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Langer M. — Visual QuickStart Guide: Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger
Langer M. — Visual QuickStart Guide: Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger

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Название: Visual QuickStart Guide: Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger

Автор: Langer M.


So you're finally ready to find out what all the fuss is about. Whether you're switching from Windows or upgrading from an older Mac OS, this task-based guide represents the surest way to go from 0 to 60 in no time flat with Apple's much anticipated Mac OS X Tiger — more mature, powerfully enhanced, and with more than 200 new features that will knock your socks off. In this thoroughly revised bestseller, Maria Langer walks readers through the process of installing and configuring Tiger, then introduces the Mac OS desktop, including the Dock and the Sidebar, before moving on to more advanced Finder techniques, application basics, printing and faxing, connecting to the Internet, account management, configuring your Mac for multiple users, and more. Weighing in at over 700 pages, this new edition also offers plenty of coverage on what's new in Mac OS X Tiger, including Spotlight, the search tool that helps you find anything on your Mac instantly; multi-way video in iChat AV; the enhanced Mail application; Automator, which lets you automate repetitive manual tasks; Tiger's ultra-useful mini-applications (known as "Dashboard Widgets"); and more. Rounded out with plenty of tips, tricks, and sage advice, this book is equally useful for Macintosh novices as well as early adopters looking for a comprehensive reference on what's new in this much-talked-about Mac OS upgrade.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 720

Добавлена в каталог: 14.08.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
.Mac account      2nd
.Mac account, Address Book      2nd 3rd
.Mac account, Backup      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
.Mac account, Bookmarks      2nd
.Mac account, configuring preferences      2nd 3rd 4th
.Mac account, HomePage      2nd
.Mac account, iCards      2nd
.Mac account, iDisk      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
.Mac account, joining      2nd
.Mac account, Learning Center      
.Mac account, logging in and out      
.Mac account, Mail      2nd 3rd 4th
.Mac account, Virex      2nd 3rd
A Few More Questions window      
About window, standard applications      
access, Universal Access preferences pane      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Accounts preferences pane      2nd
Action pop-up menu toolbar      2nd
actions, workflow      
Activity Monitor      2nd
Add Account command (File menu)      
Add Device command (Device menu)      
Add Fonts command (File menu)      
Add New Group button      
Add New Person button      
Add Printer command (Printers menu)      
Add Sender to Address Book command (Message menu)      
Add to Favorites command (File menu)      2nd
Add to Sidebar command (File menu), keyboard shortcut      
Address book      
Address Book, .Mac account      2nd 3rd
Address Book, adding e-mail sender      
Address Book, contact card      
Address Book, contact card, adding      2nd
Address Book, contact card, deleting      
Address Book, contact card, editing      
Address Book, contact card, image addition      
Address Book, contact card, searching      
Address Book, Edit menu commands      
Address Book, File menu commands      
Address Book, groups      2nd
Address Book, icon      
Address Book, launching      
Address Book, printing records      2nd
Address Book, smart groups      
Address Book, vCards      
Address Book, widgets      
administration tools, networks      
administration tools, networks, Directory Access      
administration tools, networks, NetInfo Manager      
administration tools, networks, Network Utility      2nd
Administrator privileges      
Adobe Systems, Inc., PostScript fonts      
Advanced preferences      
Advanced preferences, Finder      
Advanced preferences, setting      
AirPort      2nd 3rd
AirPort Admin Utility      
AirPort Base Station      
AirPort Card      
AirPort Express      
Airport Extreme      
AirPort Setup Assistant      
AirPort, base station set up      2nd 3rd
AirPort, connection, Network Setup Assistant      2nd
AirPort, settings      2nd 3rd
AirPort, status menu      
AirPort, wireless option, How Do You Connect? window      
Alarm pop-up menu, iCal      
Aliases      2nd 3rd
All windows radio button      
anti-virus protection, Virex .Mac account      2nd 3rd
Appearance preferences pane      2nd
Apple Dashboard Web site      
Apple menu commands      
Apple menu commands, Control Panels      
Apple menu commands, Dock      
Apple menu commands, Force Quit      2nd
Apple menu commands, keyboard shortcuts      
Apple menu commands, Log Out      2nd 3rd 4th
Apple menu commands, Recent Items      
Apple menu commands, Restart      2nd 3rd
Apple menu commands, Shut Down      2nd 3rd
Apple menu commands, Sleep      2nd 3rd
Apple menu commands, System Preferences      2nd 3rd
Apple, events, AppleScript      
Apple, menu icon, determining Mac OS version installed      
Apple, Web site      
AppleCare channel      
AppleScript, automation basics      
AppleScript, dictionaries      
AppleScript, files      
AppleScript, Folder Actions      
AppleScript, Script Editor      
AppleScript, scripts      
AppleScript, scripts, deleting      
AppleScript, scripts, enabling Script menu      
AppleScript, scripts, example script      
AppleScript, scripts, opening dictionary      
AppleScript, scripts, recording      
AppleScript, scripts, running      
AppleScript, scripts, saving      
AppleScript, scripts, Script Editor      
AppleScript, scripts, syntax      
AppleScript, scripts, writing      
AppleScript, Utility      
AppleTalk      2nd
Application icons      
applications      2nd 3rd
Applications (Mac OS 9) folder, Classic environment      
Applications command (Go menu)      2nd
applications folder, hard disk      
applications, Address Book      
applications, Address Book, .Mac account      2nd 3rd
applications, Address Book, adding contact card      2nd
applications, Address Book, contact card images      
applications, Address Book, deleting contact card      
applications, Address Book, editing contact card      
applications, Address Book, groups      2nd 3rd
applications, Address Book, launching      
applications, Address Book, printing records      2nd
applications, Address Book, searching for contact card      
applications, Address Book, smart groups      
applications, Address Book, vCards      
applications, AppleScript      
applications, Backup, .Mac account      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
applications, Calculator      2nd 3rd
applications, Chess      
applications, Classic      2nd 3rd
applications, dialogs      2nd 3rd
applications, Dictionary      
applications, documents      
applications, documents, creating      
applications, documents, drag and drop opening      
applications, documents, launching      
applications, documents, Open With command (File menu)      
applications, documents, opening      
applications, DVD Player      2nd
applications, file locations      
applications, Force Quit command (Apple menu)      2nd
applications, Help      
applications, iCal      
applications, iCal, calendar actions      2nd 3rd 4th
applications, iCal, changing view      
applications, iCal, events      2nd 3rd 4th
applications, iCal, launching      
applications, iCal, To Do items      2nd
applications, iCal, viewing specific date      
applications, iCards .Mac account      2nd
applications, iDisk .Mac account      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
applications, Image Capture      2nd
applications, Internet      
applications, Internet, iChat      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
applications, Internet, Mail      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
applications, Internet, Safari      2nd 3rd
applications, iSync      
applications, iSync, adding device      
applications, iSync, configuring iPod      2nd
applications, iSync, launching      
applications, iSync, synchronization      
applications, iTunes      
applications, iTunes, adding songs to Library      2nd
applications, iTunes, burning audio CD      
applications, iTunes, exporting songs from Library      
applications, iTunes, iPod      2nd 3rd 4th
applications, iTunes, Music Store      2nd
applications, iTunes, playlist actions      2nd 3rd
applications, iTunes, set up      2nd
applications, iTunes, sharing music      
applications, iTunes, sources      2nd
applications, Mail .Mac account      2nd 3rd 4th
applications, modal dialogs      
applications, multitasking      2nd
applications, opening      
applications, Preview      
applications, Preview, opening file      
applications, Preview, PDF text      2nd
applications, Preview, picture selections      
applications, QuickTime Player      2nd 3rd
applications, services      
applications, standard menus      
applications, standard menus, application menu      2nd 3rd
applications, standard menus, Edit menu      
applications, standard menus, File menu      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
applications, standard menus, Help menu      
applications, standard menus, Window menu      2nd
applications, Stickies      2nd
applications, widgets      
applications, widgets, Address Book      
applications, widgets, Bar      
applications, widgets, Calculator      
applications, widgets, Calendar      
applications, widgets, Dictionary      
applications, widgets, displaying      
applications, widgets, Flight Tracker      
applications, widgets, hiding      
applications, widgets, installing and uninstalling      
applications, widgets, iTunes      
applications, widgets, opening and closing      
applications, widgets, Phone Book      
applications, widgets, Stickies      
applications, widgets, Stocks      
applications, widgets, Title Game      
applications, widgets, Translation      
applications, widgets, Unit Converter      
applications, widgets, Weather      
applications, widgets, World Clock      
Archive and Install option, installation options      
Archive of command (File menu)      
archiving      2nd 3rd 4th
Arrange by command (View menu)      
arrow keys      
as Columns command (View menu), keyboard shortcut      
as Icons command (View menu), keyboard shortcut      
as List command (View menu), keyboard shortcut      
assistive devices      
audio, Audio MIDI Setup      2nd
audio, CDs      
audio, CDs, adding songs to Library      
audio, CDs, iTunes source      
Authenticate dialog      
Authentication pane, Directory Access      
Automatically Renew .Mac window      
automation, AppleScript      
automation, AppleScript, basics      
automation, AppleScript, dictionaries      
automation, AppleScript, files      
automation, AppleScript, Folder Actions      
automation, AppleScript, Script Editor      
automation, AppleScript, Utility      
automation, AppleScript, writing scripts      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
automation, Date & Time preferences pane
Automator, launching      
Automator, workflows      
Automator, workflows, creating      2nd 3rd
Automator, workflows, example      
Automator, workflows, modifying      
Automator, workflows, opening      
Automator, workflows, saving      
Back button, toolbar      
Back command (Go menu)      2nd
Backup, .Mac account      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
base stations, AirPort      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Basic command (View menu)      
Bluetooth File Exchange      
Bluetooth, preferences      2nd
Bluetooth, preferences pane      
Bluetooth, sending files      
Bluetooth, Setup Assistant      2nd
Bluetooth, status menu      
bookmarks, .Mac account      2nd
bookmarks, Safari      
Bring All to Front command (Window menu)      2nd
buddies, iChat      
Burn Disc command (File menu)      
Burn Disc dialog      
Burn status dialog      
burning, CDs      
burning, CDs, from burn folder      2nd
burning, CDs, iTunes      
burning, CDs, to blank CD      2nd
burning, folders      2nd 3rd
business ends, mouse pointer      
buttons, toolbar      
Cable modem option, How Do You Connect? window      
cable modems      2nd
Calculator      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Calendar menu commands      
Calendar menu commands, Find Shared Calendars      
Calendar menu commands, Publish      
Calendar menu commands, Refresh      
Calendar menu commands, Send Publish Email      
Calendar menu commands, Subscribe      
Calendar menu commands, Unpublish      
calendars, iCal      
calendars, iCal, calendar actions      2nd 3rd 4th
calendars, iCal, changing view      
calendars, iCal, events      2nd 3rd 4th
calendars, iCal, launching      
calendars, iCal, To Do items      2nd
calendars, iCal, viewing specific date      
Cancel buttons, dialog standards      
Carbon applications      
Card menu commands (Address Book)      
Card menu commands (Address Book), Choose Custom Image      
Card menu commands (Address Book), Clear Custom Image      
cd command, Unix      2nd 3rd
CD-ROMs, burning      
CD-ROMs, burning, from burn folder      2nd
CD-ROMs, burning, iTunes      
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