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Название: XSL-FO
Автор: Pawson D.
No matter how flexible and convenient digital information has become, we haven't done away with the need to see information in print. Extensible Style Language-Formatting Objects, or XSL-FO, is a set of tools developers and web designers use to describe page printouts of their XML (including XHTML) documents. If you need to produce high quality printed material from your XML documents, then XSL-FO provides the bridge. XSL-FO is one of the few books to go beyond a basic introduction to the technology. While many books touch on XSL-FO in their treatment of XSLT, this book offers in-depth coverage of XSL-FO's features and strengths. Author Dave Pawson is well known in the XSLT and XSL-FO communities, and maintains the XSLT FAQ. An online version of this book has helped many developers master this technology. XSL-FO is the first time this reference is available in print. The first part of the book provides an overview of the technology and introduces the XSL-FO vocabulary. The author discusses how to choose among today's implementations, explains how to describe pages, and shows you what is going on in the processor in terms of layout. You'll learn about the basics of formatting and layout as well as readability. The second part focuses on smaller pieces: blocks, inline structures, graphics, color and character level formatting, concluding by showing how to integrate these parts into a coherent whole. XSL-FO also explores organizational aspects you'll need to consider?how to design your stylesheets strategically rather than letting them evolve on their own. XSL-FO is more than just a guide to the technology; the book teaches you how to think about the formatting of your documents and guides you through the questions you'll need to ask to ensure that your printed documents meet the same high standards as your computer-generated content. Written for experienced XML developers and web designers, no other book contains as much useful information on this practical technology.
keep properties, section about in XSL specification keep-together property 2nd keep-with-next property 2nd keep-with-previous property 2nd label-end( ) function labels 2nd landscape pages languages [See foreign languages] last-line-end-indent property LATEX LaTeX, fonts and layout master layout types layout-driven layout 2nd leader-pattern attribute leader-pattern attribute, using to create justified text leaders leaders, building lists from leaders, in indexes leaders, in table of contents leaders, using to create justified text left sidebar left sidebar, controlling along-edge dimension of left-to-right, top-to-bottom (lr-tb) 2nd left-to-right, top-to-bottom (lr-tb), blocks and left-to-right, top-to-bottom (lr-tb), short forms for length properties length properties, section about in XSL specification length specification length-range compound datatype letter-spacing property letter-value property letters 2nd [See also characters; text] lighter font weight line wrapping line-areas line-areas, stacking line-height property 2nd line-height-shift-adjustment property line-progression-direction [See left-to-right, top-to-bottom] line-stacking-strategy property line-through option 2nd linefeed-treatment property lines [See rule] links LISTS lists, alignment and lists, building from leaders lowercase characters lr-tb [See left-to-right, top-to-bottom] main matter main-reference-areas main.xsl 2nd [See also templates] mainmatter mainmatter, included with sample stylesheet mainmatter, page numbers and margin rectangle margin-bottom property margin-left property margin-right property margin-top property margins 2nd margins, blocks and master-name property 2nd master-reference property max-height property maximum-repeats property 2nd Microsoft Rich Text output mid space millimeters (mm) missing character glyphs mm (millimeters) monospace fonts nesting of areas nesting of areas, color and newspaper-style layout Nextsolution nl element no-blink option no-line-through option no-overline option no-prefix option no-underline option nominal font non printable characters non-paged formats normal font style 2nd normal font weight number-columns-spanned property numbered lists oblique font style 2nd odd-or-even property 2nd OpenJade OpenType specification orphans and widows out-of-lines 2nd outer regions outer regions, controlling along-edge dimension of output documents overconstrained specification 2nd overflow property overflow property, line wrapping and overline option 2nd padding 2nd padding rectangle padding, section about in XSL specification page headers [See headers] page layout 2nd [See also pagination] page layout, elements for 2nd page layout, example of page layout, importance of identifying/ understanding page layout, section about in XSL specification page layout, stylesheet organization and page masters 2nd [See also fo:simple-page-master element]3rd 4th page masters, conditional selection of page numbering 2nd page numbering, included with sample stylesheet page numbers 2nd 3rd 4th page numbers, format for page numbers, in page headers page numbers, initial-page-number property for 2nd 3rd page numbers, unresolved citations and page sequence 2nd [See also fo:page-sequence element; fo:page-sequence-master element]3rd page specification [See pagination] page-height property 2nd page-position property page-reference-area page-reference-area, borders/padding not allowed for page-sequence country property page-sequence language property page-viewport area page-width property 2nd Pages pages, generating pages, generating, one only pages, generating, runs of identical pages, limiting number of pages, main areas of pages, setting conditions for pagination 2nd [See also page layout]3rd 4th pagination, complex pagination, CSS vs. XSL pagination, examples of pagination, simple para content para element Paragraphs paragraphs, breaks between partitioning stylesheets PassiveTeX formatter 2nd