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Smith M.S. — Principles and Applications of Tensor Analysis
Smith M.S. — Principles and Applications of Tensor Analysis

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Название: Principles and Applications of Tensor Analysis

Автор: Smith M.S.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Анализ/Тензорный анализ, формы/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 1963

Количество страниц: 128

Добавлена в каталог: 16.04.2005

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Предметный указатель
Acceleration and force vectors, Minkowski      111—115
Admissible transformations      21—22
Associated tensors and the inner product      36—38
Base vectors      33—36
Basic tensor theory      13—40
Basic tensor theory, admissible transformations      21—22
Basic tensor theory, associated tensors and the inner product      36—38
Basic tensor theory, base vectors      33—36
Basic tensor theory, contravariant tensors      22—25
Basic tensor theory, covariant tensors      25—27
Basic tensor theory, higher rank and mixed tensors      27—28
Basic tensor theory, Kronecker deltas      39—40
Basic tensor theory, line element      28—33
Basic tensor theory, metric tensors      28—33
Basic tensor theory, N dimensional space      22
Basic tensor theory, relative tensors      15—21
Basic tensor theory, summation notation      14—15
Christoffel symbols      43—47
Christoffel symbols, transformation of      47—51
Classical and relativistic mechanics      95—124
Classical and relativistic mechanics, classical solution of the two-body problem      99—101
Classical and relativistic mechanics, dynamics of a particle for classical mechanics      95—96
Classical and relativistic mechanics, Einstein's energy equation      109—111
Classical and relativistic mechanics, four-dimensional Minkowski momentum vector      109—111
Classical and relativistic mechanics, Geodesic equations for the twobody problem in classical mechanics      101—104
Classical and relativistic mechanics, gravitational equations      115—120
Classical and relativistic mechanics, Lagrange's equations of motion for classical mechanics      96—99
Classical and relativistic mechanics, Minkowski acceleration and force vectors      111—115
Classical and relativistic mechanics, relativistic solution of the two-body problem for the general theory of relativity      121—124
Classical and relativistic mechanics, space-time and the Lorentz transformations      105—109
Classical mechanics, dynamics of a particle for      95—96
Classical mechanics, geodesic equations for the two-body problem in      101—104
Classical mechanics, Lagrange's equations of motion for      96—99
Classical solution of the two-body problem      99—101
Contravariant tensors      22—25
Covariant derivatives      51—53
Covariant derivatives, mixed and higher rank      53—54
Covariant tensors      25—27
Curvature, Gaussian      72—75
Deltas, Kronecker      39—40
Derivatives, covariant      51—53
Derivatives, intrinsic      54—59
Determinate, Jacobian      15—16
Displacements parallel      86—87
Dynamics of a particle for classical mechanics      95—96
Einstein's energy equation      109—111
Einstein's energy equation, gravitational equations for the general theory of relativity      115—120
Einstein's energy equation, gravitational potential      61
Electrostatic potential      61
Element, line      28—33
Energy, kinetic      95
Equation, Einstein's energy      109—111
Equation, Laplace's      59—65
Equations for the general theory of relativity, Einstein's, gravitational      115—120
Equations, geodesic, for the two-body problem in classical mechanics      101—104
Equations, Lagrange's      96—99
Force and acceleration vectors, Minkowski      111—115
Formulas, Serret — Frenet      75—80
Four-dimensional Minkowski momentum vector      109—111
Gaussian curvature      72—75
General theory of relativity      61
Geodesic equations for the two-body problem in classical mechanics      101—104
Geodesies      80—86
Gravitational equations for the general theory of relativity, Einstein's      115—120
Gravitational potential      25 61
Higher rank and mixed covariant derivatives      53—54
Higher rank and mixed tensors      27—28
Inner product      36—38
Intrinsic derivatives      54—59
Jacobian determinate      15—16
kinetic energy      95
Kronecker deltas      35—40
Lagrange's equations of motion for classical mechanics      96—99
Laplace's equation      59—65
Line element      28—33
Lorentz transformations and Minkowski space-time      105—109
Magnetism, potential for      61
Mechanics, classical, dynamics of a particle for      95—96
Mechanics, classical, geodesic, equations for the two-body problem in      101—104
Metric tensors      28—33
Minkowski acceleration and force vectors      111—115
Minkowski momentum vector, four-dimensional      109—111
Minkowski space-time and the Lorentz transformation      105—109
Mixed and higher rank covariant derivatives      53—54
Mixed and higher rank tensors      27—28
Momentum, concept      95
Momentum, vector, four-dimensional Minkowski      109—111
N dimensional space      22
Newtonian gravitational potential      25 61
Notation, summation      14—15
Parallel displacements      86—87
Potential for magnetism      61
Potential, electrostatic      61
Relative tensors      15—21
Relativistic and classical mechancs      95—124
Relativistic and classical mechancs, classical solution of the two-body problem      99—101
Relativistic and classical mechancs, dynamics of a particle for classical mechanics      95—96
Relativistic and classical mechancs, Einstein's energy equation      109—111
Relativistic and classical mechancs, four-dimensional Minkowski momentum vector      109—111
Relativistic and classical mechancs, geodesic equations for the two-body problem in classical mechanics      101—104
Relativistic and classical mechancs, gravitational equations      115—120
Relativistic and classical mechancs, Lagrange's equations of motion for classical mechanics      96—99
Relativistic and classical mechancs, Minkowski acceleration and force vectors      111—115
Relativistic and classical mechancs, Minkowski space-time and the Lorentz transformations      105—109
Relativistic and classical mechancs, relativistic solution of the two-body problem for the general theory of relativity      121—124
Relativistic solution of the two-body problem for the general theory of relativity      121—124
Relativity theory, relativistic solution of two-body problem for      121—124
Relativity, general theory of      61
Ricci tensors      72
Riemann — Christoffel tensors      69—72
Serret — Frenet formulas      75—80
Space, N dimensional      22
Summation notation      14—15
Surfaces, first fundamental form      87—88
Symbols, Christoffel      43—47
Symbols, Christoffel, transformation of      47—51
Tensor theory, basic      13—40
Tensor theory, basic, admissible transformations      21—22
Tensor theory, basic, associated tensors and the inner product      36—38
Tensor theory, basic, base vectors      33—36
Tensor theory, basic, contravariant tensors      22—25
Tensor theory, basic, covariant tensors      25—27
Tensor theory, basic, higher rank and mixed tensors      27—28
Tensor theory, basic, Kronecker deltas      39—40
Tensor theory, basic, line element      28—33
Tensor theory, basic, metric tensors      28—33
Tensor theory, basic, N dimensional space      22
Tensor theory, basic, relative tensors      15—21
Tensor theory, basic, summation notation      14—15
Tensors, associated      36—38
Tensors, contravariant      22—25
Tensors, covariant      25—27
Tensors, higher rank and mixed      27—28
Tensors, metric      28—33
Tensors, relative      15—21
Tensors, Ricci      72
Tensors, Riemann — Christoffel      69—72
Theory of relativity, general      61
Transformation of Christoffel symbols      47—51
Transformations, admissible      21—22
Transformations, Lorentz      105—109
Two-body problem for the general theory of relativity, relativists solution of      121—124
Two-body problem, classical solution of the      99—101
Vectors, base      33—36
Vectors, four-dimensional Minkowski momentum      109—111
Vectors, Minkowski acceleration and force      111—115
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