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Pogue D. — iMovie HD & iDVD 5: The Missing Manual |
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QuickTime Player, tour of 2nd 3rd 4th
QuickTime Player, vs. QuickTime Player Pro
QuickTime Streaming Server
quitting 2nd
quitting, during rendering
Radial effect
Raging Bull
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Rain effect
RCA cables
RCA connectors
reaction shots
Record button
Redo command
reference movie
remote controls
renaming, audio clips
renaming, buttons
renaming, clips 2nd
rendering, effects
rendering, titles
rendering, transitions
Repair Permissions 2nd
Replication 2nd
Resize to Show Full DV command 2nd 3rd
resolution of exported frames
resolution of imported photos 2nd 3rd
resolution of monitors
resolution of NTSC video
resolution of QuickTime
resolution, film vs. video
resolution, lines of
reverse motion 2nd
reverse motion in QuickTime Player
Revert Clip to Original 2nd 3rd
Revert to Saved 2nd 3rd
Rewind button
RF modulators
ripping from CDs 2nd
ripple editing
Ripple effect 2nd
Rolling Credits title style
room tone
rubber bands (audio volume) 2nd
rule of thirds
Save Frame command
Save Project As command 2nd 3rd
Save Project command
Save Project command, erases Undo trail
Scale Down effect
scan lines
scanlines, resolution of tapes
scripted films 2nd 3rd
Scroll to Playhead
Scroll with Pause title style
Scrolling Block title style
Scrolling Block title style, scrolls too fast
Scrolling title styles
Scrubber bar 2nd
Scrubber bar, transitions chop it up
scrubbing audio
SECAM format
seconds of black settings
Select All command
Select None command
Select Similar Clips 2nd 3rd 4th
selecting, c-clicking clips
selecting, clips 2nd
selecting, clips for effects
selecting, footage
selecting, portions of a clip
selecting, Scroll to Selection command
selecting, Select All command
self-running DVDs 2nd
Sepia Tone effect
Share command
Share command, exporting to tape
Share command, sending to cell phones 2nd
Share command, to Bluetooth devices 2nd
Share Selected Clips Only 2nd
Share Selected Clips Only for Bluetooth phones
Share Selected Clips Only to conserve disk space
Share Selected Clips Only, exporting to camera
Shared Movies folder
Sharpen effect
Shift-clicking 2nd
shooting advice 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th
Shortcut menus
shortening clips 2nd 3rd
Show Audio Waveforms
Show Clip Volume Levels 2nd 3rd
Show Info command
shutter speed
slides 2nd
Slideshow folder (iDVD)
slideshows (iDVD) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
slideshows (iDVD), adding or removing slides
slideshows (iDVD), albums vs. slide shows 2nd 3rd
slideshows (iDVD), background music 2nd
slideshows (iDVD), burning
slideshows (iDVD), dragging pictures from Finder
slideshows (iDVD), durations of photos 2nd
slideshows (iDVD), editing 2nd
slideshows (iDVD), iPhoto into iDVD
slideshows (iDVD), problems importing from iPhoto
slideshows (iDVD), rearranging slides
slideshows (iDVD), starting in iDVD
slideshows (iDVD), starting in iPhoto 2nd
Slow Motion effect 2nd
Snap to items in timeline
Soft Focus effect
songs from CDs 2nd
Sony, camcorder information
Sony, HDR-FX1 camcorder 2nd
Sony, InfoLithium batteries
Sony, pass-through converters
Sony, VX2000
Sorenson 3 codec 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
sound effects 2nd 3rd
sound effects, inserting or removing
sound effects, installing your own 2nd
sound see also audio; music
sound, cursor snapping
sound, on iDVD menu screens
Space bar
Space bar, during video import
Space bar, play project
spatial compression
special effects
special effects, flipping or rotating video 2nd
special effects, picture-in-picture
special-effects, camcorder-generated
special-event filming 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Spinner title style
Split Audio Clip at Playhead
Split Clip at Playhead
splitting a clip 2nd
sports analysis
| sports filming
Spread title style
Starburst title style
Status pane (iDVD) 2nd 3rd
stepping through clips
still images 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th
still images, adjusting duration
still images, as DVD welcome screen
still images, as iDVD buttons
still images, as menu screen backgrounds 2nd
still images, as titles 2nd 3rd
still images, exporting
still images, importing from the hard drive
still images, Ken Burns effect 2nd 3rd
still images, onscreen duration 2nd
still images, slideshows in iDVD
still images, trouble changing duration
stock art for iDVD
stopping playback
stray files were found message 2nd 3rd 4th
streaming playback
Stripe Subtitle title style
submenus (iDVD) 2nd 3rd 4th
Subtitle title style
Switch Viewer command
symbols on clips
symbols on clips, progress bar
Synchronization 2nd
synchronization, drifts out of sync
talk space
temporal compression
text see also titles
text, in iDVD 2nd
text, text boxes in iDVD 2nd
The Shining
themes (iDVD designs) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
themes (iDVD designs), catalog of 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
themes (iDVD designs), choosing 2nd
themes (iDVD designs), creating your own 2nd
themes (iDVD designs), Favorites 2nd
themes (iDVD designs), saving Favorites 2nd
themes (iDVD designs), Themes pane (iDVD)
Thumbnails folder (iDVD)
time code
time-lapse effect 2nd
timeline movie 2nd
Timeline snapping 2nd
Timeline snapping, preferences
Timeline snapping, Shift-key override
Timeline viewer 2nd
Timeline viewer, dragging clips
Timeline viewer, keyboard shortcut
timestamp in camcorder
timing of still images 2nd
title-safe area 2nd
titles 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st
titles, as graphics
titles, backgrounds have jaggies 2nd
titles, blank title to unify clips
titles, catalog of iMovie styles 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th
titles, checking the result
titles, choosing the style 2nd
titles, chopped off by screen edges
titles, direction of animation
titles, editing or deleting 2nd
titles, font for
titles, font size
titles, freeze frame 2nd
titles, graphic backgrounds for 2nd
titles, how they split clips
titles, how to create
titles, inserting
titles, layer-building effect
titles, Over Black checkbox
titles, QT Margins checkbox
titles, rendering
titles, scrolling block scrolls too fast
titles, special graphic effects 2nd 3rd
titles, superimposing
titles, text block style vs. title/subtitle pairs 2nd
titles, text color
titles, timing of
titles, type is too small
Toast 2nd
tracks from CDs 2nd
training films
transitions 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th
Transitions panel
transitions, a catalog of 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
transitions, adjusting speed of
transitions, applying to multiple clips
transitions, downloading more
transitions, DVD slideshows
transitions, editing and deleting
transitions, how they affect the length of the movie
transitions, iDVD menu screens
transitions, in DVD slideshows
transitions, maximum length
transitions, on simultaneous clips
transitions, rendering
transitions, they affect the length of the movie
transitions, when to use them 2nd
trim handles
tripods 2nd
troubleshooting 2nd 3rd
troubleshooting, audio 2nd 3rd
troubleshooting, audio synchronization
troubleshooting, banding
troubleshooting, camcorder filming
troubleshooting, clip changes color
troubleshooting, clip splitting
troubleshooting, drag trimming doesn't work
troubleshooting, dropouts
troubleshooting, DVD handling
troubleshooting, exporting to iDVD
troubleshooting, exporting to QuickTime 2nd
troubleshooting, exporting widescreen TV
troubleshooting, HDV imports 2nd
troubleshooting, humming or buzzing
troubleshooting, iDVD too slow
troubleshooting, importing iPhoto slideshows
troubleshooting, improper hard drive formatting
troubleshooting, Ken Burns always shows 1.00 size
troubleshooting, letterboxed photos
troubleshooting, movie shortens itself 2nd
troubleshooting, photos
troubleshooting, playback
troubleshooting, preferences file
troubleshooting, selected clips only doesn't work
troubleshooting, sound echo
troubleshooting, synchronization problems 2nd
troubleshooting, titles 2nd
troubleshooting, titles chopped off by screen edges
troubleshooting, titles overflow screen
troubleshooting, two golden rules
troubleshooting, weird inconsistent problems
TV as editing monitor
TV, frame rate
TV, using as an external monitor
TV-safe, areas
TV-safe, colors
Twirl effect
Twirl title style
Typing title style
uLaw audio codec
Undo command
Undo command, lost after Save command 2nd
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