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Colombo G., Franklin C.Jr. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Podcasting |
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RSS feeds, password protection 2nd
RSS feeds, secure distribution
RSS feeds, website subscriptions
RSS, development of 2nd 3rd 4th
RSS, enclosure tags 2nd
RSS, feed generator websites 2nd
RSS, formatting in
RSS, OPML feeds, example of 2nd
RSS, RSS 0.92 feeds, example of 2nd
RSS, RSS tags
RSS, server requirements
RSS, special characters in
RSS, validation websites
satire, versus parody
saving, double-enders 2nd
saving, past shows
saving, past shows, CD-ROM
saving, past shows, consistency 2nd
saving, shows
saving, shows, server storage limits
scheduling broadcasts (podcast design)
schools, in-house syndication 2nd
Science @ NASA podcast
secure distribution
secure distribution, ID3 tags
secure distribution, listener information, retrieving 2nd
secure distribution, obscurity
secure distribution, RSS feeds
secure distribution, VPN 2nd
secure distribution, VPN, MySmartChannels (Myst Technology)
security, customer information 2nd 3rd
security, RSS feeds
security, RSS feeds, password protection 2nd
security, servers 2nd
security, USB flash memory drives
selling, sponsorships 2nd
selling, sponsorships, aggregators
selling, sponsorships, media kits
selling, sponsorships, versus commercial placements
sending, audio files
sending, audio files via FTP 2nd
sending, podcasts as email
sending/receiving, audio files
sending/receiving, audio files, instant messaging
sending/receiving, audio files, large files 2nd
sending/receiving, double-ender files 2nd
servers, podcasts
servers, podcasts, archiving
servers, podcasts, backups
servers, RSS requirements
servers, security 2nd
servers, updating
SESAC website
Share Alike licenses (Creative Commons)
shotgun microphones
shotgun microphones, frequency ranges
show feedback phone lines 2nd
show feedback phone lines, Internet telephone services
show hosts
show hosts, co-hosts
show hosts, co-hosts, assuming roles 2nd
show hosts, co-hosts, distinctive voices 2nd
show hosts, co-hosts, talking over each other
show hosts, developing a persona 2nd 3rd 4th
show intros
show intros, podcast promotion
show length (podcast design) 2nd
show preparation
show preparation, ABC technique 2nd
show preparation, confidence
show preparation, flow management
show preparation, flow, designing
show preparation, flow, designing, clockwatching
show preparation, flow, designing, mixing material by tone
show preparation, flow, designing, mixing material by topic 2nd
show preparation, flow, designing, prioritizing material
show preparation, humor 2nd
show preparation, material coverage 2nd
show preparation, over-preparation
show preparation, post-production
show preparation, resource publications/websites 2nd
show preparation, topics, finding 2nd
shows, backups
shows, backups, server storage limits
shows, editing
shows, editing, cleaning up 2nd 3rd 4th
shows, editing, edit points 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
shows, editing, fading tracks 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
shows, editing, filters 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
shows, editing, overlapping tracks 2nd
shows, editing, recorded segments as tracks
shows, editing, removing spikes 2nd
shows, mixing
shows, mixing, cross-fades 2nd
shows, mixing, extending loops 2nd
shows, past shows, saving
shows, past shows, saving, CD-ROM
shows, past shows, saving, consistency 2nd
shows, saving
shows, saving, server storage limits
shows, syndicating
shows, syndicating, getting listed on directories 2nd 3rd
shows, syndicating, pre-podcast checklist 2nd
shows, syndicating, RSS 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
silence (recording tips and techniques) 2nd
single-click podcast subscriptions
Skype Internet telephone service
Skype, remote interviews
Slice of Sci-Fi podcast
Smith, Bob 2nd
software, audio editing software 2nd
software, blogging software
software, FTP software 2nd
software, latest release information websites
software, pod-catching software
software, pod-catching software, downloading
software, recording software
software, recording software, Linux
software, recording software, Macintosh 2nd
software, recording software, Windows 2nd
software, recording studio requirements
software, recording studio requirements, professional equipment versus consumer 2nd
software, updating
softwareware, recording studio requirements 2nd
sound cards
sound cards, recording studio requirements
sound clips
sound clips, as tracks (editing techniques)
sound editing software 2nd
sound effects 2nd
Sound files
sound files, FTP, sending via 2nd
sound files, ID3 tags
sound files, ID3 tags, editing
sound files, ID3 tags, naming conventions 2nd
sound files, sending/receiving
sound files, sending/receiving, instant messaging
| sound files, sending/receiving, large files 2nd
sound quality
sound quality, pocket recorders
sound quality, remote interviews
sound, ambient noise
sound, ambient noise, double-enders
sound, ambient noise, sound-seeing 2nd
sound, editing
sound, editing, cleaning up 2nd
sound, editing, filters 2nd 3rd 4th
sound, editing, removing spikes
sound, mixing
sound, mixing, cross-fades 2nd
sound, mixing, extending loops 2nd
sound, podcast design
sound, podcast design, sound quality
sound, spikes
sound, spikes, removing
sound-seeing 2nd
sound-seeing podcasts
sound-seeing podcasts, ambient noise 2nd
SoundExchange website
Source Forge website
special characters
special characters in RSS feeds
spikes (sound)
spikes (sound), removing
sponsorship revenue models
sponsorship revenue models, aggregators
sponsorship revenue models, media kits
sponsorship revenue models, selling 2nd
sponsorship revenue models, versus commercial placements
standing (recording tips and techniques) 2nd
Stern, Howard
stock music websites
storing, past shows
storing, past shows, CD-ROM
storing, past shows, consistency 2nd
storing, shows
storing, shows, server storage limits
structures of podcasts
structures of podcasts, unpredictability 2nd 3rd
studios, audio editing software 2nd
studios, bandwidth, budgeting for 2nd
studios, cable
studios, cable, balanced cable 2nd
studios, cable, differences in
studios, cable, phone connectors
studios, cable, unbalanced cable 2nd
studios, cable, XLR connectors 2nd
studios, cameras
studios, editing/mixing software
studios, equipment cases
studios, FTP software 2nd 3rd
studios, hardware requirements 2nd
studios, hardware requirements, operating ratings
studios, hardware requirements, professional equipment versus consumer 2nd
studios, headphones 2nd
studios, headphones, in-ear headphones
studios, headphones, isolation headphones 2nd
studios, headphones, open-ear headphones
studios, microphones 2nd
studios, microphones, cardioid microphones
studios, microphones, condenser microphones 2nd
studios, microphones, dynamic microphones
studios, microphones, omnidirectional microphones 2nd
studios, microphones, phone connectors
studios, microphones, recording patterns 2nd
studios, microphones, XLR connectors 2nd
studios, mixing boards 2nd 3rd
studios, platforms, selecting
studios, platforms, selecting, Linux
studios, platforms, selecting, Macintosh 2nd
studios, platforms, selecting, Windows
studios, portable recorders
studios, portable studios
studios, portable studios, carrying cases
studios, portable studios, components of
studios, recording software 2nd
studios, recording software, Linux
studios, recording software, Macintosh 2nd
studios, recording software, Windows 2nd
studios, software requirements 2nd
studios, software requirements, professional equipment versus consumer 2nd
studios, sound cards
submitting, podcasts to iTunes
subscribing to podcasts
subscribing to podcasts, limitation strategies
subscribing to podcasts, one-click subscriptions
subscribing to websites
subscribing to websites, RSS feeds
subscriptions, paid subscriber revenue models 2nd
syndication (podcasts)
syndication websites
syndication websites, Feedburner
syndication websites, Liberated Syndication
syndication websites, Odeo
syndication websites, Podshow
syndication, customer communications
syndication, directories, getting listed on 2nd 3rd
syndication, educational institutions 2nd
syndication, faith-based organizations 2nd
syndication, political organizations
syndication, pre-podcast checklist 2nd
syndication, RSS 2nd
syndication, RSS, development of 2nd 3rd 4th
syndication, RSS, enclosure tags 2nd
syndication, RSS, feed generator websites 2nd
syndication, RSS, formatting in
syndication, RSS, OPML feeds, example of 2nd
syndication, RSS, RSS 0.92 feeds, example of 2nd
syndication, RSS, RSS tags
syndication, RSS, server requirements
syndication, RSS, special characters in
syndication, RSS, validation websites
syndication, secure distribution
syndication, secure distribution, ID3 tags
syndication, secure distribution, obscurity
syndication, secure distribution, retreiving listener information 2nd
syndication, secure distribution, RSS feeds
syndication, secure distribution, VPN 2nd 3rd
talk format podcasts
talk format podcasts, music 2nd
talk format podcasts, music, bumper music
talk format podcasts, music, stock music websites
talking over each other
Techpodcasts.com website
telephone services
telephone services, Internet telephone services
telephone services, show feedback lines 2nd
testing podcasts
testing podcasts, getting feedback 2nd
testing podcasts, premier episodes
time-shifting (podcasts versus radio) 2nd
timing (flow design)
tip jars 2nd
tone, mixing material by (flow design)
topics (guests)
topics (guests), interview tips and techniques
topics, finding
topics, finding, show preparation 2nd
topics, mixing material by (flow design) 2nd
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