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Subramaniam V. — .NET Gotachas
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Название: .NET Gotachas
Автор: Subramaniam V.
Аннотация: Like most complex tasks, .NET programming is fraught withpotential costly, and time-consuming hazards. The millionsof Microsoft developers worldwide who create applicationsfor the .NET platform can attest to that. Thankfully there'snow a book that shows you how to avoid such costly andtime-consuming mistakes. It's called .NET Gotchas.
The ultimate guide for efficient, pain-free coding, .NETGotchas from O'Reilly contains 75 common .NET programmingpitfalls—and advice on how to work around them. It willhelp you steer away from those mistakes that causeapplication performance problems, or so taint code that itjust doesn't work right.
The book is organized into nine chapters, each focusing onthose features and constructs of the .NET platform thatconsistently baffle developers. Within each chapter areseveral "gotchas," with detailed examples, discussions, andguidelines for avoiding them. No doubt about it, whenapplied, these concise presentations of best practices willhelp you lead a more productive, stress-free existence.
What's more, because code examples are written in bothVB.NET and C#, .NET Gotchas is of interest to more than 75percent of the growing numbers of .NET programmers. So ifyou're a .NET developer who's mired in the trenches andyearning for a better way, this book is most definitely foryou.
Рубрика: Технология /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2005
Количество страниц: 372
Добавлена в каталог: 09.09.2007
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
IntelliSense documentation
interfaces, exposing functionality through
interrupting threads
InvalidCastException 2nd
InvalidInputException 2nd
IUnknown Release( ) method
language interoperability, inconsistent array allocation
language interoperability, names and case sensitivity
language interoperability, names, avoiding conflicts
language interoperability, optional parameters
languages available in .NET web site
late binding to communicate with component
Liskov's Substitution Principle (LSP)
locking right metadata
locking type metadata
lost exception in asynchronous call, Web service client, C#
lost exception in asynchronous call, Web service client, VB.NET
lost exception in asynchronous call, Web service, C#
lost exception in asynchronous call, Web service, VB.NET
LSP, violation of
Main() method, changing apartment of
MemberwiseClone( ) method, readonly fields and
Memory Management
metadata, fetching for specific class
metadata, locking
metadata, locking type
methods, calling with parameter from another thread
methods, conflicting names
methods, name conflict
methods, naming
methods, one approach to invoking method with parameter
Methods, overloading
methods, that throw exception
Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)
MSDN Magazine web site
MSDN web site
MSIL for TestIt( ) method
MSIL translation of a RaiseEvent() statement
MSIL with difference between throw ex and throw
MTAThread, effect of not setting in C#
multiple calls, on web service, C# client side
multiple calls, on web service, C# server side
multiple calls, on web service, VB.NET client side
multiple calls, on web service, VB.NET server side
multiple calls, when session is maintained
multiple concurrent requests to a web service
multiple interfaces, COM components
Multithreaded Apartment (MTA)
MyBase.Finalize( ) method
Myers, Bertrand
names, avoiding conflicts
names, case sensitivity
names, choosing
NAnt web site
NDoc web site
nested classes
New keyword
new/shadows keyword 2nd
no-parameter constructor of value type
non-private members of a class
Notify( ) method, Finalize( ) method and
NullReferenceException 2nd 3rd 4th
NUnit test to assert DivisionByZeroException
NUnit web site
NUnit, test for a simple User
object hierarchy
object initialization sequence inconsistencies
object references and Shared members
objects, thread-safe
Open-Closed Principle (OCP) 2nd 3rd
Option Strict default
Optional keyword in overriding method
optional parameters
overloaded operators
overloading base method
overloading to change signature
Overloads keyword
overridable method
overridden methods in derived classes
override( ) method
override/overrides 2nd
override/overrides, accidental hiding
overriding and overloading to change signature
overriding method that throws exception
Person class, proper copying
PInvoke signatures
PInvoke.net web site
Polymorphism 2nd
polymorphism, during construction
polymorphism, prematurely kicking in
polymorphism, static/shared methods
polymorphism, Trainer class relying on polymorphic behavior of MakeNoise( ) method
polymorphism, virtual/overridable method
preloading schema
private methods, testing
properties, naming
RaiseEvent in VB.NET
RCW (Runtime Callable Wrapper)
RCW (Wrapper and the Runtime Callable Wrapper)
readonly and Clone(), problem with
readonly fields, MemberwiseClone( )
ReadXML( )
refactored Wrapper class
refactoring Dispose( ) and Finalize( )
reference type, assignment of
reflection to serialize and deserialize, C#
reflection to serialize and deserialize, VB.NET
Reflector web site
Register for COM interop (project setting)
Release( ), forgetting to call in C++
ReleaseComObject( ) method
ReleaseComObject( ) static/Shared method
ReleaseComObject( ) versus IUnknown Release( ) method
ReleaseComObject( ), multiple interfaces and
releasing COM objects
Reset( ) method
resources, accessing managed
resources, freeing unmanaged
resources, unmanaged resources from .NET
returning a value type
Richter, Jeffrey 2nd
RTTI, example of use
RTTI, extensibility and
RTTI, using in Play( ) method
scripting COM component
serialization of a derived class
serialization, examples, C#
serialization, examples, VB.NET
SerializationInfo class
ServicedComponents, inconsistencies
ServicedComponents, various Windows platforms
sessions, multiple calls when session is maintained
SetExecutingThreadLabel( ) method
SetPassword( ) method
Shadows keyword
shallow copy
Shared members, access to
Shared members, invoking usingreference
Shared members, object references and
Shared method
signatures, changing in derived class
signatures, mismatches, method hiding
signatures, overriding and overloading to change
Single Threaded Apartment (STA)
Singleton Design Pattern
Singleton thread-safety
singleton, example
singleton, not guaranteed process-wide
singleton, within AppDomain
sn utility to create key and extract public key token
solutions versus projects
Start( ) method
STAThread, effect of not setting in C#
STAThread, effect of using
STAThread, usage
static variables
static/Shared fields, uniquess of
static/Shared methods 2nd
static/shared methods, polymorphism
static/Shared methods, synchronization
Stop( ) method 2nd
Strict option off
StringBuilder versus +/&
struct keyword in C#
Structure in VB.NET
synchronization, ineffective
synchronization, problems with
synchronizing, locally and precisely
synchronizing, on metadata
SyncLock block
System.Data.DataSet class
System.Enum.IsDefined( )
System.ICloneable interface
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal class
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject( ) static/Shared method
System.Timers.Timer object
System.Timers.Timer's event handler
System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke( ) method 2nd
System.Xml.XmlDocument parser class
termination of background thread
Test class
Test Driven Development web site
testing private methods
Thread class, Abort( )
Thread class, Abort( ) method, calling Join( ) method after
Thread class, Abort() behavior
Thread class, dangerous methods and properties
Thread class, Exit( ) method
Thread class, Interrupt( ) method
Thread class, IsAlive property
Thread class, IsBackground property
Thread class, Join( )
Thread class, Pulse( )
Thread class, ResetAbort( ) method 2nd
Thread class, Resume( ) method
Thread class, Suspend( ) method
Thread class, ThreadState property
Thread class, Wait( ) method
thread pool
thread safety, form controls
thread safety, parameters
thread safety, raising events in thread-safe environment
thread safety, testing
thread-safe objects
ThreadAbortException 2nd
ThreadAbortException, ResetAbort( ) method and
ThreadRunner class 2nd
ThreadRunner class, using
threads, abrupt termination of background thread
threads, background, terminating
threads, behavior
threads, executing thread for different Timers and Delegate, C#
threads, executing thread for different Timers and Delegate, VB.NET
threads, exiting
threads, immortal
threads, interrupting
threads, parameters
threads, using your own thread versus one from thread pool
throw statement 2nd
throw statement, using to propagate an exception
Townsend, Mark
Trainer class relying on polymorphic behavior of MakeNoise( ) method
transactions in Enterprise Services, C#
transactions in Enterprise Services, VB.NET
Treat Warnings As Errors, C#
Treat Warnings As Errors, VB.NET
try/catch statements
type aliases mismatch
Type metadata, locking
type-safe usage of enum
Type.GetType( ), not type safe
Type.GetType(), behavior of
Type.GetType(), failure
typeof/GetType operator
Unexpected Errors in Managed Applications web site
Unit testing
unmanaged resources from .NET
using AutoDual, exposing .NET component
using keyword 2nd
value type, no-parameter constructor of
value type, returned from a property, modifying
value type, returning
VB FAQs web site
VB.NET, Catch order
VB.NET, class derived from another class
VB.NET, code examples, Abort
VB.NET, code examples, Aliases 2nd
VB.NET, code examples, Apartment 2nd
VB.NET, code examples, Array 2nd 3rd
VB.NET, code examples, ArrayList 2nd 3rd
VB.NET, code examples, BackgroundAbort
VB.NET, code examples, BeginInvoke
VB.NET, code examples, CatchOrder 2nd
VB.NET, code examples, ClassInterfaceType 2nd 3rd 4th
VB.NET, code examples, COMInterfaces
VB.NET, code examples, ControlThread 2nd
VB.NET, code examples, CopyingObjects 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
VB.NET, code examples, DataSetXMLSpeed
VB.NET, code examples, DefaultApartment
VB.NET, code examples, Delegate
VB.NET, code examples, DifferInCase
VB.NET, code examples, DisposeFinalize
VB.NET, code examples, DivByZero 2nd
VB.NET, code examples, EnumSafety 2nd
VB.NET, code examples, ES 2nd
VB.NET, code examples, ESAutoComplete 2nd
VB.NET, code examples, ExceptionInDeriving 2nd 3rd 4th
VB.NET, code examples, ExceptionInThread, client-side code 2nd
VB.NET, code examples, ExceptionInThread, server-side code
VB.NET, code examples, Finalize
VB.NET, code examples, GetType 2nd
VB.NET, code examples, GUID
VB.NET, code examples, HandleException
VB.NET, code examples, HandleException, client code
VB.NET, code examples, HandleException, library code
VB.NET, code examples, HidingMess
VB.NET, code examples, Initialization
VB.NET, code examples, Interrupt
VB.NET, code examples, IsBackground
VB.NET, code examples, JoinAbort
VB.NET, code examples, KnowTheExit
VB.NET, code examples, MethodSignature 2nd
VB.NET, code examples, MultipleWSCalls
VB.NET, code examples, MultipleWSCalls, client side
VB.NET, code examples, MultipleWSCalls, server side
VB.NET, code examples, No Example in VB.NET
VB.NET, code examples, NotToFinalize 2nd
VB.NET, code examples, Optional 2nd 3rd
VB.NET, code examples, OptionStrict 2nd