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Grimmett G. — Percolation
Grimmett G. — Percolation

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Название: Percolation

Автор: Grimmett G.


Percolation theory is the study of an idealized random medium in two or more dimensions. It is a cornerstone of the theory of spatial stochastic processes with applications in such fields as statistical physics, epidemiology, and the spread of populations. Percolation plays a pivotal role in studying more complex systems exhibiting phase transition. The mathematical theory is mature, but continues to give rise to problems of special beauty and difficulty. The emphasis of this book is upon core mathematical material and the presentation of the shortest and most accessible proofs. The book is intended for graduate students and researchers in probability and mathematical physics. Almost no specialist knowledge is assumed beyond undergraduate analysis and probability. This new volume differs substantially from the first edition through the inclusion of much new material, including: the rigorous theory of dynamic and static renormalization; a sketch of the lace expansion and mean field theory; the uniqueness of the infinite cluster; strict inequalities between critical probabilities; several essays on related fields and applications; numerous other results of significant. There is a summary of the hypotheses of conformal invariance. A principal feature of the process is the phase transition. The subcritical and supercritical phases are studied in detail. There is a guide for mathematicians to the physical theory of scaling and critical exponents, together with selected material describing the current state of the rigorous theory. To derive a rigorous theory of the phase transition remains an outstanding and beautiful problem of mathematics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Математическая Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: second edition

Год издания: 1999

Количество страниц: 444

Добавлена в каталог: 24.04.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Isoperimetric inequality      284
Jacobs, D.J.      75 366
Jikov, V.V.      381—382
k-dependence      178 196
Kagome lattice      54
Kalai, G.      52
Kalikow, S.      355—356
Kantor, T.      75 364
Kapitulnik, A.      253
Kasteleyn, P.W.      8 34 51 115 394
Keane, M.      ix 51 198 204 229—230 239 345 348 354—357
Kesten, H.      ix—x 17 29—30 37—38 51 55 75—76 81 84—86 114—115 118 142—145 196 206 214 222 229—231 247—253 278—281 286—288 297 315 324—329 338 345—351 355 361 365—371 374 380—382
Kiinnemann, R.      381
Klein, S.T.      230
Klein, W.      249
Kolmogorov, A.N.      260
Kong, X.P.      383
Koplick, J.      367
Kotecky, R.      396
Kozlov, S.M.      381—382
Kunz, H.      139 145 222 231
Kuulasmaa, K.      393
Laanait, L.      396
Lace expansion      56 233 270 275 280
Langlands, R.P.      253 347
Large deviations      81 196 231 348 371
Large deviations for animals      81
Lattice      9
Lattice, definition      349
Lattice, dual pair      53 283
Lattice, line      24
Lattice, matching pair      345
Left-right crossing      50 179 226 294 295 315 346 388
Leftmost vertex      207
Lenormand, R.      367
Lerman, K.      367
Levin, D.      231
Licea, C.      371
Lieb, E.H.      115 144
Liggett, T.M.      193 196 230 368—370 393
Line graph, lattice      24
Local change      61
Loffler, A.      86
Long-range percolation      3 29 115
Long-range percolation in one dimension      351
Long-range percolation on half-space      355
Lorentz model      383
Lorentz, H.      382—383
Lowest      317
Luczak, T.      351
Lyons, R.      29 350 390
Madras, N.      30
Magnetic field      7 102 105
magnetization      23
Malyshev, V.A.      310
Mandelbrot, B.      386
Marstrand, J.M.      147—149 155 196 354 357
Martingale, convergence theorem      36
Martingale, method      311 312
Matching lattices      55 345
Mauldin, R.D.      387
Max-flow min-cut theorem      50 378
Maximum flow      378
McDiarmid, C.J.H.      51 350
McKay, B.      29 349
McLeish, D.L.      311
Mean cluster size      20 23 87 132 232
Mean cluster size, analyticity      142
Mean cluster size, differentiability      224
Mean cluster size, power law in two dimensions      325
Mean field theory      255 263 269
Mean size of finite cluster      23
Mean size of finite cluster, differentiability      224
Mean size of finite cluster, power law in two dimensions      325
Meester, R.      374 386—389
Meiron, D.      75 367
Menger's Theorem      91
Menshikov, M.V.      ix 29—30 75 88—89 115 253 278 348 373 385
Messager, A.      396
Method of moments      310 312
Miracle-Sole, S.      396
Mirror      382
Mixed percolation      29 350
Modica, L.      381
Molchanov, S.A.      29—30 88 115 373
Moore, E.F.      46 51
Morton, W.      vii
Mossel, E.      231
Motion      364
Murty, U.S.R.      285 345
Neaderhouser, C.C.      311
Newman, C.M.      x 22 29 75 86 115 130 133 144—147 163 170 174 196 210 229—231 252 263 268—271 278—279 311 325 347 350 353—357 369—371 396
Ney, P.E.      278
Nguyen, B.G.      86 278—279
Nienhuis, B.      279
Nijs, M.P.M. den      279
Ninham, B.W.      382
North-east lattice      367
Number of clusters per vertex      20 23 77 116 232 248 285 309
Number of clusters per vertex, analyticity      142 145 285
Number of clusters per vertex, central limit theorem      311
Number of clusters per vertex, differentiability      84 145 224 279 285 325
Oleinik, O.A.      381—382
Open cluster      11
Open cluster, largest      145
Open cluster, sequential construction      28 154 171 211
Open edge      10
Open path      11
Open path, longest      145
Oriented percolation      29 367
Oriented percolation in high dimensions      369
Origin      10 24 55 283
Ornstein — Zernike decay      127 145
Ornstein, L.S.      127 145
Orzechowski, M.E.      386
p-open edge      11 152 204 367
Papanicolaou, G.      381
Parallel law      394
Partial order      11
Partition      200
Partition function      116
Partition, compatible      200
Passage time      370
Path      11
Path, closed      11
Path, open      11
Path, self-avoiding      15 30
Path, self-repelling      66
Pearson, R.P.      279
Peierls argument      16 222
Peierls, R.      16 222
Pemantle, R.      230—231 390
Penrose, M.      196
Percolation      9
Percolation in half-spaces      162
Percolation in high dimensions      269
Percolation in slabs      147
Percolation in three dimensions      359
Percolation in three dimensions, area law      361
Percolation in three dimensions, duality      360
Percolation in three dimensions, perimeter law      361
Percolation in three dimensions, surfaces      359
Percolation in two dimensions      281
Percolation in two dimensions on subsets      303
Percolation in two dimensions, central limit theorems      309 311
Percolation in two dimensions, cluster size distribution      296
Percolation in two dimensions, continuity of $\theta$      288
Percolation in two dimensions, correlation length      304
Percolation in two dimensions, critical exponents      252 279
Percolation in two dimensions, critical probability equals $\frac{1}{2}$      87 114 285 287
Percolation in two dimensions, duality      283
Percolation in two dimensions, existence of open circuits      288
Percolation in two dimensions, number of clusters per vertex      285 309
Percolation in two dimensions, number of clusters per vertex, analyticity      285 325
Percolation in two dimensions, number of clusters per vertex, differentiability      279 285 325
Percolation in two dimensions, open circuits in annuli      314 316
Percolation in two dimensions, percolation probability      279
Percolation in two dimensions, percolation probability, non-differentiability      43 279
Percolation in two dimensions, power laws      324
Percolation in two dimensions, supercritical phase      295
Percolation in two dimensions, truncated connectivity function      295
Percolation in two dimensions, wedges      305
Percolation on trees      230 238 254 350
Percolation probability      13 23 24 232
Percolation probability for continuum percolation      373
Percolation probability for oriented percolation      368
Percolation probability, continuity      202
Percolation probability, critical exponent      233 270
Percolation probability, differentiability      224
Percolation probability, non-differentiability in two dimensions      43 279
Percolation probability, power law in two dimensions      325
Percolation, continuum      86 371
Percolation, dual process      281 284
Percolation, first-passage      29 369
Percolation, fractal      383 389
Percolation, high density      29
Percolation, inhomogeneous      3 29 331 350
Percolation, invasion      366
Percolation, long-range      3 29 115 351
Percolation, mixed      3 29 349 350
Percolation, oriented      29 367
Percolation, probability      12 23 24 232
Percolation, randomly oriented      369
Percolation, spread out      86 275 280 352
Peres, Y.      29 230—231 350 389—390
Periodic graph      349
Pernod      2
Peyriere, J.      387
Phase transition      253
Pichet, C.      347
Pin-ball      382
Pisztora, A.      196 231
Pivotal edge      42
Piza, M.S.T.      371 396
Planar duality      53 282 283 345
plaquette      360
Plaquette surface      359
Plaquette surface, boundary      360
Point at infinity      103
Poisson blob model      371
Poisson process      371
Pokorny, M.      75 367
Polymerization      374
Porous stone      1 313
positive correlation      34
Positive definite      270
Potts model      76 394
Potts, R.B.      76 394—396
Pouliot, P.      253 347
Power law      232 324
Power law in high dimensions      270 280
Power law, inequalities      324
Probability space      10
Proschan, F.      46 51
RADIUS      88 118 120 197 235
Radius, exponential decay      88 117 205
Radius, power law in two dimensions      324
Random walk      231 251
Random, electrical network      6 380
Random, electrical network, on complete graph      382
Random, electrical network, on tree      382
Random, medium      1
Random-cluster model      52 76 196 393
Random-walk point      384
RANGE      352
Rate of cure      391
Rate of infection      391
Redner, S.      249
Reed, M.      271
Reimer's inequality      39
Reimer, D.      38—39 51
Reliability theory      46
Renewal process      91
Renormalization      146 233 244 253
Renormalization, dynamic      147
Renormalization, static      147 176 196
Resistance      6
Reynolds, P.J.      249
Richardson, D.      370
Riedel, E.K.      279
Rightmost vertex      208
Rigid      365
Rigidity percolation      75 364
Rigidity percolation, component      366
Rigidity percolation, critical probability      365
Rigidity percolation, probability      365
Riischendorf, L.      51
Rogers, C.A.      349
Root      254
Rotator model      384
Roy, R.      374
RSW theorem      288 315 348
Rudin, W.      271
Ruelle, D.      352
Ruijgrok, T.W.      384
Ruiz, J.      396
runs      30
Russo's formula      33 43 46
Russo, L.      viii xi 30 33 41—46 50—52 61 90 102 105—106 109 114—115 196 203 224 229—231 263—265 271 281 287—288 291 314—317 322 345—348 360—361
Saint-Aubin, Y.      253 347
Scaling hypothesis for cluster size      239
Scaling hypothesis for connectivity function      240
Scaling relations      235 241 252 279
Scaling theory      232 233 239 252
Scheinerman, E.R.      351
Schick, M.      279
Schinazi, R.B.      8 393
Schonmann, R.H.      ix 30 193 196 206 214 230 297 347 350 369
Schramm, O.      29 253 350
Schulman, L.S.      229—231 354—356
Schwartz, J.T.      78 228
Seed      149 150 163
Self-avoiding path, walk      15 30
Self-duality      16 283
Self-matching lattice      55
Self-repelling path      66
Semiconductors      367
Series expansion for $p_c(d)$      75 280
Series law      394
Servatius, B.      365
Servatius, H.      365
Sevsek, F.      351
Seymour, P.D.      30 114—115 281 287—288 291 314—315 345 348
Shamir, E.      230
Shannon, C.E.      46 51
Shape theorem      370 392
Shlosman, S.      396
Side stacking      172
Sidorenko, A.F.      29—30 88 115 373
Sierpinski carpet      389
Simon — Lieb inequality      144
Simon, B.      144 271
Simultaneous uniqueness      229
Sinai, Ya. G.      383
Sink vertex      378
Site percolation      24 66 71 350
Site-box      155
Skeleton      135
Slab      66 146 196
Slab, critical probability of s.      146 148 361
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