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Williams R., Tollett J. — Podcasting and Blogging with GarageBand and iWeb |
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microphones, dynamic microphones
microphones, electret microphones
microphones, external microphones
microphones, Griffin iMic 2nd 3rd
microphones, internal microphones
microphones, internal microphones, does your Mac have one?
microphones, iSight camera, FireWire microphone included 2nd
microphones, lapel microphones
microphones, lavelier microphones
microphones, noise-filtering devices
microphones, phone jack connectors
microphones, plugs into Mac
microphones, record from multiple microphones
microphones, set input level
microphones, sound-condition your recording environment
microphones, sound-condition your recording environment, use a closet
microphones, suggestions for choosing
microphones, test your mic before recording
microphones, tips for good sound
microphones, wireless microphones
microphones, XLR microphones, how to connect
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
MIDI, onscreen MIDI keyboard
mix your podcast [See also tracks; recording your podcast; regions.]
Mixer column
Mixer column, ducking feature
Mixer column, if it isn't visible, click triangle
Mixer column, Mixer tools 2nd
movie files
movie files, drag from Media Browser into GarageBand 2nd
movie files, organize before placing
musical typing
navigation bar
navigation bar, links to other pages
navigation bar, page names in nav bar
navigation bar, page names in nav bar, all pages in Site Organizer are listed
navigation bar, page names in nav bar, order in Site Organizer is order in nav bar
navigation bar, prevent a page from appearing in the nav bar
navigation bar, prevent a page from showing the nav bar
non-destructive editing 2nd
numbered lists, automatic
opacity, make a graphic transparent
organize your assets
pages in iWeb
pages in iWeb, delete a page
pages in iWeb, delete unwanted pages from iDisk
pages in iWeb, Photos page
pages in iWeb, prevent from appearing in the navigation bar
pages in iWeb, rename the pages 2nd
pan settings
parental advisory on your podcasts 2nd
password-protect your site 2nd
phantom power 2nd
photos and images
photos and images, assets, organize them before you podcast
photos and images, borders on 2nd 3rd
photos and images, color fill 2nd
photos and images, crop a photo or image
photos and images, drag into iWeb
photos and images, handles on
photos and images, in podcast
photos and images, in podcast, add photos and images to it
photos and images, in podcast, add URL to image
photos and images, in podcast, create chapter markers
photos and images, in podcast, crop and resize
photos and images, in podcast, file formats for
photos and images, masks
photos and images, masks, add or remove a mask
photos and images, masks, add photos to a web page, not in a mask
photos and images, masks, how to work with images in a mask
photos and images, masks, select a photo or image in a mask
photos and images, opacity of, make transparent
photos and images, Photos page
photos and images, Photos page, rearrange and rename photos on
photos and images, Photos page, slideshow on
photos and images, reflection of on web page 2nd
photos and images, replace placeholder photos or images
photos and images, resize a photo or image
photos and images, resize a photo or image by hand
photos and images, resize a photo or image by numbers
photos and images, rotate a photo or image
photos and images, rotate a photo or image by hand
photos and images, rotate a photo or image by numbers
photos and images, shadows on 2nd
photos and images, slideshow, create one
photos and images, transparency
photos and images, wrap text around a graphic
Photos page
Photos page, rearrange, rename photos
Photos page, slideshow on
pitch, raise or lower a selected region
podcast directories
podcast directories, add yours to iTunes
podcast directories, add yours to various directories
podcast directories, popular directories
Podcast Inspector 2nd
Podcast Inspector, remove podcast from iTunes
podcasts, in GarageBand
podcasts, in GarageBand, "Send Podcast to iWeb"
podcasts, in GarageBand, artist, author of podcast
podcasts, in GarageBand, artwork that represents your podcast
podcasts, in GarageBand, create a new one
podcasts, in GarageBand, export your podcast to a disk
podcasts, in GarageBand, parental advisory on your podcasts 2nd
podcasts, in GarageBand, podcast can't be subscribed to if
podcasts, in GarageBand, post it on your iWeb site
podcasts, in GarageBand, recording your podcast
podcasts, in GarageBand, recording your podcast, closet as recording studio
podcasts, in GarageBand, recording your podcast, iChat, record an interview to podcast
podcasts, in GarageBand, RSS feed, your URL for an RSS feed
podcasts, in GarageBand, saved into the GarageBand folder
podcasts, in GarageBand, send it to your iTunes
podcasts, in GarageBand, series artist of podcast
podcasts, in GarageBand, submit your podcast to iTunes
podcasts, in GarageBand, submit your podcast to iTunes, remove a podcast from
podcasts, in GarageBand, video podcasts
podcasts, in GarageBand, video podcasts, drag file into Video Track
podcasts, in GarageBand, video podcasts, how to make one
podcasts, in GarageBand, web address for, URL
podcasts, in general
podcasts, in general, directories for finding podcasts
podcasts, in general, episodes and series
podcasts, in general, hissing sound in the background
podcasts, in general, iTunes podcast directory
podcasts, in general, iTunes podcast directory, how to use it
podcasts, in general, iTunes podcast directory, submit your podcast to
podcasts, in general, length of, usually
podcasts, in general, listening to podcasts, how to
podcasts, in general, promoting your blog
podcasts, in general, search the text of podcasts
podcasts, in general, size of audio and video podcast files
podcasts, in general, video podcasts
podcasts, in general, video podcasts, brief explanation
podcasts, in general, video podcasts, how to make one
podcasts, in general, vlog, video blog
podcasts, in general, what are they?
podcasts, in general, why have one?
podcasts, in iWeb
podcasts, in iWeb, Archive page
podcasts, in iWeb, artist of, series artist
podcasts, in iWeb, Entries page
podcasts, in iWeb, Entries page, edit your podcast entries page
podcasts, in iWeb, Entries page, make new entries, delete, change date of
podcasts, in iWeb, iTunes Music Store submission
podcasts, in iWeb, iTunes Music Store submission, how to do it
podcasts, in iWeb, iTunes Music Store submission, Podcast Inspector checkbox
podcasts, in iWeb, overview of the process in creating a podcast
podcasts, in iWeb, parental advisory of
podcasts, in iWeb, plan before you start recording
| podcasts, in iWeb, Podcast pages
podcasts, in iWeb, Podcast pages, page that visitors see
podcasts, in iWeb, Podcast pages, set of three pages
podcasts, in iWeb, publish the podcasts [See also publish your site.]
podcasts, in iWeb, publish the podcasts, quick start
pop filter for microphone
PowerBook, analog audio input port
publish your site
publish your site, detailed directions
publish your site, if you have more than one .Mac account
publish your site, publish to a .Mac Group page
publish your site, publish to another server
publish your site, publish to HomePage
publish your site, quick start
publish your site, republish the entire site
publish your site, web address of your site
Radio Sounds
Radio Sounds, add lots of sound effects to
Radio Sounds, green Software Instrument track
Real Instruments
Real Instruments, blue loops and tracks
Real Instruments, what are they?
Really Simple Syndication
recording your podcast [See also regions; tracks.]
recording your podcast, "Go to the beginning" button
recording your podcast, add artwork to your podcast
recording your podcast, artwork in, file formats for
recording your podcast, audio clips are regions
recording your podcast, chapters and chapter markers, how to create them
recording your podcast, cycle region, how to use it 2nd
recording your podcast, even out the sound
recording your podcast, listen to what you recorded
recording your podcast, mix your podcast
recording your podcast, playback buttons 2nd
recording your podcast, preview it in GarageBand
recording your podcast, reduce ambient noise
recording your podcast, start and stop recording buttons 2nd
recording your podcast, title of project
recording your podcast, web address in image marker
red button in window has a black dot in it
red crystal ball in Site Organizer
red dot in track in GarageBand
red number in Dock, iWeb application
red page icons in Site Organizer 2nd
reflection of a graphic image
regions, audio clips are regions
regions, before you move or rearrange them
regions, cut and paste regions
regions, delete an entire region
regions, delete part of a region
regions, duplicate regions
regions, overlap regions
regions, pause between regions
regions, rearrange regions
regions, recover audio that was overlapped
regions, recover audio that you removed 2nd
regions, shorten a region
regions, split a long recording into smaller segments
Roach, Louise
RSS feeds
RSS feeds, how to subscribe to a blog
RSS feeds, how to subscribe to a podcast
RSS feeds, if publishing to a different server
RSS feeds, Inspector palette for 2nd
RSS feeds, your URL for an RSS feed
Russell, Ron
Samson, CO1U condenser microphone
Samson, transmitter and receiver
search field on page, how to add one
series, what are they?
shadows on graphic images 2nd
signatures in email addresses
Site Organizer
Site Organizer, Blog, set of three pages
Site Organizer, blue page icons in 2nd
Site Organizer, blue round icon to right of site name
Site Organizer, choose pages in
Site Organizer, crystal ball icon in
Site Organizer, order of pages is the order in the nav bar
Site Organizer, red page icons in 2nd
Site Organizer, rename a page
Site Organizer, rename a site
sites, delete everything you ever did in iWeb
sites, delete one of your iWeb sites
sites, password-protect your site
sites, publish to your .Mac account
sites, publish to your .Mac account, if you have more than one account
sites, publish to your .Mac account, quick start
sites, publish to your .Mac account, refresh the page to see changes
sites, publish to your .Mac account, republish the entire site
sites, publish your site elsewhere
sites, publish your site elsewhere, publish to a .Mac Group page
sites, publish your site elsewhere, publish to another server
sites, publish your site elsewhere, publish to HomePage
sites, rename the sites
sites, stored in Domain.sites file 2nd
sites, update your site from another computer
sites, web address of your site
slideshow in iWeb, how to create one
Software Instruments
Software Instruments, green loops and tracks
Software Instruments, MIDI devices are
Software Instruments, what are they?
Sony ECM-MS907 electret condenser microphone
sound effect filters
Sound preferences
Sound preferences, check to see if you have an internal mic
Sound preferences, set input level for microphone
Speech Enhancer effect
SpiderWorks Press
submit your podcast to directories 2nd
subscribe to a blog, how to
subscribe to a podcast
subscribe to a podcast, how to subscribe
subscribe to a podcast, what does it mean?
Tascam US-122 2nd
Technorati.com 2nd
templates, choosing a template
templates, replace placeholder photos and images
Text Inspector
Text Inspector, formatting you can do with it 2nd
text on iWeb page
text on iWeb page, bulleted lists, automatic
text on iWeb page, change size, color, font, style
text on iWeb page, create a new text block for typing in
text on iWeb page, inset margin
text on iWeb page, numbered lists, automatic
text on iWeb page, replace placeholder text
text on iWeb page, sophisticated text formatting with Inspector
text on iWeb page, wrap text around a graphic
timeline, measures in
timeline, where is it?
Tollett, John
Track Editor
Track Editor, button to hide or show
Track Editor, close-up view explained
Track Editor, create chapter markers
Track Editor, how to show or hide it
Track Info pane
Track Info pane, how to show or hide it
Track Info pane, preview your podcast
Track Info pane, what it displays depends on which track is selected
tracks, backing track
tracks, blue tracks, Real Instrument tracks
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