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Duncan J., Deraleau J. — Running Mac OS X Tiger
Duncan J., Deraleau J. — Running Mac OS X Tiger

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Название: Running Mac OS X Tiger

Авторы: Duncan J., Deraleau J.


Running Mac OS X Tiger is the ideal resource for power users and system administrators like you who want to tweak Tiger, the new release of Mac OS X, to run faster, better, or just differently.

If you areready to dig deep into your Mac, this book expertly guides you to the core of Mac OS X. It helps you understand the inner workings of the operating system so you can know how to get the most out of it. And it gives you countless ideas — and step-by-step instruction — for customizing and revving up Tiger to your specific needs and your liking.

Completely revised and updated for Mac OS X Tiger, Running Mac OS X Tiger covers all the new features and functionality of Tiger. You can count on authors Jason Deraleau and James Duncan Davidson to give what you need — and not bother with what you don't. They don't spend time on Finder tips and keyboard shortcuts; they focus on showing you what makes a Mac tick and, more importantly, how you can make it tick just the way you want it to.

Easy to follow and intuitively organized, Running Mac OS X Tiger is divided into three parts: "Getting Started" introduces Mac OS X and explains how it's put together and why it works; "Administration Essentials" gives you the tools you need to examine how your system is running and adjust all the knobs behind its operation; and "Networking and Network Services" covers the ways Mac OS X interfaces with the world around it, including wireless and spontaneous networking. Developer Tools for Mac OS X, including Xcode, are discussed throughout the book as appropriate.

For the growing number of intermediate to advanced users who are ready and eager to customize Mac OS X, Running Mac OS X Tiger delivers everything you need to become master of your Mac.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 392

Добавлена в каталог: 23.08.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
sleep command and cron      
sleep preferences, setting      
Smart Folders      2nd
Snort (Network Intrusion Detection System)      
software installation      
software installation, CLI (command-line) applications      
software installation, compiled software      
software installation, custom installers      
software installation, drag-and-drop install      
software installation, GUI applications      
software installation, Mac OS X Installer      
software installation, software installers      
software installation, Unix software      
software installation, Unix software, DarwinPorts package manager      
software installation, Unix software, uninstalling      
software sources      
software specifications, viewing with System Profiler      
software updates      
software updates, non-Apple software      
software updates, Software Update application      
source code
source-based package managers
sparse disk image
Spotlight      2nd 3rd 4th
Spotlight, privacy preferences      
Spotlight, stored metadata      
SSH (Secure Shell)      2nd
sshd      2nd
Startup Disk preference panel
Startup Manager      
StartupItems folder
StartupParameters.plist file
Stealth Mode
Sticky bit      
sudo command      2nd 3rd
supported filesystems
Sync Services
System 7      
system configuration
system crontab file      
System domain      
System folder      
system login
system login, applications, automatic launch at      
system login, GUI login window, bypassing to command-line      
system login, login items      
system login, Login Screen, customizing      
system login, user authentication
system logout      
system monitoring      
system monitoring, About This Mac menu      
system monitoring, Activity Monitor      
system monitoring, bug reports, filing with Apple      
system monitoring, command-line, monitoring processes from
system monitoring, processes
system monitoring, processes, killing processes      
system monitoring, remote maintenance
system monitoring, remote maintenance, SSH (Secure Shell)      
system monitoring, remote maintenance, VNC (Virtual Network Computing)
system monitoring, system activity      
system monitoring, system activity, logfiles, viewing
system monitoring, System Profiler
system monitoring, System Profiler, refreshing the view      
system monitoring, System Profiler, System Profile reports, creating
system monitoring, users
System Profiler
System Profiler, refreshing the view
System Profiler, System Profile reports, creating
system shutdown
SystemStarter, hostconfig file
SystemStarter, parameters
SystemStarter, startup items      
SystemStarter, startup items, item executables      
SystemStarter, startup items, starting and stopping      
system_profiler command      2nd
tar command      
target disk mode      
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
tcsh shell
Terminal, appearance, changing      
Terminal, commands      
Terminal, commands, directory contents, viewing      
Terminal, commands, file contents, viewing      
Terminal, commands, filesystem navigation      
Terminal, dragging and dropping of files from Finder      
Terminal, keyboard shortcuts      
Terminal, listing available utilities
Terminal, other terminal applications
Terminal, pagers
Terminal, resources for further study      
Terminal, shells, changing
Terminal, Terminal command-line
Terminal, Terminal Pal
Terminal, user interface      
Terminal, viewing hidden folders
Terminal, window splitting
Tevanian, Avi      
text editors
TextEdit      2nd
tmp directory
Toolbox, Macintosh
top command
Type codes      
UDF (Universal Disk Format)      
UDIF (Universal Disk Image Format)      
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
Unix commands      
Unix commands, apropos      
Unix commands, arp -a      
Unix commands, at, atq, and atm      
Unix commands, atlookup      
Unix commands, atrun      
Unix commands, batch command      
Unix commands, bless      
Unix commands, bzip2      
Unix commands, cat      
Unix commands, cd      2nd
Unix commands, chmod      2nd 3rd
Unix commands, chmod, ACLs and      
Unix commands, chown
Unix commands, cp      2nd
Unix commands, curl      
Unix commands, date      
Unix commands, diff      
Unix commands, echo
Unix commands, echo, shutting off
Unix commands, export      
Unix commands, find      2nd
Unix commands, for      
Unix commands, grep      2nd
Unix commands, gzip
Unix commands, hdiutil      
Unix commands, history      
Unix commands, id      
Unix commands, ifconfig      
Unix commands, ipfw      
Unix commands, ipfw, risks of using      
Unix commands, kill      
Unix commands, killall
Unix commands, last      
Unix commands, less utility      
Unix commands, locate      
Unix commands, lpstat -a      
Unix commands, lsof      
Unix commands, make utility      
Unix commands, man      
Unix commands, mdfind      
Unix commands, mdls      
Unix commands, mkdir      2nd
Unix commands, mktemp      
Unix commands, more utility      
Unix commands, mv      2nd
Unix commands, ncutil      
Unix commands, netstat -r      
Unix commands, nmap      
Unix commands, nvram tool      
Unix commands, open      
Unix commands, osascript      
Unix commands, ps      
Unix commands, pwd      2nd
Unix commands, read      
Unix commands, rm      2nd
Unix commands, rmdir      2nd
Unix commands, rxvt      
Unix commands, set      2nd
Unix commands, sudo      2nd 3rd
Unix commands, tar
Unix commands, top
Unix commands, until
Unix commands, w
Unix commands, while      
Unix commands, who
Unix software      
Unix software, compiling      
Unix software, installing      
Unix software, installing, DarwinPorts
Unix software, installing, Fink      
Unix software, uninstalling      
Unix, case insensitivity and      
Unix, CUPS      2nd
Unix, pagers
Unix, search tools      
Unix, Unix File System (UFS)      
until command      
Upgrade Install      
upgrading operating systems      
USB printers, adding      
user authentication      
user authentication at login      
User crontab file
User domain      
user switching, fast      2nd 3rd
Users folder      
users, administrative users      
users, authentication via Open Directory      
users, creating
users, deleting      
users, disabling
users, managing
users, managing usinf information      
users, managing, Accounts preference panel
users, managing, Parental Controls      
users, monitoring      
users, nonhuman users
users, nonhuman users, creating
users, numbering scheme      
users, root user      
users, root user, enabling      
usr directory      
var directory      
variable scope      
variables, AppleScript      
verbose mode      2nd
VersionTracker      2nd
vi editor      
virtual memory, System      2nd
Vista, Windows      
VNC (Virtual Network Computing)      
VNC (Virtual Network Computing), connecting      
VNC (Virtual Network Computing), enabling the server      
VNC (Virtual Network Computing), third-party VNC servers      
Volumes directory      
Volumes folder      
VPNs (Virtual Private Networks)      
w command      
Web-Based Distributed Authoring and Versionion (WebDAV)      
WebDAV (Web-Based Distributed Authoring and Versioning)      
well-known ports      
while command      
who command      
Widgets, Dashboard      
Wincent software      
Windows printing      
Windows Vista      
WWDC (World Wide Developer Conference)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
X key, holding down at startup      
X11, installation      
Xcode Tools      
Xcode Tools, location on hard drive      
Xcode Tools, space required for      
Xerox PARC      
Yellow Box      
Z Shell      
Zapping the PRAM      
Zero Configuration (Zeroconf)
[ ] (brackets)      
^ (caret)      
| (pipe character)
~ (tilde)      
1 2 3 4
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