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MacDonald M. — Excel for Starters: The Missing Manual |
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#DIV/0 error code 2nd
#N/A error code
#NAME? error code
#NULL! error code
#NUM! error code
#REF! error code 2nd
#VALUE! error code
.GIF format
.JPEG format
.TIF format
.xls file extension 2nd
.xlt file extension 2nd
.xlw file extension
12-hour clock
24-hour clock
3-D area charts
3-D column charts
3-D line charts
3-D pie charts
About Microsoft Office Excel command
absolute cell references 2nd 3rd
Accounting format 2nd
active cell
active cell, contiguous selection
active cell, custom view settings
active cell, non-contiguous selection 2nd
active cell, selecting
active worksheet
ADD indicator
add mode (Shift+F8)
addition operator (+) 2nd 3rd 4th
Adobe Acrobat
alignment, column 2nd 3rd
alignment, data types and 2nd
alignment, vertical
Alt+Enter key combination
apostrophe (') 2nd 3rd 4th
Arabic letters
Area charts 2nd 3rd
Arial font 2nd
arithmetic operators
Arrange command
arrow keys
arrow keys, edit mode and
arrow keys, extended mode and
arrow keys, full menus
arrow keys, navigating with
arrow keys, selecting part of cells
arrow keys, selections with keyboard and 2nd
Ask a Question text box 2nd
asterisk (*)
asterisk (*) as wildcard 2nd
AutoComplete feature 2nd
AutoCorrect feature
AutoCorrect feature, adjusting settings
AutoCorrect feature, rules 2nd
AutoFill feature
AutoFill feature, custom lists 2nd
AutoFit feature 2nd
AutoFormat feature 2nd 3rd 4th
AutoRecover feature 2nd 3rd
AutoSelect feature
AVERAGE( ) function
Bar charts
Basic File Search task window 2nd
BIFF7 file format
BIFF8 file format
black triangle
bold, parentheses in Formula bar
bold, setting 2nd
bold, tooltip information
book icon
Boolean values 2nd
Borders toolbar 2nd 3rd
borders, AutoFormat and 2nd
borders, drawing 2nd
borders, Format Painter and
borders, formatting
borders, hidden columns/rows
borders, marquee
borders, templates and
bubble charts 2nd
buttons, hidden
buttons, hovering over 2nd
calculations, chart data 2nd
calculations, copying formulas 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
calculations, formulas and 2nd 3rd 4th
calculations, Status bar and
cancel command
capitalization, AutoCorrect and 2nd
capitalization, function names
CAPS indicator 2nd
Caps Lock key 2nd
cascade arrangement
case sensitivity
Category axis
category axis, column charts and
category axis, date or time values 2nd
category axis, line chart and
category axis, non-contiguous ranges
category axis, value axis vs.
category-axis scaling
cell appearance
cell appearance, alignment 2nd 3rd 4th
cell appearance, borders 2nd 3rd
cell appearance, color
cell appearance, fonts 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
cell appearance, orientation
cell appearance, patterns 2nd
cell ranges
cell ranges, cell references and
cell ranges, Chart Wizard and
cell ranges, continuous 2nd
cell ranges, freezing
cell ranges, specifying 2nd
cell references
cell references, absolute 2nd 3rd
cell references, conditional formatting and
cell references, fixed
cell references, formulas and 2nd 3rd
cell references, partially fixed
cell references, relative
cell value
cell value, conditional formatting 2nd
cell value, finding and replacing 2nd 3rd
cell value, formatting dates 2nd 3rd
cell value, formatting numbers 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
cell value, special numbers 2nd
cell value, storing dates
cell value, storing times
cells (see also non-contiguous cells)
cells, address format
cells, automating repetitive tasks
cells, blank 2nd
cells, copying values multiple times
cells, edge 2nd
cells, entering information
cells, grouped worksheets and 2nd
cells, merging
cells, moving around 2nd 3rd 4th
cells, overlapping columns 2nd
| cells, rotating content
cells, selecting 2nd 3rd
cells, shortcut keys
cells, wrapping text
Chart command
Chart command, Chart Wizard and 2nd
Chart command, non-contiguous ranges
Chart Options command
Chart Type command
Chart Window command
Chart Wizard
Chart Wizard, changing chart options
Chart Wizard, changing series order
Chart Wizard, Custom Types tab
Chart Wizard, multiple series of numbers
Chart Wizard, non-contiguous ranges
Chart Wizard, Standard Types tab
Charts (see also embedded charts; standalone charts)
charts, adding data 2nd
charts, configuring options
charts, controlling plots on x-axis
charts, custom types
charts, date or time scales 2nd
charts, editing data 2nd
charts, moving and resizing 2nd 3rd
charts, non-contiguous ranges
charts, printing 2nd 3rd
charts, static ranges
charts, types of 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th
Circular Reference
Clip Art task 2nd
Clippy 2nd 3rd
Close command
Close command, multiple spreadsheets and
Close command, multiple workbooks and
clustered column charts 2nd 3rd
Collapse Dialog Box icon 2nd
colon (:) 2nd
color, formatting
color, grouped worksheets
color, of active worksheet
color, printouts and 2nd
color, template and
color, worksheet tabs
Column charts
column charts, 3-D version
column charts, category axis and 2nd
column charts, example of
column charts, too many columns
column command
Column command, AutoFit Selection option
Column command, Hide option
Column command, Standard Width option
Column command, Unhide option
Columns command 2nd
columns, adding
columns, adding titles
columns, adjusting width 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
columns, alignment 2nd
columns, AutoComplete
columns, AutoFill feature 2nd 3rd 4th
columns, AutoFit feature
columns, AutoFormat templates
columns, blank
columns, charts and
columns, custom view settings
columns, fixed in place
columns, formatting 2nd 3rd
columns, freezing 2nd 3rd
columns, hiding
columns, maximum number
columns, partially fixed references
columns, plotting data 2nd
columns, print area
columns, Scaling setting
columns, searching
columns, selecting 2nd
columns, shading
columns, standard size
columns, vertical split
COMBIN( ) function 2nd 3rd
Comma worksheet style
comma, Currency format and
comma, determining data type 2nd
comma, Number format and
comma-delimited text files
Comment command
Comments 2nd
Conditional formatting 2nd
conditions 2nd
continuous range 2nd 3rd
Control Panel 2nd
conversions, formats supported and
conversions, special number formats
Convert to Number menu option
Copied Cells command
Copy command
Copy command, copy-and-paste operation
copy-and-paste operation
copy-and-paste operation, grouped worksheets
copy-and-paste operation, inserting cells
copy-and-paste operation, paste icon
copy-and-paste operation, process for 2nd 3rd
copy-and-paste operation, source data in
copyright symbol ((c))
corrupted files 2nd
COS( ) function
CSV file type
Ctrl key
Ctrl key, copying text
Ctrl key, Find All feature
Ctrl key, grouping worksheets
Ctrl key, non-contiguous selection and
Ctrl key, selection with
Ctrl key, transferring multiple worksheets
Ctrl+arrow-key combination 2nd
Ctrl+C key combination
Ctrl+C key combination, displaying clipboard
Ctrl+End key combination
Ctrl+Enter key combination
Ctrl+F key combination 2nd
Ctrl+F6 key combination
Ctrl+H key combination
Ctrl+Home key combination
Ctrl+Page Down key combination
Ctrl+Page Up key combination
Ctrl+S key combination
Ctrl+Shift+F6 key combination
Ctrl+Shift+Tab key combination
Ctrl+Tab key combination
Ctrl+V key combination
Ctrl+V key combination, clipboard and
Ctrl+V key combination, pasting formulas
Ctrl+X key combination 2nd
Ctrl+Y key combination
Ctrl+Z key combination
Ctrl+Z key combination, deleting worksheets
Ctrl+Z key combination, undoing changes
Currency format
Currency format, example of
Currency format, searching
currency symbol
currency symbol, Accounting format
currency symbol, Currency format 2nd 3rd
currency symbol, regional settings and
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