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Newman Ch. — SQLite
Newman Ch. — SQLite

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Название: SQLite

Автор: Newman Ch.


SQLite is a small, fast, embeddable database. What makes it popular is the combination of the database engine and interface into a single library as well as the ability to store all the data in a single file. Its functionality lies between MySQL and PostgreSQL, however it is faster than both databases.

In SQLite, author Chris Newman provides a thorough, practical guide to using, administering and programming this up-and-coming database. If you want to learn about SQLite or about its use in conjunction with PHP this is the book for you.

Язык: ru

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 313

Добавлена в каталог: 14.10.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
SQL statements, INSERT, VALUES keyword      2nd
SQL statements, interrupting      
SQL statements, INTERSECT
SQL statements, naming conventions      2nd
SQL statements, normal keywords      2nd
SQL statements, NOT NULL
SQL statements, ON-CONFLICT      2nd
SQL statements, OR      2nd
SQL statements, PRAGMA      2nd
SQL statements, PRIMARY KEY      
SQL statements, reserved keywords      
SQL statements, REVOKE      
SQL statements, RIGHT OUTER JOIN      
SQL statements, ROLLBACK TRANSACTION      2nd 3rd
SQL statements, SELECT      2nd
SQL statements, SELECT, aggregate functions      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
SQL statements, SELECT, AND operator      
SQL statements, SELECT, arithmetic operators      2nd 3rd
SQL statements, SELECT, BETWEEN operator      
SQL statements, SELECT, callback functions      2nd 3rd
SQL statements, SELECT, column aliases      2nd
SQL statements, SELECT, FROM clause      2nd
SQL statements, SELECT, GROUP BY clause      2nd 3rd 4th
SQL statements, SELECT, HAVING clause      2nd
SQL statements, SELECT, IN operator      
SQL statements, SELECT, IS NOT NULL operator      
SQL statements, SELECT, IS NULL operator      
SQL statements, SELECT, joins      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
SQL statements, SELECT, LEFT JOIN operator      2nd 3rd
SQL statements, SELECT, LIKE operator      2nd
SQL statements, SELECT, LIMIT clause      2nd
SQL statements, SELECT, NOT LIKE operator      
SQL statements, SELECT, NULL values      2nd
SQL statements, SELECT, OR operator      
SQL statements, SELECT, ORDER BY clause      2nd 3rd
SQL statements, SELECT, output, assigning to variables      
SQL statements, SELECT, processing results of      2nd
SQL statements, SELECT, string comparisons      2nd 3rd
SQL statements, SELECT, string operators      2nd
SQL statements, SELECT, syntax      2nd 3rd 4th
SQL statements, SELECT, WHERE clause      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
SQL statements, SQL92 unsupported statements      2nd
SQL statements, sqlite_exec() function      2nd 3rd 4th
SQL statements, step-by-step execution      
SQL statements, system object names      
SQL statements, UNION      
SQL statements, UNION ALL      
SQL statements, UNIQUE
SQL statements, UPDATE      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
SQL statements, VACUUM      2nd
SQL statements, validating with Tcl interface      2nd 3rd
SQL, commands
SQL, commands, reading from files      2nd 3rd
SQL, functions      [See also specific function names]
SQL, functions, aggregating functions      2nd 3rd
SQL, functions, arbitrary data, referencing      2nd
SQL, functions, creating      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
SQL, functions, registering      2nd
SQL, functions, return values, setting      2nd
SQL, UDFs (user-defined functions)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
SQL, UDFs, aggregating functions      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
SQL, UDFs, binary data      2nd
SQL, UDFs, calling      2nd
SQL, UDFs, creating      2nd 3rd 4th
SQL92 unsupported features      2nd
SQLite Database Browser      2nd 3rd 4th
sqlite dbcmd command      
SQLite mailing list      
sqlite tool      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
sqlite tool, closing      
sqlite tool, commands
sqlite tool, commands, .databases      2nd
sqlite tool, commands, .dump      2nd 3rd 4th
sqlite tool, commands, .echo on|off
sqlite tool, commands, .exit
sqlite tool, commands, .explain on|off
sqlite tool, commands, .header      2nd
sqlite tool, commands, .headers      
sqlite tool, commands, .help      2nd
sqlite tool, commands, .indices
sqlite tool, commands, .mode
sqlite tool, commands, .mode columns      
sqlite tool, commands, .mode html
sqlite tool, commands, .mode insert
sqlite tool, commands, .mode lines      
sqlite tool, commands, .mode list      
sqlite tool, commands, .nullvalue      
sqlite tool, commands, .output
sqlite tool, commands, .prompt      
sqlite tool, commands, .quit
sqlite tool, commands, .read      2nd 3rd 4th
sqlite tool, commands, .schema      2nd
sqlite tool, commands, .separator      2nd
sqlite tool, commands, .show      2nd
sqlite tool, commands, .tables      
sqlite tool, commands, .timeout      
sqlite tool, commands, .width      2nd
sqlite tool, commands, obtaining list of      
sqlite tool, database schemas      
sqlite tool, database schemas, returning information about      2nd
sqlite tool, database timeouts      
sqlite tool, database timeouts, setting      
sqlite tool, output      
sqlite tool, output format, changing      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
sqlite tool, output, sending to files
sqlite tool, prompts      
sqlite tool, prompts, changing
sqlite tool, SQL commands
sqlite tool, SQL commands, reading from files      2nd 3rd
sqlite tool, sqlite_master table      2nd 3rd
SQLite version 3.0      2nd
SQLite version 3.0, concurrency      2nd
SQLite version 3.0, data typing      2nd 3rd
SQLite version 3.0, file format changes      2nd
SQLite version 3.0, naming conventions      2nd
SQLite version 3.0, user-defined collating sequences      2nd
SQLite, downloading      2nd
SQLite, installation      
SQLite, installation, binary installation for Linux      2nd
SQLite, installation, binary installation for Windows      2nd
SQLite, installation, installing from source code      2nd
SQLite, installation, RPM installation for Linux      2nd
SQLite, overview of      2nd
SQLite, overview of, customization      2nd
SQLite, overview of, help and support      2nd
SQLite, overview of, limitations      2nd
SQLite, overview of, portability      2nd
SQLite, overview of, scalability      2nd
SQLite, overview of, security      2nd
SQLite, overview of, speed      2nd
SQLite, overview of, when to avoid      2nd
SQLite, overview of, when to avoid, high concurrency      2nd
SQLite, overview of, when to avoid, high-volume websites      2nd
SQLite, overview of, when to avoid, network or client/server applications      2nd
SQLite, overview of, when to use
SQLite, overview of, when to use, ad-hoc file storage
SQLite, overview of, when to use, database-driven websites
SQLite, overview of, when to use, embedded devices
SQLite, overview of, when to use, internal data manipulation
SQLite, version, finding      
SQLite, version, finding, sqlite_version command
sqlite-2.8.15-1.i386.rpm package
sqlite-2.8.15.bin.gz package      
sqlite-2.8.15.so.gz package
sqlite-2.8.15.tar.gz package
sqlite-2_8_15.zip file
sqlite-devel package      
sqlite-devel-2.8.15-1.i386.rpm package      
sqlite.assoc_case directive (php.ini)
sqlite.so.gz library
sqlite3_open() function      
sqliteAtoF() function
sqlitedll-2_8_15.zip file      
sqlitedll.zip library
SQLITE_ABORT constant      
SQLITE_ABORT error code      
sqlite_aggregate_context() function
sqlite_array_query() function      2nd 3rd 4th
SQLITE_AUTH constant
SQLITE_AUTH error code
SQLITE_BOTH constant
SQLITE_BUSY constant      
SQLITE_BUSY error code
SQLITE_BUSY Status      2nd
sqlite_busy_handler() function      2nd 3rd
sqlite_busy_handler[) function
sqlite_busy_timeout() function
sqlite_busy_timeout[) function
SQLITE_CANTOPEN error code      
sqlite_changes() function      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
sqlite_changes[) function
sqlite_close() function      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
sqlite_column() function      2nd
sqlite_compile() function      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
sqlite_complete() function      2nd
sqlite_complete[) function
SQLITE_CONSTRAINT constant      
sqlite_create_aggregate() function      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
sqlite_create_aggregate[) function
sqlite_create_function() function      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
sqlite_create_function[) function      
sqlite_current() function      2nd
sqlite_decode_binary() function
SQLITE_DONE constant
SQLITE_DONE return code
SQLITE_EMPTY error code      
sqlite_encode_binary() function      
sqlite_encoding[) function      2nd
SQLITE_ERROR error code
sqlite_error_string() function      2nd 3rd
sqlite_escape_string () function      2nd 3rd
sqlite_exec() function      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
sqlite_exec_printf() function      
sqlite_fetch_array() function      2nd 3rd
sqlite_fetch_single() function      2nd 3rd
sqlite_field_name() function      2nd
sqlite_finalize() function      2nd 3rd 4th
sqlite_freemem() function      
sqlite_freemem[) function      
SQLITE_FULL constant      
SQLITE_FULL error code      
sqlite_get_table() function      2nd 3rd
sqlite_get_table[) function      
sqlite_get_table_mprintf[) function      
sqlite_has_more() function      2nd
SQLITE_INERRUPT error code      
SQLITE_INTERNAL constant      
SQLITE_INTERNAL error code      
SQLITE_INTERRUPT constant      
sqlite_interrupt[) function      
SQLITE_IOERR constant      
SQLITE_IOERR error code      
sqlite_last_error() function      2nd 3rd
sqlite_last_insert_rowid() function      2nd 3rd
sqlite_last_insert_rowid[) function      
sqlite_libencoding() function      2nd
sqlite_libversion() function      2nd
SQLITE_LOCKED constant      
SQLITE_LOCKED error code      
sqlite_master table      2nd 3rd
SQLITE_MISMATCH constant      
SQLITE_MISMATCH error code      
SQLITE_MISUSE constant      
SQLITE_MISUSE error code      
sqlite_mprintf() function      
sqlite_mprintf[) function      
sqlite_next() function      2nd 3rd
SQLITE_NOLFS constant      
SQLITE_NOLFS error code      
SQLITE_NOMEM constant      
SQLITE_NOMEM error code      
SQLITE_NOTFOUND constant      
SQLITE_NOTFOUND error code      
SQLITE_NUM constant      
sqlite_num_fields() function      2nd
sqlite_num_rows() function      2nd
SQLITE_OK constant      
SQLITE_OK error code      
sqlite_open() function      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
SQLITE_PERM constant      
SQLITE_PERM error code      
sqlite_popen() function      2nd 3rd 4th
sqlite_progress_handler[) function      
SQLITE_PROTOCOL constant      
SQLITE_PROTOCOL error code      
sqlite_query() function      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
SQLITE_READONLY constant      
SQLITE_READONLY error code      
sqlite_rewind() function      2nd
SQLITE_ROW constant      
SQLITE_ROW return code      
SQLITE_SCHEMA constant      
SQLITE_SCHEMA error code      
sqlite_seek() function      2nd 3rd
sqlite_set_result_double() function      
sqlite_set_result_double[) function      
sqlite_set_result_error[) function      
sqlite_set_result_int[) function      
sqlite_set_result_string[) function      
sqlite_step() function      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
SQLITE_TOOBIG constant      
SQLITE_TOOBIG error code      
sqlite_udf_decode_binary() function      2nd
sqlite_udf_encode_binary() function      2nd
sqlite_unbuffered_query() function      2nd
sqlite_user_data[) function      
sqlite_version command      
sqlite_version[) function      2nd
squite command      
StandardError class      
statements (SQL)      
statements (SQL), ALTER TABLE      
statements (SQL), ANSI-92 unsupported features      2nd
statements (SQL), ATTACH DATABASE      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
statements (SQL), BEGIN TRANSACTION      2nd 3rd
statements (SQL), case sensitivity      
statements (SQL), CHECK      2nd
statements (SQL), checking      
statements (SQL), COLLATE      
statements (SQL), comments      
statements (SQL), COMMIT TRANSACTION      2nd 3rd
statements (SQL), COPY      2nd 3rd
statements (SQL), CREATE INDEX      2nd 3rd
statements (SQL), CREATE TABLE      2nd 3rd
statements (SQL), CREATE TABLE, CHECK clause      
statements (SQL), CREATE TABLE, conflict resolution      
statements (SQL), CREATE TABLE, CONSTRAINT clause      2nd
statements (SQL), CREATE TABLE, executing      2nd
statements (SQL), CREATE TABLE, executing with C/C++      2nd
statements (SQL), CREATE TABLE, ON CONFLICT clause      2nd
statements (SQL), CREATE TABLE, sample database      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
statements (SQL), CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE      2nd
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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