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Название: XSL-FO
Автор: Pawson D.
No matter how flexible and convenient digital information has become, we haven't done away with the need to see information in print. Extensible Style Language-Formatting Objects, or XSL-FO, is a set of tools developers and web designers use to describe page printouts of their XML (including XHTML) documents. If you need to produce high quality printed material from your XML documents, then XSL-FO provides the bridge. XSL-FO is one of the few books to go beyond a basic introduction to the technology. While many books touch on XSL-FO in their treatment of XSLT, this book offers in-depth coverage of XSL-FO's features and strengths. Author Dave Pawson is well known in the XSLT and XSL-FO communities, and maintains the XSLT FAQ. An online version of this book has helped many developers master this technology. XSL-FO is the first time this reference is available in print. The first part of the book provides an overview of the technology and introduces the XSL-FO vocabulary. The author discusses how to choose among today's implementations, explains how to describe pages, and shows you what is going on in the processor in terms of layout. You'll learn about the basics of formatting and layout as well as readability. The second part focuses on smaller pieces: blocks, inline structures, graphics, color and character level formatting, concluding by showing how to integrate these parts into a coherent whole. XSL-FO also explores organizational aspects you'll need to consider?how to design your stylesheets strategically rather than letting them evolve on their own. XSL-FO is more than just a guide to the technology; the book teaches you how to think about the formatting of your documents and guides you through the questions you'll need to ask to ensure that your printed documents meet the same high standards as your computer-generated content. Written for experienced XML developers and web designers, no other book contains as much useful information on this practical technology.
table of contents, links for table of contents, processing and table-layout property, fixed table widths and table-omit-footer-at-break property Tables tables, centering across page tables, empty cells in tables, fixed widths for tables, in XSL-FO vs. HTML Templates templates, included with sample stylesheet templates, modifications and templates, page layout and TeX TeX, TeX formatter text alignment text alignment, indexes/tables of contents and text alignment, lists and text alignment, page headers and text alignment, within table cells text flow [See flows] text [See also characters] text, justified text, spacing between characters text, word separators for text-align property text-align property, using for special-purpose blocks text-align-last property 2nd text-align-last property, headers and 2nd text-align-last property, indexes/tables of contents and text-align-last property, using for special-purpose blocks text-altitude property 2nd text-decoration property text-decoration property, fonts and text-decoration property, inline elements and text-depth property 2nd text-indent property, using for special-purpose blocks text-shadow property 2nd text-shadow property, color and 2nd text-transform property thick/thin space title page title page, included with sample stylesheet 2nd title page, using blocks for titles, for images tools 2nd trailing areas traits treat-as-word-space property troubleshooting U.S. letter page size UFO formatter 2nd underline option 2nd Unicode Unicode, default writing modes and Unicode, word separators and Unicorn Formatting Objects formatter 2nd units, section about in XSL specification uppercase characters URLs URLs, Arbortext URLs, CSS2 specification URLs, FOA tool URLs, FOP formatter URLs, for this book URLs, jfor URLs, Nextsolution URLs, OpenType specification URLs, PassiveTeX formatter URLs, REXP URLs, UFO formatter URLs, XFC converter URLs, XSL specification utilities 2nd vector graphics, fo:instream-foreign-object element for viewport-area/reference-area pair Viewports WAP messages white-space property white-space-collapse property whitespace whitespace, line-height property and widows and orphans width properties, section about in XSL specification WML word processors word-spacing property wrap-option property wrapping blocks writing-mode property writing-mode property, blocks and writing-mode property, character orientation and writing-mode property, regions and XEP formatter (RenderX) XFC converter XML (Extensible Markup Language) XML source document XML, document processing and XML, Epic editor for XML, id and idref pairings from XML, using to document stylesheets XMLmind FO Converter XPATH 2nd XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) XSL formatters [See formatters] xsl namespace [See fo namespace] XSL specification 2nd XSL specification, color and XSL specification, compliance levels for formatting objects/properties (tables) XSL specification, product compliance with XSL specification, properties listed in XSL specification, recent changes to, section about within the specification XSL Working Group, acknowledgements from as listed in the XSL specification XSL, indents/margins and XSL, pagination and XSL, specification for [See XSL specification] XSL-FO XSL-FO documents 2nd [See also stylesheets]3rd XSL-FO documents, main parts of XSL-FO element set XSL-FO, benefits/cautions for print production vs. alternatives XSL-FO, processing steps in XSL-FO, specification for [See XSL specification] XSL-FO, terminology evolution of XSL-FO, tricks and tips/troubleshooting for XSL-FO, vs. CSS XSL-FO, vs. DSSSL XSL-FO, XPath/XSLT related to xsl-region-after 2nd xsl-region-before 2nd 3rd xsl-region-body xsl-region-body[xsl region body[ xsl-region-end xsl-region-start xsl:number element (XSLT) xsl:number element (XSLT), footnotes and xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute XSLT 2nd XSLT, page number format and XSLT, referencing page numbers and XSLT, transforming content and XSLT, whitespace and || for listing attribute values