osculating plane of asymptotic line 237
Tangent surface of a curve 38
Tangent surface of a curve, edge of regression 40
Tangent surface of a curve, form of 40
Tangent surface of a curve, generators 38
Tangent surface of a curve, linear element 128
Tangent surface of a curve, lines of curvature 230
Tangent surface of a curve, tangent plane 51
Tangent to a curve 11
Tangent, positive sense 11
Tangent, to a surface 50
Tangential coordinates of a stirface 260 264
Tchebychef net 160 200 236 242
Tensor mixed 89 90
Tensor relative 93 94
Tensor skew-symmetric 92 93
Tensor symmetric 92 97
Tensor, addition, subtraction, multiplication of tensors 94
Tensor, contravariant 89 90
Tensor, covariant 89 90
Tensor, inner product 95
Tensor, order 90 91
Tensor, outer product 94 97
Tensor, quotient law 97
Tensor, zero 91
Torsion of a geodesic 248
Torsion of an asymptotic line 248
Torsion, constant 23 24 28 29 30
Torsion, of a curve 22 23
Torus 227
Tractrix 29
Tractrix, helicoid whose generating curve is a 287
Tractrix, surface of revolution of a 284
Transform of a function 78
Transformation of coordinates in space 64—68
Transformation of coordinates inverse 65
Transformation of coordinates linear 63 79
Transformation of coordinates positive 133
Transformation of coordinates, in a surface 124
Transformation of coordinates, product 67
Transformation, of Combescure 29
Transformation, of Combescure, by reciprocal radii see Inversion
Triply orthogonal family of surfaces 82
Twisted curve 4
Twisted curve cubic 5 7 8 16 44
Twisted curve, of nth order 5
Umbilical point of a quadric 227
Umbilical point of a surface 225 227
Vector in a surface associate 194 250 252
Vector in a surface contravariant 126
Vector in a surface covariant 127
Vector in a surface parallel 196—200 249—252
Vector in a surface perpendicular 134 135 136
Vector in a surface, contravariant and covariant components 127
Vector in a surface, length 128
Vector in a surface, significance of components 134
Vector in a surface, unit 128
Vector in space contravariant 77
Vector in space covariant 84
Vector in space, contravariant and covariant components 85 88
Vector in space, length 80 85
Vector in space, significance of components 82 86
Vector in space, unit 80
Vectors in a surface, angle of 133
Vectors in space, angle of two 81 85
Vectors in space, independent 79 88
Vectors in space, perpendicular 81 83
w 260
Weierstrass 292
Weingarten, lines of curvature 277
Weingarten, surface of 276
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