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Smirnov V.I. — Higher mathematics. Vol.2 |
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Singular points 162
Singular solution of differential equation 25 41
Solenoidal field 320
Solid angle 188
Sound, equation for propagation of 330
Source, point 517
Spherical coordinates 185
standing waves 496
Steady state processes 537
Stokes' formula 218
Stream function 231
Stream line 155 234
Strength of vector tube 320
String, finite 488—505
String, generalized equation of vibration of 546
String, infinite 480—488
String, vibration of 477
Successive approximations, method of 141 149
Summability of series, Abel 586
Surface, coordinate lines on 369
Surface, developable 394
Surface, minimal 389
Surface, parametric equations of 367
Symbolic factor, method using 109
Symbolic method for Euler's equation 119
Symbolic method for linear equations 113 116
Symbolic method for system of linear equations 122
System of linear equations, constant coefficients 121
System of ordinary differential equations 58 66
System of orthogonal, normalized, functions 419
Tangent plane to surface 368
Tangent to curve on surface 369
Tangential unit vector 350 358
Telegraph equation 536—556
Telegraph equation for finite circuit 552
Telegraph equation for infinite circuit 550
Theorem for two linear equations 147
Theorem, existence and uniqueness 149
Thermal conduction equation, derivation of 332
Thermal conduction equation, for finite rod 614
Thermal conduction equation, for infinite rod 604
Thermal conduction equation, for semi-infinite rod 610
| Torsion of curve 359
Torsion radius of 359
Torsion vector 359
Transient processes 540
Triad, fundamental, for curve 359
Tube, vector 316 320
Umbilic 378
Undotorminorl coefficients, method of 18 130 134
Uniform convergence of improper integral 262 273
Uniqueness theorem for thermal conduction equation 621
Uniqueness theorem for wave equation 531
Unit vectors 302
Unit vectors, field of 366
Variation of elementary area 388
Vector(s), addition and subtraction 298—300
Vector(s), coplanar 307
Vector(s), differentiation 310
Vector(s), field 315
Vector(s), product 302 306
Vectorial lines 315
Velocity of propagation of disturbance in circuit 542
Velocity of transverse vibrations of string 484
Velocity of wave-front 509
Vibrations of rod, forced 568
Vibrations of rod, free 559—568
Vibrations, of string, excited by concentrated force 501
Vibrations, of string, forced 498
Vibrations, of string, free 476—498
Vibrations, of system, forced 97
Vibrations, of system, free 94
Vibrations, of system, one degree freedom, excited by impulse 102
Vibrations, of system, one degree freedom, excited by sinusoidal external force 97
Vibrations, of system, one degree freedom, excited by statical external force 103
Wave equation 332 476
Wave equation, generalized 556
Wave equation, in plane case 509
Wave equation, in three-dimensional case 505
Wave equation, non-homogeneous 513—517
Wave equation, solution in case of string 480
Weierstrass's theorem 444
Work done by field of force 209
wronskian 78 83
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