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Ryden B. — Introduction to Cosmology |
Предметный указатель |
Metric, Minkowski 35 36
Metric, Robertson — Walker 36
Milne universe 70
Moment of inertia 135
Monopole problem 191 195—198
Monopole problem, resolved by inflation 202
Neutrino 19 143 227
Neutrino, flavors 19
Neutrino, massive 20
Neutrino, oscillation 19 144
Neutron 18 174
Neutron, decay 18 174 182
Neutron-to-proton ratio 175—176
Neutron-to-proton ratio after freezeout 177
Newton, Isaac 26—30
Nuclear binding energy (B) 172 173
Nuclear binding energy (B) of deuterium 172 179
Nuclear binding energy (B) of helium 173
Nucleons 172
Null geodesic 35
Null geodesic in Minkowski space 36
Null geodesic, Robertson — Walker 40
Olbers, Heinrich 6
Olbers’ Paradox 6—9 16 147
Optical depth (r) 160
Parallax distance 107
Parsec (pc) 2
Particle horizon distance see “Horizon distance”
Peculiar motion 48
Penzias, Arno 22 148
Perfect gas law 55
Perturbation theory 212
Phase transition 196
Phase transition, loss of symmetry 196
Photodissociation 20 179
Photoionizarion 20 153
Photon 20
Photon decoupling 152 155 158
Photon decoupling time ( ) 159—160
Photon-baryon fluid 161 167 216
Planck eneigy ( ) 3
Planck length ( ) 3
Planck mass ( ) 3
Planck temperature ( ) 3
Planck time ( ) 3 78
Poe, Edgar Allen 8
Poincare, Henri 134
Poisson distribution 226
Poisson’s equation 45 57 166
Poisson’s equation with cosmological constant 58
Power spectrum 225 229
Power spectrum, scale invariant 225
Pressure (p) 45
Pressure (P), additive 64
Pressure (p), negative 54
Primordial black holes 226
Proper distance ( ) 37
Proper distance ( ) at time of emission 71
Proper distance ( ) at time of observation 71 105
Proper distance ( ), flat universe, lambda only 79
Proper distance ( ), flat universe, matter only 76
Proper distance ( ), flat universe, radiation only 77
Proper distance ( ), flat universe, single-component 74
Proper distance ( ), Robertson — Walker metric 38
Proton 18 174
Pythagorean Theorem 31
Quantum gravity 78
Radiation-matter equality 68 95
Radiation-matter equality, Benchmark Model 96
radiative recombination 153
Radius of curvature (R) 34 37
Recombination 152
Recombination temperature, crude approximation 156
Recombination temperature, refined calculation 158
Recombination time ( ) 158 160
| Recombination, compared to deuterium synthesis 179
Redshift (z) 12
Redshift (z), related to scale factor 40—41
Redshift (z), related to time 68
Redshift survey 209
Reheating 206
Robertson — Walker metric 36
Robertson, Howard 36
Rubin, Vera 132
Sachs — Wolfe effect 166
Sakharov, Andrei 188
Salam, Abdus 196
Sana equation 157 180
Sana equation, nucleosynthetic analog 180
Sandage, Allan 104
Scale factor (a) 36 37
Scale factor (a), empty universe 69
Scale factor (a), flat universe, lambda only 79
Scale factor (a), flat universe, matter + lambda 89 90
Scale factor (a), flat universe, matter only 76
Scale factor (a), flat universe, radiation + matter 94
Scale factor (a), flat universe, radiation only 76
Scale factor (a), flat universe, single-component 73
Scale factor (a), negative curvature, matter only 87 88
Scale factor (a), positive curvature matter only 86
Scale factor (a), Taylor expansion 102 103
Slipher, Vesto 12 132
Small Magellanic Cloud 115
Solar luminosity ( ) 2 127
Solar mass ( ) 2
Sound speed ( ) 56 214
Sound speed ( ), baryonic gas 217
Sound speed ( ), photon gas 217
Spherical harmonics 162
Standard candle 107
Standard candle, detennining 114
Standard yardstick 110
Standard yardstick, angular resolution 114
Statistical equilibrium 136
Statistical weight (g) 156
Steady state 16—18
Supercluster 10 209
Supernova Cosmology Project 118
Supersymmetry 144
Theory of Everything (TOE) 196
Thomson cross-section ( ) 154 177
Thomson scattering 154
Time of last scattering ( ) 160
Time of last scattering ( ), Hubble distance 165
Top-down scenario 228
Topological defect 197
Topological defect, cosmic string 197
Topological defect, domain wall 197
Topological defect, magnetic monopole 197
Triangle in curved space 32 33
Triangle in flat space 31
Tritium ( ) 182
Turner, Michael 56
Type la supernova 117 118
Type la supernova, luminosity 118
Vacuum energy density 60
Vacuum energy density vs. Planck energy density 60
Virgo cluster 2 116 150
Virgo cluster, distance to 116
Virgocentric flow 116
Virial theorem 136—137
Visible universe 75
void 10 209
Walker, Arthur 36
Weinberg, Steven 174 196
Wheeler, John 30
Wilson, Robert 22 148
WIMP 22 145 218 226
Year (yr) 2
Zwicky, Fritz 134
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