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Hampton K. — XML Publishing with AxKit |
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. (dot XPath alias self axis)
.. (dot dot XPath alias for parent axis)
.dkb files (DocBook)
.htaccess file
.htaccess file, adding configuration directives
.htaccess file, default sytle definition in
.htaccess files
.htaccess files, directives processing order
.htaccess files, root level stylesheet additions
.htaccess files, runtime style directives
// (XPath alias for descendant-or-self axis)
@ (attribute::axis shortcut)
AddHandler directive
AllowOutputCharset( )
architecture, caches
architecture, ConfigReader modules
architecture, language modules
architecture, order of execution
architecture, Perl/mod_perl requirements
architecture, plug-in modules
architecture, providers
as an application framework
AxAddDocTypeProcessor, conditionally adds processors based on source document';s DTD PUBLIC identifier
AxAddDTDProcessor, conditionally adds processors based on source document';s DTD path
AxAddDTDProcessor, one or more in named style block
AxAddDynamicProcessor, accepts name of Perl package as sole argument
AxAddPlugin 2nd
AxAddPlugin, StyleChooser modules
AxAddProcessor 2nd
AxAddProcessor, arugments
AxAddProcessor, MIME type and stylesheet path
AxAddProcessor, unconditional
AxAddProcessor, unconditionally adds processor definitions
AxAddRootProcessor, arguments, takes three
AxAddRootProcessor, Clarkian Notation for namespace URI
AxAddRootProcessor, document-to-stylesheet mappings
AxAddRootProcessor, matching same root element
AxAddRootProcessor, mismatched namespaces and
AxAddStyleMap 2nd
AxAddStyleMap, apply to a whole site
AxAddStyleMap, expects MIME and Perl arguments
AxAddStyleMap, set up language transformation processers
AxAddURIProcessor, emulatesLocationMatch blocks
AxAddURIProcessor, matches Perl regular expression against current request URI
AxIgnoreStylesheetPI, disregard xml-stylesheet processing instructions
axkit-devel mailing list
axkit-users mailing list
AxMedia, setting preferred media type with
AxMediaType, preferred_media property
AxResetProcessors, clears the list of processor mapping
AxStyle 2nd
AxStyleName, alternative processing chains example
AxStyleName, creating named style
AxStyleName, named style creation
C libraries libxml2 and libxslt
CacheDir( )
CacheModule( )
caching, processing chains
caching, with AxKit
component classes
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network [See CPAN]
conditional processing
conditional processing, mixing at same level
conditional processing, rules governing
ConfigReaders API
ConfigReaders API, AllowOutputCharset( )
ConfigReaders API, CacheDir( )
ConfigReaders API, CacheModule( )
ConfigReaders API, ContentProviderClass( )
ConfigReaders API, DebugLevel( )
ConfigReaders API, DependencyChecks( )
ConfigReaders API, DoGzip( )
ConfigReaders API, ErrorStyles( )
ConfigReaders API, GetMatchingProcessors( )
ConfigReaders API, get_config( )
ConfigReaders API, GzipOutput( )
ConfigReaders API, HandleDirs( )
ConfigReaders API, IgnoreStylePI( )
ConfigReaders API, LogDeclines( )
ConfigReaders API, OutputCharset( )
ConfigReaders API, OutputTransformers( )
ConfigReaders API, Plugins( )
ConfigReaders API, PreferredMedia( )
ConfigReaders API, PreferredStyle( )
ConfigReaders API, StyleMap( )
ConfigReaders API, StyleProviderClass( )
ConfigReaders API, XSPTaglibs( )
ConfigReaders, custom
ConfigReaders, custom, API
ConfigReaders, custom, example
ConfigReaders, custom, reasons for implementing
content transformations, chains of
content via Apache::Filter
content via Apache::Filter, Apache::ASP
content via Apache::Filter, CGI script generating XML
content via Apache::Filter, HTML::Mason example 2nd
content via Apache::Filter, must be well-formed XML
content, separating from logic
content-based dynamic document transformation
ContentProviderClass( )
Cookie StyleChooser, using
CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network)
CPAN, open source extnsion modules
CPAN, releases from
DebugLevel( )
DependencyChecks( )
directory structure
document transformation
document transformation, client-side
document transformation, dynamic server-side
document transformation, dynamic server-side, based on content
document transformation, heart and soul of XML publishing
document transformation, preprocessed 2nd
document transformation, required for XML publishing
Document type definition (DTD)
| documentation, perldoc modules'; namespace
documentation, user-contributed
DoGzip( )
DTD (Document Type Definition)
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative';s suggested grammar
ErrorStyles( )
exists( ) 2nd
Expat XML parser
Extensible Markup Language [See XML]
Extensible Server Pages [See XSP]
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations [See XSLT]
functions, XPath language 2nd
Generalized Markup Language (GML)
GetMatchingProcessors( )
getting more information
get_config( )
get_dom( )
get_fh( )
get_strref( ) 2nd
get_styles( ) 2nd
GML (Generalized Markup Language)
Gnome XML parser (libxml2)
Gnome XSLT processor (libxslt) 2nd 3rd
GzipOutput( )
HandleDirs( )
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
HTML Writer';s Guild
HTML, browser-friendly HMTL delivery
HTML, content ambiguities of
HTML, created by Tim Berner-Lee
HTML, markup
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol )
HTTP cookie driving styles 2nd
httpd.conf files
httpd.conf files, addind axkif.conf
httpd.conf files, adding AxKit core directives
httpd.conf files, AxKit configuration directive locations
httpd.conf files, directives processing order
httpd.conf files, runtime style directives
Hypertext Markup Language [See HTML]
Hypertext Transfer Protocol [See HTTP]2nd [See HTTP]
IgnoreStylePI( )
init( )
installing AxKit
installing AxKit, basic server configuration 2nd
installing AxKit, configuration, hard-and-fast rule for
installing AxKit, core 2nd
installing AxKit, core, CPAN shell
installing AxKit, core, development version (CVS archive)
installing AxKit, core, tarball distribution
installing AxKit, core, XSLT libraries installed before
installing AxKit, dependency list 2nd
installing AxKit, file (.xml, .xsp, .dkb, .rdf) processing configuration
installing AxKit, Language transformation processors, required
installing AxKit, requirements 2nd
installing AxKit, requirements, Apache 2nd 3rd
installing AxKit, requirements, mod_perl 2nd
installing AxKit, test suite failure
installing AxKit, testing 2nd
installing AxKit, testing, axkit.conf into httpd.conf files
installing AxKit, testing, demos
installing AxKit, troubleshooting
installing AxKit, troubleshooting, AxKit user community 2nd
installing AxKit, troubleshooting, mailing lists
installing AxKit, troubleshooting, Makefile.PL options
installing AxKit, troubleshooting, perldoc modules'; namespace documentation
installing AxKit, troubleshooting, user-contributed documentation
installing AxKit, Win32 2nd
installing AxKit, XML-processing libraries
installing AxKit, XML-processing options
integrating with other tools
integrating with other tools, modular, pluggable design
IRC channel, #axkit
key( ) 2nd
Language modules 2nd
Language modules, adding
Language modules, AxKit bridge to
language modules, custom
language modules, custom, Apache pnotes table storage issues 2nd
language modules, custom, language API
language modules, custom, STX interface example
Language modules, HtmlDoc
Language modules, libxslt (Gnome XSLT processor)
Language modules, PassiveTeX
Language modules, Sablot (Sablotron XSLT processor)
Language modules, SAXMachines
Language modules, XPathScript
Language modules, XSP
language processors
language processors, adding style definitions after
language processors, Perl templating packages as
language processors, site stylesheet association
LogDeclines( )
logic, separating from content
mailing lists, axkit-users, axkit-devel
maintenance of XML-base web site, good directory structure key to
mappings, type-to-module
markup, history of
markup, popularized by HTML
markup, semantically meaningful grammar
media types, reasons for using 2nd
MediaChooser modules
MediaChooser modules, named blocks processed last
metadata 2nd 3rd
metadata, Dublin Core Metadata Initiative';s suggested grammar
mime.conf files
modular system
mtime( )
named styles
named styles, alternate views
named styles, avoiding collisions with
named styles, created by
named styles, creating
named styles, default style
named styles, default style, by preferred style
named styles, default style, by setting to specific style
named styles, definition
named styles, reasons for using 2nd 3rd
named styles, skinning site content with
navigation using XML
OutputCharset( )
OutputTransformers( )
page-level content, generating
paths, resolving
PDF documents, generating
pdfxmltex utility
performance issues
perl module namespaces
perl module namespaces, Apache::AxKit::Language::\\*
perl module namespaces, Apache::AxKit::Plugin::\\*
perl module namespaces, Apache::AxKit::Provider::\\*
perl module namespaces, Apache::AxKit::StyleChooser::\\*
Plugins( )
plugins, custom
plugins, custom, adding with AxAddPlugin directive
plugins, custom, API
plugins, custom, handler( ) function required for
plugins, custom, logical custome code location
plugins, custom, StyleChooser::AcceptLanguage example
predicate expressions, XPath language
PreferredMedia( )
PreferredStyle( )
preferred_media property [See properties]
preferred_style property [See properties]
process( )
processing chains
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