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Lenz E., McRae M., Laurent S.St. — Office 2003 XML |
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" (double quotes)
# (pound sign)
##any wildcard
##local wildcard
##other wildcard
##targetNamespace wildcard
#x20 (space character)
#x9 (tab character)
#xA (line-feed character)
& (ampersand)
& entity reference
' entity reference
&ft; entity reference
< entity reference
" entity reference
'; (single quotes) 2nd
.dll files
.dll files, permissions for, with managed code
.dll files, Smart Documents distributed as
.doc files [See documents Word]
.dtd files [See DTD]
.NET & XML (Bornstein)
.rnc files [See RELAX NG]
.rng files [See RELAX NG]
.xls files [See Excel spreadsheets]
.xml files [See documents XML
.xsd files [See schemas]
.xsf files [See form definition file InfoPath]
.xsl files [See stylesheets]
.xsn files [See form template package InfoPath]
< > (angle brackets)
<\\> (angle brackets) 2nd
? (question mark)
ACCESS [See also databases]
Access, exporting XML from 2nd
Access, exporting XML from, linked tables
Access, exporting XML from, presentation and transformation
Access, exporting XML from, queries
Access, exporting XML from, single table
Access, generating data-driven Word tables from
Access, importing XML into 2nd 3rd 4th
Access, Web Services, accessing from 2nd
Access, XML features in 2nd
Actions [See document actions]
Adobe FrameMaker [See FrameMaker]
AML (Annotation Markup Language), namespace for
aml namespace prefix
aml:annotation element 2nd 3rd
aml:content element
ampersand (&)
angle brackets (< >)
angle brackets (<\\>) 2nd
Annotation Markup Language (AML), namespace for
annotations XSD
annotations, WordprocessingML 2nd
anonymous types, in XSD
Antenna House, Inc., XSL-FO processor
Application.ExportXML method
Application.ImportXML method
Arbortext EpicEditor [See EpicEditor]
Asian ruby text
Asian Typography, compression options for
ATTLIST, attribute list declaration
attribute list declarations, DTD
attribute value template
Attributes dialog, Word
attributes naming
attributes WordprocessingML, namespace-qualified
attributes, editing, with Smart Documents
auxiliary hints, WordprocessingML 2nd
Base64-encoded data
Base64-encoded data, in WordprocessingML
Base64-encoded data, line endings and
Base64-encoded data, objects, attributes relating to
Beginning XSLT (Tennison)
block-level context
block-level elements 2nd
boilerplate text, in templates
bold property
bookmarks 2nd
Bornstein, Niels (.NET & XML)
Bray, Tim
Bray, Tim, “Annotated XML Specification”
Bray, Tim, “XML Namespaces by Example”
breaks 2nd
browser-based XML editors
built-in template rules 2nd
bundled XML editors
Burke, Sean M. (RTF Pocket Guide)
business forms [See forms]
buttons, InfoPath
Castro, Elizabeth
Castro, Elizabeth, XML for the World Wide Web
Castro, Elizabeth, XML for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide
Cell element 2nd
cell-level elements, custom
cells in spreadsheets 2nd
cells in tables 2nd 3rd
Cerami, Ethan (Web Services Essentials)
character encodings
character references, in XML
character styles 2nd 3rd
character styles, conflicts between
character styles, linked, removing from Word documents
Clark, James
Clark, James, Jing tool
Clark, James, Trang package
comments in WordprocessingML 2nd
comments in XML
comments, extracting from Word documents
compact syntax, RELAX NG
compatibility options
compositors, XSD 2nd
conditional formatting, XSLT stylesheet
contact information for this book
content, mixed
content, mixed in WordprocessingML
content, mixed in XML
content, mixed in XML as Excel source data
content, mixed in XSD
content, mixed XML editor support for
content, separating from presentation 2nd
ControlCaptionFromID member, ISmartDocument interface
ControlCount member, ISmartDocument interface
ControlID member, ISmartDocument interface
ControlNameFromID member, ISmartDocument interface
controls, Smart Document
controls, Smart Document, defining
controls, Smart Document, document actions for
controls, Smart Document, populating
controls, Smart Document, types and associated methods
ControlTypeFromID member, ISmartDocument interface
create-onload-stylesheet.xsl stylesheet
CRLF (carriage return linefeed pair), as line ending in WordprocessingML
curly braces ({})
Cygwin, XML processor
Data only view, Word
Data view [See also onload XSLT stylesheet]
data view, editing restrictions and
data view, limitations of
data view, options for
data-oriented XML editor
databases [See also Access]
databases, creating XML documents from
databases, generating data-driven Word tables using
databases, generating documents and spreadsheets from
| databases, Smart Documents accessing
databases, XML and
dataroot element 2nd
datatypes, RELAX NG
datatypes, XSD
datatypes, XSD to Excel mappings
date picker control, InfoPath
DDF file
default values, XSD
Definitive XML Schema (Walmsley) 2nd
Definitive XSLT and XPath (Holman)
derived styles
diamond directive file
direct formatting
direct formatting, font settings
direct formatting, paragraph settings 2nd
direct formatting, removing from Word documents
Docbook, converting WordprocessingML to
DOCTYPE declaration 2nd
document actions 2nd 3rd 4th
Document Actions task pane 2nd
document protection, Word 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
document type declaration
Document Type Definition [See DTD]
document-oriented XML editor
DocumentProperties element
documents, Word [See also Word; WordprocessingML]
documents, Word, annotating 2nd 3rd
documents, Word, as basis for onload XSLT stylesheet
documents, Word, attaching schema to
documents, Word, changing font sizes in
documents, Word, cleaning up for publishing
documents, Word, converting
documents, Word, converting to Docbook
documents, Word, converting to HTML
documents, Word, converting to OpenOffice.org
documents, Word, converting to PDF
documents, Word, converting, special-purpose translations
documents, Word, copying
documents, Word, direct formatting, removing
documents, Word, embedded XML data in
documents, Word, extracting information from
documents, Word, extracting information from comments
documents, Word, extracting information from metadata
documents, Word, extracting information from text content
documents, Word, generating from databases 2nd
documents, Word, linked character styles, removing
documents, Word, metadata
documents, Word, metadata embedding as XML
documents, Word, metadata extracting
documents, Word, metadata removing
documents, Word, modifying
documents, Word, saving as WordprocessingML
documents, XML [See XML]
Double quotes (“) 2nd
Drake, Fred L. (Python & XML)
dt namespace prefix
DTD (Document Type Definition) 2nd
DTD (Document Type Definition), converting to XSD 2nd
DTD (Document Type Definition), creating Smart Document schemas from
DTD (Document Type Definition), resources for
Dubinko, Micah (XForms Essentials)
dummy styles
editing components, InfoPath
editing permissions, ranges of 2nd
editing restrictions 2nd 3rd
Eisenberg, David (SVG Essentials)
ELEMENT type declaration
element type declarations, DTD
elements, XML 2nd [See also specific elements]3rd
embedded images
embedded images, generating with XSLT
embedded images, line endings and
Enterprise Edition, Office 2003
entity references
EpicEditor, Smart Documents and 2nd
escaping characters in XML
Excel [See also SpreadsheetML; spreadsheets]
Excel, creating XML Maps in
Excel, disadvantages in previous versions of
Excel, editing XML with 2nd
Excel, editions of, supporting XML
Excel, grid structure of
Excel, HTML data, opening in
Excel, loading and saving XML from VBA
Excel, opening XML spreadsheets
Excel, saving XML spreadsheets
Excel, separating content from presentation
Excel, Smart Documents for 2nd
Excel, Web Services, accessing 2nd
Excel, XML as source data for
Excel, XML as source data for opening using XML Maps
Excel, XML as source data for opening XML documents directly
Excel, XML as source data for requirements
Excel, XML features in 2nd 3rd
Excel, XML Schema and 2nd
Excel, XML Source task pane 2nd 3rd
Excel, XSD datatypes mapped to
Excel, “Open as a read-only workbook” option
Excel, “Open as an XML List” option
ExcelWorkbook element
expansion pack, for Smart Documents 2nd 3rd 4th
explicit binding, XSLT stylesheet
Extensible Markup Language [See XML]
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (xee XSLT)
Ferrara, Alex (Programming .NET Web Services)
field instruction text
fields, in Word 2nd
file element
Fitzgerald, Michael (Learning XSLT) 2nd
fonts, default
fonts, properties for
fonts, properties, conflicts between
fonts, run properties for
fonts, size 2nd 3rd
fonts, TrueType, WordprocessingML not embedding
footers 2nd
form definition file, InfoPath 2nd 3rd
form template package, InfoPath
form template, InfoPath
Formatting [See styles]
formatting restrictions 2nd 3rd
forms, InfoPath
formulas, in spreadsheets
FrameMaker, Smart Documents and 2nd
FrontPage, creating XSLT stylesheets with
generic server-side frameworks
Glenn, Walter
Glenn, Walter, Word 2000 in a Nutshell
Glenn, Walter, Word Pocket Guide 2nd 3rd
grammar checker 2nd 3rd
Graphics [See embedded images SVG]
guidgen.exe utility
Harold, Elliotte Rusty (XML in a Nutshell) 2nd
Headers 2nd
help files, for Smart Documents
hierarchical document structures, representing in Wordprocessing ML
Holman, G. Ken (Definitive XSLT and XPath)
html namespace prefix
HTML Task Pane, InfoPath
HTML, binding to XML 2nd 3rd
HTML, converting WordprocessingML to
HTML, converting XML to, with XSLT
HTML, lists, compared to WordprocessingML lists
HTML, opening in Excel
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
hyperlinks, in Word 2nd
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