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Shnider S., Stasheff J., Markl M. — Operads in Algebra, Topology, and Physics
Shnider S., Stasheff J., Markl M. — Operads in Algebra, Topology, and Physics

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Название: Operads in Algebra, Topology, and Physics

Авторы: Shnider S., Stasheff J., Markl M.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Геометрия и топология/Алгебраическая и дифференциальная топология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 299

Добавлена в каталог: 19.04.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$A_\infty$-space      11
$E_\infty$-operad      12
$H_n$ -space      76
$\mathcal P$-orientation      257
$\Theta$-space      8
A cohomological field theory      262
Additive algebraic K-theory      220
Algebra over a triple      58
Algebra over operad      7
Algebraic stack      268
Algebraic theory      8
Analyseur      4
Approximation      64
Associativity constraint      27
Associator      27
Atlas      268
Augmented operad      149
Batalin — Vilkovisky algebra      169
Bilinear space      215
Browder operation      76
Canonical element      277
Category with multiplication      27
Coarse moduli space      268
Cobar bicomplex      91
Coboundary      245
Cocycle      245
Coefficient system      243
Coherence      27
Comp algebra      6
Composition along the graph $\Gamma$      235
Composition product      77
Configuration pseudo-operad      180
Cup product      74
Cyclic $\mathcal P$-algebra      216
Cyclic collection      212
Cyclic endomorphism operad      215
Cyclic homology of $\mathcal P$-algebra      222
Cyclic homology of associative algebra      219
Cyclic operad      211
Cyclic quadratic operad      216
Cyclohedron      205
De Rham cohomology      220
Decomposables      149
Decorated Teichmuller space      253
Diagonal      158
Dual graph      260
Dualizing cocycle      247
Dyer — Lashof operations      75
Elementary equivalence      148
Elementary homotopy      152
Endomorphism operad      6
Equivariant section      160
Feynman transform      251
Framed configuration space      173
Framed little k-disks operad      166
Framed little n-disks operad      13
Fundamental identity      18
G-operad      166
Gerstenhaber algebra      23 77
Graph      230
Gravity operad      269
Homotopy      153
Hopf operad      158
Hyperoperad      243
Indecomposables      149
Injectivity radius      173
Invariant bilinear form      216
Kudo — Araki operations      75
Labelled graph      231
length function      83
Linear isometries operad      79
Linear isometry operad      80
Little cubes operad      13
Little intervals operad      65
Little k-cube      65
Little k-disks operad      165
Little n-disks operad      13
Loop homotopy Lie algebra      272
Main identity      270 272
Marking      260
May models      72
Metric tree      83
Milgram model      72
Minimal model      154
Minimal operad      150
Modular $\mathfrak D$-operad      248
Modular collection      229
Modular operad      229
Modular operadic completion      275
Modular suspension      246
Module of differentials      220
Monoid      30
Monoidal category      27
Morphism of graphs      231
Multilinear string functions      271
n-braid algebra      22
n-Lie algebra      18
Nerve      233
Non-$\Sigma$ cyclic operad      218
O-functor      67
Operad of metric trees      82
Orientation cocycle      247
Parallel transport      203
Partial operad      197
Periodicity exact sequence      227
Pointed operad      72
Principal extension      161
Principal value      263
Puncture      169
Quasi-isomorphism      148
Quism      148
Recognition principle      63
Ribbon graph      254
Ribbon graph complex      255
Semidirect product      166
sh S-algebra      157
Space of metric trees      83
Special vertex      198
Species      35
Stable curve      260
Stable curve of genus 0      176
Stable graph      232
Steenrod squares      74
String products      269
Strongly homotopy S-algebra      157
Topological conformal field theory      259
Topological Feynman transform      269
Trace      218
Triple      58
Unshuffle      71
Virtual configuration      188
W-construction      82
Weak equivalence      148
Weak homotopy type      148
“blowing down” map      204
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