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Pogue D. — iMovie HD & iDVD 5: The Missing Manual |
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.dvdproj files 2nd 3rd
.iMovie2Project files
.Mac HomePage service 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
12-bit audio
16-bit audio
180-degree rule
3-D Spin title style 2nd
30 fps drop frame
3D Spin title 2nd
3GPP phone format 2nd
3GPP-compatible cellphones
45/45 rule
8mm format
<embed> tag
AAC files
action-safe area 2nd
ActiveX QuickTime control 2nd
Adjust Colors effect
Adobe After Effects
Advanced menu
Aged Film effect
AIFF files 2nd
AIFF files, music for menu screens 2nd
ALaw audio codec
albums (iPhoto)
albums (iPhoto), pictures in iDVD 2nd 3rd
AMR Narrowband codec
analog inputs
analog tapes (importing) 2nd 3rd
Animated Gradient title style
animation, Animation codec
Apple H. 263 codec
Apple Intermediate Codec
Apple logo (iDVD)
Apple Lossless codec
Apple Pixlet codec
Apple SuperDrive 2nd 3rd
Apple SuperDrive, can it burn DVD+R
Apple tech-support hotline
AppleCare contracts
AppleScript (iDVD) 2nd 3rd
Apply button 2nd
Archive iDVD command 2nd 3rd 4th
Archive iDVD command, missing-link icon
arrow keys
arrow notation
aspect ratios
aspect ratios, cropping in iMovie
aspect ratios, for imported graphics 2nd 3rd
aspect ratios, Share presets
audio 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th
audio clips 2nd
audio clips, adjusting whole-clip volume 2nd
audio clips, adjusting within clips 2nd
audio clips, cropping
audio clips, editing
audio clips, locking to video 2nd
audio clips, moving
audio clips, renaming
audio clips, splitting
audio clips, superimposing
audio pops 2nd
audio pops, preference settings
audio sound waves see audio waveforms audio tracks 2nd 3rd
audio sound waves see audio waveforms audio tracks, adjusting audio volume
audio sound waves see audio waveforms audio tracks, importing from CDs
audio sound waves see audio waveforms audio tracks, in QuickTime Player
audio sound waves see audio waveforms audio tracks, kinds of audio
audio sound waves see audio waveforms audio tracks, music from iTunes 2nd 3rd 4th
audio sound waves see audio waveforms audio tracks, sound effects 2nd 3rd
audio sound waves see audio waveforms audio tracks, too quiet
audio waveforms
Audio Waveforms folder
audio waveforms, hiding and showing
audio waveforms, snapping option
audio well
audio, 12-bit versus 16-bit
audio, drag snapping on/off
audio, dubbing in camcorder
Audio, editing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
audio, extracting audio from video 2nd
audio, file formats
audio, for iDVD menus 2nd
audio, gain control
audio, in DVD projects
audio, in slow/fast motion effects
audio, microphones 2nd 3rd
audio, quality of
audio, sample rate 2nd
audio, sound effects 2nd 3rd
audio, too quiet
automatic scene detection 2nd
autoplay, HTML command
Avid editing suites
Back to the Future
background clips
background clips, arbitrarily change colors
backgrounds for iDVD 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
backgrounds, buying motion backdrops 2nd
backlight 2nd 3rd
Backups 2nd
backups, Burn Project to Disc 2nd
beeps 2nd
Billow effect
bit rates 2nd
Black & White effect
bluescreen effects
Bluetooth 2nd
Bluetooth, phones 2nd
bookmarks, adding and navigating
bookmarks, menu
Bounce Across title style
Bounce In title style
Brightness & Contrast effect
Broadcast News
broadcast TV
Burn Project to Disk 2nd
burning DVDs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
burning DVDs, another Mac
burning DVDs, on another Mac 2nd 3rd
burning DVDs, using non-Apple burners
burning QuickTime CDs 2nd
business videos
buttons (on DVD menus) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
buttons (on DVD menus), changing button images 2nd
buttons (on DVD menus), changing styles 2nd
buttons (on DVD menus), editing
buttons (on DVD menus), maximum per screen
buttons (on DVD menus), moving
buttons (on DVD menus), temporary buttons
buttons (on DVD menus), text buttons
c key (ripple editing)
Cache Folder
camcorders as backups
camcorders as digital cameras
camcorders as editing monitor
camcorders as long-term storage
camcorders, audio settings 2nd
camcorders, basic instructions 2nd
camcorders, camera mode vs. VTR mode 2nd 3rd 4th
camcorders, composition technique 2nd 3rd
| camcorders, DV format 2nd 3rd
camcorders, DVD camcorders
camcorders, exporting to 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
camcorders, Hi-8 format
camcorders, how much to shoot 2nd
camcorders, importing footage from 2nd
camcorders, live performances
camcorders, microMV format
camcorders, microphones 2nd
camcorders, recording direct to iMovie
camcorders, shooting suggestions 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
camcorders, shopping for (features) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
camcorders, special-event filming 2nd
camcorders, three-chip
camcorders, USB type
camcorders, VHS 2nd 3rd 4th
camcorders, video lights
camcorders, VTR mode vs. camera mode
camcorders, weddings 2nd
camera angles 2nd
Camera Mode switch 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Canon, XL1
Canopus ADVC-55
Cartwheel title style
CD-ROM Preset
CDs, bearing QuickTime movies
CDs, importing audio 2nd
cellphone movies 2nd 3rd
Centered Title style
chapter markers 2nd 3rd 4th
chapter markers, editing or deleting 2nd
chapter markers, importing into iDVD
Cinepak codec
Circle Closing/Opening effect
Citizen Kane
clapper board
Clear command 2nd
Clip Image title style
Clip Info dialog box 2nd 3rd
Clip Info dialog box, for still images
Clip to Characters title style
Clip Video title style
Clip viewer
Clip viewer, keyboard shortcut
Clips pane
Clips pane, automatic scene detection
Clips viewer
clips, chopping out the middle
clips, copying and pasting
clips, cropping off the ends 2nd
clips, deleting
clips, dragging 2nd 3rd
clips, dragging into iDVD
clips, flipping upside down 2nd
clips, jumping around in
clips, maximum length
clips, merging several
clips, moving en masse 2nd
clips, navigating
clips, renaming 2nd
clips, selecting 2nd
clips, selecting portions of
clips, split by titles
coax inputs
codecs 2nd 3rd
codecs, Apple Intermediate Codec
codecs, audio
codecs, catalog of 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
codecs, for audio 2nd 3rd
color bars 2nd
color clips
Color Picker dialog box
color temperature 2nd
colors, Adjust Colors effect
colors, for iDVD text 2nd 3rd
colors, for text in iDVD
colors, of title text
colors, safe for TV
colors, TV-safe colors
com.apple.imovie.plist 2nd
Component Video codec
composition 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
composition, framing the shot
composition, rule of thirds
composition, two shots
composition, wide shots
Compression 2nd 3rd 4th
Continuity 2nd
contrast (film lighting)
Converge title style
Copy and Paste 2nd 3rd
Copy and Paste, and hard drive space 2nd
Copy and Paste, clips
copying DVDs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
corrupted project 2nd
Create iDVD Project button
Create iDVD Project button, when to avoid 2nd
Create Project dialog box 2nd 3rd
Create Still Frame command 2nd 3rd
cropping, clips 2nd
cropping, photos
cropping, photos to avoid letterboxing 2nd 3rd
Cross Dissolve effect
Cross Through title style
Crystallize effect
Cut 2nd 3rd
cutaways 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
cutting between shots
cutting between shots, motivation for 2nd 3rd
Delete Encodced Assets command
deleting, bookmarks
deleting, buttons
deleting, chapter markers 2nd
deleting, clips 2nd 3rd
deleting, clips en masse
deleting, iDVD themes
deleting, material from drop zones
Developer tools 2nd
digital photos 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th
digital photos in iDVD 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
digital photos, Ken Burns effect 2nd 3rd 4th
digital photos, on DVDs
digital photos, using camcorder
Digital Video 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
digital video, hard drive space
Digital8 format 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
direct editing doesn't work
Directors' Cut box
Disintegrate effect
disk images 2nd 3rd
disk images for fast DVD copies
disk images, advantages of 2nd 3rd
disk images, watching DVDs from hard drive
Disk Utility 2nd 3rd 4th
Disk Utility for duplicating DVDs 2nd 3rd
Disk Utility, hard drive maintenance 2nd
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