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Subramaniam V. — .NET Gotachas
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Название: .NET Gotachas
Автор: Subramaniam V.
Аннотация: Like most complex tasks, .NET programming is fraught withpotential costly, and time-consuming hazards. The millionsof Microsoft developers worldwide who create applicationsfor the .NET platform can attest to that. Thankfully there'snow a book that shows you how to avoid such costly andtime-consuming mistakes. It's called .NET Gotchas.
The ultimate guide for efficient, pain-free coding, .NETGotchas from O'Reilly contains 75 common .NET programmingpitfalls—and advice on how to work around them. It willhelp you steer away from those mistakes that causeapplication performance problems, or so taint code that itjust doesn't work right.
The book is organized into nine chapters, each focusing onthose features and constructs of the .NET platform thatconsistently baffle developers. Within each chapter areseveral "gotchas," with detailed examples, discussions, andguidelines for avoiding them. No doubt about it, whenapplied, these concise presentations of best practices willhelp you lead a more productive, stress-free existence.
What's more, because code examples are written in bothVB.NET and C#, .NET Gotchas is of interest to more than 75percent of the growing numbers of .NET programmers. So ifyou're a .NET developer who's mired in the trenches andyearning for a better way, this book is most definitely foryou.
Рубрика: Технология /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2005
Количество страниц: 372
Добавлена в каталог: 09.09.2007
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
.NET capabilities not supported by COM
.NET framework class library (FCL)
.NET languages, sizes of aliases used in
.NET Reflector tool
Abort, delay during
accessing managed resources
accidental hiding 2nd
AComponent class, DoWork( ) method
AComponent class, Work( ) method
Agile Developer web site
aliases used in .NET languages
aliases, sizes of aliases used in .NET languages
apartments, client and component in different
apartments, cost of
apartments, effect of related attributes
apartments, Multithreaded Apartment (MTA)
apartments, Single Threaded Apartment (STA)
apartments, understanding apartment in which your thread is running
Array allocation
array size differences
ArrayList, behavior of
arrays, creating
arrays, inconsistent allocation
asynchronous access to web service
AutoComplete attribute (Enterprise Services), effect of
AutoDispatch, exposing .NET component
background threads, terminating
Base class, calling Finalize( ) method
Base class, implementing IDisposable
base method, overloading
Beep( ) method, proper declaration for
Bloch, Joshua
C#, class with mixed case members
C#, code examples, Abort
C#, code examples, Aliases 2nd
C#, code examples, Apartment 2nd
C#, code examples, Array 2nd 3rd
C#, code examples, ArrayList 2nd
C#, code examples, BackgroundAbort
C#, code examples, BeginInvoke
C#, code examples, CatchOrder
C#, code examples, ClassInterfaceType 2nd 3rd 4th
C#, code examples, COMInterfaces
C#, code examples, communicating with the root object
C#, code examples, ControlThread 2nd
C#, code examples, CopyingObjects 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
C#, code examples, creating arrays
C#, code examples, DataSetXMLSpeed
C#, code examples, DefaultApartment
C#, code examples, Delegate 2nd
C#, code examples, deriving a C# class from a VB.NET class
C#, code examples, DifferInCase
C#, code examples, Dispose design pattern
C#, code examples, DisposeFinalize
C#, code examples, DivByZero 2nd
C#, code examples, EnumSafety 2nd
C#, code examples, ES 2nd
C#, code examples, ESAutoComplete 2nd
C#, code examples, example to raise event with thread-safety
C#, code examples, ExceptionInDeriving 2nd 3rd 4th
C#, code examples, ExceptionInThread
C#, code examples, ExceptionInThread, client-side code 2nd
C#, code examples, ExceptionInThread, server-side code
C#, code examples, executing thread for different Timers and Delegate
C#, code examples, FAQs web site
C#, code examples, Finalize
C#, code examples, GetType 2nd
C#, code examples, GUID
C#, code examples, HandleException
C#, code examples, HandleException, client code
C#, code examples, HandleException, library code
C#, code examples, HidingMess
C#, code examples, Initialization
C#, code examples, Interrupt
C#, code examples, IsBackground
C#, code examples, JoinAbort
C#, code examples, KnowTheExit
C#, code examples, lost exception in asynchronous call, Web service
C#, code examples, lost exception in asynchronous call, Web service client
C#, code examples, MethodSignature 2nd
C#, code examples, multiple calls on web service, client side
C#, code examples, multiple calls on web service, server side
C#, code examples, MultipleWSCalls
C#, code examples, MultipleWSCalls, client side
C#, code examples, MultipleWSCalls, server side
C#, code examples, not setting STAThread or MTAThread
C#, code examples, NotToFinalize 2nd
C#, code examples, Optional 2nd 3rd
C#, code examples, OptionStrict
C#, code examples, ParamThreadSafety 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
C#, code examples, PolymorphismTooSoon
C#, code examples, RaisingEventThreadSafety
C#, code examples, RefactoredWrapper
C#, code examples, reflection to serialize and deserialize
C#, code examples, ReflectionToSerialize 2nd 3rd 4th
C#, code examples, RememberMarkOverride
C#, code examples, ResetAbortMethod
C#, code examples, ResourceHold
C#, code examples, Rethrow
C#, code examples, ReturningValueType 2nd
C#, code examples, RTTI 2nd 3rd 4th
C#, code examples, serialization example
C#, code examples, SettingApartment 2nd
C#, code examples, Shared
C#, code examples, SingletonAppDomain 2nd
C#, code examples, StringAppend
C#, code examples, SuppressingFinalize
C#, code examples, Synchronizing 2nd 3rd 4th
C#, code examples, SynchWithIntent 2nd
C#, code examples, templates
C#, code examples, TestPrivate 2nd
C#, code examples, ThouShaltReleaseObject
C#, code examples, ThreadFromPool
C#, code examples, transactions in Enterprise Services
C#, code examples, Treat Warnings As Errors
C#, code examples, Typeof 2nd
C#, code examples, unboxing in MSIL translated from
C#, code examples, Using
C#, code examples, ValueReferenceTypes
C#, code examples, ValueTypeConstructor
C#, code examples, VirtualInDerived
C#, code examples, Warnings
C#, code examples, WarningSideEffect
C#, code examples, WhatsInAName 2nd
C#, code examples, XMLSerializer 2nd
C++, forgetting to call Release( )
case sensitivity in names
casting code
Catch, inconsistent ordering
Catch, order
Catch, reversing order of
catching exception after call to EndInvoke()
Clark, Jason
classes with different relationships with its contents
classes with identifier
classes, exposing functionality through
ClassInterface options, AutoDispatch
ClassInterface options, AutoDual
ClassInterface options, ClassInterfaceType.None
clean up, right way to
cleanup, missed
Clone( ) method, fixing to maintain unique id
Clone( ) method, limitations
Clone( ) method, problem with readonly and
CLR Profiler - Managed Code Performance Tool web site
CLR/Framework gotchas, struct-class anomaly
CLR/Framework gotchas, type aliases mismatch
CLS compliance 2nd 3rd
CLSCompliant attribute
CoCreateInstance( )
COM component, working with multiple interfaces of
COM components, interacting with
COM components, isolating access to
COM components, multiple interfaces
COM components, preventing access
COM components, scripting
COM Interop, improperly exposing assembly for
COM interoperability, exposing .NET object for
COM objects, problem releasing
COM Registration information for .NET component
COM, .NET capabilities not supported by
COM, exposing public classes for
COM, facades and
COM, wrapper classes and
commit, safely communicating intent to
Common language infrastructure (CLI)
Common Language Specification (CLS)
Common Object Operations web site
Common Type System (CTS)
compiler warnings
compiler, configuring
components, late binding to communicate with
COMVisible(false) attribute
constructors of class, making protected or private
CookieContainer property 2nd
copy constructor, deep copy
copy constructor, extensibility of
copy constructor, public
copy constructor, shallow copy
copy constructor, writing
copy constructors, public
copying incorrectly
Cruise Control .NET web site
CTS types and aliases in VB.NET
Deep copy
Delegate class, BeginInvoke( ) and EndInvoke( ) methods
delegate, accessing uninitialized
delegate, checking for an uninitialized
delegate, using to call methods in another thread
derived class
derived classes, changing signatures in
derived classes, overridden methods in
deriving a C# class from a VB.NET class
deriving a VB.NET class from a C# class
deserialization of a derived class
deserialization, handling an exception during
Design Guidelines for Class Library Developers web site
Dispose design pattern 2nd
Dispose( ) method, freeing unmanaged resources
Dispose( ) method, refactoring
Dispose( ) method, ReleaseComObject( ) and
Dispose( ) method, what code to write in
Dispose(bool disposing) method
disposed objects, suppressing finalization of
Don't Lock Type Objects! web site
Draco.NET web site
ECMA-CLI web site
EndInvoke(), catching exception after call to
Enterprise Services, AutoComplete attribute
enum, example to study type safety of
enum, type-safe usage of
enum, type-safety and
Enum.IsDefined( )
Equals vs. == web site
events, raising in thread-safe environment
exceptions, catching exception after call to EndInvoke()
exceptions, handling and substitutability
exceptions, lost
exceptions, method
exceptions, method that throws
exceptions, that goes unhandled, C# client
exceptions, that goes unhandled, C# library
exceptions, that goes unhandled, VB.NET client
exceptions, that goes unhandled, VB.NET library
exceptions, unhandled
exceptions, useful hidden messages
executing thread for different Timers and Delegate, C#
executing thread for different Timers and Delegate, VB.NET
Exit() behavior
exiting threads
Exploring the Singleton Design Pattern web site
exposing .NET component, for COM interoperability
exposing .NET component, using AutoDispatch
exposing .NET component, using GUID attribute
exposing functionality through interfaces instead of classes
exposing public classes for COM
expressing method exceptions
extensibility and RTTI
FCL (framework class library)
Finalize( ) method 2nd
Finalize( ) method, C# versus VB.NET
Finalize( ) method, calling on base class
Finalize( ) method, eliminating overhead of calling
Finalize( ) method, freeing unmanaged resources
Finalize( ) method, inadvertently locking from within
Finalize( ) method, main reason for implementing
Finalize( ) method, managed resources in
Finalize( ) method, Notify( ) method and
Finalize( ) method, refactoring
Finalize( ) method, ReleaseComObject( ) and
Finalize( ) method, suppressing call
Finalize( ) method, VB.NET
Finalize( ) method, what code to put inside
Finalize( ) method, whether to use
Finalize( ) method, writing in VB.NET
finally blocks
floating point division by zero
form controls and thread safety
FxCop 2nd
FxCop, web site
Garbage Collection web site
garbage collection, missed cleanup
GC class's WaitForPendingFinalizers( ) method
GC.Collect( )
GC.SuppressFinalize( )
GetObjectData( ) method
GetType( ), not type safe
GetType(), behavior of
GetType(), correct usage of
GetType(), failure
GetType(), problem with instance's
Gotdotnet web site
Groups @ Google web site
GUID, effect of change in version number on generated
GUID, generating
GUID, problems with automatic generation
Hash code
Hashcode web site
hiding methods, due to signature mismatch
hiding, accidental, code example 2nd
hiding, signature mismatches and
ICloneable interface, using
IDispatch interface
IDisposable interface, RCW and
Implementing Finalize and Dispose to Clean Up Unmanaged Resources web site
Implementing the Singleton Pattern in C# web site
initialization sequence
initialization sequence inconsistencies
InnerException property
InputMustBeEvenException 2nd