Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Neukrich J. — Algebraic number theory |
Предметный указатель |
Factorial ring 7
Faltings, theorem of (Mordell conjecture) 207
Fermat's last theorem 37 38
Fesenko, I. 310
Fibonacci numbers 53
Finite prime (place) 183
Finiteness of class number 36 81
Fontaine, J.M., theorem of 207
Formal -module 343
Formal group 342
Formal group, division points of 347
Formal group, logarithm of 343 345
Fourier transform 446
Fractional ideal 21
Frey, G. 38
Frobenius, abstract 285 287
Frobenius, automorphism 58 286 406
Frobenius, correspondence 226
Frobenius, on Witt vectors 134
Frobenius, reciprocity 521
Function field 94
Functional equation, Artin L-series 540 541
Functional equation, Dedekind zeta function 467
Functional equation, Dirichlet L-series 440
Functional equation, Hecke L-series 502 503
Functional equation, Mellin transform 422
Functional equation, Riemann's zeta function 425 426
Fundamental group 93
Fundamental group of a G-set 307
Fundamental identity for prime ideals 46
Fundamental identity of valuation theory 150 155 165
Fundamental mesh of a lattice 24
Fundamental mesh, regulator 43 431 443
Fundamental mesh, volume of the fundamental mesh 26
Fundamental mesh, volume of the fundamental mesh of a replete ideal 212
Fundamental mesh, volume of the fundamental mesh of an ideal 31
Fundamental mesh, volume of the fundamental mesh of the unit lattice 43
Fundamental units 42
Furtwangler, P. 406 413
G-modulation 307
G-module 276
G-module, induced 312 374
Galois descent 372
Galois group, absolute 261
Galois theory of valuations 166
Galois theory, abstract 275
Galois theory, infinite 261
Gamma function 421
Gamma function, higher-dimensional 454
Gauss sum 51 438 473 488
Gauss's reciprocity law 51 64 416
Gaussian integers 1
Gaussian prime numbers 3
Gaussian units 3
General reciprocity law 300
Generalized cyclotomic theory 346
Generic point 86
Genus of a number field 214 467
Genus of a Riemann surface 209
Ghost components of Witt vectors 134
Global class field 395
Global class field, axiom 383
Global class field, theory 357 390
Global field 134
Global norm residue symbol 391
Global reciprocity law 390
Global Tate duality 404
Golod — Safarevic 413
Groebencharacter 436 470
Groebencharacter, conductor of 473
Groebencharacter, exponent of 478
Groebencharacter, primitive 472
Groebencharacter, type of 478
Grothendieck group, replete 233
Grothendieck — Riemann — Roch 254
Grothendieck, A. 225 253
Group cohomology 284
Grunwald, theorem of 405
Gysin map 253
Haar measure on 446
Haar measure on a -adic number field 142
Hasse norm theorem 384
Hasse — Arf, theorem of 355 530
Hasse — Minkowski, theorem of 385
Hasse's Zahlbericht 363
Hecke character 480
Hecke L-series 493 496 497
Hecke L-series, completed 499 503
Hecke L-series, functional equation 502 503
Hecke L-series, Hecke and Artin L-series 539
Hecke L-series, partial 496
Hecke theta series 489
Hecke theta series, partial 489
Hecke theta series, transformation formula 490
Hensel's lemma 129 148
Hensel, K. 99
Henselian, field 143 147
Henselian, local ring 152
Henselian, P-valuation 298
Henselian, valuation 143 288 309 389
Henselization 143
Herbrand, quotient 312 378
Herbrand, theorem of 180
Hermite, theorem of 206
Hermitian scalar product 28 226 444
Higher ramification groups 176 352
Higher unit group 122
Higher-dimensional class field theory 310
Higher-dimensional gamma function 454
Higher-dimensional logarithm 445
Hilbert 90 278 281 283 284
Hilbert class field 399 400 402
Hilbert symbol 305 333 414
Hilbert symbol, explicit 339
Hilbert symbol, product formula 414
Hilbert symbol, tame 335
Hilbert — Noether, theorem of 283
Hilbert's ramification theory 53 166
Hilbert, D. 53
Hurwitz formula 220
Ideal 16
Ideal class group 22 186
Ideal class group, replete 186
Ideal group 21 408
Ideal group, defined 408
Ideal number 16 486
Ideal, absolute norm of 34
Ideal, degree of a replete ideal 213
Ideal, discriminant of 14
Ideal, dual 194
Ideal, fractional 21
Ideal, integral 21
Ideal, invertible 74
Ideal, norm of 186
Ideal, principal ideal theorem 410
Ideal, replete ideal 185
Ideal, replete principal ideal 186
Ideal, volume of fundamental mesh 31 212
Idele 357
Idele, absolute norm of 361
Idele, idele class group 359
Idele, idele group 357
Idele, norm of 370
Idele, principal 359
Idele, S-idele 358
Imaginary quadratic field 402
Index of specialty 218
Induced character 521
Induced G-module 312 374 521
Induced representation 521
| Inductive limit 266
Inductive system 265
Inertia degree 46 49 184 285
Inertia degree of a metrized number field 224
Inertia degree of a prime ideal 46 49
Inertia degree of a primes (place) 184
Inertia degree of a valuation 150 165
Inertia degree, abstract 285 309
Inertia field of a prime ideal 57
Inertia field of a valuation 173
Inertia group of a prime ideal 57
Inertia group of a valuation 168
Inertia group, abstract 285
Infinite Galois theory 261
Infinite prime 183
Infinite prime number 184
Integer, algebraic 5
Integer, Gaussian 1
Integer, p-adic 100 104 111
Integral, basis 12
Integral, closure 7
Integral, ideal 21
Integral, integrally closed 7
Integral, ring extension 6
Inverse different 195
Invertible -module 229 230
Invertible ideal 74
Irreducible character 520
Irreducible representation 519
Irregular prime number 38
Isometric 229
Iwasawa theory 63
Iwasawa, K. 37
J-invariant 402
Jacobi symbol 417
Jacobi's theta series 422 424
Jannsen U. 221
K-theory 193 310 431
Kahler differentials 200
Kahler, E. 200
Kato, K. 310 432
Krasner's Lemma 152
Kronecker — Weber Theorem 324 398
Kronecker's Jugendtraum 401
Kronecker's programme 548
Krull dimension 73
Krull topology 167 262
Krull valuation 123
Krull — Akizuki, theorem of 77
Kummer extension 278 380
Kummer theory 277 279 340
Kummer, E. 16 38
Kurschak J. 107
L-function of a -set 455
L-series, Artin and Hecke L-series 539
L-series, Artin L-series 518
L-series, completed Artin L-series 537
L-series, completed Dirichlet L-series 437
L-series, completed Hecke L-series 499 503
L-series, Dirichlet L-series 435 496
L-series, functional equation 440 502 540
L-series, Hecke L-series 493 496
L-series, p-adic L-series 516
L-series, partial L-series 496
Langlands Philosophy 549
Lattice 2 23
Lattice, -structure 24
Lattice, basis of 24
Lattice, complete lattice 24
Lattice, fundamental mesh 24
Lattice, Minkowski's lattice point theorem 27
Lattice, unit lattice 40
Lattice, volume of fundamental mesh 26
Legendre symbol 50 336
Legendre's duplication formula 421 456
Lemma (renowned lemmas), Hensel's lemma 129
Lemma (renowned lemmas), Krasner's lemma 152
Lemma (renowned lemmas), Nakayama's lemma 72
Lemma (renowned lemmas), snake lemma 79
Length of a module 82
Leopoldt Conjecture 394
Lichtenbaum conjecture 516
Limit, inductive (direct) 266
Limit, projective 103 266
Line bundle 208 255
Local class field 322
Local class field, axiom 317
Local class field, theory 317
Local field 134
Local field, 2-local field 310
Local norm residue symbol 321
Local reciprocity law 320
Local ring 66
Local-to-global principle 161 357 384 385 391
localization 65 71
Localization of a valued field 160
Logarithm higher-dimensional 445
Logarithm of a formal group 343 345
Logarithm p-adic 136 142
Lubin — Tate, extension 348
Lubin — Tate, module 343
Lubin — Tate, series 328
Mackey functor 307
Maximal order 72
Maximal tamely ramified extension 157
Maximal unramified extension 154 285
Maximal unramified extension of 176
Maximal unramified extension of 176
Measure, canonical on 446
Measure, canonical on 454
Measure, canonical on Minkowski space 29
Measure, Haar measure on 446
Measure, Haar measure on a p-adic number field 142
Measure, Minkowski measure 221
Mellin principle 423
Mellin transform 422
Metric, canonical on Minkowski space 29
Metric, Hermitian 226
Metric, Minkowski 31
Metric, standard 28 228
Metric, trivial 227 229
Metrized, -module 227
Metrized, number field 222
Metrized, projective resolution 234
Microprime 290 299
Minkowski — Hasse, theorem of 385
Minkowski, H. 24
Minkowski, H., bound 34
Minkowski, H., lattice point theorem 27
Minkowski, H., measure 221
Minkowski, H., metric 31
Minkowski, H., space 29 444
Minkowski, H., theorem on discriminant 38 207
Minkowski, H., theorem on linearforms 28
Minkowski, H., theory 28
Minkowski, H., theory, multiplicative version 32
Modular form 434
Modular function 402
Modulation 307
Module 363
Module of a Hecke character 480
Module of definition 407
Moebius function 474
Moebius inversion formula 484
Monogenous ring extension 178
Mordell conjecture 207
Multiplicity of a representation 519
n-th ramification group 176
Nakayama's lemma 72
Nart, E. 149
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