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Pinter L. — Visual Fox Pro to Visual Basic.NET |
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Visual FoxPro, EXE files, running
Visual FoxPro, IDE
Visual FoxPro, IDE, customizing 2nd
Visual FoxPro, Project Manager
Visual FoxPro, Project Manager, grouping projects 2nd
Visual FoxPro, projects
Visual FoxPro, projects, running
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, APP files 2nd
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, Bookmarks
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, class browser
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, Class View
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, Class View window 2nd
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, code window 2nd
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, command windows 2nd 3rd
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, commands
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, data binding
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, DBF 2nd 3rd
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, DLL files 2nd 3rd 4th
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, Document View window
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, events
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, EXE files 2nd
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, functions
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, Object Browser
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, Online Resources panel
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, Output window
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, project development 2nd 3rd
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, properties 2nd 3rd
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, Properties window 2nd 3rd
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, Screen (background)
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, Server Explorer 2nd 3rd
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, shortcut keys 2nd
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, solutions 2nd 3rd
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, Task Lists
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, Task Pane Manager
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, Toolbox 2nd 3rd
Visual FoxPro, versus Visual Basic .NET, Tools, Options dialog 2nd 3rd 4th
Visual Studio
Visual Studio IDE
Visual Studio IDE, Server Explorer
Visual Studio IDE, Server Explorer, connection creation
Visual Studio IDE, Server Explorer, Data Link Properties dialog 2nd 3rd
Visual Studio IDE, Server Explorer, opening
Visual Studio, XML
Visual Studio, XML Editor
Visual Studio, XML Editor, creating XML schemas 2nd
Visual Studio, XML hierarchies
Visual Studio, XML hierarchies, viewing
Visual Studio, XML, viewing
VPF, commands
VPF, commands, APPEND BLANK 2nd 3rd
VPF, commands, BOTTOM
VPF, commands, DELETE
VPF, commands, FCOUNT()
VPF, commands, FIELD
VPF, commands, GO BOTTOM
VPF, commands, GO TOP
VPF, commands, RECCOUNT()
VPF, commands, RECNO()
VPF, commands, SCAN...ENDSCAN
VPF, commands, SKIP
VPF, commands, TOP
VPF, functions
VPF, functions, CursorSetProp
VPF, functions, CursorToXML
VPF, functions, TableRevert()
VPF, functions, TableUpdate()
VPF, functions, XMLToCursor
VPN, variables
VPR, functions
VPR, functions, calling
VPR, methods
VPR, methods, calling
VPR, procedures
VPR, procedures, calling
VPR, programs
VPR, programs, ending
VS .NET, Crystal Reports
VS .NET, Crystal Reports, adding to other servers in Server Explorer
VS .NET, Crystal Reports, ASP .NET reporting clients 2nd 3rd 4th
VS .NET, Crystal Reports, building reports
VS .NET, Crystal Reports, building reports, adding login information
VS .NET, Crystal Reports, building reports, adding user options 2nd
VS .NET, Crystal Reports, building reports, grouping fields
VS .NET, Crystal Reports, building reports, selecting fields
VS .NET, Crystal Reports, building XML Report Web Services 2nd
VS .NET, Crystal Reports, displaying in Server Explorer
VS .NET, Crystal Reports, previewing reports 2nd 3rd
VS .NET, Crystal Reports, thin client applications
VS .NET, Server Explorer
VS .NET, Server Explorer, adding Crystal Reports to other servers
VS .NET, Server Explorer, building parameterized reports;in Crystal Reports 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
VS .NET, Server Explorer, datasets as data sources in Crystal Reports 2nd 3rd
VS .NET, Server Explorer, displaying Crystal Reports
VS .NET, Server Explorer, filtering reports;in Crystal Reports
VS .NET, Server Explorer, opening
w.connect.h files (Web Connection)
walkthroughs, Creating a Distributed Application
wc.dll program (Web Connection)
wc.dll program (Web Connection), Internet applications, building 2nd 3rd
Web Connection 2nd 3rd
Web Connection, app servers
Web Connection, app servers, building
Web Connection, app servers, building 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
Web Connection, Console routine
Web Connection, installing 2nd
Web Connection, Internet applications, building 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th 41st
Web Connection, Internet servers
Web Connection, Internet servers, building 2nd
Web Connection, Internet servers, connecting to 2nd 3rd
Web Connection, PRG
Web Connection, PRG, building
Web Connection, server functions, writing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Web Connection, server functions, writing, GET parameters 2nd
Web Connection, server functions, writing, POST parameters
Web Connection, w.connect.h files
Web Connection, wc.dll program 2nd 3rd
Web pages
Web pages, ASP 2nd
Web pages, building reports as
Web pages, building reports as, via PDF files
Web pages, building reports as, via VFP Report Designer 2nd 3rd 4th
web references
Web References, datasets
Web references, Web Services, adding to
Web server
Web Server, updating records
Web Server, updating records, via DiffGrams 2nd 3rd
Web servers
Web servers, parameters, sending to
Web servers, parameters, sending to, via post buffer 2nd
Web Services
Web services, building
Web services, building, in VB .NET 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Web services, building, in VFP 2nd
Web services, calling via XMLDOM
Web services, creating
Web services, creating, XMLAdapter class 2nd 3rd 4th
Web services, diffgrams
Web services, DLL registration
Web services, functions
Web services, functions, writing
Web services, IIS virtual directories
Web services, interacting
Web services, interacting, with Internet applications 2nd
| Web services, Internet applications, adding to 2nd 3rd
Web Services, Internet applications, interaction with 2nd
Web services, parameterized Web services
Web services, parameterized Web services, VB .NET creation 2nd 3rd
Web services, parameterized Web services, VFP creation 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Web services, publishing
Web services, testing
Web services, testing, in VFP 2nd
Web Services, Web references, adding to
Web services, WSDL (Web Services Discovery Language) files
Web services, WSDL files
Web services, WSDL files, building
Web services, XML Web services 2nd
Web services, XML Web services, adding datasets to 2nd
Web services, XML Web services, creating 2nd 3rd
Web services, XML Web services, testing 2nd
Web services, XML Web services, updating
WhereType property (CursorAdapter class)
WHILE...WEND loops
Windows Control libraries (VB.NET application creation) 2nd 3rd
Windows Design Guide
windows, Class View (Solution Explorer)
windows, Class View (Solution Explorer), viewing typed datasets 2nd
windows, Class View window
windows, Class View window, Visual FoxPro versus Visual Basic .NET 2nd
windows, code window
windows, code window, Visual FoxPro versus Visual Basic .NET 2nd
windows, Command
windows, command windows
windows, command windows, Visual FoxPro versus Visual Basic .NET
windows, command, executing prior commands
windows, command, Visual FoxPro versus Visual Basic .NET 2nd
windows, Document View window
windows, Document View window, Visual FoxPro versus Visual Basic .NET
windows, Output
windows, Output, Visual FoxPro versus Visual Basic .NET
windows, Properties
windows, Properties window
windows, Properties window, Visual FoxPro versus Visual Basic .NET 2nd 3rd
windows, Properties, opening
WITHEVENTS variables
WITHEVENTS variables, declaring
WITHEVENTS variables, declaring, in VB .NET
wizards, Data Adapter
wizards, Data Form Wizard
wizards, Data Form Wizard, setting options 2nd
wizards, Data Form Wizard, Startup forms 2nd
wizards, Data Form Wizard, viewing generated code in forms 2nd
wizards, DataAdapter Configuration Wizard 2nd
wizards, SQL Upsizing Wizard
wizards, Upsizing wizard 2nd
writing, Web Connection server functions 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
writing, Web Connection server functions, GET parameters 2nd
writing, Web Connection server functions, POST parameters
WSDL (Web Service Description Language) files
WSDL (Web Service Description Language) files, building
WSDL (Web Services Description Language) files
WSDL (Web Services Discovery Language) files
XDR schemas
XDR schemas, converting to XSD schemas 2nd
XDR schemas, XML 2nd
XML (Extensible Markup Language) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
XML files
XML files, Internet applications
XML files, Solution Explorer (Visual Basic .NET) 2nd
XML Report Web Services
XML Report Web Services, asmx files 2nd
XML Report Web Services, building 2nd
XML Report Web Services, CrystalReportViewer (Crystal Reports)
XML text files
XML Web services 2nd
XML Web services, adding datasets to 2nd
XML Web services, building
XML Web services, building WSDL files
XML Web services, creating 2nd 3rd
XML Web services, diffgrams
XML Web services, DLL registration
XML Web services, IIS virtual directories
XML Web services, Internet applications, adding to 2nd 3rd
XML Web services, publishing
XML Web services, testing 2nd 3rd 4th
XML Web services, updating
XML Web services, writing functions
XML, accessing SQL Server 2nd 3rd
XML, as VFP cursors
XML, converting VFP tables to
XML, CursorAdapter class 2nd 3rd
XML, CursorAdapters 2nd 3rd 4th
XML, data string conversion 2nd
XML, DOM, building XML code in 2nd
XML, DOM, calling Web services
XML, DOM, document validation 2nd
XML, DOM, trapping errors
XML, DOM, viewing properties
XML, element tags
XML, elements
XML, elements, attributes
XML, elements, namespaces 2nd
XML, encoding in 2nd
XML, examples of 2nd
XML, foreign data
XML, foreign data, reading in VFP 2nd
XML, functions
XML, functions, XMLUpdateGram() 2nd 3rd 4th
XML, hierarchies
XML, hierarchies, representing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
XML, hierarchies, viewing in Visual Studio
XML, importing data into VB .NET
XML, importing data into VFP 2nd
XML, moving data to tables
XML, moving data to tables, CursorToXML() functions 2nd 3rd 4th
XML, moving data to tables, XMLToCursor() functions 2nd 3rd
XML, namespaces 2nd
XML, reading into datasets 2nd 3rd
XML, records, example of
XML, RecordSets 2nd
XML, reducing server loads
XML, schemas
XML, schemas, creating via Visual Studio XML Editor 2nd
XML, schemas, DTD
XML, structure of 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
XML, UpdateGrams
XML, UpdateGrams, creating
XML, UpdateGrams, deletes 2nd
XML, UpdateGrams, updates
XML, UTF-8 2nd
XML, VB .NET data storage 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
XML, versus datasets
XML, VFP implementation 2nd
XML, viewing in Visual Studio
XML, XDR schemas 2nd
XML, XMLTOCURSOR() methods 2nd
XML, XSD schemas 2nd
XML, XSD schemas, document validation 2nd
XMLAdapter class 2nd 3rd
XMLAdapter class, cursor creation 2nd
XMLAdapter class, cursors
XMLAdapter class, cursors, updating 2nd
XMLAdapter class, diffgram creation 2nd
XMLAdapter class, diffgrams
XMLAdapter class, diffgrams, receiving/processing
XMLAdapter class, methods
XMLAdapter class, methods, AddTableSchema
XMLAdapter class, methods, Attach
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