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Junker G. — Supersymmetric Methods in Quantum and Statistical Physics |
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potential 31
Abraham, p.b. 58
action 68 70
Adhikari, r. 85
Aharonov, Y. 111
Aizawa, n. 123
Akhoury, r. 18
Akulov, V.P. 3
Albeverio, S. 50
Alvarez-Gaume, L. 18 123
Amado, R.D. 124
Andrianov, a.a. 53 63
Anharmonic oscillator 56
Anharmonic oscillator broken susy 30
Anharmonic oscillator good susy 29 35
Anticommutator 3 7
Arnold, L. 93
Ashcroft, N.W. 116
Atiyah — Singer index theorem 18
Atiyah, M.F. 18
Avron, J.E. 116
Azcarraga, de j.a. 123
Baake, M. 64 124
Bagchi, b.k. 5 123
Baker, t.h. 109 124
Balantekin, a.b. 79 123 124
Band gap 119
Band inversion 119
Bandrauk, a.d. 67 71 74-76
Barclay, d.t. 64 75 81
Barducci, a. 37
Barrett, b.r. 123
Bars, I. 124
Barut, A.O. 37 64 106
Baumgartner, b. 63 86 123
Baye, D. 58
Beckers, j. 123
Berche, B. 124
Berezin, F.A. 37 38 50
Bernstein, M. 93 104
Bessel equation 56
Bhaumik, d. 123
Bifuraction 57
Bijker, r. 124
Bistable potential 102
Blankenbecler, R. 18
Blau, m. 123
Bluhm, r. 124
Bohr magneton 113
Bohr, T. 109
Bolle, d. 18
Bonatsos, d. 123
Bordi, f. 37
Borisov, n.v. 53 63 123
Borkovec, M. 107
Bosonic annihilation operator 11
Bosonic creation operator 11
Bott, R. 18
Bouchaud, j.p. 124
Boundary condition 50
Boya, L.J. 123
Boyanovsky, d. 18
Bracken, A.J. 109 124
Brezin, E. 124
Brillouin, L. 69
Brink, l. 37
Brown, L.S. 93 104
Brownian motion 93
Brzezniak, z. 50
Callias, C. 17 18
Campbell, D.K. 67 71 74—76 123
Cannata, f. 124
Canonical momentum 41 47 98
Cartier, P. 50
Casahorran, j. 32
Casalbuoni, r. 9 37 47 123
Casher, A. 111
Cbc formula 74 78
Cecotti, s. 18 98
Charge 9
chemical potential 114
Classical path 68
Coleman, S. 2
Commutator 3
Comtet, a. 18 67 71 74—76 123 124
Conduction band 119
Conjugate point 69
Constant of motion 42
Constantinescu, F. 37 39
Cooper, F. 5 31 39 47 50 61 64 93 120 123
Corns, r. 124
Cornwell, J.F. 3 37 39
Crombrugghe, m., de 9 12 53
Cycon, h.l. 5 14 15 111 116 123
D'hoker, e. 110
Darboux method 58
Darboux, G. 58
Daskaloyannis, c. 123
Debergh, n. 123
Decay mode 102
Decay rate 97 101
Dedonder, j.p. 124
Degree of freedom bosonic 11 37
Degree of freedom fermionic 11 37
Deift, p.a. 16
Delange, o.l. 5 63
Delbourgo, R. 64
Density operator 113
Desbois, j. 124
Deser, S. 37
Determinant 50
Devoto, a. 85
DeWitt, B. 37 39
Dewitt-Morette, C. 50
Diffusion constant 94 97
Dirac algebra 117
Dirac bracket 48
Dirac equation 117
Dirac Hamiltonian 9 117—120
Dirac hamiltonian supersymmetric 117
Dirac matrices 117
Dirac, P.A.M. 47 48
Dolgallo, a.d. 123
Doran, c. 37 123
Dornhaus, r. 119
Doussal, le p. 124
Drift coefficient 94 97
Drift coefficient singular 107
Drift potential 97
Dunham, j.l. 69
Durand, s. 123
Dutt, r. 64 84 85
Dutta-roy, b. 123
Eckhardt, B. 71 74 76
Efetov, K.B. 109 124
Einstein, A. 93
Energy conservation of 40
Energy eigenfunctions approximate 69
Englefield, M.J. 102
Equation of motion 39
Erlangen program 1
Essential iso-spectral 16 25 55 97 118
Essler, f.h.l. 109 124
Euclidean space 9
Exact solution 58—66
Exner, p. 50
Ezawa, h. 42 81 98—100 124
Factorization condition 64
Factorization energy 54 58
Factorization method 63—65
| Faddeyev, l.d. 58
Fatyga, b.w. 123
Feigel'man, m.v. 93
Feldman, G. 85
Felsager, b. 69
Fermi energy 113
Fermi momentum 115
Fermion loop 52
Fermion-number operator 13
Fermionic momentum 47
Fermionic phase 40 43—46 70 74
Fermionic solution 46
Feynman, R.P. 10 47 49 50 67
Fischbeck, h.j. 124
Fischer, W. 34
Fisher, M.P.A. 109 124
Flux quantum 112
Fokker — Planck equation 94
Fokker, A.D. 94
Formal power counting 71
Fredholm index 17
Free particle 30
Freedman, b. 39 47 50 93
Fricke, s.h. 79
Friedan, D. 18 123
Froese, r.g. 5 14 15 111 116 123
Fuchs, j. 32 56
Fukui, t. 123
Fulton, t. 85
Gangopadhyaya, a. 58 64
Gardiner, C.W. 93
Gauge transformation 19
Gaussian distribution 94
Gel'fand, I.M. 58
Gelberg, a. 124
Gendenshtein, l.e. 5 53 60 61 63 64 110 123
Generalized annihilation operator 14 22 111
Generalized creation operator 14 22
Georges, A. 124
Gerry, c.c. 50
Gesztesy, f. 18
Gildner, e. 47 50 58
Giler, s. 58
Ginocchio, j.n. 61
Girardello, l. 18 98
Girvin, S.M. 109 124
Gol'fand, y.a. 3
Gould, m.d. 109
Govindarajan, t.r. 76
Gozzi, e. 24 55 58 101 123
Grading operator see “witten parity”
Graham, R. 98
Grassmann algebra 37
Grassmann algebra even element 38
Grassmann algebra generators 37
Grassmann algebra odd element 38
Grassmann number 38
Grassmann number adjoint 38
Grassmann number gauss formula 50
Grassmann number integration rules 50
Green function 67
Green function approximate 71 73
Green, H.S. 63
Groote, h.f., de 37 39
Gross, D.J. 124
Grosse, h. 5 15 18 58 63 86 123
Ground state 4 25
Ground state broken susy 8
Ground state classical 42
Ground state convention 25 63 66
Ground state degeneracy of 112
Ground state energy 8 54
Ground state good susy 8 16 23—24
Ground state negative 16 24
Ground state positive 16 24
Ground state wave function 24 25 55 83 101
Ground state wave function extrema of 56
Guhr, t. 123
Gull, s. 37 123
Gutzwiller, M.C. 68 69
Gyromagnetic factor 9 109 112
Haag, R. 3
Halse, p. 123
Hamilton's characteristic functional 69
Hamiltonian hierarchy of essential iso-spectral 58 60
Hamiltonian standard 53
Hanggi, P. 107
harmonic oscillator 75 77
Harmonic oscillator bosonic 11
Harmonic oscillator fermionic 11
Harmonic oscillator radial 33 65 80
Harmonic oscillator supersymmetric 11 29 83
Hatchell, p.j. 79
Hayn, r. 124
Helicity operator 110
Henneaux, M. 47
Hernandez, E. 124
Hibbs, A.R. 49 50 67
Hirayama, m. 18
Hoegh-krohn, r.j. 50
Hogreve, h. 116
Holten, j.w., van 13 58 123
Hongler — zheng model 64
Hongler, m.-o. 64 102
Howe, p. 37
Hull t.e. 63 64
Hydrogen atom 34 74
Iachello, f. 124
Igloi, f. 124
Iida, S. 123
Ilinski, k.n. 123
Imbo, t. 123
Ince, E.L. 54 55
Index heat kernel regularized 18 52
Index idos kernel regularized 18 113
Index resolvent kernel regularized 18
Infeld, L. 63 64
Infinite square well 34 83
Infinite square well broken susy 35
Infinite square well good susy 35
Inomata, a. 28 45 46 50 65 67 71 74 75 76 77 78 81 106 123
Instanton method 58
Integrated density of states 18
Intriligator, k. 5
Inverse scattering method 58
Inverse temperature 114
Inverted drift 95
Ioffe, m.v. 53 63
Isihara, A. 114 116
Ito interpretation 98 99
Itzykson, C. 124
Jaffe, A. 15 18 28
Jarvis, P.D. 18 64 109 120 124
Jatkar, d.p. 123
Jauslin, h.r. 102 124
Jevicki, a. 32 56
John, w. 124
Joseph, A. 63
Junker, g. 17 18 28 39 41 42 45 46 65 67 71 74 75 76 77 78 81 84 85 106 123 124
Kalinin, g.v. 123
Kampen, n.g., van 93—95 97
Kato, T. 17
Kaul, r.k. 58
Kernel 17
Keung, w.-y. 58 102 104 123
Khare, a. 5 31 61 64 75 76 81 84 85 120 123
Kihlberg, a. 98
Kirsch, w. 5 14 15 111 116 123
Klauder, J.R. 42 81 98—100 124
Klein, F. 1
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