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Cardoza P. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 |
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access, Side Notes 2nd 3rd
accessing, Microsoft newsgroups
accessing, Microsoft newsgroups, newsreaders 2nd 3rd
accessing, Microsoft newsgroups, Web-based newsgroups 2nd
Accounts command (Tools menu)
Add More Space icon
addresses, Web
addresses, Web, inserted 2nd
adjacent pages
adjacent pages, page groups 2nd
alignments, bullets/numbers (outlines)
applications [See programs]
applications, importing information
applications, importing information, email
applications, importing information, Outlook 2nd 3rd 4th
applications, importing information, PowerPoint 2nd 3rd 4th
archiving, folders
arthimetic [See mathematics]
ASCII codes
ASCII codes, symbols
ASCII codes, symbols, inserting
Assign Task button
Audio files
audio files, linked
audio files, linked, emailed notes 2nd
audio files, storing
Audio Recording command (Tools menu)
Audio Recording toolbar 2nd
Audio, adding
audio, adding, Side Notes 2nd
audio, recorded
audio, recorded, date and time stamp
audio, recorded, emailing 2nd
audio, recorded, links 2nd
audio, recorded, microphones
audio, recorded, options 2nd
audio, recorded, playing back 2nd
audio, recorded, removing 2nd
audio, recorded, WMA (Windows Media)
audio, recording 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
audio, recording, multiple 2nd
audio, recording, sharing 2nd
audio, synchronization 2nd
AutoCorrect feature 2nd 3rd
AutoCorrect feature, abbreviated phrases
AutoCorrect Options command (Tools menu)
automatic numbering
automatic numbering, turning off 2nd
backgrounds, pages
backgrounds, pages, configuring
backgrounds, pages, configuring, rule lines 2nd
backgrounds, pages, configuring, stationery 2nd 3rd
Backups 2nd 3rd 4th
body text
body text, outline text
body text, outline text, converting to 2nd
body text, outlines 2nd
bold, applying 2nd
Boxes [See also dialog boxes]
bulleted lists
bulleted lists, creating
bulleted lists, creating, outlines
bulleted lists, note containers
bulleted lists, note containers, converting to
bulleted outlines
bulleted outlines, creating
bulleted outlines, spacing
bulleted outlines, spacing, changing
Bullets command (Format menu) 2nd 3rd
Bullets task pane 2nd
bullets, alignment
bullets, styles
bullets, styles, changing 2nd 3rd
bullets, versus numbering (outlines) 2nd
Buttons, adding 2nd 3rd
buttons, Drawing and Writing toolbar 2nd
buttons, moving
buttons, Outlining toolbar
buttons, removing
buttons, sizing 2nd
calculations, entering
calculations, Equation Editor 2nd 3rd
calculations, Equation Editor, installing
calculations, Equation Editor, launching 2nd
capturing information
carriage returns
carriage returns, inserting
Case Sensitivity option (searches)
categories, files
categories, files, sections
categories, files, sections, creating
categories, files, sections, renaming
character codes
character codes, symbols
character codes, symbols, inserting 2nd
charts, flow charts
charts, flow charts, drawing
charts, Microsoft Excel
charts, Microsoft Excel, inserting
checking grammar 2nd
checking spelling 2nd 3rd 4th
checking spelling, options 2nd
classes, note taking 2nd 3rd
classes, note taking, searches 2nd
classes, note taking, templates
ClipArt, inserting 2nd
Close command (File menu)
Codec option (Linked Audio Options dialog box)
collaboration, locking notes 2nd 3rd
collaboration, merging edits 2nd
collaboration, shared whiteboard
Collapse button
collapsing, outlines
collapsing, sections
collapsing, sections, outlines 2nd
colors, adding
colors, adding, drawings
colors, changing
colors, changing, sections
colors, fonts
colors, highlight
colors, highlight, Note Flags
colors, ink
colors, ink, Tablet PC pen 2nd
command, Insert menu
command, Insert menu, Object
Commands tab
commands, Edit menu
commands, Edit menu, Copy 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
| commands, Edit menu, Cut
commands, Edit menu, Delete
commands, Edit menu, Paste 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
commands, Edit menu, Restore
commands, Edit menu, Select All
commands, Edit menu, Ungroup Pages
commands, File menu
commands, File menu, Close
commands, File menu, E-mail 2nd
commands, File menu, New
commands, File menu, New, Journal Entry
commands, File menu, Open 2nd
commands, File menu, Options, Editing
commands, File menu, Page Setup
commands, File menu, Print
commands, File menu, Print Preview
commands, File menu, Publish Pages
commands, File menu, Save As 2nd
commands, Format menu
commands, Format menu, Bullets 2nd 3rd
commands, Format menu, Font
commands, Format menu, List
commands, Format menu, Note Flags
commands, Format menu, Note Flags, Customize My Note Flags
commands, Format menu, Numbering
commands, Insert menu
commands, Insert menu, New Folder
commands, Insert menu, New Section
commands, Insert menu, Picture
commands, Insert menu, Symbol 2nd 3rd
commands, Tools menu
commands, Tools menu, Accounts
commands, Tools menu, AutoCorrect Options
commands, Tools menu, Handwriting to Text 2nd
commands, Tools menu, Options
commands, Tools menu, Options, Display 2nd
commands, Tools menu, Options, E-mail 2nd
commands, Tools menu, Options, Editing 2nd
commands, Tools menu, Options, Handwriting
commands, Tools menu, Options, Spelling
commands, Tools menu, Pen Mode, Create Drawings Only
commands, Tools menu, Research
commands, Tools menu, Spelling
commands, Tools menu, Treat Selected Ink As
commands, View menu
commands, View menu, Hide Levels Below Level 3
commands, View menu, Page Header
commands, View menu, Page List
commands, View menu, Page Tabs, Titles
commands, View menu, R7ule Lines
commands, View menu, Rule Lines 2nd
commands, View menu, Toolbars, Audio Recording
commands, View menu, Toolbars, Formatting
commands, View menu, Toolbars, Outlining
commands, View menu, Toolbars, Pens
Complete Install option (custom installations)
components, installing
configurations, page backgrounds
configurations, page backgrounds, rule lines 2nd
configurations, page backgrounds, stationery 2nd 3rd
Contacts button
contacts, Microsoft Outlook
contacts, Microsoft Outlook, linking 2nd 3rd 4th
containers [See also note containers]
containers, note
containers, note, combining 2nd
containers, note, converting to outlines 2nd
containers, note, deleting 2nd
containers, notes 2nd
containers, notes, creating
containers, notes, cutting/pasting 2nd
containers, notes, dragging/dropping 2nd
containers, notes, formatting
Convert Handwriting to Text button
Convert Handwriting to Text command (Tools menu) 2nd
converting, handwriting to text
Copy command (Edit menu) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Create New Folder button 2nd
Create New Section button
Create Outlook Task button
Create Summary Page button
Custom Install option (custom installations)
custom installations
custom installations, OneNote 2nd
customization, default page setups (printing) 2nd 3rd
customizations, default fonts
customizations, full menus
customizations, full menus, displaying 2nd 3rd
customizations, left-handed users
customizations, note container displays 2nd
customizations, Note Flags 2nd 3rd
customizations, numbers
customizations, numbers (outlines) 2nd
customizations, numbers, advanced settings (outlines) 2nd
customizations, outlines
customizations, outlines, Outlining toolbar 2nd 3rd
customizations, page tabs
customizations, page tabs, moving
customizations, scrollbars
customizations, scrollbars, moving
customizations, toolbars 2nd
customizations, toolbars, buttons, adding 2nd 3rd
customizations, toolbars, buttons, moving
customizations, toolbars, buttons, removing
customizations, toolbars, buttons, sizing 2nd
customizations, toolbars, creating 2nd
customizations, toolbars, displaying 2nd
customizations, toolbars, moving 2nd
customizationss, requests
Customize button
Customize dialog box 2nd 3rd 4th
Customize My Note Flags task pane
Customize Numbering option (Numbering task pane)
Cut button
Cut command (Edit menu)
date and time stamp
date and time stamp, page headers 2nd
date and time stamp, recorded audio
date and time stamps
date and time stamps, subpages
date stamps
Date tab
Decrease Indent button (Outlining toolbar) 2nd
default files
default folders
default folders, My Notebook 2nd 3rd
default fonts
default fonts, changing
default page setup (printing) 2nd
default page setup (printing), customizing 2nd 3rd
Definition Note Flag
Delete button
Delete command (Edit menu)
desktops, note taking 2nd
desktops, taking notes
Device option (Linked Audio Options dialog box)
diagrams, drawing
Dialog boxes
dialog boxes, Customize 2nd 3rd 4th
dialog boxes, E-mail Options 2nd 3rd
dialog boxes, File Open
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