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Ryden B. — Introduction to Cosmology |
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Abell 2218 (cluster of galaxies) 143
Accelerating universe 60 120
Acceleration equation 53 54 104 198 219
Acceleration equation with cosmological constant 58
Acoustic oscillations 167
Age of universe ( ), Benchmark Model 90
Age of universe ( ), empty universe 70
Age of universe ( ), flat universe, matter + lambda 90
Age of universe ( ), matter only 75
Age of universe ( ), radiation only 76
Age of universe ( ), single-component 73
Alpher, Ralph 148
Angular-diameter distance ( ) 111—113 161
Angular-diameter distance ( ), maximum value 113
Angular-diameter distance ( ), related to luminosity distance 112
Astronomical unit (AU) 1 106
Axions 226
Baryon-antibaryon asymmetry 187 188
Baryon-antibaryon asymmetry in early universe 188
Baryon-to-photon ratio ( ) 148 156 169 180 184 185 188
Baryon-to-photon ratio ( ), smallness of 187
Baryonic Jeans mass ( ) 216
Baryonic Jeans mass ( ) after decoupling 217
Baryonic Jeans mass ( ) before decoupling 217
Baryonic matter 19
Baryons 18
Baryons, energy density 147 187
Baryons, number density 147 186
Bear, polar 107 124
Bear, teddy 28 37
Benchmark Model 67—68 83—84 95—99 120 161 168 192 194
Beryllium (Be) 172 183
big bang 5 15—18
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis 173 174
Big Bounce 91 93
Big Bounce, evidence against 94 123
Big Chill 84 86 89 93
Big crunch 85 86 90 92
Big Crunch, evidence against 123
Big Crunch, time of (t_{\crunch}) 87
Blackbody radiation 20
Blueshift 12
Bolometric flux (f) 107 109
Bolometric flux (f), Euclidean 108
Bondi, Hermann 16
Bottom-up scenario 230
Cepheid variable stars 115
Cepheid variable stars, period-luminosity relation 115
Cold dark matter 226 228 231
Cold dark matter, power spectrum 228—230
Coma cluster 128 134 137—139
Coma cluster, distance to 137
Coma cluster, mass of 138 139
Comoving coordinates 36
Copernican Principle see “Cosmological principle”
Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) 22 149 162
Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), instruments aboard 149
Cosmic microwave background 22 147
Cosmic Microwave Background and baryon density 169
Cosmic Microwave Background and flatness of universe 167
Cosmic Microwave Background, amplitude 152
Cosmic Microwave Background, blackbody spectrum 22 149
Cosmic Microwave Background, compared to starlight 65—66
Cosmic Microwave Background, cooling of 24
Cosmic Microwave Background, correlation function 162 163 165
Cosmic Microwave Background, dipole distortion 149
Cosmic Microwave Background, discovery of 148
Cosmic Microwave Background, energy density 22 147
Cosmic Microwave Background, number density 22 147
Cosmic Microwave Background, origin of 165—167
Cosmic Microwave Background, temperature fluctuations 150 161
Cosmic neutrino background 66 143
Cosmic Neutrino Background, energy density 66
Cosmic Neutrino Background, non-detection 67
Cosmic Neutrino Background, number density 144
Cosmic time (t) 36
Cosmological constant ( ) 54 56—60 199
Cosmological constant ( ), energy density 58
Cosmological constant ( ), pressure 58
Cosmological principle 11
Cosmological principle, perfect 17
Cosmological proper time see “Cosmic time”
Critical density ( ) 50
Critical density ( ), current value 50
Curvature constant ( ) 34 37
Curvature, negative 33
Curvature, positive 32
Dark energy 56
Dark halo 132
Dark matter 21 134
Dark matter, axions 143
Dark matter, neutrinos 143
Dark matter, nonbaryonic 130 133
Dark matter, primordial black holes 143
DASI 161
de Sitter universe 79
Deceleration parameter ( ) 103
Deceleration parameter ( ), Benchmark Model 104
Deceleration parameter ( ), sign convention 103
Density fluctuations, lambda-dominated era 221
Density fluctuations, matter-dominated era 221
Density fluctuations, power spectrum 225
Density fluctuations, radiation-dominated era 220
Density parameter ( ) 51
Density parameter ( ), baryons ( ) 129 187
Density parameter ( ), clusters of galaxies ( ) 139
Density parameter ( ), cosmological constant ( ) 67
Density parameter ( ), galaxies ( ) 133
Density parameter ( ), matter ( ) 67 126
Density parameter ( ), radiation ( ) 67
Density parameter ( ), stars ( ) 127
Deuterium (D) 172
Deuterium abundance 186
Deuterium abundance, determination of 186
Deuterium synthesis 174 177 179
Deuterium synthesis, compared to recombination 179
Deuterium synthesis, temperature of 181
Deuterium-to-neutron ratio, ISO 181
Dicke, Robert 148
Digges, Thomas 6 8
Distance modulus (m — M) 120
Einstein radius ( ) 140
Einstein radius ( ) 142
Einstein — de Sitter universe 75
Einstein, Albeit 26—30 44 58 59 140
Einstein, Albeit, cosmological constant 57
Einstein’s static universe 59 92
Einstein’s static universe, instability 59
Einstein’s static universe, radius of curvature 59
Electron 18
Electron volt (eV) 2
Empty universe 69
Empty universe, expanding 69
Empty universe, static 69
Energy density ( ) 45
Energy density ( ), additive 63
Energy density ( ), baryons 147
Energy density ( ), CMB 147
Energy density ( ), flat universe, single-component 74
Energy density ( ), matter 64
Energy density ( ), radiation 64
entropy 52
Equation of state 55 63
Equivalence principle 27
Equivalence principle and photons 29
Equivalence principle and teddy bears 28
Expansion, adiabatic 52
Expansion, superluminal speed 39
False vacuum 204
| False vacuum, driving inflation 205
Fermat’s principle 29
Fermi, Enrico 19
First law of thermodynamics 23 52
Flatness problem 191—193
Flatness problem, resolved by inflation 200
Fluid equation 53 54 63
Ford, Kent 132
Fourier transform 224
Fractional ionization (X) 153 158
Free streaming 227
Freezeout 177
Friedmann equation 45 54 63 191
Friedmann equation with cosmological constant 58
Friedmann equation, during inflation 198
Friedmann equation, general relativistic 48
Friedmann equation, Newtonian 47
Friedmann, Alexander 45
Fundamental force 195
Fundamental force, electromagnetic 26
Fundamental force, electroweak 196
Fundamental force, Grand Unified Force 196
Fundamental force, gravitational 26—27
Fundamental force, strong nuclear 26
Fundamental force, weak nuclear 26 176
Galaxy (Milky Way) 2 9 130
Galaxy (Milky Way), luminosity of 2
Galaxy (Milky Way), mass of 133
Galaxy (Milky Way), mass-to-light ratio 133
Galilei, Galileo 28
Gamow, George 148
Gaussian field 225
Geodesic 30
Geometry, Euclidean 27
Geometry, non-Euclidean 43
Gigayear (Gyr) 2
Glashow, Sheldon 196
Gold, Thomas 16
Grand Unified Theory (GUT) 195
Grand Unified Theory (GUT), phase transition 197
Gravitational instability 211—214
Gravitational lens 139
Gravitational lens, cluster of galaxies 142
Gravitational lens, MACHO 140
Gravitational potential energy 134
Gravity, Newton vs. Einstein 30
Guth, Alan 198
Harrison — Zel’dovich spectrum 225 226
Helium (He) 172 183
Helium fraction (Y) 174 184
Helium fraction (Y), primordial 178—179
Herman, Robert 148
High-z Supernova Search Team 118
Hilbert, David 33
Hipparcos satellite 116
Homogeneity 9—11
Horizon distance 200
Horizon distance ( ) 8 16 74
Horizon distance ( ) at last scattering 194
Horizon distance ( ), Benchmark Model 98
Horizon distance ( ), flat universe, matter only 75
Horizon distance ( ), flat universe, radiation only 76
Horizon distance ( ), flat universe, single-component 75
Horizon problem 191 193—195
Horizon problem and isotropy of CMB 195
Horizon problem, resolved by inflation 200—202
Hot Big Bang 5 24 191
Hot Big Bang and production of CMB 152
Hot Big Bang, problems with 191
Hot dark matter 226—227
Hot dark matter, power spectrum 228
Hoyle, Fred 16
Hubble constant ( ) 12 13 49 103
Hubble distance (c/H) 16 39
Hubble distance (c/H) at time of last scattering 165
Hubble friction 203 206 220
Hubble parameter (H) 49
Hubble time ( ) 15 59
Hubble time ( ), relation to age of universe 15 73
Hubble, Edwin 12 105 114
Hubble’s law 12
Hubble’s Law, consequence of expansion 13
Hydra — Centaurus supercluster 150
Hydrogen (H) 172
Hydrostatic equilibrium 138 214
Inflation 198—207
Inflation and density perturbations 207
Inflation and flatness problem 200
Inflation and horizon problem 200—202
Inflation and monopole problem 202
Inflaton field 203 206
Ionization energy (Q) 153
Isotropy 9—10
Jeans length ( ) 215
Jeans length ( ), radiation 216
Jeans, James 215
Keplerian rotation 131
kinetic energy 135
LAMBDA see “Cosmological constant”
Langley, Samuel 107
Large Magellanic Cloud 115 116 140
Large Magellanic Cloud, distance to 116
Large scale structure 209
Last scattering 152
Last scattering surface 152
Last scattering surface, angular-diameter distance to 161 162 195
Last scattering surface, thickness of 160
Leavitt, Henrietta 115
Lemaitre universe 92
Lepton 18
Lithium (Li) 172 183 184
Lobachevski, Nikolai 43
Loitering universe 92 93
Loitering universe, evidence against 94
Lookback time 98
Lookback time, Benchmark Model 99
Luminosity density 16 127
Luminosity distance ( ) 107 110
Luminosity distance ( ), flat universe 109
Luminosity distance ( ), related to angular-diameter distance 112
M31 (Andromeda galaxy) 2 9 12 130—132
M31 (Andromeda galaxy), distance to 116
MACHO 140—142
Magnetic monopole 197
Magnetic monopole, energy density 197
Magnetic monopole, number density 197
Magnitude 119
Magnitude, absolute 119
Magnitude, apparent 119
Mass, gravitational ( ) 27
Mass, inertial ( ) 27
Mass-to-light ratio 127
Mass-to-light ratio, cluster of galaxies 139
Mass-to-light ratio, galaxy 133
Mass-to-light ratio, stars 127
Matter-dominated universe, negative curvature 85 86
Matter-dominated universe, positive curvature 85
Matter-dominated universe, ultimate fate of 88
Matter-lambda equality 68 90 91
Matter-lambda equality, Benchmark Model 96
Matthew Effect 211
Maxima 161 168
Maxwell — Boltzmann equation 156 175
Maxwell, James Clerk 195
Mean free path 154
Megaparsec (Mpc) 2
Metric 33
Metric, curved space 34
Metric, flat space 34
Metric, homogeneous & isotropic 34
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