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Pinter L. — Visual Fox Pro to Visual Basic.NET |
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.dll files
.dll files, Visual FoxPro creation
Access methods
ACCESS methods, versus setters 2nd
accessing, SQL Server
accessing, SQL Server via XML 2nd 3rd
accessing, SQL Server, http data source settings
accessing, SQL Server, http general settings
accessing, SQL Server, http security settings
ActiveX controls (Screen design) 2nd
Add buttons
Add buttons, Click event codes
Add buttons, creating in forms 2nd 3rd 4th
Add Cursors page (CursorAdapater Builder) 2nd
adding, buttons to forms
adding, buttons to forms, VB .Net applications 2nd
adding, code
adding, code, to events
adding, connections
adding, connections, to forms 2nd
adding, Crystal Reports
adding, Crystal Reports, to other servers in VS .NET Server Explorer
adding, datasets to XML Web services 2nd
adding, grids to forms
adding, groupings to reports
adding, groupings to reports, in VFP Report Designer
adding, internet data access
adding, internet data access, to Data Tier programs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
adding, parameters to parameterized reports
adding, parameters to parameterized reports, in Crystal Reports 2nd
adding, records
adding, records to forms
adding, records to SQL
adding, records, to database applications
adding, selection formulas to parameterized reports
adding, selection formulas to parameterized reports, in Crystal Reports 2nd
adding, variables
adding, variables, to post buffers
adding, Web references
adding, Web references, to Web Services
adding/removing, menus
adding/removing, menus, in VFP
AddPostKey methods
AddTableSchema method (XMLAdapter class)
ADO.NET, DataAdapter creation
ADO.NET, displaying properties 2nd
ADO.NET, properties
ADO.NET, properties, declaring variables
Adobe Acrobat
Adobe Acrobat, VFP reports
Adobe Acrobat, VFP reports, publishing to Internet
Alias property (CursorAdapter class)
aliases (tables) 2nd
AllowDelete property (CursorAdapter class)
AllowInsert property (CursorAdapter class)
AllowUpdate property (CursorAdapter class)
APP files
APP files, running
APP files, running, in Visual FoxPro
APP files, Visual FoxPro versus Visual Basic .NET 2nd
app servers
app servers, building 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
APPEND BLANK command, phantom records 2nd
applications, menus
applications, menus, hotkeys
applications, menus, positioning in VFP
applications, menus, VB .NET creation 2nd
applications, menus, VFP creation 2nd 3rd
applications, startup screens
applications, startup screens, VB .NET creation 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd
applications, startup screens, VFP creation 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th 41st
applications, VB .NET creation
applications, VB .NET creation, adding buttons to forms 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, adding command buttons to forms 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
applications, VB .NET creation, adding controls to forms 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, adding searches to forms 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, AppScreen form configuration 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, BaseForm Load events 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, button Click event codes 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
applications, VB .NET creation, class library creation 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, coding form classes 2nd 3rd 4th
applications, VB .NET creation, Customer table creation 2nd 3rd
applications, VB .NET creation, dataset creation 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, declaring property variables
applications, VB .NET creation, displaying properties 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, displaying table records 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, form creation 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, form design 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, form methods 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, inheritable form creation 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, Inputs subroutines 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, LoadList-Click routines
applications, VB .NET creation, menu creation 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, project names
applications, VB .NET creation, project type/language selection
applications, VB .NET creation, property procedures 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, using form templates 2nd
applications, VB .NET creation, Windows Controls libraries 2nd 3rd
applications, VFP creation
applications, VFP creation, adding command buttons to forms 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th
applications, VFP creation, Customer table creation 2nd
applications, VFP creation, data tier class library creation 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
applications, VFP creation, default setting changes
applications, VFP creation, enabling/disabling form controls 2nd
applications, VFP creation, Field Mapping form controls
applications, VFP creation, form controls class libraries 2nd
applications, VFP creation, form creation 2nd
applications, VFP creation, form template creation 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
applications, VFP creation, form templates 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
applications, VFP creation, primary keys 2nd
applications, VFP creation, running applications 2nd
applications, VFP creation, running forms 2nd
applications, VFP creation, search form templates 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
applications, VFP creation, SQL database creation 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
applications, VFP creation, SQL Servers 2nd 3rd
applications, VFP creation, testing table data 2nd
applications, VFP creation, three-tier data access
applications, VFP creation, writing applications 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
AppScreen forms
AppScreen forms, property configuration 2nd
arrays 2nd
asmx files
asmx files, XML Report Web Services 2nd
ASP (Active Server Pages) 2nd
ASP .NET reporting clients
ASP .NET reporting clients, Crystal Reports 2nd
ASP .NET reporting clients, exporting as PDF files
ASP .NET reporting clients, exporting as PDF files, in Crystal Reports 2nd
ASSIGN methods
ASSIGN methods, versus getters 2nd
assigning, providers to connections
Attach method (XMLAdapter class)
attaching indexes
attaching indexes, to DBF files 2nd
attributes (XML elements)
Audit screen (VFP search forms) 2nd
backups, SQL
backups, VFP
BaseForm Load events
BaseForm Load events, VB .NET application creation 2nd
BindingContext references
| BindingContext references, data binding
BindingContext references, data binding, in VB .NET
BOM (Byte Order Mark)
BOM (Byte Order Mark), XML files
Bookmarks, Visual FoxPro versus Visual Basic .NET
BOTTOM commands
breakpoints, setting
breakpoints, setting, in Virtual Basic .NET
Browse buttons
Browse buttons, creating in forms 2nd 3rd
buffering, VFP tables
buffering, VFP tables, phantom records 2nd
buffering, VFP tables, TableRevert() functions
buffering, VFP tables, TableUpdate() functions 2nd
BufferModeOverride property (CursorAdapter class)
building, app servers 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
building, class libraries
building, class libraries, VFP versus VB .NET 2nd
building, DataAdapter
building, forms
building, forms, in VB .NET applications
building, forms, in VFP 2nd
building, inheritable forms 2nd
building, INSERT statements (SQL) 2nd 3rd 4th
building, Internet applications 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
building, Internet applications, adding Internet data access to Data Tier programs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
building, Internet applications, app servers 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
building, Internet applications, application form button functions 2nd
building, Internet applications, Customer forms 2nd 3rd
building, Internet applications, EditCustomer forms 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
building, Internet applications, Internet servers 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
building, Internet applications, key fields as user-specified strings
building, Internet applications, Web services 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th
building, Internet servers 2nd
building, menus
building, menus, in VB .NET applications 2nd
building, parameterized reports
building, parameterized reports, in Crystal Reports 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
building, PRG
building, reports
building, reports, in Crystal Reports 2nd 3rd 4th
building, simple applications in VB .NET
building, simple applications in VB .NET, adding command buttons to forms 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
building, simple applications in VB .NET, Customer table creation 2nd 3rd
building, simple applications in VB .NET, datset creation 2nd
building, simple applications in VB .NET, form creation
building, simple applications in VB .NET, form design 2nd
building, simple applications in VB .NET, form methods 2nd
building, simple applications in VFP
building, simple applications in VFP, adding command buttons to forms 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th
building, simple applications in VFP, Customer table creation 2nd
building, simple applications in VFP, default setting changes
building, simple applications in VFP, enabling/disabling form controls 2nd
building, simple applications in VFP, Field Mapping form controls
building, simple applications in VFP, form controls class libraries 2nd
building, simple applications in VFP, form creation 2nd
building, simple applications in VFP, form template creation 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
building, simple applications in VFP, running forms 2nd
building, UPDATE statements (SQL) 2nd 3rd 4th
building, VB .NET applications
building, VB .NET applications, adding buttons to forms 2nd
building, VB .NET applications, adding controls to forms 2nd
building, VB .NET applications, adding searches to forms 2nd
building, VB .NET applications, AppScreen form configuration 2nd
building, VB .NET applications, BaseForm Load events 2nd
building, VB .NET applications, button Click event codes 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
building, VB .NET applications, class library creation 2nd
building, VB .NET applications, coding form classes 2nd
building, VB .NET applications, declaring property variables
building, VB .NET applications, displaying properties 2nd
building, VB .NET applications, displaying table records 2nd
building, VB .NET applications, form creation
building, VB .NET applications, inheritable form creation 2nd
building, VB .NET applications, Inputs subroutines 2nd
building, VB .NET applications, LoadList-Click routines
building, VB .NET applications, menu creation 2nd
building, VB .NET applications, project names
building, VB .NET applications, project type/language selection
building, VB .NET applications, property procedures 2nd
building, VB .NET applications, selecting inheritable classes for inheritable forms 2nd
building, VB .NET applications, using form templates 2nd
building, VB .NET applications, Windows Controls libraries 2nd 3rd
building, VFP applications
building, VFP applications, data tier class library creation 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
building, VFP applications, form templates 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
building, VFP applications, primary keys 2nd
building, VFP applications, running applications 2nd
building, VFP applications, search form templates 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
building, VFP applications, SQL database creation 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
building, VFP applications, SQL Servers 2nd 3rd
building, VFP applications, testing table data 2nd
building, VFP applications, three-tier data access
building, VFP applications, writing applications 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
building, Web services
building, Web services, in VB .NET 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
building, Web services, in VFP 2nd
building, WSDL files
building, XML code in DOM 2nd
building, XML Report Web Services 2nd
buttons, Add
buttons, Add button
buttons, Add button, creating in forms 2nd 3rd 4th
buttons, Add, Click event codes
buttons, adding to forms
buttons, adding to forms, VB .NET applications 2nd
buttons, Browse button
buttons, Browse button, creating in forms 2nd 3rd
buttons, Cancel
buttons, Cancel button
buttons, Cancel button, creating in forms 2nd
buttons, Cancel, Click event codes
buttons, Clear button (VFP search forms) 2nd
buttons, Close
buttons, Close, Click event codes
buttons, color
buttons, command buttons
buttons, command buttons, adding to forms 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th
buttons, command buttons, properties 2nd
buttons, Delete
buttons, Delete button
buttons, Delete button, creating in forms 2nd 3rd
buttons, Delete, Click event codes
buttons, Edit button
buttons, Edit button, creating in forms 2nd 3rd
buttons, naming
buttons, Next button
buttons, Next button, creating in forms 2nd 3rd
buttons, positioning
buttons, Previous button
buttons, Previous button, creating in forms 2nd 3rd
buttons, Save
buttons, Save button
buttons, Save button, creating in forms 2nd 3rd
buttons, Save, Click event codes
buttons, saving as classes 2nd
buttons, Select button (VFP search forms)
buttons, Show Matches button (VFP search forms) 2nd
calculated expressions
calculated expressions, VFP reports 2nd 3rd
calling, functions
calling, methods
calling, procedures
calling, Web services via XMLDOM
Cancel buttons
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