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Hampton K. — XML Publishing with AxKit |
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processing chains, caching
processing chains, examples, three alternate
Project Gutenberg
properties, preferred_media
properties, preferred_media, default value and altering
properties, preferred_style
properties, preferred_style, set by cookie
provider API
provider API, exists( ) 2nd
provider API, get_dom( )
provider API, get_fh( )
provider API, get_strref( ) 2nd
provider API, get_styles( ) 2nd
provider API, init( )
provider API, key( ) 2nd
provider API, mtime( )
provider API, process( )
provider API, zip archive stylesheets example
providers, custom
providers, custom, API
providers, custom, defined content data fetchng mechanism
RDF Site Summary [See RSS]
Really Simple Syndication [See RSS]
resuable content
RSS (RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication)
RSS, example document for
RSS, output stylesheet
RSS, query string
runtime styling directives
Sablotron XSLT processor
sanctioned AFS (Apache Software Foundation) project
SAX (Simple API for XML) Filters
Sendmail module, interface to
Sergeant, Matt, conceived by
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
site-processing diagram (XML to HTML and RSS)
skinning site content with named styles
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
style definitions
style definitions, directive inheritance 2nd
style definitions, how applied and overridden
style definitions, in child directories prepended, not appended
style definitions, order applied
style definitions, processing order, examining
style processors
style processors, configuration cheetsheet
style processors, configuration cheetsheet, conditional directives against original XML source
style processors, configuration cheetsheet, groups of conditional processing directives
style processors, configuration cheetsheet, named style or media blocks processed last
style processors, configuration cheetsheet, prepending style processers going down hierarchy
style processors, configuration cheetsheet, same lexical level evaluation order 2nd
style processors, defining
style processors, definitions inherited recursively down directories
style processors, named processors always last rule
style processors, runtime styling directives
style processors, source document or configuration directive driven
StyleChooser modules 2nd
StyleChooser modules, alternate styles and
StyleChooser modules, custom 2nd
StyleChooser modules, named blocks processed last
StyleChooser modules, selecting between styles
StyleChooser modules, style overlap and
StyleMap( )
StyleProviderClass( )
styles, alternate processing instructions
styles, basic configuration options
styles, configuration directive or xml-stylesheet processing instruction
styles, definitions added after language processor setup
styles, definitions in all cases or conditionally
styles, handling overlap
styles, logical group combinations
styles, named styles, reasons for using 2nd
styles, persistant processing instructions
styles, preferred processing instructions
styles, transformations, dynamically choosing
styles, xml-stylesheet processing instructions, media attribute
stylesheets, associating documents with
stylesheets, associating language processor with
stylesheets, client-side transformations with
stylesheets, creating XML-based web site samples
stylesheets, define style processor mappings
stylesheets, NULL as stylesheet path in XSP
stylesheets, paths, resolving relative or qualified
stylesheets, preprocessed transformations with
stylesheets, processing instructions from original XML document only
stylesheets, RSS [See RSS]
stylesheets, server-side transformations with
stylesheets, templates [See templates, stylesheets]
stylesheets, transformation chains-;based HTTP cookie
stylesheets, transformation rules
stylesheets, transforming XML content with
stylesheets, xml-stylesheet processing instructions
stylesheets, XPathScript [See XPathScript]
stylesheets, XSLT [See XSLT]
Swish-e site search/indexing tool, interface to
syndicating content
tag libraries
tag libraries, implementation approaches
tag libraries, logicsheet, writing
tag libraries, module-based, installing 2nd
tag libraries, module-based, writing with TaglibHelper
tag libraries, most popular samples
tag libraries, Util tag library simple example
Template Toolkit
template toolkit, AxKit Language interface for
template toolkit, AxKit Language module implementation
template toolkit, features
template toolkit, generating and transforming XML, suited for
template toolkit, generating content
template toolkit, home page of
template toolkit, syntactical difference from Perl and XML
template toolkit, transforming content 2nd
templates, stylesheets
templates, stylesheets, evoking with name attribute
templates, stylesheets, rules
templates, stylesheets, xsl:template element
templates, stylesheets, xsl:template element, basic building block of
templates, stylesheets, xsl:template element, match attribute pattern expression
templates, stylesheets, xsl:template element, mode attribute for rules
Tip, chosing best grammar (or data) model
views, alternatives from same source
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
web publishing history 2nd 3rd
web site sample [See XML-based web site sample]
Wiki application implemented in XSP
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
XML content, dynamically serving
XML content, dynamically serving, simplified, well-defined application grammar
XML content, dynamically serving, XSP [See XSP]
XML publishing
XML publishing, common fallacies 2nd
XML publishing, document transformation
XML publishing, document transformation, as heart and soul of
XML publishing, document transformation, client-side
XML publishing, document transformation, dynamic server-side
XML publishing, document transformation, preprocessed 2nd
XML publishing, document transformation, required
| XML publishing, hosting limitations
XML publishing, myths about
XML publishing, of content
XML publishing, performance issues for
XML publishing, serving dynamic XML content [See XML content, dynamically serving]
XML publishing, syndicating content
XML publishing, syndicating content, RSS
XML source document samples
XML, basics
XML, core function of
XML, does not address
XML, exposes meaning of content
XML, grammar gap with HTML browsers
XML, grammars, chosing best is crucial
XML, history of
XML, markup, history of
XML, navigation with
XML, parsers
XML, parsers, Expat
XML, parsers, Gnome (libxml2)
XML, well-formedness fatal error
XML-based web site sample
XML-based web site sample, creating the stylesheet
XML-based web site sample, creating the stylesheet, using XPathScript 2nd
XML-based web site sample, creating the stylesheet, using XSLT
XML-based web site sample, good directory structure key to maintenance
XML-based web site sample, preparation 2nd
XML-based web site sample, source XML sample documents
XML-based web site sample, well-formedness fatal error
XML-based web site sample, what you accomplished 2nd
XML-centric implementation of Server Pages model
xml-stylesheet processing
xml-stylesheet processing, instructions
xml-stylesheet processing, instructions, disregarding
xml-stylesheet processing, instructions, persistant, preferred, and alternate
xml-stylesheet processing, instructions, title and alternate attributes, using
XPath language
XPath language, built-in functions 2nd
XPath language, location paths
XPath language, predicate expressions
XPath language, Relationship axes
XPathScript, AxKit language module
XPathScript, basics
XPathScript, basics, accessing document content
XPathScript, basics, designed as an alternative to XSLT
XPathScript, basics, embedded language is Perl
XPathScript, cookbook
XPathScript, cookbook, accesing client request and server data 2nd
XPathScript, cookbook, generating fresh dynamic content
XPathScript, cookbook, importing templates dynamically
XPathScript, cookbook, tokenizing text into elements (up-translation)
XPathScript, declarative templates
XPathScript, declarative templates, applying 2nd
XPathScript, declarative templates, cannot bind XML namspaces
XPathScript, declarative templates, expression interpolation 2nd
XPathScript, declarative templates, importing
XPathScript, declarative templates, template matches on element name
XPathScript, declarative transform syntax
XPathScript, functions
XPathScript, functions, findnodes( )
XPathScript, functions, findnodes_as_string( )
XPathScript, functions, findvalue( ) 2nd
XPathScript, reasons to use
XPathScript, stylesheets
XPathScript, stylesheets, behaves like a Perl script
XPathScript, stylesheets, two parts (Perl code block and block of literal output)
XPathScript, template hash
XPathScript, template hash, DocBook XML documents into HTML example 2nd
XPathScript, template hash, Ocatch-all templateO 2nd
XPathScript, template hash, subkeys and associated behaviors 2nd
XPathScript, template hash, testcode key
XPathScript, template hash, testcode subroutine limitations
XPathScript, template rules, can set up and apply
XPathScript, transforming XML content with
XPathScript, using 2nd
XSL-FO processor pdfxmltex
XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations)
XSLT, basics
XSLT, basics, conditional Oif/thenO blocks
XSLT, basics, loop constructs
XSLT, basics, parameters and variables
XSLT, basics, stylesheet templates [See templates, stylsheets]
XSLT, basics, XPath language [See XPath language]
XSLT, brief cookbook
XSLT, brief cookbook, alternating colors in HTML table rows
XSLT, brief cookbook, browser-friendly HMTL delivery 2nd
XSLT, brief cookbook, dividing large datasets into pages
XSLT, brief cookbook, including external documents 2nd
XSLT, brief cookbook, ObreadcrumbO navigation bar
XSLT, brief cookbook, passing markup through untransformed
XSLT, brief cookbook, XSLT parameter with POST and GET data
XSLT, functions
XSLT, functions, document( ) 2nd
XSLT, functions, XPath position( )
XSLT, processors
XSLT, processors, choosing in AxKit
XSLT, processors, Gnome XSLT processor (libxslt) 2nd
XSLT, processors, Sablotron XSLT processor
XSLT, site-processing diagram (XML to HTML and RSS)
XSLT, styesheet example
XSLT, tranforming XML content with
XSLT, using
XSP (Extensible Server Pages)
XSP, ApacheAxKit::Language::XSP
XSP, AxKit for
XSP, basics
XSP, basics, elements 2nd
XSP, basics, generating content
XSP, basics, grammar summary (nine elements)
XSP, basics, most effective use
XSP, basics, valid XSP document is well-formed XML
XSP, basics, XSP processor beginning of processing chain
XSP, content generation
XSP, content generation, free-form Perl code, embedded
XSP, content generation, xsp\:content element optional
XSP, content generation, xsp\:logic elements, things to remember
XSP, debugging tips 2nd
XSP, debugging tips, AxDebugLevel directive to maximum (10)
XSP, debugging tips, AxTraceIntermediate directive
XSP, introduction to
XSP, introduction to, generating content sole concern
XSP, NULL as stylesheet path in
XSP, other dynamic HMTL techniques
XSP, other dynamic HMTL techniques, aggregate data URIs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
XSP, other dynamic HMTL techniques, application content providers 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
XSP, Perl modules, using in
XSP, Perl modules, using in, CPAN
XSP, Sendmail module, interface to
XSP, Swish-e site search/indexing tool, interface to
XSP, tag libraries
XSP, tag libraries, implementation approaches
XSP, tag libraries, logicsheet, writing
XSP, tag libraries, module-based, installing 2nd
XSP, tag libraries, module-based, writing with TaglibHelper
XSP, tag libraries, most popular samples 2nd
XSP, tag libraries, Util tag library simple example
XSP, Wiki application implement in
XSP, XML-centric implementation of Server Pages model
XSPTaglibs( )
zip archive stylesheets example
{\\} (Clarkian notation)
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