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Mitchell T. — Web Mapping
Mitchell T. — Web Mapping

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Название: Web Mapping

Автор: Mitchell T.


With the help of the Internet and accompanying tools, creating and publishing online maps has become easier and rich with options. A city guide web site can use maps to show the location of restaurants, museums, and art venues. A business can post a map for reaching its offices. The state government can present a map showing average income by area.

Developers who want to publish maps on the web often discover that commercial tools cost too much and hunting down the free tools scattered across Internet can use up too much of your time and resources. Web Mapping Illustrated shows you how to create maps, even interactive maps, with free tools, including MapServer, OpenEV, GDAL/OGR, and PostGIS. It also explains how to find, collect, understand, use, and share mapping data, both over the traditional Web and using OGC-standard services like WFS and WMS.

Mapping is a growing field that goes beyond collecting and analyzing GIS data. Web Mapping Illustrated shows how to combine free geographic data, GPS, and data management tools into one resource for your mapping information needs so you don't have to lose your way while searching for it.

Remember the fun you had exploring the world with maps? Experience the fun again with Web Mapping Illustrated. This book will take you on a direct route to creating valuable maps.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 368

Добавлена в каталог: 04.09.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
GNU/Free Software Foundation      
GPS, data      
GPS, global positioning system      
grep command (Unix)      
grep command (Unix), using to show only names of airports      
gt operator      
GTOPO, Elevation Data      
GTOPO, Global digital elevation model      
Handyside Web Programming      
head/tail command (Unix)      
higher resolution boundaries      
HostGIS      2nd
IBM Spatial Extender      
IHO S-57 files      
IHO S-57 files, data access/connection method      
IHO S-57 files, map file example      
IHO S-57 files, ogrinfo examples      
IHO S-57 files, special notes      
illustration of methods for describing the Earth's shape      
image size, modifying to fit extent of map      
images, based on map file      
images, gdalinfo command      
images, multiple bands      
images, of legends      
images, PNG      
images, setting output image formats      
images, setting output image formats, IMAGETYPE      
images, WBMP      
images, which formats supported      
Inline MapServer features      
Inline MapServer features, data access/connection method      
Inline MapServer features, map file example      
interactive maps      2nd 3rd 4th
Intergraph Microstation design files (DGN)      
Intergraph OGC WMS Viewer      
Internet map data sources      
interoperability of software      
join command (Unix)      
JPEG format      
JUMP, Java Unified Mapping Platform      
Kralidis, Tom      
LABELITEM setting      
labels, adding to map      
labels, default types      
Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - G10      
Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC)      2nd
latitudes, from the equator to 90°      
layer controls, adding to map web page      
layerObj object      
Layers window (OpenEV)      
le operator      
legend (MapServer utility)      
legend, adding a link      
legend, adding to a web page      
legend, command      
legend, creating      
legend, embedded      
legend, embedded, removing      
legend, POSITION setting      
legend, status settings (ON, OFF, or EMBED)      
legendObj object      
legends, adding to an application      
Lime, Steve      
linear data      
Linux Documentation Project site      
Liyanaga, Marc      
Locative Technologies      
logical expressions      
longitudes, divided into hemispheres of 180° each      
longitudes, running from 0 to 360°
look command (Unix)      
lower-resolution boundaries      
lt operator      
lwpostgis.sql SQL script, loading      
Mac OS X      
map data      
map data, analyzing      
map examples      
map examples, global map using the Simple Cylindrical projection      
map examples, map of Europe in Albers Equal Area Projection      
map examples, map of South Asia in Transverse Mercator Projection      
map examples, map of the Eastern Hemisphere using Orthographic Projection      
map examples, map of the North Pole in Stereographic Projection      
map examples, showing northern latitudes in Mercator Projection      
Map file      
map file examples      
map file examples, ESRI ArcInfo Coverage files      
map file examples, ESRI ArcSDE Database (SDE)      
map file examples, ESRI Shapefiles (SHP)      
map file examples, GML      
map file examples, IHO S-57 files      
map file examples, Inline MapServer features      
map file examples, MapInfo files (TAB/MID/MIF)      
map file examples, Microstation Design files (DGN)      
map file examples, National Transfer Format files (NTF)      
map file examples, PostGIS/PostgreSQL Database      
map file examples, Spatial Data Transfer Standard files (SDTS)      
map file examples, TIGER/Line files      
map file examples, using OGR support      
map file examples, VirtualSpatialData (ODBC/OVF)      
map file examples, WFS (Web Feature Service)      
map file, comments      
map file, creating map images      
map file, diagram      
map file, filename      
map file, indenting lines      
map file, keywords      
map file, mapping file      
map file, MapServer      
map file, overview      
map file, reference documents      
map file, rules and recommendations      
map file, values needing quotations      
map image      
map image, based on map file      
Map Maker      
map projections      
map projections, conic projections      
map projections, cylindrical projections      
map projections, examples      
map projections, examples, Albers Equal Area Projection      
map projections, examples, Mercator Projection      
map projections, examples, orthographic projection      
map projections, examples, Simple Cylindrical projections      
map projections, examples, Stereographic Projection      
map projections, examples, Transverse Mercator (TM) Projection      
map projections, examples, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)      
map projections, flattening the spheroid      
map projections, orthographic projections      
map projections, types      
map projections, using with other applications      
map scales      
MapBender web site      
MapInfo, files (TAB/MID/MIF)      
MapInfo, files (TAB/MID/MIF), data access/connection method      
MapInfo, files (TAB/MID/MIF), map file example      
MapInfo, files (TAB/MID/MIF), ogrinfo examples      
MapInfo, MID/MIF files      
MapInfo, TAB files      2nd
MapLab demo      
MapLab web site      
mapObj object      
Mapping Hacks GIS RPMs for Fedora Core      
mapping road lines      
mapping tools      
mapping tools, commercial      
mapping tools, open source      
MapQuest, web site      
maps, for printing      
maps, making without web server      
MapScript      2nd
MapScript, API's hierarchical object structure      
MapScript, binary versions      
MapScript, building from source code      
MapScript, class diagrams      
MapScript, examples      
MapScript, examples, basic map of the world      
MapScript, examples, creating a new class, selecting a country, and drawing it in a different color      
MapScript, examples, creating map file from scratch      
MapScript, examples, Java      
MapScript, examples, manipulating map settings      
MapScript, examples, opening map file and drawing map      
MapScript, examples, Perl      
MapScript, examples, PHP      
MapScript, examples, Python      
MapScript, examples, Ruby      
MapScript, examples, simple      
MapScript, getting      
MapScript, getting help      
MapScript, insertclass( ) function      
MapScript, introduction      
MapScript, objects      
MapScript, objects, classObj      
MapScript, objects, colorObj      
MapScript, objects, layerObj      
MapScript, objects, legendObj      
MapScript, objects, mapObj      
MapScript, objects, scalebarObj      
MapScript, objects, styleObj      
MapScript, objects, webObj      
MapScript, resources      
MapScript, setExpression( ) function      2nd
mapserv executable      
mapserv executable, mapserv file      2nd
mapserv executable, mapserv.exe      
MapServer      2nd 3rd 4th
MapServer for Windows (MS4W)      2nd
MapServer for Windows (MS4W), environment      
MapServer, adding WFS layer      
MapServer, adding WMS layer to a map file      
MapServer, Apache HTTP web server and      
MapServer, Apache, configuring      
MapServer, API      
MapServer, application development frameworks      
MapServer, application gallery      
MapServer, application, diagram showing basic operation      
MapServer, applications, how they operate      
MapServer, ArcIMS emulator      
MapServer, as a WMS server      
MapServer, CGI executable      2nd
MapServer, CGI reference document web site      
MapServer, changing the projection      
MapServer, commercial service providers      
MapServer, compilation process      
MapServer, compiling source code      
MapServer, compiling source code, configuring sources      
MapServer, compiling source code, creating the Makefile      
MapServer, compiling source code, errors      
MapServer, compiling source code, options not included by default      
MapServer, compiling source code, PROJ.4 files
MapServer, connection string      
MapServer, creating custom application for a particular area      
MapServer, data access and performance      
MapServer, data sources      
MapServer, dependency error message on Windows      
MapServer, documentation for adding WFS support to map files      
MapServer, documentation web site      
MapServer, downloading source code      
MapServer, GD library      
MapServer, installation configure options      
MapServer, installation configure options, configure help listing      
MapServer, installation configure options, DIR and PATH arguments      
MapServer, installation configure options, features and packages      
MapServer, installation configure options, includes and lib files      
MapServer, installation configure options, JPEG image support      
MapServer, installation configure options, LibJPEG configuration      
MapServer, installation configure options, parameters      
MapServer, installation dependencies      
MapServer, installation dependencies, Coordinate Projection library      
MapServer, installation dependencies, data format/application support libraries      
MapServer, installation dependencies, graphic formatting/add-on libraries      
MapServer, installation dependencies, image format libraries      
MapServer, installation dependencies, image library support      
MapServer, installation dependencies, only documented requirement      
MapServer, installation dependencies, Web services options      
MapServer, installing      
MapServer, installing, Debian Linux package repositories      
MapServer, installing, DebianGIS      
MapServer, installing, GIS-Knoppix      
MapServer, installing, HostGIS      
MapServer, installing, LinGIS      
MapServer, installing, Linux binaries      
MapServer, installing, Linux GIS distributions      
MapServer, installing, Linux RedHat Package Manager (RPM) files      
MapServer, installing, Mac OS X      
MapServer, installing, Mapping Hacks GIS RPMs for Fedora Core      
MapServer, installing, mapserv file      
MapServer, installing, multiple versions      
MapServer, installing, platforms      
MapServer, installing, Refractions Research      
MapServer, installing, RPM packages      
MapServer, installing, STARCD      
MapServer, installing, Windows binaries      
MapServer, IRC channel      
MapServer, key components      
MapServer, learning how to use new features      
MapServer, Linux with Apache      
MapServer, list      
MapServer, mailing lists      
MapServer, OGC specification implementations      
MapServer, OGC Web Services Workshop web site      
MapServer, optimizing data access and querying      
MapServer, output map image      
MapServer, portability and      
MapServer, primary function      
MapServer, projections when using WMS (Web Map Service)      
MapServer, resources      
MapServer, subqueries and      
MapServer, temporary image folders      
MapServer, testing and troubleshooting      
MapServer, testing installation      
MapServer, testing using demo application      
MapServer, using as standalone application      
MapServer, using as WFS server      
MapServer, using with web services      
MapServer, utilities      
MapServer, vector data access      
MapServer, vector data reference guide      
MapServer, viewing PostGIS data      
MapServer, Web Map Service and      
MapServer, web mapping tool      
MapServer, web server considerations      
MapServer-supported data format guide      
MapTools.org site      
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