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Karp D.A., O'Reilly T., Luhn R. — Windows XP Annoyances For Geeks
Karp D.A., O'Reilly T., Luhn R. — Windows XP Annoyances For Geeks

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Название: Windows XP Annoyances For Geeks

Авторы: Karp D.A., O'Reilly T., Luhn R.


In an ideal world, an operating system would do its job inthe background, while you did yours in the foreground. In reality, though, operating systems often get in the way, fouling up the process at the most inopportune times. And Windows XP is no exception.

O'Reilly's popular series for customizing and troubleshooting Windows once again comes to the rescue with Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks. Offering dozens of on-target tips, workarounds, and warnings, Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks allows users to improve their overall experience with the Windows XP operating system in every way possible.

You'll learn how to use the Registry Editor; how to customize the interface beyond Microsoft's own intentions; and how to master Windows' built-in networking capabilities, including advanced technologies such as Internet Connection sharing, Remote Desktop sharing, and virtual private networking. And now, with this updated edition, you can also expect detailed coverage of the newly released Service Pack 2 (SP2) technology.

SP2 is designed to make your work with the Windows XP operating system even easier and safer by providing superior protection against viruses, hacker, and worms. Among the core SP2 components covered in Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks are Windows Firewall, Pop-up Blocker for Internet Explorer, and the new Windows Security Center.

David Karp, veteran author of several titles in the Windows Annoyances series, is behind the wheel of this comprehensive guide, as well. Karp points out numerous SP2-related quirks and unaccountable behaviors that are guaranteed to increase your level of perplexity and frustration. By recognizing these shortcomings, Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks arms you with the knowledge to overcome them.

Karp leaves no stone unturned in providing the ultimate resource for the ever-expanding Windows XP market. As a result, you'll be able to seize complete control of the Windows XP operating system—instead of the other way around.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 664

Добавлена в каталог: 30.06.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
taskbar, group buttons by application, customize      
taskbar, hide when not in use      
taskbar, keep on top of other windows      
taskbar, move to a different screen location      
taskbar, prevent moving and resizing      
taskbar, resize      
taskbar, sliding button animation (enable/disable)      
taskbar, style      
taskbar, tray      
taskbar, tray, customizing      
taskbar, tray, hiding icons      
taskbar, unlocking      
Tasks option (Explorer Folder Options)      
tasks, show extra task pane in folder windows      
TCP/IP, filtering      
TCP/IP, ports 2nd      
TCP/IP, settings      
Telephony settings      
Telnet Server restrictions      
Temp folder      
Temp folder, performance issues      
Temporary Internet files      
Temporary Internet files, clear automatically when browser is closed      
Temporary Internet files, policy regarding encrypted pages      
Temporary Internet files, settings      
Terminal Server      
Terminal Server, disable compositing effects in Internet Explorer      
Terminal Server, security policies      
terminators for SCSI chains      
testing throughput      
text cursor      
text cursor, blink rate      
text cursor, blink rate & size
text cursor, change mouse OI-beamO cursor      
text, searching for in files      
The Definitive BIOS Optimization Guide      
The Internet (CLSID)      
The Microsoft Network (CLSID)      
themes, desktop      
Third Boot Device (BIOS setting)      
third-party devices      
third-party software      
third-party software, Explorer enhancements 2nd 3rd      
third-party software, hard disk partitioning      
third-party software, port scanners      
third-party software, Registry tools      
third-party software, Search-tool enhancements      
third-party software, styles and skins 2nd 3rd      
Thread Stuck In Device Driver (BSoD error)      
throughput, testing      
thumbnail display      
thumbnail display, file icons      
thumbnail display, folders, disabling      
thumbnails, cache (enable/disable)      
thumbnails, image quality      
thumbnails, show in Explorer      
thumbnails, size      
time, customize display      
time, set      
time, synchronize with Internet time server automatically      
time, time service policies      
time, time zone      
timeout, application shutdown, reducing      
timeout, frozen applications      
Tiny Firewall      
titlebar, font, color, and size      
titlebar, size only      
TiVo, adding WiFi support      
toolbars, desktop, as Start Menu alternative      
toolbars, Explorer, copying/moving files/folders      
toolbars, size and font for floating toolbar captions      
Tools menu (Explorer), Folder Options      
Tooltips, animation      
Tooltips, animation (enable/disable)      
Tooltips, big OballoonO tooltips that pop up from taskbar notification area      
Tooltips, enable/disable (desktop, taskbar, and Explorer only)      
Tooltips, fade (enable/disable)      
Tooltips, font & color
transferring files, programs for      
Transition effects, enable/disable      
tray (taskbar)      
tray (taskbar), customizing      
tray (taskbar), icons, hiding      
troubleshooting 2nd [See also errors/error messages]      
troubleshooting, antivirus software      
troubleshooting, applications, frozen      
troubleshooting, cameras      
troubleshooting, CD drives      
troubleshooting, Chkdsk utility and      
troubleshooting, debugging WSH scripts      
troubleshooting, disk drives      
troubleshooting, drivers      
troubleshooting, drivers, installation      
troubleshooting, drivers, locating      
troubleshooting, drivers, updating and verifying      
troubleshooting, error messages, finding additional information      
troubleshooting, hardware      
troubleshooting, hardware, configurations      
troubleshooting, hardware, resolving conflicts      
troubleshooting, hardware, unsupported      
troubleshooting, Hibernate mode      
troubleshooting, IDE controllers      
troubleshooting, installing Windows XP      
troubleshooting, Internet Connection Sharing      
troubleshooting, isolating problems      
troubleshooting, keyboards      
troubleshooting, memory      
troubleshooting, modems      
troubleshooting, monitors      
troubleshooting, motherboards      
troubleshooting, power supplies      
troubleshooting, preventive maintenance      
troubleshooting, Recovery Console and      
troubleshooting, Recovery Console and, commands      
troubleshooting, Recovery Console and, using wildcards      
troubleshooting, scanners      
troubleshooting, SCSI controllers      
troubleshooting, shutdown      
troubleshooting, sound cards      
troubleshooting, Stand by mode      
troubleshooting, startup failure      
troubleshooting, startup modes      
troubleshooting, tape drives      
troubleshooting, throughput      
troubleshooting, USB ports      
troubleshooting, video cards      
troubleshooting, workgroup connections      
tunnel servers      
TurboNet card      
TweakUI, AutoPlay, selectively controlling      
TweakUI, downloading      
TweakUI, Explorer New menu, customizing      
TweakUI, folder thumbnail display, customizing      
TweakUI, Places Bar, customizing      
TweakUI, Windows Shortcuts and      
TXT files, deleting      
type command (DOS)      
Typematic Rate/Delay (BIOS setting)      
typing performance, increasing      
UltraEdit-32 utility 2nd
UltraEdit-32 utility, removing New items in context menus
UltraEdit-32 utility, VBScript and
UltraEdit-32 utility, web site
Undo command, Explorer      
undo, Registry patches for      
Unexpected Kernel Mode Trap (BSoD error)      
uninstalling hardware/software      
uninterruptible power supply (UPS)      
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) settings      
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)      
UnMapNetDrive subroutine (VBScript)      
UnMapNetPrinter subroutine (VBScript) 2nd      
Unmountable Boot Volume (BSoD error)      
updates, drivers      
updates, patching Windows XP      
upgrading, BIOS      
upgrading, device drivers 2nd      
upgrading, firmware      
upgrading, installing Windows XP over previous versions      
upgrading, XP, highlights of      
UPHClean utility      
UPS (uninterruptible power supply)      
URL History Folder (CLSID)      
URLs, running with VBScript      
USB Function (BIOS setting)      
USB ports, troubleshooting      
USB power management issues      
USB, increasing polling interval      
Use a background image for each folder type option      
Use common tasks in folders option      
Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop option      
Use one setting for all drives option (Recycle Bin)      
Use simple file sharing option (Explorer Folder Options)      
Use StickyKeys command      
Use visual styles on windows and buttons option      
user accounts      
User Accounts dialog, types available      
user accounts, Administrator, logging in as      
user accounts, common tasks      
user accounts, hiding      
user accounts, passwords      
user accounts, passwords, automatic expiration      
user accounts, passwords, automatically logging on 2nd 3rd      
user accounts, passwords, changing      
user accounts, permissions      
user accounts, permissions, inheritance      
user accounts, permissions, setting      
user accounts, system folders      
user profiles, copying between computers      
user-upgradable firmware      
usernames in web pages, saving      
users, add new user account      
Users, adding      
users, allow fast switching between users      
users, assigning to group(s)      
users, changing description      
users, changing home folder      
users, changing password      
users, changing picture      
users, disabling account      
users, multiple profiles for each user account      
Users, passwords      
users, pictures, selecting      
users, registered user      
users, removing      
users, renaming      
users, Security Identifiers (SIDs)      
users, security policies      
users, security policies for groups      
values, Registry [See Registry, values]      
variables, in batch files      
variables, in VBScript      
VBS files      
VBScript scripts 2nd [See also Windows Script Host (WSH)]      
VBScript scripts, accessing Registry      
VBScript scripts, AlreadyMapped function      
VBScript scripts, building      
VBScript scripts, Call statement      
VBScript scripts, compilation errors      
VBScript scripts, conditional statements      
VBScript scripts, creating Windows/Internet shortcuts      
VBScript scripts, debugging      
VBScript scripts, file operations      
VBScript scripts, flow control      
VBScript scripts, functions in      
VBScript scripts, handling command-line parameters      
VBScript scripts, ideas for scripts      
VBScript scripts, InputBox command in      
VBScript scripts, Internet Explorer and      
VBScript scripts, loops in      
VBScript scripts, MsgBox command in      
VBScript scripts, networking functions      
VBScript scripts, Notepad and      
VBScript scripts, object references      
VBScript scripts, resources on      
VBScript scripts, running programs with      
VBScript scripts, runtime errors      
VBScript scripts, startup scripts, making      
VBScript scripts, subroutines in      
VBScript scripts, using variables      
VBScript scripts, writing CGI scripts for web servers      
versions, DLLs      
versions, drivers      
VGA Palette Snoop (BIOS setting)      
VIA web site      
Video BIOS Shadow/Video BIOS Cacheable (BIOS setting)      
video cameras, adding WiFi support      
video cameras, troubleshooting      
Video cards      
video cards, chipsets for      
video cards, high-end      
video cards, improving performance of      
video cards, memory requirements      
video cards, optimized drivers and      
video cards, troubleshooting      
video cards, troubleshooting, Windows XP installation problems      
video cards, updating drivers for      
video clips, deleting AVI files      
video game console, adding WiFi support      
Video Power Down (BIOS setting)      
Video RAM Cacheable (BIOS setting)      
video, play in web pages      
View tab (Explorer Folder Options)      
virtual folders, creating copies      
Virtual memory      
virtual memory, eliminating      
virtual memory, optimizing      
virtual memory, problems with      
virtual memory, settings      
virtual memory, settings for optimization      
virtual memory, shutdown issues      
virtual objects (desktop)      
Virtual Private Networking [See VPN]      
Virus Warning (BIOS setting)      
viruses 2nd [See antivirus software]      
Visual Basic (VB)      
VNC (Virtual Network Computing)      
voice, calibrate volume settings      
voice, playback and recording volume      
voice, speech synthesis      
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