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Hartshorne R. — Algebraic Geometry |
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Elliptic curve, points with integer coordinates 340
Elliptic curve, quartic 38 315 353
Elliptic curve, rational points over 339
Elliptic curve, rational points over 317 335 336
Elliptic curve, ring of endomorphisms 323 329 330 338 340
Elliptic curve, supersingular 332
Elliptic curve, zeta function of 458
Elliptic function 316 326—332 338
Elliptic ruled surface 369 375 384 385 440
Elliptic ruled surface, classification of 377
Elliptic scroll 385
Elliptic surface 422
Embedded point 85 259
Embedded resolution of singularities 390 391 392 419
Embedding a curve in projective space 307—316
Embedding a variety in a complete variety 168
Enough injectives 204 217
Enough locally frees 238 239
Enough projectives 235
Enriques surface 422
Enriques — Severi — Zariski, lemma of 244
Enriques, Federigo 348
Equidimensional 243
Espace etale of a presheaf 67
Etale, cohomology 307 452 453
Etale, covering 303 306 338 340 442
Etale, equivalence relation 445
Etale, morphism 268 275 276 299
Etale, neighborhood 275
Etale, topology 452 453
Euler characteristic 230 295 360 362 366 424
Euler — Poincare characteristic, topological 456
Euler’s lemma 37
Exact in the middle 204 282
Exact sequence of sheaves 64 66 68 109
Exceptional curve 29 31 108 386 392 395 408 437
Exceptional curve of the first kind 410 414 418
Exceptional curve, contraction of 410 414—416
Exceptional curve, infinitely many 409 418
Exceptional curve, self-intersection of 386
Excision 212
Exotic sphere 421
Exponential Chern character 431 435
Exponential sequence 446 447
Ext group 233—240 375 376
Ext sheaf 233—239 241
Extending a function to a normal point 23 217
Extending a morphism 43 44 97 370
Extending a section of a sheaf 67 112 118
Extending a sheaf by zero 68 111 149
Extending, coherent sheaves 126
Extension of -modules 237
Extension of invertible sheaves 372 375 376 383 430
Extension of quasi-coherent sheaves 114
Exterior algebra, 127
Exterior power, 127 149 181 430
Faithful functor 290
Family flat 253 256—266 260 289 315
Family of curves of genus g 347
Family of divisors 261 367 384
Family of elliptic curves 340 347
Family of hypersurfaces 291
Family of invertible sheaves 323
Family of locally free sheaves 379
Family of plane curves 39
Family of plane curves with nodes 314
Family of schemes 89 90 202 250 253
Family of varieties 56 263
Fermat curve 320 335 339
Fermat hypersurface 451
Fermat surface 409
Fermat’s problem 58 335
Fibre is connected 279 280
Fibre of a morphism 89 92
Fibre with nilpotent elements 259 277 315
Fibre, cohomology of 250 255 281 290
Fibre, dimension of 95 256 257 269
Fibred product 87 100 see
Field extension, abelian 332
Field extension, pure transcendental 303
Field extension, purely inseparable 302 305 385
Field extension, separable 27 300 422
Field extension, separably generated 27 174 187 271
Field of characteristic p see "Characteristic p"
Field of complex numbers see "Complex numbers
Field of elliptic functions 327
Field of meromorphic functions 442
Field of quadratic numbers 330—332 334 340
Field of rational numbers see "Rational numbers
Field of real numbers, 4 8 80 106
Field of representatives 187 275
Field, algebraically closed 1 4 22 152
Field, perfect 27 93 187
Field, separable closure of 93
Field, spectrum of 74
Field, transcendence degree of 6 27
Field, uncountable 409 417
Final object 79
Fine moduli variety 347
Fine resolution 201
Finite field 80 339 see
Finite field, number of solutions of polynomial equations over 449
Finite morphism 84 91 124 280 456
Finite morphism a projective, quasi-finite morphism is 280 366
Finite morphism is affine 128
Finite morphism is closed 91
Finite morphism is proper 105
Finite morphism is quasi-finite 91
Finite morphism of curves 137 148 298—307 299
Finite type, morphism locally of 84 90
Finite type, morphism of 84 91 93 94
Fixed point of a morphism 451 453 454
Flasque resolution 201 208 212 248
Flasque sheaf 67 207
Flasque sheaf, cohomology vanishes 208 221 251
Flasque sheaf, direct limit of 209
Flasque sheaf, injective sheaf is 207
Flat, base extension 255 287
Flat, family 253 256—266 260 289 315 see
Flat, module 253
Flat, morphism 239 253—267 269 299 340 436
Flat, morphism is open 266
Flat, sheaf 254 282
Flatness is an open condition 266
Flatness, local criterion of 270
Formal completion see "Completion"
Formal functions 276—281 290 387 415
Formal neighborhood 190
Formal power series 35
Formal scheme 190—200 279
Formal scheme, Picard group of 281
Formal-regular functions 199 279 see
Fractional linear transformation 46 328
Free module 174
Freshman calculus 408
Freyd, Peter 203
Frobenius morphism 21 272 301 332 340 see
Frobenius morphism, fixed points of 454
Frobenius morphism, k-linear 302 339 368 385
Frobenius morphism, l-adic representation of 451
Frobenius morphism, trace on cohomology 455
Froehlich, A. 331
Fulton, William 297 436
Function field 16
Function field of a projective variety 18 69
Function field of an integral scheme 91
Function field of dimension 1 39 44
Function field, determines birational equivalence class 26
Function field, transcendence degree of 17
Function field, valuation rings in 106 108
| Functional equation 450 458
Functor of global sections see "Global sections"
Functor, additive 203
Functor, adjoint 68 110 124
Functor, coeffaceable 206 238 240 243
Functor, effaceable 206
Functor, exact in the middle 204 282
Functor, faithful 290
Functor, left exact 113 203 284 286
Functor, representable 241 324
Functor, right exact 204 286
Functor, satellite 206
Fundamental group 190 338 420 442
Fundamental point 410
Funny curve in characteristic p 305 385
GAGA 330 440
Galois extension 318
Galois group 147 320 338 442
Gaussian integers 331 335
General position 409 418
Generic point 74 75 80 294
Generic point in a Zariski space 93
Generic point, local ring of 91 425
Generic smoothness 272
Generically finite morphism 91 436
Generization 94
Genus of a curve 54 56 140 183 188 294 345 421
Genus of a curve on a surface 361 362 393 401 407 408
Genus, bounded by degree 315 351 407 408
Geometric genus, 181 190 246 247 294 421
Geometric genus, is a birational invariant 181
Geometric genus, of a complete intersection 188
Geometrically integral scheme 93
Geometrically irreducible scheme 93
Geometrically reduced scheme 93
Geometrically regular 270
Geometrically ruled surface see "Ruled surface"
Geometry on a surface 357—368
Germ 62 438
Global deformation 265 267 see "Family"
Global sections see also "Section"
Global sections, finitely generated 122 156 228
Global sections, functor of 66 69 113
Global sections, restricted to open set D(f) 112
Global sections, sheaf generated by 121 150—156 307 358 365
Glueing, analytic spaces 439
Glueing, morphisms 88 150
Glueing, schemes 75 80 91 171 439 444
Glueing, sheaves 69 175
Godement, Roger 61 172 201
Graded module 50
Graded module, associated to a sheaf, 118
Graded module, quasi-finitely generated 125
Graded module, sheaf associated to 116
Graded ring 9 394 426
Graded ring, associated to an elliptic curve 336
Graded ring, graded homomorphism of 80 92
Graded ring, Proj of 76
Graph morphism 106 107
Graph of a birational transformation 410
Graph of a morphism 368 426
Grauert, Hans 249 252 288 291 369 417 438 442 445
Griffiths, Phillip, A. 184 304 423 445
Grothendieck group, K(X) 148 149 230 238 385 435
Grothendieck, A. 57 59 60 87 89 100 115 120 172 190 192 201 208 217 249 252 259 279 281 282 291 324 338 363 366 368 429 432 435 436 441 442 449 451—453
Grothendieck, group of see also "Grothendieck group"
Grothendieck, group of on a formal scheme 194—200
Grothendieck, group of on Proj S 116—123 125
Grothendieck, group of on Spec A 110—116
Grothendieck, group of, old definition 124
Grothendieck, group of, quotient of a locally free sheaf 121 238
Group of automorphisms see "Automorphisms"
Group of cycles modulo rational equivalence see "Chow ring"
Group of divisors modulo algebraic equivalence see "Neron — Severi group"
Group of divisors modulo numerical equivalence, Num X 364 367—369
Group of divisors, Div(X) 130 357
Group of invertible sheaves see "Picard group"
Group of order 12 321
Group of order 168 349
Group of order 51840 405
Group of order 6 318 321
Group of order 60 420
Group, additive, 23 142 148 171
Group, fundamental 190 338 420 442
Group, Galois 147 320 338 442
Group, general linear, GL 151
Group, law on cubic curve 139 142 147 148 297 299 407 417
Group, multiplicative, 23 148 149
Group, projective general linear, PGL 46 151 273 347
Group, scheme 324
Group, symmetric 304 318 408
Group, variety 23 139 142 147 148 272 321 323 324
Group, Weyl 405 408
Gunning, Robert, C. 69 201 249 438 442
Halphen, G. 349
Harmonic function 442
Harmonic integrals 435 445
Hartshome, Robin 14 105 140 144 190 193 195 199 224 249 281 366 367 383 419 428 440
Hasse invariant 317 322 332—335 339 340
Hasse, H. 339
Hausdorff toplogy 2 8 95 439
Height of a prime ideal 6
Hermitian metric 445
Higher direct image sheaf, 250 276 282 290 371 387 436
Higher direct image sheaf, , locally free 288 291
Hilbert function 51
Hilbert polynomial 48 49 52 57 170 230 231 294 296 366
Hilbert polynomial, constant in a family 256 261 263
Hilbert scheme 258 349
Hilbert — Samuel polynomial 394
Hilbert, David 51 403 441
Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz 4 11
Hironaka, Heisuke 105 168 195 264 391 413 417 442 443 445 447
Hirzebruch, Friedrich 57 363 421 431 432
Hodge index theorem 356 364 366 435 452
Hodge manifold 445
Hodge numbers, 190 247
Hodge spectral sequence 289
Hodge theory 414 435 445 452
Holomorphic functions 60 190 279 330 438 447 see
Homeomorphism 21 31
Homogeneous coordinate ring 10 11 18 23 49 128 132
Homogeneous coordinate ring, criterion to be UFD 147
Homogeneous coordinate ring, depends on embedding 21
Homogeneous coordinate ring, Proj of 81
Homogeneous coordinates 9
Homogeneous element 9
Homogeneous ideal 9 10 92 125
Homogeneous space 273
Homological dimension 238
Homological equivalence of cycles 435 444
Homotopy of maps of complexes 203
Homotopy operator 203 221
Hopf map 386
Horrocks, G. 437
Hurwitz, Adolf 301 305 326
Hurwitz’s theorem 293 299—307 311 313 317 337 382
Husemoller, Dale 356 421
Hyperelliptic curve 298 306 341 345 384 see
Hyperelliptic curve, canonical divisor of 342 343
Hyperelliptic curve, existence of 298 394
Hyperelliptic curve, moduli of 304 347
Hyperelliptic curve, not a complete intersection 315 348
Hyperelliptic surface 422
Hyperosculating hyperplane 337
Hyperosculation point 337 348
Hyperplane 10 429
Hyperplane section 147 179
Hyperplane, corresponds to sheaf 145
Hypersurface 4 7 8 12
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