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Colombo G., Franklin C.Jr. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Podcasting |
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ABC (Always Be Clipping) technique (show preparation) 2nd
acknowledging, feedback 2nd
advertising, commercial placements versus sponsorships
affiliate revenue models 2nd
aggregator (pod-catching) software websites 2nd
aggregators, sponsorships, selling
Allpodcasts.com website
Amazon Associates program 2nd
Amazon.com website
Amazon.com website, Amazon Associates program 2nd
ambient noise
ambient noise, double-enders
ambient noise, post-production 2nd
ambient noise, recording 2nd
ambient noise, recording tips and techniques 2nd
ambient noise, sound-seeing 2nd
archiving, past shows
archiving, past shows, CD-ROM
archiving, past shows, consistency 2nd
archiving, podcasts
archiving, podcasts, server storage limits
ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) website
associate/affiliate revenue models 2nd
Attribution licenses (Creative Commons)
Attribution Non-Commerical option (Creative Commons licenses)
Attribution option (Creative Commons licenses)
Attribution Share-Alike option (Creative Commons licenses)
Audacity 2nd 3rd
audience, feedback
audience, feedback, audio feedback 2nd
audience, feedback, blogs 2nd
audience, feedback, email 2nd
audience, feedback, mulitple options
audience, feedback, perspective
audience, feedback, privacy
audience, feedback, show feedback phone lines 2nd 3rd
audience, feedback, soliciting
audience, feedback, versus flattery
audience, podcast design
audience, podcast design, defining audience 2nd
audience, podcast design, determining listening habits
audiences, determining
audiences, determining, online surveys 2nd
audiences, paid subscriber revenue models 2nd
audiences, podcast promotion 2nd
audiences, revenue, generating 2nd 3rd 4th
audio editing software 2nd
audio equipment manufacturers websites 2nd
audio equipment supplier websites
audio feedback 2nd
audio feedback, Internet telephone services
audio feedback, show feedback phone lines 2nd
Audio files
audio files, FTP, sending via 2nd
audio files, ID3 tags
audio files, ID3 tags, editing
audio files, ID3 tags, naming conventions 2nd
audio files, sending/receiving
audio files, sending/receiving, instant messaging
audio files, sending/receiving, large files 2nd
Audio Record Expert
Audio Recorder 2.2
audio software websites 2nd
audio, ambient noise
audio, ambient noise, sound-seeing 2nd
audio, sound-seeing 2nd
Auto Check feature (iPodder)
Auto Check feature (iPodder), podcasts
Auto Check feature (iPodder), podcasts, subscribing to
Autoblog podcast
avoiding the obvious (interview tips and techniques)
background music
background music, fading tracks (editing techniques)
backups, podcasts
backups, podcasts, server storage limits
balanced cable 2nd
bandwidth, budgeting for recording studios 2nd
Battlestar Galactica podcast
Beatles Chronicles podcast, The
Bitterest Pill podcast, The
blogs as feedback 2nd
blogs, content packaging techniques
blogs, Wordpress software
BMI (Broadcast Music International) website
broadcast schedules (podcast design)
Bug Music website
bumper music
business, podcasts, augmenting ventures
businesses, customer communications
businesses, customer communications in-house syndication
cable, balanced cable 2nd
cable, differences in
cable, phone connectors
cable, recording studio requirements
cable, unbalanced cable 2nd
cable, XLR connectors 2nd
cameras, field recording 2nd
cameras, recording studio requirements
cardinal sin of podcasting
cardioid microphones
cards (index)
cards (index), field reporting 2nd
cards (sound)
cards (sound), recording studio requirements
Caribbean Free Radio podcast
carrying cases
carrying cases, field recording
cases (carrying)
cases (carrying), field recording
cases (equipment)
cases (equipment), recording studio requirements
Catholic Insider podcast
CD-ROM, labeling
CD-ROM, saving past shows
Chose Store column (iTunes)
Chose Store column (iTunes), podcasts, accessing
clips (sound), as tracks (editing techniques)
clockwatching (flow design)
closed-ear (isolation) headphones 2nd
co-hosts, assuming roles 2nd
co-hosts, distinctive voices 2nd
co-hosts, talking over each other
colleges in-house syndication 2nd
comedy (show preparation) 2nd
comedy, learning
commenting on podcasts [See feedback]
commercial placements
commercial placements, versus sponsorships
companies, customer communications
companies, customer communications in-house syndication
| components of podcasts
components of podcasts, interviews
components of podcasts, music 2nd
components of podcasts, music, bumper music
components of podcasts, music, intellectual property rights
components of podcasts, music, stock music websites
components of podcasts, quality versus realism
components of podcasts, sound effects 2nd
components of podcasts, unpredictability 2nd 3rd
components of podcasts, voice
components of podcasts, voice, co-hosts 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
components of podcasts, voice, developing a host persona 2nd 3rd 4th
compressor filters
condenser microphones 2nd
conducting interviews
confidence (show preparation)
consistency (archiving past shows) 2nd
constraints (programming), radio versus podcasts 2nd
content packaging
content packaging, blogs
content packaging, location photos
content packaging, pictures 2nd
content packaging, podcast transcripts
content packaging, RSS feed security 2nd
content packaging, trackback links
content packaging, USB flash memory drives
content packaging, video clips
content packaging, websites 2nd
conversational tone (interview tips and techniques)
copyrights 2nd
copyrights, fair use clauses 2nd 3rd
copyrights, fair use clauses, informational website
copyrights, informational websites 2nd 3rd
copyrights, music
copyrights, music, downloading 2nd
copyrights, parody
copyrights, registering
Coverville podcast
creating/distributing promos 2nd
Creative Commons
Creative Commons licenses
Creative Commons licenses, Attribution Non-Commercial option
Creative Commons licenses, Attribution option
Creative Commons licenses, Attribution Share-Alike option
Creative Commons, Attribution licenses
Creative Commons, ID3 tags
Creative Commons, No Derivative Works licenses
Creative Commons, Noncommerical licenses
Creative Commons, Share Alike licenses
cross-fades, building 2nd
Cubicle Escape Pod podcast, The
Curry, Adam
customer communications
customer communications, in-house syndication
Customer information
customer information, registration, requiring for
customer information, retrieving 2nd
CZWeb.org website
Daily Source Code podcast, The 2nd
Dawn and Drew Show podcast, The 2nd
deleting, past shows
designing podcasts
designing podcasts, broadcast schedules
designing podcasts, guidelines table 2nd
designing podcasts, listeners
designing podcasts, listeners, defining 2nd
designing podcasts, listeners, determining listening habits
designing podcasts, show length 2nd
designing podcasts, sound quality
developing podcasts
developing podcasts, interviews
developing podcasts, music 2nd
developing podcasts, music, bumper music
developing podcasts, music, intellectual property rights
developing podcasts, music, stock music websites
developing podcasts, quality versus realism
developing podcasts, sound effects 2nd
developing podcasts, unpredictability 2nd 3rd
developing podcasts, voice
developing podcasts, voice, co-hosts 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
developing podcasts, voice, developing a host persona 2nd 3rd 4th
dialogue, editing 2nd
Digital cameras
digital cameras, field recording 2nd
digital cameras, recording studio requirements
DirCaster website
directories (podcasts)
directories, getting listed
directories, getting listed on 2nd 3rd
directories, getting listed, iPodder 2nd
directories, getting listed, iPodderX.org
directories, getting listed, Podcast Alley
directories, getting listed, Podshow
directories, sponsorships, selling
directories, websites 2nd 3rd 4th
directory websites 2nd
distributing promos 2nd
distributing, podcasts 2nd
donation revenue models
donation revenue models, pledge drives
donation revenue models, tip jars 2nd
double-enders, ambient noise
double-enders, mixing 2nd
double-enders, phone connections
double-enders, recording levels, checking 2nd
double-enders, saving 2nd
double-enders, sending/receiving files 2nd
downloading, music
downloading, music, copyrights
downloading, music, Creative Commons licenses
downloading, pod-catching software
dynamic microphones
edit points (editing techniques) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
edit points (editing techniques), placing
editing [See also mixing]
editing (post-production)
editing (post-production), pauses (recording tips and techniques)
editing software (audio) 2nd
editing, cleaning up 2nd
editing, edit points 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
editing, edit points, placing
editing, filters
editing, filters, compressor filters
editing, filters, equalizers
editing, filters, noise filters
editing, ID3 tags
editing, ID3 tags, naming conventions 2nd
editing, spikes, removing
editing, tracks
editing, tracks, fading 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
editing, tracks, overlapping 2nd
editing, tracks, recorded segments as
editing/mixing software
editing/mixing software, recording studio requirements
educational institutions
educational institutions, in-house syndication 2nd
effects (sound) 2nd
email as feedback
email as feedback, privacy
email, sending podcasts as
enclosure tags (RSS) 2nd
Endurance Radio podcast
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