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Cardoza P. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 |
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stationery, print styles
stationery, print styles, saving as 2nd 3rd 4th
storage, page headers 2nd
storage, sections 2nd
storing, audio files
storing, emailed notes
storing, files
storing, files, My Notebook folder
strikethrough, applying
styles, bullets/numbers (outlines) 2nd 3rd
subpages 2nd
subpages, creating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
subpages, date and time stamps
subpages, note containers 2nd
subpages, note containers, creating
subpages, note containers, formatting
subpages, page headers 2nd
subpages, titles 2nd
subscript, applying
summaries, Note Flags 2nd
summary pages
summary pages, Note Flags 2nd
superscript, applying
switching pages
Symbol command (Insert menu) 2nd 3rd
Symbol dialog box
symbols (Windows)
symbols (Windows), inserting 2nd
Symbols dialog box 2nd
symbols, equations
symbols, equations, entering 2nd
symbols, inserting
symbols, inserting, character codes 2nd
symbols, Note Flags
synchronization, audio 2nd
system requirements
system requirements, minimum
system requirements, recommended 2nd
System Tray
system tray, OneNote
system tray, OneNote, launching
system tray, Side Notes
system tray, Side Notes, creating
tables, inserting
Tablet PC
Tablet PC pen
Tablet PC pen, drawing
Tablet PC pen, drawing, modes 2nd
Tablet PC pen, erasers
Tablet PC pen, erasers, erasing ink
Tablet PC pen, erasers, erasing typed text
Tablet PC pen, highlighter 2nd
Tablet PC pen, ink
Tablet PC pen, ink color
Tablet PC pen, ink color, changing 2nd
Tablet PC pen, ink width
Tablet PC pen, ink width, changing 2nd
Tablet PC pen, ink, converting to text 2nd 3rd 4th
Tablet PC pen, ink, selecting 2nd
Tablet PC pen, ink, treating selected ink
Tablet PC pen, Input Panel 2nd
Tablet PC pen, sensitivity 2nd
Tablet PC pen, taking notes 2nd
Tablet PC pen, text
Tablet PC pen, text, selecting 2nd
Tablet PC pen, typing versus writing 2nd
Tablet PC pen, writing
Tablet PC pen, writing, modes 2nd
Tablet PC, pen [See pen]
Tablet PC, pen-written text
Tablet PC, pen-written text, converting to outlines 2nd 3rd
Tablet PCs
Tablet PCs, Journals versus OneNote 2nd
Tablet PCs, note containers
Tablet PCs, note containers, displaying
Tablet PCs, note taking 2nd
Tablet PCs, pen mode
tabs, New Subpage
tabs, page
tabs, page tabs
tabs, page, creating pages
tabs, page, moving pages 2nd
tabs, page, scrolling
tabs, page, search results
tabs, pages
tabs, pages, moving
tags, SmartTags
taking notes
taking notes, classes 2nd 3rd
taking notes, classes, searches 2nd
taking notes, classes, templates
taking notes, meetings 2nd 3rd 4th
taking notes, meetings, Note Flags
taking notes, meetings, outlines
taking notes, meetings, Outlook tasks 2nd
taking notes, meetings, sharing
taking notes, meetings, To-Do lists
taking notes, pages 2nd
taking notes, personal use 2nd
taking notes, project planning 2nd 3rd
taking notes, project planning, sharing 2nd
Task panes
task panes, Bullets 2nd
task panes, Customize My Note Flags
task panes, Font 2nd
task panes, List
task panes, New
task panes, New, accessing
task panes, Note Flag Summary 2nd 3rd 4th
task panes, Note Flat Summary 2nd
task panes, Numbering
task panes, Page List 2nd
task panes, Page Setup 2nd 3rd
task panes, Research Library 2nd
task panes, Research Library, adding research sites
task panes, Research Library, Encarta Encyclopedia 2nd
task panes, Research Library, free online sites
task panes, Research Library, launching
task panes, Research Library, translating languages 2nd
task panes, Shared Workspace
task panes, Shared Workspace, locking notes
task panes, Shared Workspace, options 2nd 3rd
task panes, switching
tasks (Outlook)
tasks (Outlook), note taking
tasks (Outlook), note taking, meetings 2nd
Tasks option (Shared Workspace task pane)
tasks, Microsoft HYPERLINK OOutlook
tasks, Microsoft HYPERLINK OOutlook, assigningO to users
tasks, Microsoft Outlook
tasks, Microsoft Outlook, creating 2nd 3rd
tasks, Microsoft Outlook, recurring 2nd
templates, creating
templates, creating, existing templates 2nd
templates, creating, from scratch 2nd
templates, note taking
| templates, note taking, classes
Text formatting
text formatting, keyboard shortcuts 2nd
text, adding
text, adding, drawings
text, body text
text, body text, outline text, converting to 2nd
text, body text, outlines 2nd
text, converting ink to Tablet PC pen 2nd 3rd 4th
text, converting to outlines
text, converting to outlines, line by line
text, converting to outlines, note containers 2nd
text, converting to outlines, section indentation 2nd
text, flagging
text, flagging, Note Flags 2nd
text, handwriting
text, handwriting, converting
text, handwriting, converting to
text, outline
text, outline, converting to body text 2nd
text, pen-written
text, pen-written, converting to outlines 2nd 3rd
text, searching
text, selecting
text, selecting, Tablet PC pen 2nd
text, typed
text, typed, erasing, Tablet PC pen
time and date stamp
time and date stamp, recorded audio
Time tab
time, date and time stamps
time, date and time stamps, subpages
titles, pages
titles, pages, adding/changing 2nd
titles, pages, displaying
titles, pages, fonts
titles, pages, showing
titles, subpages 2nd
To Do Note Flag
to-do lists
to-do lists, creating 2nd
To-Do lists, note taking
To-Do lists, note taking, meetings
Toolbars 2nd
Toolbars tab
toolbars, Audio Recording 2nd
Toolbars, Audio Recording command (View menu)
toolbars, buttons
toolbars, buttons, adding 2nd 3rd
toolbars, buttons, moving
toolbars, buttons, removing
toolbars, buttons, sizing 2nd
toolbars, creating 2nd
toolbars, displaying 2nd
toolbars, docking/undocking 2nd
toolbars, Drawing and Writing 2nd
toolbars, Formatting
Toolbars, Formatting command (View menu)
toolbars, Formatting, accessing
toolbars, hiding
toolbars, moving 2nd
toolbars, Outlining 2nd 3rd
Toolbars, Outlining command (View menu)
toolbars, Outlining, outline sections, collapsing
toolbars, Pens
Toolbars, Pens command (View menu)
toolbars, Pens, accessing
toolbars, Side Notes 2nd 3rd
Tools menu commands
Tools menu commands, Accounts
Tools menu commands, Audio Recording
Tools menu commands, AutoCorrect Options
Tools menu commands, Convert Handwriting to Text 2nd
Tools menu commands, Options
Tools menu commands, Options, Display
Tools menu commands, Options, E-mail 2nd
Tools menu commands, Options, Editing 2nd
Tools menu commands, Options, Handwriting
Tools menu commands, Options, Spelling
Tools menu commands, Pen Mode, Create Drawings Only
Tools menu commands, Research
Tools menu commands, Spelling
Tools menu commands, Treat Selected Ink As
tools, Drawing 2nd 3rd
tools, Selection Tool
tools, Selection Tool, text, converting ink to
Toolsmenu commands
Toolsmenu commands, Options, Display
translating, languages
translating, languages, Research Library task pane 2nd
Treat Selected Ink As command (Tools menu)
troubleshooting, erasing mistakes (Tablet PC pen)
troubleshooting, erasing mistakes (Tablet PC pen), erasing ink
troubleshooting, erasing mistakes (Tablet PC pen), erasing typed text
troubleshooting, slow loading times
typed text
typed text, erasing
typed text, erasing, Tablet PC pen
Typical Install option (custom installations)
underline, applying 2nd
underscore (_)
underscore (_), line drawing
undocking, toolbars 2nd
Ungroup Pages command (Edit menu)
ungrouping, page groups
updates, Shared Workspace task pane 2nd
users, multiple
users, multiple, merging edits 2nd
vertical spacing
vertical spacing, outlines
View menu commands
View menu commands, Hide Levels Below Level 3
View menu commands, Page Header
View menu commands, Page List
View menu commands, Page Tabs, Titles
View menu commands, Rule Lines 2nd 3rd
View menu commands, Toolbars, Audio Recording
View menu commands, Toolbars, Formatting
View menu commands, Toolbars, Outlining
View menu commands, Toolsbars, Pens
viewing, emailed notes 2nd
viewing, pages
viewing, pages, Page List task pane 2nd
Web addresses
Web addresses, inserted 2nd
Web pages
Web pages, copying/pasting
Web pages, dragging information 2nd
Web pages, dragging information, inserted Web addresses 2nd
Web pages, inserting 2nd
Web pages, inserting infomration 2nd
Web pages, notes
Web pages, notes, saving as 2nd
Web sites
web sites, Google
Web sites, Microsoft ClipArt
Web sites, Microsoft's OneNote Info Center
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