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Williams R., Tollett J. — Podcasting and Blogging with GarageBand and iWeb |
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"No Artwork Available" 2nd
"Publish to a Folder"
"Send Podcast to iWeb"
"Start Slideshow"
.Mac account
.Mac account, buy more bandwidth
.Mac account, Family Packs available
.Mac account, how to get one 2nd
.Mac account, iDisk
.Mac account, iDisk, buy more storage space
.Mac account, iDisk, check how much space you've used
.Mac account, if you have more than one
.Mac account, podcast data transfer limits
.Mac account, publish to your .Mac account
ambient noise, reduce it on recording
announce your new site 2nd
artist, author of podcast 2nd 3rd 4th
assets, organize them before you podcast
attachments, allow visitors to upload
audio blog, it's a podcast
audio interface
audio interface, connector for microphones
audio interface, Griffin iMic 2nd 3rd
audio interface, miniature audio interface
audio interface, record with multiple microphones
audio interface, Tascam US-122 2nd
audio-input port on a Mac
backing track
bandwidth, issues with lengthy audio files
bandwidth, podcast data transfer limits
Behringer studio condenser microphone C-1
Blog Inspector
blogs, in general
blogs, in general, directories for finding blogs
blogs, in general, promoting your blog
blogs, in general, promoting your blog, directories for submitting
blogs, in general, promoting your blog, Guy Kawasaki's tips on
blogs, in general, submit your blog address to directories
blogs, in general, what are they?
blogs, in general, why have a blog?
blogs, in iWeb
blogs, in iWeb, Archive page
blogs, in iWeb, Blog page
blogs, in iWeb, blog page, create one
blogs, in iWeb, Blog page, set of three pages
blogs, in iWeb, Blog page, what your visitors will see
blogs, in iWeb, comments on your blog
blogs, in iWeb, comments on your blog, allow visitors to leave comments 2nd
blogs, in iWeb, comments on your blog, delete them
blogs, in iWeb, date, change the date of your entries
blogs, in iWeb, delete a blog entry
blogs, in iWeb, edit your blog 2nd
blogs, in iWeb, edit your blog, changes don't appear on the page?
blogs, in iWeb, email links, visitors can leave theirs on your blog
blogs, in iWeb, Entries page
blogs, in iWeb, Entries page, add a new blog entry 2nd
blogs, in iWeb, Entries page, edit your blog entries 2nd
blogs, in iWeb, excerpts of blogs
blogs, in iWeb, excerpts of blogs, determine the length of
blogs, in iWeb, excerpts of blogs, where the excerpts appear
blogs, in iWeb, overview of the process in creating a blog
blogs, in iWeb, publish your blog
blogs, in iWeb, publish your blog, detailed directions
blogs, in iWeb, publish your blog, quick start
blogs, in iWeb, search field on your web page
blogs, in iWeb, update your blog 2nd
blogs, in iWeb, what you need to create a blog using this book
blue crystal ball in Site Organizer
blue page icons in Site Organizer 2nd
blue round icon in Site Organizer
blue tracks
borders on photos and images
borders on photos and images, examples of 2nd
borders on photos and images, Graphic Inspector, use it to apply border
browser doesn't display changes to site
bulleted lists, automatic
Carter, Ross
chapter markers
chapter markers in iMovie to GarageBand
chapter markers in podcasts
Clayton Funny Guy
clipping indicator lights 2nd
comments on your blog
comments on your blog, allow visitors to make comments 2nd
comments on your blog, delete them
Compressor effect
Cowne, Donald
crystal ball in Site Organizer
crystal ball on Desktop or Finder window
curved arrow on corner handle
cycle region
cycle region, button for
cycle region, how to use it
Details triangle, where is it?
Dock, iWeb application shows a red number
Dock, System Preferences icon in
Domain.sites file 2nd
dot Mac account [See .Mac account.]
downloadable files
downloadable files, attachments, allow visitors to upload 2nd
downloadable files, create a link to a file
downloadable files, deletes ones your visitors have uploaded
editing your podcast
electret microphones
email, address to Apple iTunes
email, link to, create one on an iWeb page
email, signatures in email addresses
email, visitors can leave their email links on your blog
enhanced podcast
episodes, artist name, in Podcast Inspector 2nd
episodes, artwork well for graphics
episodes, episode info for iTunes, add in GarageBand
episodes, plan them before you record
episodes, what are they? 2nd
excerpts of blogs
excerpts of blogs, length of
excerpts of blogs, where the excerpts appear
files, allow visitors to upload files to your blog
files, create a link to a file on an iWeb page
Fonts button, Fonts palette
force reload the browser page
Forward button
GarageBand, absolute time
GarageBand, controls in, explained
GarageBand, iLife suite software
GarageBand, instrument tuner
GarageBand, musical time
GarageBand, podcasts, creating in [See Chapters 46; tracks; recording your podcast; podcasts in
GarageBand, preferences for podcasting
GarageBand, recording, sound wave is flat
GarageBand, revert to saved file
GarageBand, Share menu
GarageBand, tracks [See also tracks.]
GarageBand, tracks, what are they?
GarageBand, transfer audio from video camera to GarageBand
GarageBand, video podcasts, use iMovie and GarageBand
gold diamonds in GarageBand timeline
green tracks
Griffin iMic 2nd 3rd
Group page, publish your iWeb site to 2nd
handles on images
| headphones
Hein, Simeon
Hyperlinks [See links on iWeb pages.]
iChat, record an interview to podcast
iDisk, audio files take lots of your space
iDisk, buy more bandwidth
iDisk, buy more storage space
iDisk, clean it out of excess iWeb files
iDisk, crystal ball icon of
iDisk, icon in Sidebar 2nd
iDisk, storage amount you've used
iLife software package
iMovie, create a movie for a video podcast
iMovie, transfer sound from video to GarageBand
Inspector palettes
Inspector palettes, Blog
Inspector palettes, button to open 2nd 3rd
Inspector palettes, Graphic 2nd
Inspector palettes, Link 2nd
Inspector palettes, Metrics
Inspector palettes, Page
Inspector palettes, Password 2nd
Inspector palettes, Podcast 2nd 3rd
Inspector palettes, RSS 2nd
Inspector palettes, Site
Inspector palettes, Text Inspector
Inspector palettes, Text Inspector, List pane
Inspector palettes, Text Inspector, Text pane 2nd
Inspector palettes, Text Inspector, Wrap pane
Inspector palettes, tool tips in toolbar
iPhoto albums
iPhoto albums for iWeb slideshow
iPhoto albums, organize your assets
iSight camera
iSight camera, built-in iSight has better sound
iSight camera, FireWire microphone included
iTunes, episode info, add in GarageBand
iTunes, GarageBand preferences for playlist
iTunes, Music Store podcast directory
iTunes, Music Store podcast directory, artwork that represents your podcast
iTunes, Music Store podcast directory, how to use it
iTunes, Music Store podcast directory, remove a podcast from
iTunes, Music Store podcast directory, submission checkbox in Podcast Inspector 2nd
iTunes, Music Store podcast directory, submit your podcast to 2nd
iTunes, playlist, organize your songs
iTunes, podcast directory, submit your podcast to
iTunes, podcast subscription preferences
iTunes, podcasts shown in
iTunes, unsubscribe from a podcast series
iWeb, customize your pages
iWeb, delete everything in iWeb
iWeb, Domain.sites file 2nd
iWeb, Fonts button in toolbar, Fonts palette
iWeb, help files in
iWeb, iLife suite software
iWeb, links, how to make 2nd
iWeb, masks, how to work with 2nd
iWeb, Photos page
iWeb, publish your site
iWeb, publish your site, publish to a .Mac Group page
iWeb, publish your site, publish to another server
iWeb, publish your site, publish to HomePage
iWeb, publish your site, quick start
iWeb, publish your site, republish the entire site
iWeb, resources on web
iWeb, sites in iWeb
iWeb, sites in iWeb, all sites always open at once
iWeb, sites in iWeb, changes don't appear on the web page
iWeb, sites in iWeb, delete a page
iWeb, sites in iWeb, delete everything in iWeb
iWeb, sites in iWeb, delete one of your iWeb sites
iWeb, sites in iWeb, more than one site, you can create many 2nd
iWeb, sites in iWeb, names of, no spaces in
iWeb, sites in iWeb, password-protect your site 2nd
iWeb, sites in iWeb, publish to your .Mac account
iWeb, sites in iWeb, rename a site 2nd
iWeb, sites in iWeb, update your site from another computer
iWeb, sites in iWeb, web address of your site
iWeb, Text button in toolbar
iWeb, text on web page
iWeb, text on web page, change size, color, font, style
iWeb, text on web page, replace placeholder text
iWeb, web address on iWeb page
iWeb, web address on iWeb page, address of your iWeb site
iWeb, web address on iWeb page, to avoid a long address, add Welcome page
iWeb, Welcome page, add one
jingles, add sounds to the Jingles track
jingles, loop (repeat) a jingle
Kawasaki, Guy
keyboard shortcuts, where to find more
keyboard, use it to make sounds and music
Kiah, Hope
Kusel, Denise
lapel microphones
latency, reduce it
lavalier microphones
lead track
links on iWeb pages
links on iWeb pages, how to make links
links on iWeb pages, Link Inspector
links on iWeb pages, turn them off so you can edit the text
links on iWeb pages, types of links that you can create
Lobaugh, Clayton
Logitech USB desktop microphone
loop (repeat) a jingle
Loop Browser
Loop Browser, button to hide or show
Loop Browser, green or blue loops, where they can go
Loop Browser, view different panes
Macs on the Go, book and blog
Mark, Dave
markers, graphics in Podcast Track
marketing, promoting
marketing, promoting, blogs and podcasts
marketing, promoting, Web Marketing Mavens
Mary Sidney Society
masks, add or remove a mask
masks, add photos without masks
masks, how to work with images in a mask
measure, what is it?
Media Browser
Media Browser, display of assets
Media Browser, GarageBand
Media Browser, GarageBand, drag a folder of movies into it
Media Browser, GarageBand, how to show or hide it
Media Browser, GarageBand, up-close view of
Media Browser, iWeb
Media Browser, iWeb, albums for a slideshow
Media Browser, iWeb, button to open it
Media Browser, iWeb, iWeb displays your photos in
Media Browser, where the Media Browsers appear
Meilander, Amy
microphones, audio interface 2nd 3rd
microphones, Cannon X series
microphones, choose yours in GarageBand preferences
microphones, condenser microphones
microphones, connection types
microphones, digital video camera as mic
microphones, do you need one to podcast? 2nd
microphones, does your Mac have one?
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