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Gregg M., Kim D. — Inside Network Security Assessment: Guarding your IT Infrastructure |
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final reports, Executive Summary section 2nd
final reports, executive summary sections
final reports, findings sections of 2nd 3rd
final reports, impact rating 2nd
final reports, importance of
final reports, introduction section
final reports, introduction sections
final reports, major goals of
final reports, methodology statements 2nd 3rd
final reports, notice section
final reports, notice sections
final reports, OICMs in 2nd
final reports, options, offering
final reports, pictures in
final reports, policy control 2nd 3rd 4th
final reports, probability scales
final reports, purpose of
final reports, ranking findings 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
final reports, raw risk
final reports, recommendations sections
final reports, risk scores 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
final reports, risk scoresl 2nd 3rd
final reports, SCMs in
final reports, sections
final reports, sections, list of 2nd
final reports, security baseline recommendations
final reports, solution formulation approaches
final reports, statement of work sections 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
final reports, summary 2nd
final reports, team involvement
final reports, templates for 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
final reports, test results appendices
final reports, writing quality issues
financial institutions security law [See GLBA]
financial losses due to attacks
financial records
financial records, confidentiality laws
financial records, information-gathering with
findings sections of final reports 2nd 3rd
fingers [See also OS fingerprinting]
fingers, defined
FIPS 140-1 & 2
FIPS 140-1 & 2, urls for
firewalls, defined
firewalls, deny-all recommended
FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act)
FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act), information assurance (AI) programs
FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act), purpose of 2nd
FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act), reporting requirments
FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act), requirements 2nd 3rd
FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act), risk assessment requirments
forensic analysis plans
forensic analysis plans, importance of
forms, templates for assessments [See security assessment forms]
framework, security [See IT security architecture and framework]
FRR (false rejection rate) 2nd
functional design
functional design, defined
GAO 00-33
GAO 00-33, urls for
gap analysis
gap analysis, defined
GASSP (Generally Accepted System Security Principles)
GASSP (Generally Accepted System Security Principles), defined
GASSP (Generally Accepted System Security Principles), high-level concepts of
Generally Accepted System Security Principles (GASSP)
Generally Accepted System Security Principles (GASSP), defined
Generally Accepted System Security Principles (GASSP), high-level concepts of
gentle scans
gentle scans, defined
GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act)
GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act), purpose of 2nd
GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act), requirements of
GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act), sections of
GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act), security assessment requirements
goals of risk and vulnerability assessments 2nd
gold standards
gold standards, defined 2nd
Google, exploitable targets, finding with
government agency security law (Canada) [See MITS]
government agency security law (US) [See FISMA]
government information classification systems
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act [See GLBA]
greatest threats
guidelines for data collection
guidelines, defined
hacker attacks
hacker attacks, defined
hackers [See also attackers]
hackers, black hats
hackers, defined
hackers, program crackers
hackers, script kiddies
hackers, system crackers
hackers, whackers
hackers, white hats
hacking tools
hacking tools, banner messages
hacking tools, DNS lookup
hacking tools, ICMP 2nd
hacking tools, MingSweeper
hacking tools, Nessus
hacking tools, NMAP
hacking tools, OS fingerprinting
hacking tools, password-cracking
hacking tools, password-guessing
hacking tools, password-sniffing
hacking tools, PING 2nd
hacking tools, port scanners 2nd
hacking tools, reconnaissance tools 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
hacking tools, SNMP 2nd
hacking tools, WHOIS
hashes, defined
hashes, role of
hashing algorithms
hashing algorithms, defined
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [See HIPAA]
Healthcare Information Privacy and Portability Act [See HIPPA]
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), scope issues
HIPPA (Healthcare Information Privacy and Portability Act)
HIPPA (Healthcare Information Privacy and Portability Act), basic requirements of
HIPPA (Healthcare Information Privacy and Portability Act), privacy rules of 2nd
HIPPA (Healthcare Information Privacy and Portability Act), purpose of
honeypots, defined
host vulnerability assessments [See network vulnerability assessments]
hot sites
hot sites, defined
Human Firewall Council
hybrid approach to risk assessment 2nd
hybrid password attacks
IANA, defined
IANA/ARIN/RIPE databases
IBTs (invitations to bid)
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), defined
ICMP, countermeasures for
ICMP, tools for attacks 2nd
idea people
identification technical controls 2nd
IDSs (Intrusion Detection Systems)
IDSs (Intrusion Detection Systems), defined 2nd
| IDSs (Intrusion Detection Systems), implementing
IDSs (Intrusion Detection Systems), port scanning countermeasures
impact attributes, listing
impact rating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
impact, defined
implementing policies
implementing policies, overview
incidence response plans
incidence response plans, importance of
Incident Report template 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
indirect attacks 2nd
inference attacks
inference attacks, defined
information criticality matrices 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
information request form template 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
information request forms for scope definition 2nd 3rd
Information Systems Security Association
Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC2)
Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC2), url for
Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC) 2nd
information type identification 2nd
information-gathering tools
information-gathering tools, archived Web content
information-gathering tools, banners of Web sites
information-gathering tools, Blackwidow Pro
information-gathering tools, brains as
information-gathering tools, employee-created Web leaks
information-gathering tools, financial records
information-gathering tools, IANA/ARIN/RIPE databases
information-gathering tools, job searches
information-gathering tools, overview of 2nd
information-gathering tools, SEC filings for
information-gathering tools, SiteDigger
information-gathering tools, Web site rippers
information-gathering tools, Wget
informative documents
INFOSEC, documentation 2nd
INFOSEC, roles and responsibilities 2nd
infrastructure, documentation
ingress filtering
insecure computing habits
insecure computing habits, defined
insecure computing habits, list of 2nd
integration, defined
integrity, defined
integrity, methods to ensure
integrity, purpose of
intellectual property
intellectual property, asset nature of
internal attackers
internal attackers, defined
internal attackers, importance of 2nd
interviewing process
interviewing process, candidate selection
interviewing process, importance of
interviewing process, nonattribution policy
interviewing process, sheduling
interviewing process, skill requirements
interviewing process, techniques for 2nd
interviewing process, topics for 2nd
intitle searches
introduction report sections
introduction sections of final reports
inventorying assets
inverse SYN cookies 2nd
invitations to bid (IBTs)
IPC$ (InterProcess Communications) share
IPSec (IP Security)
IPSec (IP Security), defined
IPSec, purpose of
ISC2 (Information Systems Security Certification Consortium)
ISC2 (Information Systems Security Certification Consortium), url for
ISO 17799
ISO 17799 risk assessment methology 2nd 3rd
ISO 17799, compliance test
ISO 17799, defined
ISO 17799, policy categories
ISO 17799, reviewing documentation 2nd
ISO 17799, system assurance aspect of
ISO 17799, urls for
ISS Internet Scanner
ISSA (Information Systems Security Association)
IT Governance Institute framework
IT infrastructure
IT infrastructure, defined
IT security architecture and framework
IT security architecture and framework, acceptable use policies
IT security architecture and framework, asset identification and classification
IT security architecture and framework, asset management
IT security architecture and framework, asset protection
IT security architecture and framework, asset protection goals
IT security architecture and framework, business issues, aligning with
IT security architecture and framework, classification of assets 2nd
IT security architecture and framework, compliance defined
IT security architecture and framework, comprehensibility requirement
IT security architecture and framework, cost justification goal
IT security architecture and framework, data classification standards 2nd 3rd
IT Security Architecture and Framework, defined
IT security architecture and framework, exceptions defined
IT security architecture and framework, goals for 2nd
IT security architecture and framework, guideline definition
IT security architecture and framework, guidelines defined
IT security architecture and framework, hierarchical organization recommendation 2nd
IT security architecture and framework, hierarchical policy structure
IT security architecture and framework, importance of
IT security architecture and framework, legal compliance goal
IT security architecture and framework, META Security Group elements for
IT security architecture and framework, minimum acceptable risk
IT security architecture and framework, objectives for 2nd
IT security architecture and framework, policies defined
IT security architecture and framework, policy goals 2nd
IT security architecture and framework, policy interpretation
IT security architecture and framework, policy structures for 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
IT security architecture and framework, procedures defined
IT security architecture and framework, requirements defined
IT security architecture and framework, risk management basis 2nd 3rd
IT security architecture and framework, sample elements of 2nd
IT security architecture and framework, staff training
IT security architecture and framework, standards defined
IT security architecture and framework, technical standards defined
IT security architecture and framework, terminology for 2nd
IT security architecture and framework, threat and vulnerability policies
IT security architecture and framework, threat management
IT security architecture and framework, vulnerability management
ITSEC (Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria) 2nd
ITSEC, system assurance aspect of
job searches
job searches, information-gathering with
John the Ripper 2nd
kick-off meetings
kick-off meetings, defined
kickoff meetings
kickoff meetings, key issues to discuss during 2nd 3rd
labeling systems
labeling systems, documentation review
LAN areas 2nd
LAN-to-WAN areas 2nd 3rd
legal compliance as cause of vulnerability assessments
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