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Duncan J., Deraleau J. — Running Mac OS X Tiger
Duncan J., Deraleau J. — Running Mac OS X Tiger

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Название: Running Mac OS X Tiger

Авторы: Duncan J., Deraleau J.


Running Mac OS X Tiger is the ideal resource for power users and system administrators like you who want to tweak Tiger, the new release of Mac OS X, to run faster, better, or just differently.

If you areready to dig deep into your Mac, this book expertly guides you to the core of Mac OS X. It helps you understand the inner workings of the operating system so you can know how to get the most out of it. And it gives you countless ideas — and step-by-step instruction — for customizing and revving up Tiger to your specific needs and your liking.

Completely revised and updated for Mac OS X Tiger, Running Mac OS X Tiger covers all the new features and functionality of Tiger. You can count on authors Jason Deraleau and James Duncan Davidson to give what you need — and not bother with what you don't. They don't spend time on Finder tips and keyboard shortcuts; they focus on showing you what makes a Mac tick and, more importantly, how you can make it tick just the way you want it to.

Easy to follow and intuitively organized, Running Mac OS X Tiger is divided into three parts: "Getting Started" introduces Mac OS X and explains how it's put together and why it works; "Administration Essentials" gives you the tools you need to examine how your system is running and adjust all the knobs behind its operation; and "Networking and Network Services" covers the ways Mac OS X interfaces with the world around it, including wireless and spontaneous networking. Developer Tools for Mac OS X, including Xcode, are discussed throughout the book as appropriate.

For the growing number of intermediate to advanced users who are ready and eager to customize Mac OS X, Running Mac OS X Tiger delivers everything you need to become master of your Mac.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 392

Добавлена в каталог: 23.08.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Disk Utility, disk permissions, verification and repair      
Disk Utility, erasing disks
Disk Utility, examining disks      
Disk Utility, formatting disks
Disk Utility, uses      
Disk Utility, using from install DVD      
Disk Utility, Verify Disk      
diskutil tool
display dialog command
Display PostScript      
display, putting to sleep      
DNS (Domain Name System)      
DNS (Domain Name System), DNS lookup      
DNS (Domain Name System), mDNS (multicast DNS)
domains, Active directory domain server configuration      
domains, filesystem domains      
domains, shared domains, configuring      
domains, shared domains, configuring, contacts      
domains, shared domains,configuring      
domains, shared domains,configuring, authentication      
dot files
drivers, printer, installing      
dscl command      2nd
DVDs, disk images, burning onto      
echo command      
echo command, shutting off      
EDITOR environment variable      
egress filtering      
Energy Saver preferences, schedule
enl (ethernet interface)
Environment variables      2nd
Erase and Install
esac keyword      
etc directory      
ethernet interface      
eulogy for Mac OS 9      
export command      
extensions, System 7
Falstad, Paul
fast application switching
Fast File System      
Fast User Switching      2nd 3rd
FAT (MS-DOS File Allocation Table)      
faxing      2nd
file extensions      
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)      
files, access
files, ACLs (Access Control Lists)
files, Creator codes
files, file extensions
files, finding      
files, finding, using command-line
files, metadata and attributes      
files, owners and groups, viewing      
files, ownership      
files, ownership, changing
files, permissions
files, permissions, BSD file flags      
files, permissions, changing      2nd
files, permissions, characters
files, permissions, common permission sets
files, permissions, deciphering
files, permissions, HFS+ attributes
files, permissions, octal values
files, permissions, permission characters
files, Set UID and Set GID      
files, sticky bit      
files, Type codes
filesystems      2nd
filesystems, bundles      
filesystems, commands
filesystems, file extensions      
filesystems, filesystem domains      
filesystems, filesystem type codes      
filesystems, Finder viewpoint
filesystems, Finder viewpoint, versus command-line structure
filesystems, fragmentation
filesystems, HFS+ (Mac OS Extended filesystem)
filesystems, hidden files
filesystems, hierarchies
filesystems, journaling
filesystems, Library
filesystems, network file systems      
filesystems, network file systems, sharing      
filesystems, network filesystems
filesystems, network filesystems, mounting
filesystems, other supported filesystems      
filesystems, root folders
FileVault      2nd
find command      2nd
Finder, dragging and dropping files to Terminal      
Finder, files, finding with
Finder, hidden folders, opening with
Finder, Spotlight      2nd
Finder, viewpoint structure compared to command-line
FireWalk and FireWalkX      
firewalls, logging, enabling      
firewalls, Stealth Mode, enabling      
firewalls, third-party software      
firewalls, UDP blocking
FireWire interface      
FireWire interface, buse-powered      
FireWire interface, FireWire drives      
FireWire interface, networking
firmware, version, identifying
FlickrExport plug-in      
Folders      xiv
folders, disk images, creating from
folders, hidden folders      
Font Book
for command
Force Quit Applications window      
Force Quit Applications window, versus Quit      
FreeBSD      2nd 3rd 4th
Freshly Squeezed Software's Terminal Pal
ftp (file transfer protocol)
Gassee, Jean-Louis      
gateway routers      
generic interface tunnel      
global preferences      
Google, using to find help      
Graphical user interface (GUI)
grep command      2nd
groups, managing information for      
GUI (Graphical User Interface)
gzip command      
H.264, iChat
hard drives, partitioning      
hardware boot process
hardware, addresses
hardware, viewing system specifications
hdiutil command
Hello, World! script      
Hewlett-Packard PARISC      
HFS (Mac OS Standard) filesystem
HFS+ (Mac OS Extended filesystem)      
HFS+ (Mac OS Extended filesystem), attributes
hidden folders      
HISTFILESIZE environment variable      
history command      
Home folder      2nd
Home folder, command-line view      
host-based preferences      
hostconfig file      
hot-file clustering      
HTML, use with Dashboard Widgets
iCal      2nd
iChat and iChat AV      
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
id command
ifconfig command
ifconfig command, manual IP address configuration and
iMovie      2nd
Intel x86, Rhapsody, and Mac OS X      
Interface Builder GUI layout application
Internet Connection Sharing
Internet routing table
Internet Software Consortium
Internet6 routing table
IP (Internet Protocol)
IP (Internet Protocol), routability
IP addresses
IP addresses, configuring
IP addresses, configuring, manual configuration
IP addresses, IPv4 addresses
IP addresses, IPv6 addresses
IP addresses, naming and DNS      
IP printing
IP printing, IP-based print queue names
ipfw command
ipfw command, risks of using
IPoFW (IP over FireWire)      
Java      2nd
Java Bridge
Jobs, Steve      2nd
Joy, Bill
jukebox (iTunes)
Kerberos      2nd 3rd 4th
KEXTs (kernel extensions)      2nd 3rd
keyboard shortcuts
keyboard shortcuts, bash
keyboard shortcuts, Terminal interface
Keychain application      2nd 3rd 4th
KILL command      
killall command
Korn Shell
L2TP (Level 2 Tunneling Protocol)
Language Translations install option      
laptops, energy and sleep preferences, setting
last command
LaunchAgents folder      
launchd      2nd
launchd, property list file
launchd, services
less utility
Library folder      2nd
Library/Preferences folders      
lists and records
Little Snitch
local domain      2nd
local printers      
locate command      
Log out
Login Screen, customizing
loginwindow program
Loopback interface      
Loops      2nd
loops, AppleScript      
loops, bash scripting      
loops, shell commands      
lpstat -a command      
ls command      2nd 3rd
ls command, -a option      
ls command, -la options      
ls command, ACLs and
ls command, color coding file listings
lsof command      
MAC addresses      2nd
Mac DevCenter      
Mac OS      2nd
Mac OS Extended filesystem (HFS+)
Mac OS Standard (HFS) filesystem      
Mac OS X      ix
Mac OS X Installer      2nd
Mac OS X Software Update      
Mac OS X Technology Overview      
Mac OS X Tiger
Mac OS X Tiger, system requirements      
Mac OS X, beta release (Mac OS X 10.0)      
Mac OS X, Intel x86 hardware and      
Mac OS X, Mac OS X 10.1      
Mac OS X, Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar      
Mac OS X, Mac OS X 10.3 Panther      
Mac OS X, Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
Mac OS X, NEXTSTEP antecedents
Mac OS, OS 8
Mac OS, OS 9      
Mac OS, OS 9, booting      
Mac OS, OS 9, folders      
Mac OS, System 7      
Mach kernel      2nd
mach, mach.sym, and mach_kernel folders      
Macintosh model names
MacUpdate      2nd
make utility      
man command      
manpages, keys for using manpages      
mdfind command      
mdls command      
mDNS (multicast DNS)      
Migration Assistant      
mkdir command      2nd
mktemp command      
more utility      
MS-DOS File Allocation Table (FAT)      
multiuser operating systems      
mv command      2nd
nano editor      2nd
NAT (Network Address Translation)      
ncutil command      
NetBoot      2nd
NetInfo      2nd
NetInfo, backing up and restoring      
NetInfo, command-line tools      
1 2 3 4
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