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Ranicki A.A. — Algebraic L-theory and Topological Manifolds |
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, simple factors in 225
F-multisignature components 232
-map 118
-map, compactly supported 119
-map, homotopy 118
-map, simplicial complexes 77
-set 117
-set, finite 119
-set, function 118
-set, geometric product 118
-set, Kan 118
-set, locally finite 117
-set, loop 120
-set, mapping fibre 120
-set, pointed 119
-set, realization 117
-set, spectrum 121
-contractible, chain complex 51
-contractible, quadratic complex 51
-contractible, symmetric complex 51
-equivalence 51
-Poincare quadratic complex 51
-Poincare symmetric complex 51
-spectrum, normal 138 145 173
-spectrum, quadratic 138 145 173 286
-spectrum, symmetric 134 145 173 286
-spectrum, visible symmetric, 145
(R, K)-modules 85
(R, K, w)-module 308
1/2-connective algebraic bordism categories , 164
1/2-connective normal, -spectrum 164
1/2-connective normal, -spectrum 165
1/2-connective normal, complex 164
1/2-connective normal, L-groups 164
1/2-connective normal, signature 179
1/2-connective visible symmetric, L-groups 164
Algebraic bordism category, 97
Algebraic bordism category, 308
Algebraic bordism category, 97
Algebraic bordism category, 309
Algebraic bordism category, 75
Algebraic bordism category, 55
Algebraic bordism category, 75A (AT) 75
Algebraic bordism category, 59
Algebraic bordism category, Algebraic 51
Algebraic bordism category, connected 61
Algebraic bordism category, functor 53
Algebraic mapping cone 25
Algebraic normal complex 40
Algebraic surgery 33
Algebraic surgery, exact sequence 148
Algebraic surgery, twisted 316
Assembly, 63
Assembly, 63
Based object 63
Boundary, dual cell 68
Boundary, normal complex 45
Boundary, quadratic complex 34
Boundary, symmetric complex 34
Canonical fundamental class, manifold 186
Canonical fundamental class, normal complex 181
Canonical fundamental class, normal complex , transversality structure 186
Canonical orientation, spherical fibration 174
Canonical orientation, topological bundle 174
Category, R-module, based f.g. free 55
Category, R-module, f.g. free 29
Category, R-module, f.g. free 28
Category, R-module, f.g. projective 28
Cech complex 73
Cech-deRham complex 73
Chain bundle 39
Chain complex category, 56
Chain complex category, 26
Chain complex category, 59
Chain complex category, 56
Chain complex category, 51
Chain complex category, 59
Chain complex, dimension 25
Chain complex, dual TC 27
Chain complex, finite 25
Chain complex, highly -connected 60
Chain complex, highly connected 60
Chain complex, homogeneous 110
Chain complex, n-dual 27
Chain complex, pair 137
Chain complex, suspension SC 25
Chain complex, suspension SC, 0-dimensional 27
Chain duality 27
Closed subcategory 51
Cobordism, cycle 126
Cobordism, quadratic Poincare complex 32
Cobordism, symmetric Poincare complex 32
Codimension q, Poincare transversality obstruction 260
Codimension q, splitting obstruction 259
Cohomology groups, 311
Cohomology groups, 122
Cohomology spectrum, 122
Cohomology spectrum, 311
Combinatorial diagonal approximation 317
Compactly supported Cech-deRham complex 73
Compactly supported cohomology groups 122
Compactly supported cohomology spectrum 122
Cycle, -cycle 131
Cycle, relative 127
Degree 225
Derived Horn 87
Derived product 86
Dissection 71
Division algebra 225
Double skew-suspension, 32
Dual cell 67
Dual cell 70
Geometric Thorn class 93
Global 1-equivalence 179
Global equivalence 97
Highly -connected quadratic complex 60
Highly -connected quadratic pair 60
Homogeneous envelope 110
Homology groups 122 131 311 313
Homology spectrum 122 131 311 313
Homotopy colimit 125
Homotopy equivalence, normal complexes 41
Homotopy equivalence, quadratic complexes 30
Homotopy equivalence, symmetric complexes 30
Homotopy invariant functor 132
Idempotent 228
Involution 27
L-groups, connective symmetric, 60
L-groups, highly -connected, 60
L-groups, hyperquadratic, 45
| L-groups, normal 41 52 98 173 310
L-groups, quadratic 32 33 52 98 219 258 310
L-groups, reduced quadratic 253
L-groups, round 235
L-groups, symmetric 32 33 52 98 219 310
L-groups, visible symmetric 98 99 173 286 303 310 329
Link 67
Local equivalence 97
Locally Poincare quadratic complex 89
Locally Poincare symmetric complex 89
locally q-Poincare simplicial complex 157
locally q-Poincare symmetric complex 156
LS-groups 258
Map, algebraic normal complexes 40
Map, chain bundles 39
Map, quadratic complexes 30
Map, symmetric complexes 30
Mapping cofibre 121
Multirank 226
Multisignature K-theory 224
Multisignature L-theory 232
Nerve 71
Normal, complex, algebraic 40
Normal, complex, geometric 42
Normal, invariant, 4-periodic 294
Normal, invariant, 4-periodic 295
Normal, invariant, homotopy equivalence t(f) 197
Normal, invariant, normal map 196
Normal, invariant, TOP reduction t(b) 196
Normal, map, algebraic 49
Normal, pair, algebraic 40
Normal, pseudomanifold 180
Normal, structure, algebraic 40
Novikov conjecture 271
Novikov group 275
number of embeddings of field F, complex 248
number of embeddings of field F, involution 248
number of embeddings of field F, negative 248
number of embeddings of field F, positive 248
number of embeddings of field F, real 248
Open star 68
Poincare complex, geometric 42
Poincare complex, quadratic 30
Poincare complex, symmetric 30
Poincare complex, topologically reducible 181
Poincare duality group 275
Poincare pair, quadratic 31
Poincare pair, symmetric 31
Poincare transverse 185
Preassembly 320
Pseudomanifold 91
q-connective, -spectrum, normal 151
q-connective, -spectrum, quadratic 151
q-connective, -spectrum, symmetric 151
q-connective, -spectrum, visible symmetric 163
q-connective, algebraic bordism category 157
q-connective, complex, chain 156
q-connective, complex, normal 156
q-connective, complex, quadratic 156
q-connective, complex, symmetric 156
q-connective, cover 151
q-connective, L-groups, 163
q-connective, L-groups, normal 151
q-connective, L-groups, quadratic 151
q-connective, L-groups, symmetric 151
q-connective, spectrum 151
q-connective, structure groups, quadratic 158
q-connective, structure groups, symmetric 159
q-connective, structure spectrum, quadratic 159
q-connective, structure spectrum, symmetric 159
Q-groups, hyperquadratic Q*(C) 38
Q-groups, quadratic 30
Q-groups, symmetric 30
Q-groups, twisted quadratic 39
Q-groups, visible symmetric 99
Quadratic kernel 49
Rank of Witt group 231
Relative -homology 127
Resolution 283
Signature 232
Signature, 4-periodic 292
Signature, bounded visible 329
Signature, codimension n, global 277
Signature, codimension n, local 277
Signature, codimension n, quadratic 277
Signature, codimension n, symmetric 277
Signature, higher 269
Signature, hyperquadratic 47
Signature, normal 105
Signature, normal 47
Signature, quadratic 105
Signature, quadratic 49
Signature, symmetric 47
Signature, visible symmetric 104
Signature, visible symmetric 99
Simple factor 225
Stable algebraic bordism subcategory 58
Stable closed subcategory 58
Star 67
Structure group, quadratic 148 190 263 286 315
Structure group, symmetric 149
Structure invariant s(f) 197
Structure invariant s(f), 4-periodic 295
Structure set 195
Structure set , -coefficient 303
Structure spectrum, quadratic 148 315
Structure spectrum, quadratic, symmetric 149
Supplement 123
Surgery exact sequence, -coefficient 304
Surgery exact sequence, algebraic 169
Surgery exact sequence, geometric 195
Surgery exact sequence, q-connective algebraic 159
Suspension, (symmetric, quadratic) pair 43
Suspension, chain complex SC 25
Suspension, spectrum 121
Topological reducibility obstruction, difference element 175
Topological reducibility obstruction, homotopy equivalence t(f) 197
Topological reducibility obstruction, Poincare complex t(X) 181
Topological reducibility obstruction, spherical fibration 174
Total complex 25
Total surgery obstruction s(X) 190
Total surgery obstruction s(X), -coefficient 303
Total surgery obstruction s(X), 4-periodic 292
Total surgery obstruction s(X), bounded 329
Total surgery obstruction s(X), lower 325
Total surgery obstruction s(X), projective 324
Totally imaginary 248
Totally real 248
Transversality structure 185
[R, K]-modules 85
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