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Lenz E., McRae M., Laurent S.St. — Office 2003 XML |
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Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)
IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)
Identity transformation
ImageClick method, ISmartDocument interface
Images [See embedded images]
indentation of paragraph
InfoPath 2nd 3rd
InfoPath, alternatives to Design Mode
InfoPath, binding XML to HTML 2nd 3rd
InfoPath, buttons
InfoPath, compared to XForms
InfoPath, date picker control
InfoPath, declarative configuration in
InfoPath, deploying solution for
InfoPath, design and run-time component bundled
InfoPath, Design Mode
InfoPath, desktop deployment of
InfoPath, editing components
InfoPath, example of
InfoPath, filling out forms with
InfoPath, form definition file 2nd 3rd
InfoPath, form template
InfoPath, form template package
InfoPath, forms in
InfoPath, HTML Task Pane
InfoPath, initial XML template 2nd
InfoPath, mapping approach used by
InfoPath, menus
InfoPath, mixed content support
InfoPath, publishing form from Design Mode
InfoPath, rich text editing support
InfoPath, schema 2nd 3rd
InfoPath, script file
InfoPath, time field formatting
InfoPath, toolbars
InfoPath, XSLT stylesheet 2nd
inline elements 2nd [See also run-level elements; runs]
InsertXML method 2nd
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer, version 5, XSL in
Internet Explorer, viewing WordprocessingML in
InvokeControl method, ISmartDocument interface
ISmartDocProperties interface
ISmartDocument interface
ISO Latin character sets
italic property
Java & XML (McLaughlin)
Jing tool
Jones, Christopher (Python & XML)
justification of paragraphs
Kay, Michael (XSLT Programmer';s Reference) 2nd
Kulchenko, Paul (Programming Web Services with SOAP)
Layout Task Pane, InfoPath Design Mode
Learning XML (Ray) 2nd
Learning XSLT (Fitzgerald) 2nd
LF (linefeed character), as line ending in WordprocessingML
libxml project, XML processors
libxslt project, XSLT processors
linefeed character
linefeed character as line ending in WordprocessingML
linefeed character, handling of, in w:t element
linked styles
list styles 2nd
lists, formatting
lists, HTML compared to WordprocessingML
lists, properties of
literal result elements
local settings [See direct formatting]
location path, in XPath expression
MacDonald, Matthew
MacDonald, Matthew, Office 2003 XML for Power Users
MacDonald, Matthew, Programming .NET Web Services
makecab.exe command
Mangano, Sal (XSLT Cookbook) 2nd
manifest element
manifest files
manifest files for Smart Documents 2nd
manifest files for XML template
manual formatting [See direct formatting]
margins, page
McIntosh, Jason (Perl & XML)
McLaughlin, Brett (Java & XML)
Means, W. Scott (XML in a Nutshell) 2nd
menus, InfoPath
metadata as attributes in XML
metadata, embedding as XML in Word
metadata, extracting from Word documents
metadata, removing from Word documents
Microsoft Access [See Access]
Microsoft Excel [See Excel]
Microsoft FrontPage [See FrontPage]
Microsoft InfoPath [See InfoPath]
Microsoft Office 2003 [See Office 2003]
Microsoft Outlook [See Outlook]
Microsoft PowerPoint [See PowerPoint]
Microsoft Visio [See Visio]
Microsoft Word [See Word]
Microsoft Word Visual Basic Reference
mixed content
mixed content in WordprocessingML
mixed content in XML
mixed content in XML as Excel source data
mixed content in XSD
mixed content XML editor support for
model groups, XSD
mso-application PI
mso-application PI for Excel
mso-application PI for InfoPath
mso-application PI, generating 2nd
mso-application PI, removing to open document in Internet Explorer
mso-infoPathSolution PI 2nd
mso-solutionextension PI 2nd
msxsl.exe, XSLT processor
name syntax, XML
named cells 2nd
named ranges 2nd
named types, in XSD
NamedCell element
Names element
namespaces, attributes, namespace-qualified
namespaces, default, in WordprocessingML
namespaces, for XSD
namespaces, for XSLT
namespaces, list of, in WordprocessingML
namespaces, prefixes for 2nd
namespaces, RELAX NG
namespaces, resources for
namespaces, SpreadsheetML 2nd
namespaces, XML
namespaces, XML schema one-to-one correspondance with
nested markup
Newcomer, Eric (Understanding Web Services: SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI)
node-set, resulting from XPath expression
o namespace prefix
O';Reilly & Associates, Inc., contact information
o:CustomDocumentProperties element
o:DocumentProperties element 2nd 3rd 4th
o:processingInstructions element
Office 2003 2nd [See also specific Office applications]3rd
Office 2003 XML for Power Users (MacDonald)
Office 2003, Enterprise Edition
Office 2003, XML';s role in 2nd
OfficeDocumentSettings element
OnCheckboxChange method, ISmartDocument interface
OnListOrComboSelectChange method, ISmartDocument interface
| onload XSLT stylesheet 2nd
onload XSLT stylesheet, automatically applied, requirement for
onload XSLT stylesheet, creating
onload XSLT stylesheet, determining whether schema is attached
onload XSLT stylesheet, editing attributes and
onload XSLT stylesheet, method of selecting
onload XSLT stylesheet, multiple, for one schema
onload XSLT stylesheet, preserving PIs in document with
onload XSLT stylesheet, utility for generating
onOffProperty type
OnPaneUpdateComplete method, ISmartDocument interface
OnRadioGroupSelectChange method, ISmartDocument interface
onsave XSLT stylesheet 2nd
onsave XSLT stylesheet, editing attributes and
onsave XSLT stylesheet, preserving PIs when saving documents
onsave XSLT stylesheet, save options for, choosing
onsave XSLT stylesheet, used for creating onload XSLT stylesheet
OnTextboxContentChange method, ISmartDocument interface
OpenOffice.org, converting WordprocessingML to
operators, in XPath
Options dialog, Word
outline levels
Outlook, XML not supported with
page margins
Page Setup dialog
page size
Paoli, Jean (editor of XML 1.0 specification)
Paragraph dialog box
paragraph mark properties
paragraph styles 2nd 3rd 4th
Paragraphs [See also w:p element]2nd 3rd
paragraphs, as list items
paragraphs, indentation of
paragraphs, justifying
paragraphs, properties for 2nd 3rd
paragraphs, spacing for
paragraphs, tab stops for
PDF, converting WordprocessingML to
performance, XSL transformations and
Perl & XML (Ray; McIntosh)
permissions, editing 2nd
PI (processing instruction) [See also specific processing instructions]2nd
PI (processing instruction), InfoPath
PI (processing instruction), preserving when saving document
PI (processing instruction), resources for
placeholder text
placeholder text in templates
placeholder text, assigning to custom elements
placeholder text, showing
POI Java library
PopulateActiveXProps member, ISmartDocument interface
PopulateCheckbox member, ISmartDocument interface
PopulateDocumentFragment member, ISmartDocument interface
PopulateHelpContent member, ISmartDocument interface
PopulateImage member, ISmartDocument interface
PopulateListOrComboContent member, ISmartDocument interface
PopulateOther member, ISmartDocument interface
PopulateRadioGroup member, ISmartDocument interface
PopulateTextboxContent member, ISmartDocument interface
pound sign (#)
PowerPoint, XML not supported with
predicate, XPath
prefixes, namespace 2nd
presentation, separating from content 2nd
processing instruction [See PI]
Programming .NET Web Services (Ferrara; MacDonald)
Programming Web Services with SOAP (Snell; Tidwell; Kulchenko)
Properties dialog, Word
properties for documents 2nd
properties for paragraph marks
properties for paragraphs 2nd 3rd
properties for tables 2nd
properties of runs
properties of sections
properties, conflicts between
properties, setting
protected styles 2nd
Python & XML (Jones; Drake)
queries, exporting from Access to XML
question mark (?)
quotes, around attributes
Raman, T. V. (XForms: XML Powered Web Forms)
Range object 2nd
ranges, marking up
Ray, Erik
Ray, Erik, Learning XML 2nd
Ray, Erik, Perl & XML
RELAX NG (van der Vlist) 2nd
RELAX NG, converting to XSD 2nd
RELAX NG, resources for 2nd
repeating elements
repeating elements, creating
repeating elements, editing
Research Pane, creating Web Services for
Resources [See also web sites]
resources about DTD
resources about namespaces
resources about processing instructions (PIs)
resources about RELAX NG 2nd
resources about RTF
resources about Smart Documents
resources about SOAP 2nd
resources about SpreadsheetML
resources about styles and templates
resources about SVG
resources about VBA and SOAP
resources about Web Services 2nd
resources about Word Object Model
resources about WordprocessingML
resources about XForms
resources about XML 2nd 3rd
resources about XSD 2nd
resources about XSLT 2nd
REST Web Services 2nd
Reveal Formatting task pane, Word
revisions 2nd
rich text bindings, XSLT stylesheet
Rich Text Format [See RTF]
rich-client XML editors
Roman, Steven (Writing Word Macros) 2nd
root element, XML
root template rule 2nd
Row element 2nd
row-level elements, custom, editing
rows in spreadsheets 2nd
rows in tables
RTF (Rich Text Format)
RTF Pocket Guide (Burke)
ruby text
run-level context
run-level elements 2nd
runs [See also w:r element]2nd 3rd
runs, properties of
runs, styles for
Save data only option, Word
Saxon, XSLT processor
Scalable Vector Graphics [See SVG]
Schema [See XML schema]
schema attachment
schema languages [See DTD RELAX NG XSD]
schema library 2nd
Schema Settings dialog
script file, InfoPath
section breaks
section containers
section properties
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