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Salomaa A., Soittola M. — Automata-Theoretic Aspects of Formal Power Series |
Предметный указатель |
Algebraic series 120
Algebraic transduction 159
Algebraic transduction, regulated 159
Algebraic-rational transduction 159
Alphabet 4
Automaton 7
Automaton, deterministic pushdown 8
Automaton, finite deterministic 7
Automaton, finite nondeterministic 7
Automaton, linear bounded 7
Automaton, probabilistic 9
Automaton, pushdown 8
Catenation 4
Catenation closure 4
Cauchy product 12
Characteristic series 12
Chomsky normal form 6
Chomsky — Schutzenberger Theorem 144
Coding homomorphism 5
Coefficient 11
Commutative variant 147
Convergence 13
Decomposition of sequences 101
Degree of ambiguity 7
Density of language 91 94
Derivation 6
Derivation tree 6
Diagonal of series 150
Direct product of monoids 1
DOL system 10
Double stochastic matrix 10
DTOL function 96
DTOL function, series 97
DTOL function, system 10
Dyck mapping 138
Equivalence of grammars 5
Family of series 80
Fatou extension 41 156
Formal power series 11
Formal power series, A-algebraic 120
Formal power series, A-rational 14
Formal power series, A-recognizable 14
Formal power series, A-semi-algebraic 155
Formal power series, characteristic 12
Formal power series, commutative 72
Formal power series, DTOL 97
Formal power series, generated by grammar 122
Formal power series, PDTOL 97
Formal power series, positive 47
Formal power series, quasiregular 13
Formal power series, rational regulated 68
Generating function 53
Grammar 5
Grammar, ambiguous 6
Grammar, context-free 6
Grammar, context-sensitive 6
Grammar, supporting 121
Grammar, type of 5
Grammar, unambiguous 7
Grammar, weighted 7
Greibach normal form 6
Growth function 96
Growth matrix 96
Growth sequence 96
gsm mapping 9
Hadamard product 13
Hankel matrix 24
Hilbert's tenth problem 11
Homomorphism 2 4
Hurwitz product 35
Input 8
Kleene star 4
Kronecker product 3
Language 4
Language, A-algebraic 120
Language, A-corational 81
Language, A-rational 81
Language, context-free 6
Language, context-sensitive 6
Language, costochastic 9
Language, deterministic 8
| Language, Dyck 6
Language, inherently ambiguous 7
Language, Lukasiewicz 121
Language, recursively enumerable 6
Language, regular 6
Language, stochastic 9
Language, unambiguous 7
Length of word 4
letter 4
Mergeable sequences 101
Monoid 1
Monoid, commutative 1
Monoid, free 1
Monoid, involutive 138
Monomial 12
Nonterminal 5
OL system 10
Parikh vector 5
Polynomial 12
Post Correspondence Problem 1
Production 5
Projection 33
Quasi-inverse 14
Quasiregular series 13
Rank of series 26
Rational cone 80
Rational cone, principal 160
Rational cone, regulated 80
Rational series 14
Rational transduction 77
Rational transduction of languages 80
Rational transduction of series 77
Rational transduction, inverse of 80
Rational transduction, regulated 77
Recognizable series 14
Regular expression 6
Representation 3
Representation, regulated 68
Rewriting system 5
Schuetzenberger Representation 7 22
Semimodule 2
Semimodule, cancellative 3
Semimodule, stable 25
Semiring 1
Semiring, Boolean 2
Semiring, commutative 2
Semiring, complete 33
Semiring, positive 37
Semiring, topological 3
Sequence, algebraic 150
Sequence, DOL 97
Sequence, PDOL 97
Sequence, positive 61
Sequence, rational 53
Sequential transducer 8
Series see Formal power series
Shamir — Nivat Theorem 141
Shamir's Theorem 138
Shuffle product 5 35
State 7 8
Stochastic matrix 9
Strong solution 154
Structure generating function 137
Substitution 4
Substitution of languages 4
Substitution of series 14
Subword 4
Sum of series 11 54
Support 12
System of equations 18
System of equations, algebraic 118
System of equations, proper algebraic 119
System of equations, proper linear 18
System of equations, quadratic form of 127
Terminal 5
TOL system 10
Turakainen's Theorem 83
Turing machine 7
Word 4
Word, circular 35
Word, empty 4
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