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Watson G.N. — Treatise on the theory of Bessel functions |
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Products of Bessel functions, expansions of arbitrary functions into series of 525 572
Products of Bessel functions, integrals representing 31 150 221 438 439 440 441 445 446 448
Products of Bessel functions, series of 30 151 152
Products of Weierstrassian factors, Bessel functions expressed as 497
Puiseux, V. 559
Quotient of Bessel functions, expressed as a continued fraction 153 154 303
Radius vector of an orbit, expansion as trigonometrical series of the mean anomaly 6 13 552 553 554
Raffy, L. 94
Ramanujan's integrals of Bessel functions with respect to their order 449
Ramanujan's method of evaluating definite integrals 382
Ramanujan, S. 382 449
Random flights, problem of 419
Rank of Bessel functions and cylinder functions 129
Rawson, R. 91
Rayleigh, Lord 50 55 56 74 95 137 155 157 189 230 231 233 331 333 374 389 395 419 421 477 502 510 511 616 618 660
Real variables, expansions of arbitrary functions of see “Dini series” “Fourier “Neumann “Schloemilch
Reality of zeros of Bessel functions 482 483 511
Reciprocation formulae for Lommel's functions of two variables 542
Recurrence formulae see also “Functional equations” “Hemi-cylindrical “Three-term
Recurrence formulae for Anger's functions 311
Recurrence formulae for Bessel coefficients 17
Recurrence formulae for Bessel functions of the first kind 45
Recurrence formulae for Bessel functions of the second kind 66 71
Recurrence formulae for Bessel functions of the third kind 74
Recurrence formulae for Bessel functions with imaginary argument 79
Recurrence formulae for Bourget's functions 326
Recurrence formulae for Cauchy's numbers 325
Recurrence formulae for cylinder functions 82
Recurrence formulae for Gegenbauer's polynomials 283
Recurrence formulae for Lommel's functions 348
Recurrence formulae for Lommel's functions of two variables 539
Recurrence formulae for Lommel's polynomials 298 303
Recurrence formulae for Neumann's polynomials 274
Recurrence formulae for Neumann's polynomials 283
Recurrence formulae for Schlaefli's functions 71 342 343
Recurrence formulae for Schlaefli's polynomials 285
Recurrence formulae for Struve's functions 329
Recurrence formulae for Weber's functions 311
Recurrence formulae for Whittaker's functions 339
Reduced functions, Cailler's 536
Remainders in asymptotic expansions, magnitudes of 206 211 236 314 332 352
Remainders in asymptotic expansions, signs of 206 207 209 215 315 333
Remainders in asymptotic expansions, Stieltjes' approximations to 213
Repetition of zeros of Bessel functions and cylinder functions, impossibility of 479
Riccati's differential equation 1 2 85—94
Riccati's differential equation, connexion with Bessel's equation 1 90
Riccati's differential equation, equation cognate to 91
Riccati's differential equation, generalised 3 92 94
Riccati's differential equation, generalised, cross-ratio of solutions 94
Riccati's differential equation, generalised, equivalence with the linear equation of the second order 92
Riccati's differential equation, generalised, singularities of 94
Riccati's differential equation, generalised, soluble by various numbers (two, one or none) of quadratures 3 93
Riccati's differential equation, limiting form of 86
Riccati's differential equation, soluble cases of (D. Bernoulli's) 85
Riccati's differential equation, soluble cases of, exhausted by D. Bernoulli's formula and its limit 123
Riccati's differential equation, solutions by various mathematicians (Buler) 87
Riccati's differential equation, solutions by various mathematicians (Cayley) 88
Riccati's differential equation, solutions by various mathematicians (D. Bernoulli) 2 85 89
Riccati's differential equation, solutions by various mathematicians (Schlaefli) 90
Riccati's differential equation, solved by means of infinite series by James Bernoulli 1
Riccati's differential equation, transformations of 86
Riccati, J.F. 1 2 3 85 86 87 88 94
Riemann — Lebesgue lemma, analogues of the 457 471 589 599
Riemann's theorem on trigonometrical series, analogues for Schloemilch series 642 647
Riemann's theorem, analogues for series of Fourier — Bessel and Dini 649
Riemann, G.F.B. 80 158 172 203 229 235 427 457 486 623 637 649
Riesz, M. 606 614
Rodrigues' transformation see “Jacobi's transformation”
Rodrigues, O. 27
Roehrs, J.H. 10
Rudski, P. 477 508
Russell, A. 81 82 204
Rutgers, J.G. 373 374 375 376 380 579
Rybczynski, W. von 56 225 449
Sasaki, S. 507
Savidge, H.G. 82 204 658
Schafheitlin's discontinuous infinite integral 398 402 405 406 408 411
Schafheitlin's integrals, representing Bessel functions and cylinder functions 168 169 490 491 493
Schafheitlin, P. 64 137 142 168 169 207 215 373 391 392 398 401 402 406 408 421 447 477 479 482 485 487 489 490 491 492 493 494 508 510 543
Scheibner, W. 6
Schlaefli's functions and 71 340 343
Schlaefli's functions of negative order 343
Schlaefli's functions, addition theorems for 344 345
Schlaefli's functions, differential equations, satisfied by 342 343
Schlaefli's functions, recurrence formulae for 71 342 343
Schlaefli's hypergeometric function 90
Schlaefli's polynomial 284 286
Schlaefli's polynomial, addition theorem for 289
Schlaefli's polynomial, connexion with Neumann's polynomial 285 286
Schlaefli's polynomial, Crelier's integral representation of 288
Schlaefli's polynomial, differential equation, satisfied by 285
Schlaefli's polynomial, expression by means of Bessel functions 287
Schlaefli's polynomial, expression in terms of Lommel's function 350
Schlaefli's polynomial, integrals evaluated in terms of 350
Schlaefli's polynomial, recurrence formulae for 285
Schlaefli's solution of Riccati's equation 90
Schlaefli, L. 10 14 27 28 30 32 33 63 64 65 67 72 79 90 91 143 145 151 160 171 174 175 176 178 179 181 185 195 196 215 216 228 253 274 276 278 284 285 286 288 289 290 341 342 344 345 508 577 579 581 582 583 585
Schloemilch series 618—649
Schloemilch series, definition of 621
Schloemilch series, definition of generalised 623
Schloemilch series, expansion of an arbitrary function of a real variable into 619 623 629
Schloemilch series, nature of convergence of 637 645
Schloemilch series, null-functions, expressed by 634
Schloemilch series, Riemann's theorem on trigonometrical series (analogue of) 642 647
Schloemilch series, special cases of 632
Schloemilch series, symbolic operators in the theory of 626 627
Schloemilch series, theory of functions of complex variables connected with 623
Schloemilch series, uniqueness of 643 647
Schloemilch, O.X. 14 18 33 34 35 36 153 173 183 617 618 619 621 622 628 655 656
Schoenholzer, J.J. 145
Schott, G.A. 551 556 572 573
Schwarz, K.H.A. 358 643
Schwarzschild, K. 361
Schwerd, F.M. 477 654
Searle, J.H.C. 199
Segar, H.W. 483
Series containing Bessel functions see “Dini series” “Fourier “Kapteyn “Neumann “Schloemilch
Series of Bessel functions, definition of 580
Series of positive terms, approximation to the sum of (greatest term method) 8
Serret, J.A. 171 173 188
Sharpe's differential equation 105
Sharpe's differential equation, solution by generalised hypergeometric functions 105
Sharpe, H.J. 105 157
Sheppard, W.F. 199 454 579 595 615
Siacci, F. 92
Siemon, P. 328 398
Sign of remainders in asymptotic expansions 206 207 209 215 315 333 449
Sign of Struve's function 337 417
Sine-integral, expressed as a series of squares of Bessel coefficients 152
Singularities of functions defined by Neumann series (Pincherle's theorem) 526
Singularities of the generalised Riccati equation 94
Smallest zeros of Bessel functions 5 500 516
Smith, Bernard A. 655
Smith, Clara E. 621
Smith, Otto Andreas 50
Sommerfeld's expansion see “Kneser — Sommerfeld expansion”
Sommerfeld, A.J.W. 56 57 178 361 389 395 406 417 464 499
Sonine — Mehler integrals, representing Bessel functions 169 170
Sonine's definite integral 373
Sonine's definite integral, generalised 382
Sonine's discontinuous infinite integrals 415
Sonine's infinite integrals 432
Sonine, N.J. 82 83 132 137 139 143 169 170 171 175 176 177 180 279 280 281 290 353 354 362 363 367 373 374 375 376 377 378 383 386 391 394 395 398 401 411 415 417 418 431 432 433 434 439 454
Sound, Sharpe's differential equation in the theory of 105
Spherical geometry, used to express Bessel functions as limits of Legendre functions 155
Spherical geometry, used to obtain transformations of integrals 51 374 376 378
Spitzer, S. 68 71 153
Squares of Bessel functions see “Products of Bessel functions”
Stability of a vertical pole associated with Bessel functions of order one-third 96
Stationary phase, applied to Bessel functions 231 233
| Stationary phase, method of 225 229
Stearn, H. 482 621
Steepest descents, applied to Bessel functions 237 241 244 245 262
Steepest descents, applied to functions of Anger and Weber 316
Steepest descents, applied to Struve's function 333
Steepest descents, connexion with Laplace's method of approximation 421
Steepest descents, method of 235
Steiner, L. 655 661
Steinthal, A.E. 171 387
Stephenson, A. 579
Stern, M.A. 500
Stieltjes, T.J. 195 196 207 208 209 213 214 464
Stokes' method of computing zeros of Bessel functions and cylinder functions 503 505 507
Stokes' phenomenon of the discontinuity of arbitrary constants 201 203 238 336
Stokes, George Gabriel 8 12 53 55 68 69 70 80 95 97 188 189 195 201 202 225 229 238 320 324 336 391 405 503 505 507 605 659
Strutt, J.W. see “Eayleigh”
Struve's function 328
Struve's function of order ±(n + 1/2) 333
Struve's function with imaginary argument 329 332
Struve's function with large argument and order, asymptotic expansions of 333
Struve's function with large argument, asymptotic expansions of 332
Struve's function , connexion with Weber's function 336
Struve's function , differential equation, satisfied by 329
Struve's function , inequalities connected with 328
Struve's function , infinite integrals containing 392 397 417 425 436
Struve's function , integral representations of 328 330
Struve's function , occurrence in generalised Schloemilch series 622 623 631 645 646 647
Struve's function , recurrence formulae for 329
Struve's function , sign of 337 417
Struve's function , tables of 663 666—697
Struve's function , Theisinger's integral for 338
Struve's function , zeros of 479
Struve's infinite integrals 396 397 421
Struve, H. 328 329 333 337 392 396 397 417 661
Sturm's methods of Lommel's polynomials 304 305 306
Sturm's methods, applied to determine the reality of zeros of Bessel functions 483
Sturm's methods, applied to estimate the value of the smallest zero of Bessel functions and cylinder functions 517 518
Sturm, J.C.F. 304 477 479 517 518 521
Suchar, P.J. 90
Svanberg, A.F. 173
Symbolic operators in expressions representing Bessel functions 50 170
Symbolic operators in expressions representing solutions of various differential equations 41 51 108
Symbolic operators in the theory of Schloemilch series 627
Tables (references to) of Airy's integral 659
Tables of 663 698—713
Tables of Bessel coefficients and functions, derivable from them 654 655 656 658
Tables of Bessel coefficients of order n 664 730—732
Tables of Bessel coefficients of orders 0 and 1 662 666—697
Tables of Bessel coefficients with equal order and argument 664 746
Tables of Bessel functions of orders n + 1/2, -n - 1/2 658 659
Tables of Bessel functions of orders ±1/3, ±2/3 659
Tables of Bessel functions of orders ±1/4, ±3/4 659
Tables of Bessel functions of the first kind of order 1/3 664 714—729
Tables of Bessel functions of the first kind of orders n + 1/2, -n - 1/2 664 740—741
Tables of Bessel functions of the second kind 655 656 658
Tables of Bessel functions of the second kind of order 1/3 664 714—729
Tables of Bessel functions of the second kind of order n 664 732—735
Tables of Bessel functions of the second kind of orders 0 and 1 662 666—697
Tables of Bessel functions of the second kind with equal order and argument 664 747
Tables of Bessel functions of the third kind 657
Tables of Bessel functions of the third kind of order 1/3 664 714—729
Tables of Bessel functions of the third kind of orders 0 and 1 662 666—697
Tables of Bessel functions with imaginary argument 657 658
Tables of Bessel functions with imaginary argument of order 1/3 664 714—729
Tables of Bessel functions with imaginary argument of order n 664 736 737—739
Tables of Bessel functions with imaginary argument of orders 0 and 1 663 698—713
Tables of Fresnel's integrals 661 664 744—745
Tables of integrals of Bessel functions and Struve's functions 661
Tables of integrals of Bessel functions of order zero 664 752
Tables of Lommel's functions of two variables 660
Tables of Struve's functions of orders 0 and 1 663 666—697
Tables of Thomson's functions ber x and bei x, etc. 658
Tables of zeros of Bessel coefficients and functions of integral order n and of order 1 664 748—751
Tables of zeros of Bessel coefficients, functions and associated functions 659 660
Takeuchi, T. 313
Tannery, J. 11 156 302
Theisinger's integral representation of Bessel functions 184
Theisinger's integral representation of Struve's and Weber's functions 338
Theisinger, L. 184 185 338
Thomson's (Sir William) functions with large argument, asymptotic expansions of 203
Thomson's (Sir William) functions, ber z, bei z 81
Thomson's (Sir William) functions, connexion with Bessel functions 81
Thomson's (Sir William) functions, generalisations 81
Thomson's (Sir William) functions, references to tables of 658
Thomson's (Sir William) functions, squares and products of 82 148
Thomson, Joseph John 65 173
Thomson, William see “Kelvin”
Three-term relations connecting Bessel functions, cylinder functions and Lommel's polynomials 300 301
Tisserand, F. 371
Todhunter, L. 27 157 199
Transcendants, elementary, definition of 111
Transcendants, order of 111
Transcendants, solutions of differential equations by 112
Transitional regions, associated with Bessel functions of large order 248
Turriere, E. 15
Unferdinger, F. 310
Uniformity of convergence of Dini series 601
Uniformity of convergence of Fourier — Bessel series 593 594
Uniformity of convergence of Kapteyn series 575
Uniformity of convergence of Schloemilch series 632
Uniqueness of Fourier — Bessel and Dini series 616 649 651
Uniqueness of Schloemilch series 643 647
Upper bounds see “Inequalities”
Valewink, G.C.A. 196
Van Vleck, E.B. 480
Vandermonde, A. 102
Verdet, E. 477
Vessiot, E. 94
Viscous fluid, motion of, associated with Airy's integral 189
Volterra, V. 579 621
Voronoi, G. 200
Voss, A. 406
Wagner, C. 13 142
Walker, Gilbert Thomas 360 361
Walker, James 328 331 333 537 544
Wallenburg, G. 94
Waring, E. 503
Watson, G.N. 11 105 125 158 226 231 249 268 355 444 483 485 513 519 566 575
Wave-motions, equation of, general solutions 125
Wave-motions, equation of, generalised to p dimensions 128
Wave-motions, equation of, used to obtain addition theorems for Bessel functions 129
Waves on water, and the method of stationary phase 229
Waves, electric 56 226 446
Webb, H.A. 351 523 533 536
Weber's (H. F.) function 308
Weber's (H. F.) function with large argument and order, asymptotic expansion of 316
Weber's (H. F.) function with large argument, asymptotic expansion of 313
Weber's (H. F.) function , connexion with Anger's function 310
Weber's (H. F.) function , connexion with Struve's function 336
Weber's (H. F.) function , differential equation, satisfied by 312
Weber's (H. F.) function , integrals expressed in terms of 312
Weber's (H. F.) function , recurrence formulae for 311
Weber's (H. F.) function , representation of Airy's integral (generalised) by 321
Weber's (H. F.) function , tables of see “Struve's function”
Weber's (H. F.) function , Theisinger's integral for 338
Weber's (H.) discontinuous factor 405
Weber's (H.) infinite integrals 391 393 395 396
Weber's (H.) infinite integrals, discontinuous types of 398 402 405 406 408 411
Weber, Heinrich 63 64 67 75 165 167 195 196 210 211 212 386 391 392 393 394 395 396 398 402 405 406 408 421 450 451 452 453 454 455 468 469 470 495
Weber, Heinrich Friedrich 308 309 310 311 312 315 320
Weierstrass, C.T.W. 358
Weierstrassian products, expression for Bessel functions as 497
Wendt, Caecilie 363
Weyl, H. 189 454
Weyr, E. 93 94
Whewell, W. 479
Whipple's transformation of Legendre functions 387
Whipple, F.J.W. 177 313 387
Whitehead, C.S. 81 82 132 148 203
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