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Karp D.A., O'Reilly T., Luhn R. — Windows XP Annoyances For Geeks
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Название: Windows XP Annoyances For Geeks
Авторы: Karp D.A., O'Reilly T., Luhn R.
Аннотация: In an ideal world, an operating system would do its job inthe background, while you did yours in the foreground. In reality, though, operating systems often get in the way, fouling up the process at the most inopportune times. And Windows XP is no exception.
O'Reilly's popular series for customizing and troubleshooting Windows once again comes to the rescue with Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks. Offering dozens of on-target tips, workarounds, and warnings, Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks allows users to improve their overall experience with the Windows XP operating system in every way possible.
You'll learn how to use the Registry Editor; how to customize the interface beyond Microsoft's own intentions; and how to master Windows' built-in networking capabilities, including advanced technologies such as Internet Connection sharing, Remote Desktop sharing, and virtual private networking. And now, with this updated edition, you can also expect detailed coverage of the newly released Service Pack 2 (SP2) technology.
SP2 is designed to make your work with the Windows XP operating system even easier and safer by providing superior protection against viruses, hacker, and worms. Among the core SP2 components covered in Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks are Windows Firewall, Pop-up Blocker for Internet Explorer, and the new Windows Security Center.
David Karp, veteran author of several titles in the Windows Annoyances series, is behind the wheel of this comprehensive guide, as well. Karp points out numerous SP2-related quirks and unaccountable behaviors that are guaranteed to increase your level of perplexity and frustration. By recognizing these shortcomings, Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks arms you with the knowledge to overcome them.
Karp leaves no stone unturned in providing the ultimate resource for the ever-expanding Windows XP market. As a result, you'll be able to seize complete control of the Windows XP operating system—instead of the other way around.
Рубрика: Технология /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2004
Количество страниц: 664
Добавлена в каталог: 30.06.2007
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
networking, join a Windows NT domain
networking, local resources compared to remote resources
networking, map network drive
networking, mapping drives
networking, network cards
networking, network cards, drivers for
networking, network cards, troubleshooting
networking, network types
networking, peer-to-peer workgroups, creating
networking, preliminary setup
networking, priorities
networking, protocol, enable or disable for a connection
networking, Quality of Service (QoS) Packet Scheduler, disabling
networking, remote-control software
networking, security
networking, security policies
networking, security, eliminating backdoors
networking, security, threat categories
networking, set IP address
networking, set multiple IP addresses
networking, share printer
networking, shared resources, accessing
networking, sharing folders
networking, show icon in taskbar notification areawhen connected
networking, SNMP components (install/uninstall)
networking, TCP/IP filtering
networking, TCP/IP settings
networking, terminology
networking, throughput, testing
networking, uninstall a protocols or service
networking, VBScript for
networking, Virtual Private Networking (VPN)
networking, Windows Firewall
networking, Windows Firewall, alternatives
networking, WINS settings
networking, wireless [See WiFi]
New Connection Wizard
New Connection Wizard, dial-up connections
new-style Start Menu
new-style Start Menu, contents
new-style Start Menu, customizing
newsgroup reader, default
NICs (Network Interface Cards), troubleshooting
Nmap Security Scanner
NMap web site
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)
NNTPS (Network News Transfer Protocol over SSL)
No More System PTEs (BSoD error)
Norton Ghost
Norton Personal Firewall
Norton Speed Disk
Norton Utilities
Notepad, launching
Notepad, using with VBScript 2nd
Notification area
notification feature, auto-insert
Now() (VBScript)
NTFS (NT filesystem)
NTFS (NT filesystem), converting to
NTFS (NT filesystem), performance optimization
NTFS Encryption Utility
NTFS filesystem (BSoD error)
NTP (Network Time Protocol)
NTUSER.DAT file, backing up
numbers, customize display
NumLock key, behavior of
Numlock State (BIOS setting)
nVidia-based video cards
object permissions, setting
object references (WSH)
objects, copying 2nd
objects, moving 2nd
objects, ownership
objects, shortcuts, creating
ODBC data sources, restrict access
Office 2000, Places Bar
Office XP, Places Bar
Offline Files
offline files, action to take when network connection is lost
offline files, automatic synchronization
offline files, automatic synchronization on idle
offline files, compatibility with computers running on batteries
offline files, enable scheduling of desktop web page updates
offline files, security policies
offline files, settings
offline files, synchronize
OLD files, deleting
ONaturalO keyboards from Microsoft
Onboard FDD Controller (BIOS setting)
Onboard IR Function (BIOS setting)
Onboard SCSI (BIOS setting)
Open dialog box, Details view
Open With dialog box
optical drives, as backup solution
optimized drivers for video cards
organization of files
OtrackingO hosts, list of known
Outlook Express
Outlook Express, make default
Outlook Express, repair unread mail count
overclocking, improving processor performance with
Overheat Warning Temperature (BIOS setting)
overwritten file types, protecting against
Page Fault In Nonpaged Area (BSoD error)
Page Table Entries (PTEs)
paging file [See swapfile]
Paint Shop Pro 2nd
Paint Shop Pro, changing Windows startup logo
Panda Anti-Virus Titanium & Platinum
Parallel Port (BIOS setting)
Parallel Port Mode (BIOS setting)
parallel ports, configuring
parameters, Chkdsk utility
parameters, subroutines (VBScript)
parental control of web sites
PartitionMagic 2nd
PartitionMagic, web site
partitions, creating and deleting
partitions, creating when installing Windows XP
partitions, Disk Management utility
partitions, extended
partitions, installing Windows XP, backups and
partitions, logical drives
partitions, primary
partitions, resizing
partitions, resizing, disk fragmentation and
partitions, volumes, mounting
PassMark Sleeper utility
passwords, .NET
passwords, automatically logging on 2nd
passwords, automatically logging on, limiting
passwords, automatically logging on, preventing bypassing
passwords, change
passwords, changing 2nd
passwords, expiration
passwords, managing network
passwords, preventing forgotten
passwords, preventing forgotten passwords
passwords, require for exiting screensaver
passwords, require for resuming from standby mode
passwords, saving in web pages
passwords, security policies
passwords, setting expiration
passwords, show OChange PasswordO in Ctrl-Alt-Del window
passwords, user accounts, automatic expiration
patches, Registry [See Registry, patches]
patches, Windows Update
paths, Registry
paths, show full path in folder windows
paths, system
PC Flank
pcAnywhere 2nd
PCI 2.1 Compliance (BIOS setting)
PCI IDE BusMaster (BIOS setting)
PCI IRQ Assignment (BIOS setting)
PCI Latency Timer (BIOS setting)
PCI Pipelining (BIOS setting)
PCI, slots
PCI, video cards
PCL language
PDAs, adding WiFi support
Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
peer-to-peer (P2P), creating workgroups
peer-to-peer (P2P), file sharing 2nd
Perform Additional Tasks (install option)
performance, animations, disabling
performance, application timeout, reducing
performance, BIOS, list of settings
performance, CD/DVD drives, AutoPlay and 2nd
performance, compared to previous Windows versions
performance, games
performance, hard disks
performance, hard disks, defragmenting
performance, hard disks, eliminating random activity
performance, hard disks, slack space
performance, increasing typing
performance, memory requirements
performance, menus, optimizing
performance, networks, testing throughput
performance, NTFS filesystem
performance, NTFS filesystem, converting to
performance, NTFS filesystem, optimizing
performance, overview
performance, Remote Desktop, connection speeds
performance, SCSI chain length
performance, shared resources
performance, shutdown
performance, shutdown, automatic
performance, shutdown, optimizing
performance, speeding up system startup
performance, startup shortcuts, removing for performance optimization
performance, swapfile, deleting
performance, transferring Windows to hard disk
performance, virtual memory
performance, virtual memory, eliminating
peripherals [See drivers hardware]
Perl add-on module
Perl, WSH support for
Permissions window, adding users
permissions, user accounts
permissions, user accounts, inheritance
permissions, user accounts, setting
Personalized Menus option (Start Menu), disabling
personalized menus, Favorites
Photoshop 2nd 3rd
Photoshop, changing Windows startup logo
Photoshop, Color Table command
Picture and Fax Viewer, disabling
pictures, user's, selecting
pictures, Welcome screen, customizing
PID (Process Identifier)
ping utility
Places Bar
Places Bar, customizing 2nd
Places Bar, features
Plug and Play (PnP)
Plug and Play (PnP), characteristics of
Plug and Play (PnP), detection, preventing
Plug and Play (PnP), troubleshooting
PME Resume (BIOS setting)
PnP OS Installed (BIOS setting)
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
pointing devices
pointing devices, fine-tuning/upgrading
polling for AutoPlay-enabled CD/DVD drives 2nd
pop-up help windows
POP3 (Post Office Protocol, version 3)
port scanners, external
ports, commonly exploited by worms
ports, TCP/IP
Power Button Mode (BIOS setting)
Power Lost Control (BIOS setting)
Power Management
Power Management (BIOS setting)
power management, shutdown issues
Power On Function (BIOS setting)
Power Rename utility
power supplies
power supplies, troubleshooting
PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet)
PPPoE, connections
PPPoE, connections, versus static IP addresses
preferences, Explorer, saving
preferences, Search tool
Prefetch, launching applications
preventive maintenance
preventive maintenance, hardware
Primary Display (BIOS setting)
Primary IDE Master (BIOS setting)
Primary IDE Slave (BIOS setting)
primary partitions
Print Server settings
printers (CLSID)
printers, adding WiFi support
printers, advanced settings
printers, cancel printing of all documents
printers, cancel printing of one document
printers, change settings for a single application
printers, change settings for all applications
printers, connect to a printer on your network
printers, install
printers, pause printing
printers, print background colors and images when printing web pages
printers, set default printer
printers, sharing
printers, sharing, configuring for
printers, sharing, over networks
printers, sharing, with other computers on network
printers, show as menu in Start Menu (Classic Start Menu only)
printers, show in Start Menu (XP Start Menu only)
printers, uninstall
printers, view status
printing, directory listings
printing, PCL language
prioritizing network connections
Process Identifier (PID)
Processor Serial Number (BIOS setting)
Processor Speed (BIOS setting)