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Hille E. — Ordinary Differential Equations in the complex domain |
Предметный указатель |
Solution: particular 43
Solution: singular 43
Solution: singular, matrix 323—326
Solution: singular, matrix, algebraically regular 326
Solution: singular, matrix, transit matrix 329
Space: abstract 1
Space: Banaeh 5
Space: complete 4
Space: metric, 3
Space: normeal 4
Space: vector 1
Spectrum of: commutator 345
Spectrum of: matrix 8
Spectrum of: multiplication operators 345
Star: Mittag — Leffler 328
Star: point 314
Statistics: polar 134—135 140
Stieltses, Thomas Jan: Riemann, integral 25
Stokes, George Gabriel 248
Stokes, George Gabriel, phenomenon 364—365
String of zeros 190
String of zeros, d, l, r 318
Strubecker, Karl 142
Structure: algebraic and geometric 1
Structure: analytical 17
Sturm, Jaques-Charles-Francsois 283
Sturm, Jaques-Charles-Francsois, Sturmian chain 213 233
Sturm, Jaques-Charles-Francsois, Sturmian methods 284—292
Surface: fundamental forms of 113
Surface: Riemann 20 118
Surface: ruled 113
Symmetry principle 240 379 394
System: autonomous polynomial 460—464
System: autonomous quadratic 455—460
System: fundamental 150
System: orthogonal 210 227
System: orthonormal 210
Taam, Choy-Tak 283 300 320
Tangent: function 48
Tangent: locus 300
Tangent: of curve 111
Tangent: vector 111
Tannery, J. 465
Testpower test 90
Theorem: Bolzano — Weierstrass 4 18
Theorem: double series 35—36
Theorem: fixed point 9—12
Theorem: Hamilton — Caylcy 9
Theorem: Heine — Borel 211
Theorem: identity 28
Theorem: Painleve 83 87
Theorem: Pringsheim 23
Theta functions 263—265
Theta functions, null 265 398—400
Thomas, Llewellyn Hilleth 449 466
Thomas, Llewellyn Hilleth, Fermi DE 448—453
Thome, Ludwig Wilhelm: normal series 362 375
Titchmarsh, Edward Charles 469
Titchmarsh, Edward Charles, singular boundary value problem 188—191 199 319 320
Trace 324
Transformadon 179
Transformation: into 6
Transformation: inverse 6
Transformation: Kummer 202
Transformation: linear 5
Transformation: Liouville 174
Transformation: Moebius (fractional linear) 19
Transformation: order preserving 15
Transformation: positive 14
Triangle: analytical 94
Triangle: axiom 3
Triangle: functions 385 395
| Trichotomy 3
Tricomi, Francesco: Bateman papers 248 468
Tricomi, Francesco: confluent hypergeometric functions 247 469
Trihedral moving 111
Trjitzinski, W.J. 364 373 432 469
Turrittin, Hugh L.: Birkhoff problem 274 281 361 372
Turrittin, Hugh L.: factorial matrix coefficients 364
Turrittin, Hugh L.: Stokes phenomenon 364—365
Type: exponential growth 411
Type: of meromorphic function of finite order 119
Type: power 413
Uniformization: by automorphic functions 128
Uniformization: by meromorphic functions 127
Uniformization: by modular functions 400
Uniformization: by rational functions 129
Uniqueness of: fixed point 9—12
Uniqueness of: solution of DE 40—47
Univalence: classes and 388
Univalence: in a half-plane 390 393
Univalence: use of the Schwarzinn 388—394
Valiron, Georges 432 469
Valiron, Georges, central index, maximal term 168 198
Value: absolute 21
Value: asymptotic 121
Value: distribution 114—129
Value: eigen 8
Value: exceptional 121
Van Vleck, E.B 283 320
Variation: bounded 25
Variation: of parameters 314—315
Variation: variational system 69
Vector 2
Vector characteristic 8
Vector field 297
Vector space 2
Vector tangent 111
Volterra, Vito 11
Volterra, Vito, fixed point theorem 11
Volterra, Vito, integral equation 11
Volterra, Vito, struggle for life 455 466
Wallis, John 233
Walter, Wolfgang 39 470
Watson, G.N.: Bessel functions 212 248
Watson, G.N.: Whittaker, Modern Analysis 231 282 470
Weber, Heinrich 231
Weber, Heinrich, Hermite equation 228—233
Weierstrass, Karl 17 21 24 26 33 34 35 36 42
Weierstrass, Karl, analytic continuation 33—35
Weierstrass, Karl, double series theorem 35—36
Weierstrass, Karl, pe-function 96 126—139
Weierstrass, Karl, power series, domain of convergence 31
Weierstrass, Karl, zeta-function 246
Weill, G. 391
Weiss, Leonard 143 470
Weyr, Eduard 108
Whittaker, E.T.: Watson 231 247 281 470
Wiman, Anders: approximate solutions of linear DE 169 198
Wiman, Anders: central index, maximum term 168
Wiman, Anders: estimates of w'/w 175—177 199
Wiman, Anders: grade 162
Winding number (index) 329
Wirtinger, Wilhelm: Heidelberg lecture 394
Wittich, Hans 103 106 140 143
Wittich, Hans, growth of solutions of 2nd order linear DE 165—168 198
Wittich, Hans, Malmquist theorem 129—138
Wittich, Hans, Painleve transcendcnts 443—445
Wronski (Hoene, Josef Maria): Wronskian 150—151
Wronski (Hoene, Josef Maria): Wronskian matrix 192
Yang, Chung-Chun 130 140 143
Yosida, Kosaku 103 114 130 138 140 143 417 470
Zero, element 3
Zero, element, free region 292—300
Zero, element, of function 28
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