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Newman Ch. — SQLite
Newman Ch. — SQLite

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Название: SQLite

Автор: Newman Ch.


SQLite is a small, fast, embeddable database. What makes it popular is the combination of the database engine and interface into a single library as well as the ability to store all the data in a single file. Its functionality lies between MySQL and PostgreSQL, however it is faster than both databases.

In SQLite, author Chris Newman provides a thorough, practical guide to using, administering and programming this up-and-coming database. If you want to learn about SQLite or about its use in conjunction with PHP this is the book for you.

Язык: ru

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 313

Добавлена в каталог: 14.10.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
statements (SQL), CREATE TRIGGER      2nd 3rd 4th
statements (SQL), CREATE UNIQUE INDEX      2nd 3rd 4th
statements (SQL), CREATE VIEW      2nd
statements (SQL), DEFAULT      
statements (SQL), DELETE      2nd 3rd 4th
statements (SQL), DETACH DATABASE      2nd
statements (SQL), DISTINCT      
statements (SQL), DROP INDEX      
statements (SQL), DROP TABLE      2nd 3rd
statements (SQL), DROP TRIGGER      2nd
statements (SQL), DROP VIEW      2nd
statements (SQL), EXCEPT      
statements (SQL), executing from files      2nd
statements (SQL), executing with callback functions      2nd 3rd
statements (SQL), executing with callback functions, sqlite_exec() function      2nd 3rd 4th
statements (SQL), executing with Perl DBI      2nd 3rd 4th
statements (SQL), executing with PySQLite      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
statements (SQL), executing with SQLite Database Browser      
statements (SQL), executing with Tcl interface      2nd
statements (SQL), executing without callback functions      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
statements (SQL), EXPLAIN      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
statements (SQL), FOREIGN KEY
statements (SQL), GRANT      
statements (SQL), INSERT      2nd 3rd
statements (SQL), INSERT INTO      2nd
statements (SQL), INSERT INTO, sample database      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
statements (SQL), INSERT, VALUES keyword      2nd
statements (SQL), interrupting
statements (SQL), INTERSECT      
statements (SQL), naming conventions      2nd
statements (SQL), normal keywords      2nd
statements (SQL), NOT NULL
statements (SQL), ON-CONFLICT      2nd
statements (SQL), OR      2nd
statements (SQL), PRAGMA      2nd
statements (SQL), PRIMARY KEY
statements (SQL), reserved keywords      
statements (SQL), REVOKE      
statements (SQL), RIGHT OUTER JOIN      
statements (SQL), ROLLBACK TRANSACTION      2nd 3rd
statements (SQL), SELECT      2nd
statements (SQL), SELECT, aggregate functions      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
statements (SQL), SELECT, AND operator
statements (SQL), SELECT, arithmetic operators      2nd 3rd
statements (SQL), SELECT, BETWEEN operator
statements (SQL), SELECT, callback functions      2nd 3rd
statements (SQL), SELECT, column aliases      2nd
statements (SQL), SELECT, FROM clause      2nd
statements (SQL), SELECT, GROUP BY clause      2nd 3rd 4th
statements (SQL), SELECT, HAVING clause      2nd
statements (SQL), SELECT, IN operator      
statements (SQL), SELECT, IS NOT NULL operator
statements (SQL), SELECT, IS NULL operator
statements (SQL), SELECT, joins      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
statements (SQL), SELECT, LEFT JOIN operator      2nd 3rd
statements (SQL), SELECT, LIKE operator      2nd
statements (SQL), SELECT, LIMIT clause      2nd
statements (SQL), SELECT, NOT LIKE operator
statements (SQL), SELECT, NULL values      2nd
statements (SQL), SELECT, OR operator
statements (SQL), SELECT, ORDER BY clause      2nd 3rd
statements (SQL), SELECT, output, assigning to variables
statements (SQL), SELECT, processing results of      2nd
statements (SQL), SELECT, string comparisons      2nd 3rd
statements (SQL), SELECT, string operators      2nd
statements (SQL), SELECT, syntax      2nd 3rd 4th
statements (SQL), SELECT, WHERE clause      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
statements (SQL), SQL92 unsupported statements      2nd
statements (SQL), step-by-step executing
statements (SQL), system object names      
statements (SQL), UNION
statements (SQL), UNION ALL      
statements (SQL), UNIQUE      
statements (SQL), UPDATE      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
statements (SQL), VACUUM      2nd
statements (SQL), validating with Tcl interface      2nd 3rd
step() function      2nd 3rd 4th
strftime() function      2nd
string map command
string operators      2nd
Strings, comparing      2nd 3rd
strings, operators      2nd
strings, special characters, escaping      2nd
strings, time string formats      2nd
StrNe opcode      
su command
substr() function      
SUM() function      
sumFinalize() function
sumStep() function
synchronous directive (PRAGMA command)      2nd
system object names (SQL)
tables, adding
tables, adding data to      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
tables, adding data to SELECT query results      2nd
tables, adding data to single rows      2nd
tables, altering      2nd
tables, binary data      2nd
tables, BLOBs      2nd
tables, browsing
tables, columns
tables, columns, aliases      2nd
tables, columns, constraints      2nd
tables, columns, DEFAULT
tables, columns, defining      2nd
tables, columns, NOT NULL      2nd
tables, columns, PRIMARY KEY
tables, columns, UNIQUE      
tables, conflict resolution      2nd 3rd 4th
tables, copying
tables, creating      2nd 3rd
tables, creating with Perl DBI      2nd
tables, data types      2nd 3rd
tables, dates      2nd
tables, dropping      2nd 3rd
tables, full table scan      
tables, INTEGER PRIMARY KEY columns      2nd
tables, joins      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
tables, joins, Cartesian joins      2nd
tables, joins, left joins      2nd 3rd
tables, records
tables, records, adding with Tcl interface      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
tables, records, fetching with Tcl interface      2nd 3rd
tables, rows
tables, rows, inserting with Tcl interface      2nd
tables, schemas
tables, schemas, viewing      2nd
tables, searching      
tables, searching, SQLite Database Browser
tables, sqlite_master      2nd 3rd
tables, temporary tables      2nd
tables, updating      2nd
table_info directive (PRAGMA command)
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface      2nd 3rd
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, databases      
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, databases, adding records to      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, databases, closing      2nd
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, databases, fetching records from      2nd 3rd
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, databases, opening      2nd
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, databases, timeouts      2nd
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, downloading
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, methods      
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, methods, busy
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, methods, changes      2nd
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, methods, close
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, methods, complete      2nd
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, methods, eval      2nd 3rd
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, methods, function      2nd 3rd
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, methods, last_insert_rowid      
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, methods, onecolumn      
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, methods, reverse      
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, methods, reverse_string      
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, methods, string map      
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, methods, timeout      2nd
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, SQL statements, executing      2nd
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, SQL statements, validating      2nd 3rd
Tcl (Tool Command Language) interface, user-defined functions, registering      2nd 3rd
Tcl interface
Tcl, commands      
Tcl, commands, dbcmd busy callback
Tcl, commands, dbcmd changes      2nd
Tcl, commands, dbcmd complete      
Tcl, commands, dbcmd errorcode      
Tcl, commands, dbcmd eval query      2nd
Tcl, commands, dbcmd function
Tcl, commands, dbcmd onecolumn
Tcl, commands, dbcmd timeout      
Tcl, commands, sqlite close
Tcl, commands, sqlite dbcmd
Tcl, commands, sqlite_version      
Tcl, convenience functions
Tcl, custom functions, registering      
Tcl, databases
Tcl, databases, opening/closing      2nd
Tcl, error reporting
Tcl, libtclsqlite.so library      2nd
Tcl, locked database files, handling      2nd
Tcl, queries
Tcl, queries, executing      2nd
Tcl, queries, finding information about      2nd
Tcl, SQL statements
Tcl, SQL statements, checking
Tcl, SQLite version, finding
tclsqlite-2.8.15.so.gz package      
tclsqlite-2_8_15.zip file      
tclsqlite.so.gz library
tclsqlite.so.gz package      
tclsqlite.zip library
tclsqlite.zip package
temporary tables      2nd
temp_store directive (PRAGMA command)
TEXT data type      2nd
text, strings      
text, strings, comparing      2nd 3rd
THREADSAFE preprocessor macro
time zones      2nd
time() function
time-tracking sample database      
time-tracking sample database, adding data to      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
time-tracking sample database, binary data      2nd
time-tracking sample database, BLOBs      2nd
time-tracking sample database, data types      2nd 3rd
time-tracking sample database, dates      2nd
time-tracking sample database, INTEGER PRIMARY KEY columns      2nd
time-tracking sample database, tables      2nd 3rd
timeout argument (sqlite.connect() command)
timeout method      2nd
timeouts      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
timeouts, setting
timeouts, Tcl interface      2nd
times/dates      2nd
times/dates, date() function      
times/dates, date/time conversion specifiers      
times/dates, datetime() function
times/dates, displaying      2nd
times/dates, jullianday() function
times/dates, modifiers      2nd 3rd
times/dates, strftime() function      2nd
times/dates, time string formats      2nd
times/dates, time zones      2nd
times/dates, time() function
Tools      [See names of specific tools]
tools, pear      2nd
trace() function      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
tracing, Perl DBI      
tracing, Perl DBI (Database Interface)      2nd 3rd 4th
Transactions      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
transactions, beginning
transactions, beginning, begin_work() function      2nd
transactions, committing      
transactions, committing, commit() function      2nd
transactions, nesting
transactions, PySQLite interface      2nd
transactions, rolling back      
transactions, rolling back, rollback() function      2nd
triggers, creating      2nd 3rd 4th
triggers, defined
triggers, dropping      2nd 3rd
triggers, example      2nd
triggers, interrupting      2nd
triggers, limitations      
triggers, triggers on views      2nd
troubleshooting, SQLite error codes      2nd 3rd 4th
typeless data types      2nd 3rd
Types      2nd 3rd
ucwords() function
UDFs (user-defined functions)
UDFs, aggregating functions      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
UDFs, binary data      2nd
UDFs, calling      2nd
UDFs, creating      2nd 3rd 4th
UDFs, registering      2nd 3rd
UDFs, registering, dbcmd function command
UNION ALL statement
UNION statement
UNIQUE columns
unique indexes      2nd 3rd 4th
UNIQUE statement      
Unix, PHP configuration      2nd
UPDATE statement      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
updates, verifying with PySQLite interface      2nd 3rd
updating, databases      2nd
updating, databases, C/C++ interface      2nd
updating, databases, Perl DBI      2nd 3rd
updating, records      2nd 3rd 4th
upper() function
use DBI command      2nd
user-defined collating sequences
user-defined collating sequences, SQLite version 3.0      2nd
User-defined functions      [See UDFs]
user-defined functions, creating      
user-defined functions, creating with Perl DBI      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
user-defined functions, creating, cx.create_function() command      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
user-defined functions, registering
user-defined functions, registering with Tcl interface      2nd 3rd
user-defined functions, registering, dbcmd function command
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
VACUUM statement      2nd
valid characters      2nd
validating, SQL statements      
validating, SQL statements, Tcl interface      2nd 3rd
VALUES keyword      2nd
variable subqueries
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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