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Brown L., Gravely J. — Using Microsoft CRM
Brown L., Gravely J. — Using Microsoft CRM

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Название: Using Microsoft CRM

Авторы: Brown L., Gravely J.


A sophisticated yet easy-to-use software program, Microsoft CRM handles the full range of Sales and Customer Service functions, and allows the user to access key customer and sales information from Microsoft Outlook and the Web. It is designed for rapid deployment, ease of use, and integration with Microsoft Office and Microsoft Great Plains' back-office solutions, increasing information reliability, employee usage and productivity.

Special Edition Using Microsoft CRM shows sales, service, and business development specialists how to manage small businesses with the sophisticated technology that, until now, has been reserved for large corporations. Based on the author's real-world experience building CRM systems, this book provides the expert advice that MS CRM users need. To make the move to customer-centric operations using MS CRM, companies need an in-depth guide to managing the process, using the software, and making the implementation decisions that are required.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 552

Добавлена в каталог: 14.10.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
customer-facing applications, back-end integration (evolution)
customer-focused marketing      
Customers tab
customers, profitble, identifying
customers, relationships, individualzing
customers, single views, service vendor evaluations      
customers, target      
customers, target customers      2nd
Customization Transport Manager      2nd
customization, CRMSO      2nd
customization, links      2nd
customization, Links page
customizations, Activity Summary      2nd
customizations, clone feature      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
customizations, external applications, preparing
customizations, external applications, Run method      
customizations, external applications, Run method, Section 1      2nd
customizations, external applications, Run method, Section 2
customizations, external applications, Run method, Section 3
customizations, external applications, Run method, Section 4      2nd 3rd
customizations, external applications, writing      2nd 3rd
customizations, Web resources      2nd 3rd 4th
customizing, forms      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
customizing, installations      
customizing, previews      2nd
customizing, views      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
data capture      
data duplicate checking      
data extract tools, data, transforming      
Data Field Properties dialog box      
data import tool      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
data management lifecycle, business decisions, supporting      2nd
data management lifecycle, business transaction processing      2nd
data management lifecycle, customer interactions      
data management lifecycle, external portals      
data management lifecycle, internal portals      
data management lifecycle, suppliers interactions      
data management lifecycle, transformed data, sharing      
data mapping      
data migration      [See migration]
Data Mining      
data respositories, Shadow Copies      
data synchronization errors      
data transformation      
Data Transformation Services (DTS)
Data warehousing      2nd 3rd
Data Warehousing, Corporate Information Architecture
Data Warehousing, customer-centricity intelligence applications      
Data Warehousing, data respositories, Shadow Copies      
Data Warehousing, operation applications      
Data Warehousing, resources      
data, customer, migrating (Scribe Migrate)
data, integrations
data, meta data      
data, offline (CRMSO)      
data, reports, exporting      2nd
data, synchronizing      
data, transformed, sharing
data, user, importing (marketing)      2nd 3rd
database analysts
databases, CRMCRYSTAL      
databases, METABASE      
databases, MSCRM      
databases, MSCRMDistribution
databases, mscrm_msde      
databases, MSDE      
databases, MSDE (Microsoft SQL Desktop Edition)      
databases, server, naming      
Deactivate Contact command (Actions menu)      
decisions, business decisions, supporting      2nd
decisions, change management      
Deep (Parent[colon] Child Business Unit) Access Level
Default Values tab      2nd
Defaults Values tab      
Delete Privilege
Delete Rows button
Deleted status (Contracts)      
DeletionStateCode field      
deliverables, business processes (customer-centricity)      2nd
deliverables, process model integration      
delivery releases, establishing requirements (service vendors)      
delivery, service, contributor role      
Deployment Manager      2nd 3rd 4th
Deployment Manager, accessing      
Deployment Manager, Attributes      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Deployment Manager, Entity Mapper      2nd 3rd 4th
Deployment Manager, License Manager      2nd
Deployment Manager, nodes      2nd
Deployment Manager, publishing configurations      2nd 3rd
Deployment Manager, Schema Manager      2nd 3rd
Deployment Manager, Server Manager
Deployment Manager, User Manager      2nd
deployment, integration      
deployments, CRMSO      2nd
Description field (Contract Templates)      
Description field (Service Cases)      
Description field (Service Contracts)
design, components, partnership model      2nd
design, customer-centricity      
Destination CRM Web site
development times, .NET
dialog boxes, Data Field Properties
dialog boxes, Field Properties      2nd
dialog boxes, Integration Entity Linking      2nd
dialog boxes, New Schema Field Properties      2nd
diamond models
direct email, Sales component
Direct Marketing Assocation (The DMA) Web site
directories, Active Directory      2nd
Discount ($) field (Contract Line Items)
Discount is (type) field (Service Contracts)
Discount Lists, Price List Items      
Discount Lists, Product Catalog
Discount Type field (Contract Templates)
discussion starters, interviews      
disparate systems (evolution)
Distributed computing      
Document Exchange (DX)      2nd 3rd 4th
documents, attached, storing      
documents, business requirement document      
documents, XML (Extensible Markup Languge), creating      
Draft Email folder      
Draft Queues      
Draft status (Contracts)      
drafts, change management      2nd 3rd 4th
dropped connections (CRMSO)      2nd
DTS (Data Transformation Services)
due dates, Activities      
Duration in Days field (Service Contracts)
DX (Document Exchange)      2nd 3rd 4th
Dynamic Methods, Mobile Portal
e-biz      [See B2B (business-to-business)]
e-business, BPI (Business Process Integration)
e-business, business performance monitoring      
e-business, enterprise applications      
e-business, external integration
e-business, internal integration
e-channels, fusing (customer-centricity)      2nd
e-commerce systems (evolution)
e-CRM Magazine Web site
EAI (enterprise application integration)      2nd
early returns, implementation strategies      
ECCS Web site
eCommerce, Microsoft bCentral      
eCommerce, Oracle Small Business Suite      
eCommerce, PayPal      
eCustomerServiceWorld.com Web site      
Edit a Workflow Rule screen      
Edit Mapping button
editions      2nd
editions, configurations      2nd 3rd
editions, Core CRM
editions, Customer Service      
editions, Customer Service, Professional edition      
editions, Customer Service, Standard edition      
editions, Professional      
editions, releases
editions, Sales
editions, Standard      
editors, Form Editor
Else[ellipsis]If construct (workflow condition)
email auto-response, Customer Service component      
email campaigns (customer-centricity busness processes)
Email folder
Email tab      
email templates      2nd
email templates, use case      2nd
email, configuring
email, Exchange Connector      2nd 3rd
email, filtering
email, GUID (Global Unique Identifier)
email, GUID (globally unique identifier)      
email, mail merge      
email, online community interactions      
email, promoting      2nd
email, receiving
email, sending      
email, spam
email, templates      2nd 3rd
Enable/Disable Privilege
End Date field (Contract Line Items)
engineering, product, contributor role
Enterprise application integration (EAI)      2nd
enterprise applications (e-business)
Enterprise One to One[colon] Tools for Competing in the Interactive Age.
Enterprise Portal      2nd
Entities      [See objects]
entitlement processing      
Entity Mapper node      2nd 3rd 4th
entity values, mapping      2nd
Envelopes option (mail merge)
eResource links      
eResources      2nd
Error Event Logging key (web.config file)      
Errors      2nd 3rd 4th
errors, data synchronization errors      
escalations, workflow rule      
establishing requirements, service vendors, customer feedback      
establishing requirements, service vendors, delivery releases      
establishing requirements, service vendors, interative approach      
establishing requirements, service vendors, priorititizing business needs
establishing requirements, service vendors, technology services      
evaluating, service vendors, architecture      2nd
evaluating, service vendors, company performance/viability      2nd
evaluating, service vendors, customer application integration      
evaluating, service vendors, features
evaluating, service vendors, functionality      
evaluating, service vendors, product viability
evaluating, service vendors, related application integration
evaluating, service vendors, single view of customer
events, OnChange events, JavaScript, adding      2nd
events, triggering      
events, workflow, triggering      
evolution, customer portals
evolution, customer-facing applications, back-end integration
evolution, disparate systems
evolution, e-commerce systems
evolution, marketing      
evolutions, Web sites      
Excalibur Exhibits and Events Web site      
Exchange Connector      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Exchange Connector, email, managing      2nd 3rd
Exchange mailbox      
Exchange objects, mapping      2nd
Exchange Server      2nd
Expired status (Contracts)      
Export button      
Export Customization option      2nd 3rd
exporting, active record lists      
exporting, records      
exporting, report data      2nd
Extensible Markup Languge (XML) documents, creating      
Extensions      [See file extensions]
external applications, preparing      
external applications, Run method, Section 1      2nd
external applications, Run method, Section 2      
external applications, Run method, Section 3      
external applications, Run method, Section 4      2nd 3rd
external applications, writing      2nd 3rd
external integration      
external portals, creating      
external portals, security      
facilitating      2nd
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), customer service processes      2nd
features      [See also special features]
features, service vendor evaluations      
feedback, custom feedback, establishing requirements (service vendors)      
feedback, customer, customer service processes      
FetchXml string      
Field Force Automation [italics] Magazine Web site      
Field Properties dialog box      2nd
field sales, channels      
field sales, media      
field service automation, IBM Start Now Wireless Solutions for Small and Medium business      
field service automation, ServiceHub      
field types, Update Object      2nd
fields, Call Initiator      
fields, Call Recipient      
fields, Contacts      
fields, Contract Line Items      2nd 3rd
fields, Contract Templates      2nd 3rd 4th
fields, Contracts (Service Contracts)      2nd 3rd
fields, DeletionStateCode      
fields, mapping      
fields, Messaging Port/Distribution List      
fields, picklist      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
fields, picklist, OnChange events;JavaScript      2nd
fields, Relationship Type      
fields, Sales Opportunities      2nd
fields, schema, adding      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
fields, schema, naming      
fields, Service Cases      2nd 3rd 4th
fields, State/Province      
fields, Status      2nd
fields, Status Reason      2nd
fields, transforming      
file extensions, .ost      
file extensions, .pst      2nd
file formats, .csv      
File menu commands, Print Quote for Customer      
File menu, mail merge      
files, archive      
files, configuration, isv.config      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
files, configuration, web.config      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
files, CSV (comma-separated value)      2nd
files, TXT (Text)      2nd
files, web.config, Quick Create      
Filter button      
filtering, email      
filtering, Horizontal      
filtering, reports      2nd
Filtering, Vertical      
filters, Advanced Find tool      
financial managers      
Find Control      2nd
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