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Название: Web Mapping
Автор: Mitchell T.
With the help of the Internet and accompanying tools, creating and publishing online maps has become easier and rich with options. A city guide web site can use maps to show the location of restaurants, museums, and art venues. A business can post a map for reaching its offices. The state government can present a map showing average income by area.
Developers who want to publish maps on the web often discover that commercial tools cost too much and hunting down the free tools scattered across Internet can use up too much of your time and resources. Web Mapping Illustrated shows you how to create maps, even interactive maps, with free tools, including MapServer, OpenEV, GDAL/OGR, and PostGIS. It also explains how to find, collect, understand, use, and share mapping data, both over the traditional Web and using OGC-standard services like WFS and WMS.
Mapping is a growing field that goes beyond collecting and analyzing GIS data. Web Mapping Illustrated shows how to combine free geographic data, GPS, and data management tools into one resource for your mapping information needs so you don't have to lose your way while searching for it.
Remember the fun you had exploring the world with maps? Experience the fun again with Web Mapping Illustrated. This book will take you on a direct route to creating valuable maps.
McKenna, Jeff Mercator projection Meridians metadata, mapping Microstation Design files (DGN)2nd Microstation Design files (DGN), data access/connection method Microstation Design files (DGN), map file example Microstation Design files (DGN), ogrinfo examples MINFEATURESIZE option Mitchell, Tyler Mobile Geographics Museums Teaching Planet Earth web site MySQL NASA Topography National Geophysical Data Center Interactive Map Services web site National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Transfer Format files (NTF) National Transfer Format files (NTF), data access/connection method National Transfer Format files (NTF), map file example National Transfer Format files (NTF), ogrinfo examples ne operator nl command (Unix) oblique air photos Observations observations, locating positions of observations, quantifying observations, visualizing on a map OGR2nd OGR, project web site OGR, utilities OGR, utilities web site OGR, vector formats supported ogr2ogr2nd 3rd ogr2ogr, -where option ogr2ogr, as feature extraction tool ogr2ogr, converting PostGIS data ogr2ogr, CSV files and ogr2ogr, selecting portions of data ogr2ogr, transforming coordinates ogr2ogr, using to convert a shapefile into GML format ogr2ogr, using to convert shapefiles to other formats ogr2ogr, using with ogrinfo ogrinfo ogrinfo, --help parameter ogrinfo, -sql option ogrinfo, -sql parameter ogrinfo, -summary option ogrinfo, detailed information about geographic data ogrinfo, examples ogrinfo, examples, ESRI ArcInfo Coverage files ogrinfo, examples, ESRI Shapefiles (SHP) ogrinfo, examples, GML ogrinfo, examples, IHO S-57 files ogrinfo, examples, MapInfo files (TAB/MID/MIF) ogrinfo, examples, Microstation Design files (DGN) ogrinfo, examples, National Transfer Format files (NTF) ogrinfo, examples, Spatial Data Transfer Standard files (SDTS) ogrinfo, filtering output from ogrinfo, listing data in shapefile ogrinfo, on a single TAB file ogrinfo, TIGER/Line files ogrinfo, TIGER/Line files, VirtualSpatialData (ODBC/OVF) ogrinfo, using to examine contents of world countries shapefile ogrinfo, using to examine structure of file/layer ogrinfo, using to examine the structure of the file/layer ogrinfo, using with the ogr2ogr conversion tool ogrtindex online street mapping applications Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)2nd Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), OGC Transactional Web Feature Server (WFS-T) Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), Open Geospatial Consortium web services (OWS) Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), specification Open source Open Source GIS/MapServer Users Meeting Open Source Initiative web site open source, GIS and mapping tools open source, GIS/mapping products open source, software open standards and interoperability OpenEV OpenEV, 3D view OpenEV, adding more layers OpenEV, alternatives OpenEV, changing general layer setting OpenEV, color theming OpenEV, combining DEM and drape images OpenEV, creating and saving tabular attributes OpenEV, DEM OpenEV, drape image OpenEV, Draw Area tool OpenEV, Draw Line tool OpenEV, Draw ROI tool2nd OpenEV, Draw Styles tab OpenEV, Draw Styles tab, Anti-alias setting OpenEV, Draw Styles tab, Areas features OpenEV, Draw Styles tab, Labels option OpenEV, Draw Styles tab, Lines setting OpenEV, Draw Styles tab, Points option OpenEV, Export tool OpenEV, Fit All Layers zoom button OpenEV, General tab OpenEV, General tab, Editable option OpenEV, General tab, Layer option OpenEV, General tab, Visibility option OpenEV, installing OpenEV, Layer Classification window OpenEV, Layer Classification window, Color Ramps OpenEV, Layers window OpenEV, loading airports shapefile OpenEV, loading sample map data into OpenEV, panning OpenEV, point data OpenEV, Point Edit tool OpenEV, Point Edit tool, using to draw location on map OpenEV, raster layer, adding OpenEV, reprojecting data OpenEV, Schema editor OpenEV, Tabular Shapes Attribute OpenEV, Tabular Shapes Grid OpenEV, TIFF file OpenEV, using OpenEV, viewer OpenEV, viewing PostGIS data OpenEV, WMS Tool OpenEV, zooming OpenMap Operators OR operator Oracle Spatial Oracle Spatial Database2nd Oracle Spatial Database, map file examples Oracle Spatial Database, map file examples, using native support Oracle Spatial Database, map file examples, using OGR support Orkney, Inc. orthographic projections2nd 3rd OUTPUTFORMAT object overview, adding to application ovf files PAL.ADF file paste command (Unix) PDF file output PeopleGIS personal knowledge versus general knowledge personal map data personal map data, planning your map personal map data, planning your map, base map personal map data, planning your map, choosing scale and extent personal map data, planning your map, street maps personal map data, preprocessing data personal map data, preprocessing data, clipping out area of interest